Lunch Date

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When we reached the Magnus Hall the bell was ringing. We both entered the class and sat down in our usual seats right before the second bell rung. We sat next to each other in the middle of the room in between the twins, Sorsha and Sara. They were a lot like Tegan, beautiful and completely ruthless. We also sat right behind the Scarlets, the Scarlets was a name they had been given by the rest of the student body, because they were the too rich, the too smart and the way too beautiful people that went to the academy. The rest of us were the normals, those of us who weren’t like them. 

Mr. McCauley walked into the classroom shortly after the bell rang. “Will everyone please take their seats, so that I can begin this mornings announcements.” There was a lot of rustling and chair metal scraping against the tile floor as everyone took their seats. “Thank you. Ok, the Headmaster has instructed me to bring to your attention a new curfew rule. From now on you will all be expected to be in the dorms by nine o’clock, this is for your own safety due to the recent killings in the near by town of Prineville, at this time there is no need for panic this is only a precaution we have decided to take. Also, the woods near the tower are off limits, there have been several signs that there may be a wild animal in the area. Should you encounter this wild animal do not run but slowly remove yourself from the situation and inform either you dorm leader, teacher or the headmaster himself immediately and the situation will be dealt with.  Ok, I believe that’s all the announcements for this morning, Lets begin where we left off at the battle of the bulge, page sixty in your textbooks.” 

I looked over at Tegan who was looking at me with the same look. We both knew the real reason why the curfew had been given and that there was no wild animal in the woods at all. These were all covers for the real  truth and the truth was the Scarlets were a lot different then the rest of us. The Scarlets were our secret enemies, there were a lot more to them then beauty and brains, they looked harmless enough, the problem was they weren’t. They were part of the all encompassing fallen. The fallen is your average fallen angels, demons and other forms of evil. The story has it that Lucifer wanted to be like God, and deceived many of his fellow angels into the idea that they too deserved to be worshipped. Well,it isn’t a big surprise, that the creator of the universe would cast them out of heaven. There was a lot of deception which resulted in the fall of Adam and Eve, but lucky for them, they weren’t cast aside forever like the fallen, they were provided a savior. The people were redeemable, which really pissed off the fallen and since then they had been waging a tireless battle to destroy mankind and the entire earth. You know the same old story.

I have never seen any angels fallen or not, and I don’t think I’d want to, if I had been given the chance. I have seen soldiers of the fallen, demons here and there, but mainly I knew of the vampires. I wasn’t sure exactly how they played into everything. They didn’t always have a side, many of them walked a middle ground, looking out for their own self-interest. The problem was, we were the ones caught in the middle. The innocent. The meal. They drained the life from us with their crystal venom fangs, consuming our life energy, taking everything that was once ours, every memory and thought, past and present. They weren’t supposed to exist in the real world. They were myths only existing in books and movies. The truth was they were more real then anyone wanted to know, for over hundreds of years, who knows maybe longer, they had walked amongst average people, and when anyone didn’t come home they chalked it up as a missing person. Well thats the funny thing, thousands of people going missing every year and no one gets concerned. People are strange that way, they are so unwilling to see what is so clearly in front of them, they would much rather believe a lie.

I looked away from Tegan toward the window, and gradually I spaced out, thinking about the reason for the sudden changes in the curfew, and dorm lock down. I didn’t return until the bell rang pulling me back into reality. The Scarlets who sat in front of us were talking to each other quietly, which always made me nervous because it made me think they were hiding something. The thing was, I had come to find out that when it came to vampires my special ability didn’t work. I couldn’t see anything when I touched them, and I realized that it was because they were dead, in a manner of speaking. I could only pick up the minds of the living because they gave off brain waves. Tegan squeezed my arm and then collected her book bag and got up and began to walk out of the classroom but stopped by the door to talk with one of the twins, I wasn’t sure which one, because they both looked the same to me and I hadn’t cared to get to know either one of them.

