Adventure Number Five:

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"Mr. Dragneel, take as long as you need. I checked, we don't have anything else you need to learn. Students, that means Mr. Dragneel will be presenting for the rest of the year." Sensei cheered.

We didn't have much time left this year, we only had at least twenty or so days left. Enough to do my report.

"It was a sunny day, me and Lucy were smiling."


"Heyo Minna!" Lucy cheered as we walked to our friends.

"Did you actually make him smile? I feel like I had a dream about you and Flame-Brain." Ice Princess said.

"No, I actually smiled." I smirked at him as he stared blankly.

"I made him smile!" Lucy was jumping from every corner.

"Calm down Lucy!" Erza scolded.

"Awe." Lucy pouted.

" Awe, she looks so cute though." Loke came over again.

"I know you're a playboy already, just leave." Lucy glared and shooed him away.

"But princess-" Loke pleaded.

"No." She stammered.

"Fine. I was going to ask if you wanted to join a group though." He smirked at her.

"I'm fine right where I am." She crossed her arms and stomped her foot.

"You sure? The celestials is a good group though." He started to walk away.

"Sure," She started, we all looked at her shocked.

"Really?" Loke and our group asked her, me not included.

"When I'm dead." She laughed.

"Did you really think I'm that low? My friends are here. With me." She turned to us and smiled.

"AWE!" We stammered.

"That's all I'll ever need." She ran to us and hugged the life out of us.

"We love you Lucy!" We all whispered to her.

"I love you all too." She was crying while smiling.

"Lucy!" I held her face in my hands and blushed at my actions.

"What is it Natsu?" She asked me, tears still rolling down.

"Are you okay?" I looked deep in her eyes, searching for an answer.

"I'm fine." She held my hand on her cheek.

"Are you sure?" All of our friends came behind us and we broke apart.

"Yeah," She laughed.

"Time for class!" Erza and Levy looked rushed.

"AYE!" We all ran to the school and busted through the doors.

"EEKKK!" Lisanna screeched.

"Huh?" We all turned to her scream.

"What is it?" I hissed.

"GRAY, YOUR CLOTHES!" Cana yelled from the side.

"WHERE'D THEY GO!?" Stripper started searching the hallways.

"Lucy," Lisanna gulped.

"You're adopted, right?" Lisanna asked.

"H-How'd you-?" Lucy asked.

"Y-You're Lucy, Lucy Vermillion." Lisanna squealed.

"W-What!?" Lucy screamed and her mouth was on the floor.

"V-Vermillion?" She asked aloud.

"Yeah?" Lisanna asked her.

"Vermillion. You mean the company with the most money in Japan!?" She was shocked.

"Yeah." Lisanna sounded annoyed.

 "Uh..." Lucy looked down.

"I see." Lucy's smile faded.

"CLASSES!" Erza and Levy reminded us.

"CRAP!" We all scattered off to our classes but Lucy and I.

"Lucy, we are going somewhere after school. Be ready." I said smiling and walking off.

I glance behind me to see her smiling.

"Aye, sir!" She walked off in the other direction.


"I didn't want to see her frowning. Little did she know, she had a secret admirer. That was me." The student that was shocked a couple days ago, she was smiling now.

"Why?" Levy smirked at me.

"Because, I didn't want to tell her yet?"

"Natsu.." The student smiling whispered my name. Like they should be.

"After school,"


"Heyo!" Lucy called.

"Hey!" I turned on my heel.

"Wait up!" Lucy called running.

"I was planning on it." I said smirking.

"Catch me." She winked and ran past me.

"Lucy~" I cooed while running.

"Natsu!!" I saw Lisanna running towards me with a smile.

"LUCY!" I called out.

"Catch me~" She turned to me then to Lisanna.

"Lucy.." I huffed.

"Natsu.." She stopped running and walked to my side.

"Let's go." I grabbed her hand and walked in the direction of the mysterious location.

I was taking her to the museum of art.

"Lucy do you like art?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She asked back.

"You'll see," I smirked knowing she would love it.


Heyo Minna, I'm late I know. Shame on me. I had a lot of stuff going on. I'm in choir and we had this concert, she made rehearsal go until five last night and then I just got home and haven't been home since around 7:49 this morning.

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