Micheal's Blade

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Selene’s footsteps clicked against the tiled floor and I listened to the steps counting them which helped calm me. We walked to another ship like looking door which was being guarded by two people that I knew weren’t vampires. They were demons but I wasn’t sure what type. She motioned with her hand and the demons immediately opened the lock. She gave them a brief nod then passed through the door. Seth followed behind carrying me into the huge circular room. I squinted to see in the darkness. Of course they would put me in a dark room that way I couldn’t fight back at all but right now that shouldn’t have been something they were worried about. 

“Chain her up Seth.” Selene’s voice was short and snappy, “I want to make sure this goes according to plan.” 

Seth stopped moving and crouched down setting me nicely onto the cold tile for someone who had done the things he’d done he was being surprisingly gentle which made me anxious. I tried to sit up but my body was still too weak from all my blood loss. I felt Seth’s cold fingers trail down the inside of my arm which made me flinch. He pulled his hand away quickly clamping an iron on over my wrist, “I’m sorry Lucy. I tried to keep you from getting taken but you’re too stupid I guess...” His voice was low enough for only me to hear. What was he talking about? He had tried to kill me before behind the school, in the study, and now. I wanted badly to hurt him but I had no strength, “You can stop pretending. I knew you were helping the fallen all along...” I whispered as he leaned over me clamping an iron over my other wrist. 

His body froze over me, “Is that what you think?” he seemed shocked that I would believe that. I let out a snort, “Of course! Because you would have killed me behind the school if Tristen hadn’t saved me. You drank my blood to keep me from being a problem while Evan and the Headmaster where kidnapped, and you were here waiting for us. That’s a lot of evidence piled against you...” My voice was void of any emotion. Seth was silent, and unmoving, then I heard the sound a his breath shuddering, “You know nothing...” 

I laughed, “How else do you justify your behavior?” He was silent, but his cold fingers touched my neck and I let out a tiny gasp. He was the one laughing next, “Are you dead? It kept you safe didn’t it? Then don’t question my behavior. I do not care about morality, what I want I get, whether I have permission or not and I do things my way, whether it pleases people or not. As long as it gets the job done, I’m satisfied.” I glared up at where I assumed his face was, “Your disgusting!” he replied quickly, “No, I’m a vampire, which would be good of you to remember.” I gave him a nasty look, “Do you expect me to believe anything you say?” He let out a chuckle again, “No, but if you want to get out here alive you’ll do everything I tell you...” I laid completely still. He leaned down so that his face was next to mine, “I’m not a good guy Lucy, but I’m not part of the fallen, contrary to what you may believe. I could care less about this war but I didn’t get a choice as to my part in all of this...” His breath was hot on my skin. He nuzzled his face into my neck, breathing deeply, “Plus, I want to get another chance to taste your intoxicating wine, and if you’re dead how can I?” I felt myself grow hot under the fury of my anger. He laughed pulling back and then without warning he leaned down and took my lips against his. His lips were pressed fiercely against mine, my eyes wide with shock, he moved back quickly his breath ragged, “interesting...” His voice was soft and then he got up, and walked away his footsteps echoing through the room. 

“Lucy?” I heard my name whispered. My mind snapped alert at the sound. I turned my face in the direction the voice had come, “Who’s there?” I whispered back. There was a stretch of silence and I thought maybe I had been hearing things, “It’s Leon, your Uncle...” My heart stopped in my chest. “Is Evan with you?” I asked without much thought. Silence stretched again, and I relaxed against the tile, trying to calm myself.  Leon’s voice echoed out into the silence, “No. They came and took him away yesterday and I’m not sure where they’ve taken him. I’m so sorry Lucy. I’ve failed you...” I could hear the defeat in his tone. My heart sank at his news but I couldn’t give up hope that I would see my brother again. I mustered my strength and reached out with my arm toward his voice, but the iron around my wrist only allowed my arm to stretch so far. I let my arm fall back down, “You didn’t fail me. We’re going to get out of here and get Evan back...” I whispered trying to encourage him. 