I started to gather my things quietly thinking to myself. I must have been completely spaced when I was putting my pencil in my bag because I missed the pocket. It fell to the ground, and rolled under the desk by the feet of one of the scarlets. Normally I wouldn’t mind, except that this specific scarlet, he was different then the others, he didn’t really try to hide what he was. He always gave off weird vibes. Which always made me anxious around him, I couldn’t prove it but I knew in my gut that he wasn’t walking on a middle ground like the others, he was pledged to the fallen. I watched him lean down and slowly pick up the pencil. He brought it up to his nose and breathed in slowly, I felt the hair on the back of my neck raise up. Tegan stood near the doorway talking oblivious to what was going on around her. I thought about leaving my pencil behind, but I didn’t want to let him have this power over me. I pushed myself up out of my seat confidently and walked to where he was sitting. He knew without looking up at me, “Lucy. It has been a very long time since you have graced me with your presence.” That’s when he took his opportunity to look upon me with his honey brown eyes, chilling me to the bone. He was a good looking guy as any came, he had his blonde hair slicked back like a greaser. A strange smile plastered on his perfect lips. “I’m in a hurry can I please have my pencil back Seth?” I put my hand out in front of me not taking my eyes off of his. He smiled at me flashing his brilliantly white teeth and then gently placing the pencil in my hand letting his silky fingers gently brush my skin. He gave a little chuckle and then turned back to the scarlets around him as if I didn’t exist. 

I turned away from them and hurried to where Tegan was still waiting. I felt my body release a delayed tremble. I hurried out of the room, pushing through people, leaving Tegan trailing behind. I wasn’t really focused on anything in particular, just on the fear I had felt, and the anger at myself for having been afraid. I hadn’t realized that I had walked in the wrong direction toward class. I didn’t realize much of anything until I smacked into what felt like a brick wall, which knocked me flat on my back. My air rushing from my lungs swiftly when I hit the concrete. I laid very still for a moment, until I heard a voice speak to me, a voice the spread warmth through my veins “Are you ok?” I opened my eyes to see a beautiful set of emerald eyes looking down at me with an odd expression. I couldn’t speak. Not from the lack of air but because it was the charmer from the coffee and gift shop standing over me. I felt my face growing flush as he raised an eyebrow expectantly at me. I pulled myself up so that I was in a sitting position, heaving a sigh once I was up.  His voice filled the air around me like honey, “Sorry about knocking you down, I hope you aren’t hurt...” He gave me a devastating apologetic smile, they made my stomach do flip flops. I smiled back at him, “I’m fine. I fall down a lot so this isn’t anything new. I’ve had worse...”  He chuckled a little at my honesty, I blushed wondering if I could be any less of a freak. He looked around us, and then back to me, “Actually, do you think you might be able to help me? See I seem to be slightly confused as to which direction the classroom I’m supposed to be in...” His eyes searched mine hopefully. I looked off at Magnus hall in the distance, I was going to be really late for class. “Of course. I’m your Gal, over there is Magnus hall, It’s were most of the freshman and sophomore classes are held...” I said pointing back to the building I was supposed to be in, “And the upper classmen meet in the tower...” I turned slightly and pointed to the tall tower in the distance. I watched his expression become amused by my eager willingness to help him. He knelt down so that we were eye to eye, “Well, I guess you are my Gal. I’m really lucky you ran into me...” I nodded with a smile, He eyed me for a moment as if noticing me for the first time. I felt myself blush.

“I’m Tristen...” He put out his hand to me with another devastating smile. I eyed his hand for a moment, I wanted to be able to shake it like a normal person but I knew what would happen. Instead I looked away from him, “Yeah, it’s been a real pleasure...” I knew his type anyway so it’s probably better I couldn't shake his hand. He was one of those guys who thought they were God’s gift to women, I could tell by just looking at him. He smirked as he let his hand fall into a fist amused by my obvious lack of interest, which must have been a new development for him. I pushed myself up off the ground dusting myself off, “Well, I’ll see you around I’m sure. It’s not a very big school...” He stood up tall, letting me take in his entire form, a form that was entirely breathtaking. I smiled at him and then turned to walk back to Magnus Hall. His voice called after me, “Wait, you’re not going to help me?” I smiled to myself as I turned back around to face the handsome stranger who looked completely stunned by my actions. I suppose he wasn’t used to such reactions from girls. I pulled my hand to my forehead shading my eyes from the sun, “I thought I already did, unless you have another question...” He looked a little shocked. He rubbed his hand through his dark mess of hair, “No but I thought you might actually take me to my classroom...” He squinted at me his hands shoved in his pockets. I pulled at my bags strap a little amused, “Why would you think that? I’m late for class myself. Plus, I’m not going to walk you to class everyday I’m not you mother, I’m just your friendly neighborhood guide...” I turned my back to him, laughing under my breath. I heard his voice one last time utter something but I couldn’t pick up what he had said. 