“How can we get out of here? Anyone that could have helped us is imprisoned...” He still sounded defeated. I let out a sigh, “Not everyone, trust me...” The silence stretched out between us. I didn’t know what to say to him and I figured he didn’t want to speak because he was trying to conserve energy because who knew what had happened while he’d been in captivity. I head the sound of chains jingling and then I felt warm fingers tips brush against mine, “Lucy, I need to explain there’s not much time...” Leon’s voice was faint. I closed my eyes letting the silence sink in.I wasn’t sure I could handle any more confessions or explanations. He didn’t wait for my permission, “I know I’m not going to make it out of this place but you will. There are a lot of things I know, deep secrets, secrets from the beginning and you know them too, they’re in our blood. The angel blood in your body can give you power more then I could ever have because you aren’t bound as I am. You do not bare the weight of the curse, which makes you a guaranteed threat to the fallen...” He stopped speaking when the sound of footsteps echoed through the room. My heart rate began to skyrocket Leon’s fingertips brushed mine.

“Lucy, listen to the words of a dying man. I know you do not understand what is being asked of you but you underestimate your value in this battle. You will live to fight another day please do not let this death be in vain. You were meant to wield that sword to knock them down, and your brother the words of truth to bind them forever, together you will never fail but apart nothing can be achieved. You must find your brother...” I was nodding my head against the tile even though he couldn’t see me. I knew he believed I would do all he asked. 

There were two sets of footsteps and then a light shot through the dark room which left me momentarily blinded from the extreme contrast. My eyes watered through closed lids. Selene laughed, “Look at you two. Strapped to the ground like animals would you have ever imagined this for yourselves Nephilim?” I felt someone nudge my shoulder, a foot but I didn’t open my eyes to see who it was. Leon let out an amused chuckle, “I believe Selene, it wasn’t so long ago that you were a Nephilim like us, but now I suppose you’re only an animal...” There are sounds in this world that someone should never have to hear like the sound of bones being crushed. It’s a terrible gnawing sound in ones ear but what’s worse is the silence after. Leon’s breathing was ragged and pained. I felt the nudge on my shoulder again, but I closed my eyes tighter fearing that my bones would be next. 

“Not so funny anymore are you Old Man. You think that you’re better then me but if you haven’t noticed, it looks like you’re the one chained up and I’m the one with the blade...” I could hear the sound of metal scrapping on tile, like nails on a chalkboard. The nudge at my shoulder was harder this time. I opened my eyes to find Seth was looking down at me in frustration, “You idiot, you’ve been wasting time lying there. Listen to me cause I’m only going to say this once, I’m going to unlock your irons but you need to pretend your still chained up. Wait until the very last possible moment then strike...” I stared up at him with shock, “Why are you doing this?” my voice sounded dry and shaky. He knelt down beside me, “I don’t have a choice. I wish I did but I don’t, not when it comes to you. I’m bound by a lot more then words...” I watched him as he unlocked the irons around my wrists quickly. 

When he was done he hovered over me, staring at my neck, “What I wouldn’t do for another taste...” I tightened my jaw, “But don’t worry. I’ll be a good boy at least today anyway. Lucy remember what I said...” He pushed himself up off the ground. I stared up at him with accusing eyes, “Where are you going?” I whispered harshly. He looked back down at me, a smile on his lips, “You didn’t think I was going to hang around here did you? There’s no way I’m going to let Tristen see me again...” He turned his gaze toward Selene, “Mistress, there’s intruders!” his voice short and sharp. My eyes were wide with surprise, a hiss waiting to be released for his betrayal. Selene growled low in her throat, “Well take care of them!” she shouted. Seth nodded and then looked down in my accusing eyes and winked, “I’ll be seeing you...” he whispered low enough for only me to hear as he strode away with a strange confidence. I watched him leave the room, he didn’t close the door completely and then I knew he was leaving, not to kill but to escape what he was about to let loose.