Tegan was standing at the edge of the courtyard which divided the upperclassmen and the lower classmen sides of campus. When she saw me she gave me an irritated look. It didn’t take long for me to reach her and when I did she gave me an earful about, how now we’re going to have to do Janitorial labor for a whole week because we had missed one of our classes. I pretended to listen, but I couldn’t help but think about the boy I had run into. Tegan’s voice broke in through my defenses, “Are you even to listening anything I’m saying?” I looked at her and smiled, “Sorry.” Tegan glared at me and then released an annoyed sigh, turned and started walking, proclaiming that next time she wouldn’t make sure I was ok. I followed behind her smiling to myself because I knew she was a lot of talk but no action when it came to me. I’m not sure why but I seemed to be the only one that invoked some sort of sympathy out of her.

We entered Mr. Camptons class right when the bell rang, He gave us a look that told us we were lucky we made it. I smiled at him mockingly and then turned to look at my usual seat and thats when I saw the handsome stranger from the shop sitting in it. I felt a playful smile grow on my face. Tegan sat down in her usual seat next to one of the twins who I believed was Sorsha but like I said it’s hard to tell. I walked to my desk and sat down in the usually empty chair next to me. The boy didn’t look up at me when I sat down he was doodling on the paper in front of him. I couldn’t help myself from looking at him, I mean I had never met anyone who left me so intrigued. I leaned in toward him, “You’re sitting in my seat...” my voice sounded serious. He whipped his head up and looked at me in surprise, mostly because I’m sure he hadn’t expected to see me so soon. When he looked at me, I couldn’t look away from his eyes. They had a mystery about them, a dark emerald color with golden flakes. He didn’t look away from me. It was like everything faded around us, and the only people in the room were the two of us. The strange familiarity I had felt about him ached in my chest. A little smirk appear on his lips and then he looked away from me and back down at his doodles. “I see your not to damaged from your little run in...” His voice took me by surprise drawing me closer to him like a fish on a hook. My face blushed slightly at his statement, “I see you found your way without my help and in record time too...” I watched a smirk play on his lips like he had some kind of private joke, “What can I say, I’m very fast...” his eyes drifted back to mine in a playful dance. 

Mr. Camptons voice broke through our playful banter, “Lucy Patterson?” I watched Tristens eyes look toward the teacher expectantly as if he was waiting for something spectacular to happen. I slowly pulled my eyes from him and turned them on the teacher, “I’m right here, like always Mr. Campton...” I watched the teacher smirk at my comment, which was followed by him calling out another name. “Lucy is it?” I heard his voice stretch out toward me. I turned to him with a smile, “Yes, it is. Is there a problem with that?” I let one of my eyebrows raise. He let out a chuckle, shaking his head, “Nope, no problem. Lucy is a perfect name...” He let his eyes pierce mine with a gentle intensity. I felt my smile fade, and looked away quickly from him, unsure what he meant by his last comment. 

It took me a moment I finally looked toward Mr. Campton who was taking role. “Tristen Matthews?” Mr. Campton called the name with a little hesitation. The boy looked up and spoke, “Here.” I couldn’t help but look at him again, his voice was so pleasant. “First, let me say what a pleasure it is to have you joining us at the academy this semester. Since, your new would you like me to switch around the seating arrangement so that you may sit with your dorm friends? You might feel more comfortable that way. ” I felt my heart pound in my chest. He was one of them, a blood sucker .Of course! Thats why he was handsome and charming. It also explained how he had gotten here so fast and why I hadn’t seen anything when we touched in the coffee shop. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself for being so blind. I had to admit to myself it had been a willing blindness, I could have seen if I had wanted to, all the signs where there.

I saw a few of the Scarlets turn and look at him and then they looked at me. Among them was Seth who watched with a darkness in his eyes that made me shrink in my seat. Tristen looked over at me with a side glance and then back at the others. It was creepy the way they communicated with each other without speaking. I watched the quick exchange between them. Tristen turned his attention to Mr. Campton, “I’m quite comfortable where I’m at. I don’t mind the view from back here.” He smiled a devastatingly handsome smile and then turned a little and gave me a wink. I blushed slightly, looking away from him quickly.

The scarlets had turned back to the front, except for Seth who smiled at me with a mischievous smile before returning his attention to the lecture. I felt my body going cold. I couldn’t believe I was sitting next to a vampire, my heart began to beat faster. I stared down at my hands which where beginning to glisten from my anxiety. I looked over at Tristen and he was doodling away, but he was smirking, like he knew what was going on within me. I stiffened, scooting my chair away from him to create more space between us. I didn’t mind the vampires, they didn’t bother me and I didn’t bother them, but I knew it couldn’t be good to have attracted ones attention or that it couldn’t be good that I felt so attracted to him. Mr. Campton began to speak about grammar and I lost my focus staring blankly at the whiteboard, my thoughts were consumed with how to fight off a vampire. The problem of not paying attention is that seems to be when a teacher has a question, that they want answered. 

I heard Mr. Campton voice, but I didn’t realize he was calling on me until he was practically yelling my name. I looked at him, with a glazed look, and he stood expectantly, “Well?” I looked around the room swiftly, trying to avoid looking back to him, “Excuse me, but could you repeat the question?” I gave him an innocent smile, a couple of students snickered, whispering to each other probably something like, she’s such a freak or can she really be that dumb. He glared down at me, ready to speak a rebuke but Tristen’s voice cleared the air, “It’s a Noun, in this case Mr. Campton.” I watched Mr. Campton look down at the sheet in front of him, “Correct.” Then focusing his glare on Tristen, “Next time, please allow Miss Patterson to answer the question.” He looked back at me and then went on to the next question, calling one of the scarlets. I looked over at Tristen and he looked at me, “Thank you.” He didn’t say a word, he gave me a nod and then became once again entranced by his doodles. Who was this guy? He had taken the heat for me and I had nothing to offer him for his good deed. Well, nothing I was willing to part with. I cupped my hand around my neck instinctively.  Every moment I was near him I grew more and more entranced by his mystery. I was not one to involve myself with people, but something about Tristen seemed familiar to me, but I still couldn’t figure out what it was.

“I don’t know why you let that guy scare you so much.” Tristen’s whispered to me without looking away from his paper. I was startled out of my thoughts by his sound of his voice, “Excuse me?” I respond  back to his whisper. He looked up at me with a smirk on his face and then he gave a chuckle, “It’s pretty obvious that he freaks you out...” He motioned with a nod toward Seth, making me sit a little stiffer, “but I mean I guess there’s a good reason to be afraid of him. What did he pull your pigtails when you were younger? Take your lunch money?” I gave him a smile, a quiet laugh escaping my lips. “It’s not like that. You see, people give off vibes. You know, it’s like a magnetic charge people send out around them, tells you what they’re all about and he...”  I nodded toward Seth, amusement swelled in Tristen’s eyes, “He gives off really bad vibes...” I watched Tristen’s eyes grow serious for a moment, his brow furrowing as he turned and looked at the back of Seth’s head. I smiled, “But I’m probably being a silly girl...” Tristen turned back to me with dark eyes, giving me a faint smile then going back to his doodling.

I wondered what he was doodling, I leaned over with curiosity. Tristen covered his paper with his arms looking over at me with raised eyebrows, “Can I help you?” his voice sounded annoyed. I sat back normally blushing a little, “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to be nosy or anything. I was just curious about what you were doing in your notebook...” He looked a little amused his eyes lighting up. He leaned forward towards me, “Didn’t you ever hear the one about curiosity killing the cat?” I looked away from his inquiring eyes mumbling under my breath, “Yeah but thats because he had spent his eighth life jumping out of the tree the night before...” I heard a faint chuckle, which made me look back at Tristen, finding him beaming at my comment. I smiled at him giving him an innocent shrug. He removed his arms from the page to reveal a whole bunch of writing but he closed the notebook before I could get a better look. His voice brought him back to my attention, “It’s notes...” he gave me a half smile. I looked away embarrassed that I had thought it would be anything else. I mean even vampires had to take notes in class, didn’t they? 

The bell rang dismissing us to lunch. I gathered my things slowly wondering if I should invite Tristen to eat lunch with me or if it that would be weird since he doesn’t eat or if he already had someone to eat with. I heard Tristen clear his throat and I looked up instinctively a little too quickly because he got an odd expression on his face. I had let myself slip again he must think I’m some kind of freak. He cleared his throat again, “Would you mind if I ate lunch with you, or would you get shunned for befriending the new kid?” he asked sarcastically. I smiled up at him he was more likely to be the one shunned for befriending the academies most notorious freak. He looked down at me expectantly, “Well?” I gave him a smile, “I said I was your gal didn’t I? Thats my job here. To help you get comfortable on campus...”  He smiled down at me, “Then I think I’m going to be very comfortable here...” I blushed brightly as I turned to lead the way to lunch Tristen following beside me. I walked with my hands in my pockets very careful not to let any bare skin brush against anyone else. I looked over once and regretted because I found Tristen watching me closely I blushed and didn’t look at him again.

Once we were in the cafeteria, the roar of laughter and voices was almost unbearable. We both collected trays of food nothing looked to great but I was used to the food and lucky for Tristen this wasn’t really his type of food. I looked around for a place to sit. I noticed Tegan sitting with the twins but they never let me sit with them before and I didn't figure today would be any different. Tristen stood next to me but I could tell he wasn’t looking for a place to sit he was looking at the area where all the scarlets hung out. A couple of them seemed to be looking at us amused smiles on their faces talking quietly to each other. One of the scarlet girls, with beautiful strawberry blonde hair waved to Tristen for him to join them but he didn’t leave my side her eyes narrowed as she looked to me sending a chill down my spine. I looked up at Tristen, “If you want to go sit with the rest of your friends, you can. I won’t be offended. Remember I’m only here to help you...” he looked away from the group to my eyes giving me his undivided attention. He smiled, “You trying to get rid of me?” he joked. I smiled shyly, “No, but it looks like your friend wants you to join them...” He looked back to the scarlets and then down at me, amused, “I think that they’ll be fine without me...” He nudged my arm, turning and walking toward the exit doors. I watched him walk away my heart beating faster from his brief touch. He looked back over his shoulder motioning with his head for me to follow him. I looked back at the scarlets the girl with strawberry hair watching me intently I blushed and followed after Tristen exiting the noisy cafeteria. 

The sun sat directly above us bearing down and warming everything around us. He had chosen to eat outside on the benches that no one ever occupied because they were referred to as loner alley. I didn’t tell that to Tristen when he had chosen to sit down because I figured he really didn’t care. I was more in awe that he had wanted to be out in the sun. Vampires could go in the sun it wasn’t at all like the movies painted it but it did effect them. A normal school days amount of sun would make them ready for a nap but if they were in the sun for to long it would dehydrate them and could cause them death unless they had a source of food around.

We sat in an awkward silence. I didn’t know what to say to him and he made no attempt to speak he just watched me eat with amusement in his eyes. I felt like I had to have been blushing the entire time. I had never been the center of attention before. I took a drink of my water looking him over. The sun splashed across his skin bouncing off his body creating a type of halo around him. “So where did you come from?” I asked as I put my water bottle down. He grabbed the bottle from my tray examining it, “I came from Seattle...” I nodded hoping he would have given me a more complete answer so I wouldn’t have to think of another question. I looked away to a couple of people walking by to get a late lunch. 

He spoke without another invitation on my part, “You know, you sure blush a lot...” His gaze drifted from the water bottle to my face. I didn’t know how to respond because I had already realized that I was blushing a lot which made me blush. He seemed enchanted by that. I looked away from his intensity, “I’m not used to being around people who want to be around me...” I was honest. I wasn’t used to people wanting to be around me, but he wasn’t people; he was a vampire, a very attractive vampire at that. I looked back at him. His expression was cryptic I wasn’t sure what he was thinking about my comment. He put my water back on my tray folding his hands in front of him on the table, “Why?” he looked up at me from under his dark eyelashes. I was frozen in his dazzling stare, “I’m not much of a people person, Which I’m sure you’ve noticed. I’m not to sure why but either they’re afraid of me and those who aren’t don’t bother me and I don’t bother them...” I broke away from his piercing stare. 

I heard his laughter grow loud like I had said something really funny. I looked up at him an odd expression on my face. He held up his hand trying to get himself under control. I hadn’t said anything funny but he was laughing like I was a flipping comedian. His laughter subsided, “Sorry, the idea of someone being afraid of you is very funny to me.” I chuckled a little in response, “What you don’t think I can be scary?” I raised and eyebrow before trying to contort my face into a fierce scowl. He smiled, “I’m sure you can be simply terrifying...” We both laughed at each other like we had been life long friends. If he knew me he would understand why they were afraid of me. I just knew things I shouldn’t. Personal things about people, things they never told anyone. I was a freak. I would never fit in anywhere. Sitting there talking with Tristen, laughing with him I felt normal for once. I could almost forget that he wasn’t human. Thats the problem, he wasn’t a human and I was. This friendship or whatever we had going wouldn’t last but I would appreciate it while I had it. 

I must have spaced out because I felt his fingers brush the back of my hand. I pulled my hand away quickly, maybe a little to quick because I saw the shock in his eyes. I felt the blush rising in my cheeks, “I’m sorry, you just startled me...” I gave him an apologetic look. He shrugged and looked away his gaze falling on the cafeteria doors his brow furrowing. I followed his eyes and saw the scarlet from before exiting the cafeteria with a couple others. They must have sensed Tristen because immediately their eyes drifted to us they all smiled at each other and started to walk towards us. My heart rate began to picked up. I had made a bad choice to have lunch with a vampire. I should have kept to my normal routine and now I had attracted too much attention to myself. I felt Tristen’s hand reach out and grab my arm his hand wasn’t cold but warm, which surprised me. I pulled my gaze from the incoming scarlets to Tristen who was looking at me with dark tormented eyes it was like he wanted to apologize for having involved me in whatever was about to happen. I gave him the best relaxed smile I could hopefully he would buy into it and think I was calm and unsuspecting. 

I heard the murmur of the approaching vampires. Their voices were all so enchanting I couldn’t help but turn and look at them. Seth was among those who approached the table. I felt my heart stop in my chest when Seth looked at me with cold eyes. They stopped near the table. I felt myself shrinking inside my shell. Seth spoke his eyes glancing to Tristen and then locking on me, “Are you showing the new student here a good time? If you want to show him a really good time you guys come with us...” He flashed a teethy smile. The others nudged each other. I shrunk back on the bench looking away from him. He chuckled, “You don’t have to be afraid of us Lucy. We only bite a little...” The others laughed at their private joke. Seth looked over his shoulder at them, like the alpha male. I looked to Tristen his eyes were dark and he looked about ready to tear Seth apart with his bare hands. His lips were pulled back in a snarl. Seth leaned in close to me grabbing a strand of my hair and rubbing it between his fingers. I sat very still like a statue. Seth’s snaky voice whispered, “You smell so sweet today, the sun really brings out the best in you...” My heart was barely beating. He was pure evil. I felt the bad vibes rolling off him.

Tristen let out a low growl which turned all the attention to him. Seth backed away from me amused by Tristens response. He stood up tall his hands gripping the table, “I think you should leave now, if you know what’s good for you...” He spoke through clenched teeth. The other scarlets stood silent. Seth laughed, “And if I don’t...” I watched Tristen breath in deeply as if to keep himself under control, “I’ll have to make you...” Seth’s amusement disappeared he turned and looked at me with a critical stare. He looked over his shoulder to the others and nodded. They all turned seeming to think that leaving was a good idea.  Seth didn’t seem to agree he stepped up to Tristen their faces inches apart. They both stared at each other with anger flaring in their eyes. I wasn’t sure what to do I felt a hand grab my arm I turned startled to see Evan standing beside me. I had no idea where he came from but he looked nervous. I pulled myself up off the bench and took my place next to Evan. The other scarlets began backing away like cowering dogs when they saw Evan.  He released my arm and took a step toward Tristen and Seth, “Is there a problem?” his voice was tense. Both Tristen and Seth turned quickly to Evan in surprise. Seth’s wicked smile spread across his perfect lips, “No, I was just having a nice talk with my buddy Tristen here...” Seth patted Tristens back which got him a low growl from Tristen in response. Evan stood tall, “Well, I think you and your friends were just leaving.” his voice commanded obedience. Seth cleared his throat but didn’t say anything more before he walked away.

I let out a breath. I looked to Tristen, and found him looking down dents in the cement table where he had been gripping. Evan turned to me with a tender smile, “I think we should head to class...” I smiled at him and then nodded. I looked around him to Tristen who seemed to be looking at me with an odd expression. One that I couldn’t really name, it was a cross between anger and frustration. I grabbed my tray hesitantly from the table turning back to Evan. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders leading me away. I looked back over my shoulder to see Tristens face one last time before it disappeared from view he seemed to be watching us intently. I gave him a smile but he just looked away from me. I felt a blush rush to my cheeks turning back to Evan who took the tray from my hands dumping the contents in the trash and stacking it on top of the other trays. He walked me to my next class leaving me at the door. 

I was pretty useless the rest of the day. I couldn’t stop think about Tristen hoping that he wasn’t mad at the way things had ended, because thats the way it had seemed. Part of me felt drawn to him, because he felt familiar but the sensible part of me told me to watch my back. And that is precisely what I planned to do.

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