I turned my focus to Selene. She looked as I remembered from my memory of her. She stood tall and slender, her black hair a big contrast against her ivory skin. She had dark charcoal eyes, that stared out at you ready to suck the life from you. She was beautiful but cold. Selene stood in front of Leon, who was slumped over his breaths shallow. The vision of the woman surrounded by the cloaked figures came back into my mind. I was hit with the sudden realization, it had always been her. Selene had been the darkness haunting me. She had been the one who had been hunting me in my past and present, that’s who my mother had been trying to protect me from, not from the fallen itself, but from a particular person. 

“You know this reminds me a lot of your sister. What was it nine years ago that she was killed? It must have been terrible to know you were the last Nephilim surviving, who wasn’t tainted at least...” Selene was mocking him which made my blood boil. He didn’t get a chance to respond because she continued, “Oh wait, I’m sorry I forgot a cruical part of the story. Your idiot sister went and married a human. The funny thing about humans is they aren’t bound by the same curse we are. See, two nephilim can’t create anything, but take a nephilim and a human, they could have children who carried the angel genes, but weren’t bound by any curse, a new generation of nephilim. Your sister was a smart woman, but not smart enough obviously because she’s dead, and her children are soon to be...” Selene knelt down in front of Leon, trying to look into his downcast face. 

“Tell me, how does it feel to know that you failed? You and your sister thought you were smart enough to out smart us, to defeat us, but your sister lie’s in the ground, and you are soon to be resting next to her. Seems to me you fought so hard for nothing, old man...” Selene pushed herself up off the ground her eyes flipping to me. Our eyes locked for a moment and then she looked back down at Leon, “Any last words?” Selene asked. Leon lifted his head proudly looking her directly in the eyes, “We have not failed. My death will not be in vain.” His voice was calm and accepting. He lowered his head again. Selene looked angry at his words but she turned to me, “Keep your eyes open kitten. I want you to see me bring the oldest nephilim to ashes...” She turned back to him crouching on the other side of him. The sound of metal scraping on tile echoed through the room. I watched her pull up a wide double edged sword from the ground the words engraved on it were glowing it seemed but the words were written in a language I didn’t know. 

Selene stood up tall the sword in her hand, “Leon Salvator, you have been found guilty under the laws of heaven, of treason, the punishment of which is death by the sword.” She took a step closer raising the sword up in both hands into a striking position. Leon mumbled a few words which I clearly understood, “Live by the sword, die by the sword.” My heart stopped in my chest I wanted to jump up and save him but I remembered Seth’s words. Tears began to fall down my cheeks, “Goodbye Leon, may you go in peace...” I uttered softly but Selene must have heard me because her eyes flashed to me a wicked smile spread across her lips then she let out a battle cry, bringing the sword down with all her might. Through the whole thing her eyes never left mine cold bottomless pits. 

I didn’t close my eyes or cry out as I had in my dream when they had killed my mother. Instead this time instead of being filled with fear I was filled with a deep rage. I watched Selene pull out the sword and then I heard the sound of my uncles lifeless body falling to the Tile. I didn’t dare look, for fear I would lose my cool. Selene approached me like an animal on the prowl and I watched her like a wounded animal ready to attack. “Tell me Lucy, how did you get them to send you back here?” Selene seemed amused. I didn’t answer her with anything other then a glare. Selene let out a whimsical laugh, “Everything would be so much easier if you had stayed dead. Tristen will be so mad at me for killing you again...” She laughed again it sounded more hysterical. 

“If you think Tristen will want to be with you. You’re wrong...” I couldn’t believe that I was speaking. Selene’s eyes flashed with rage for a moment then she crouched down over me so her face was above mine, “Tristen wanted me until you stuck your nose where it didn’t belong and he’ll want me again once he knows you’re never coming back...” I stared up at her my jaw tightening then she reached out with her free hand and grabbed me by my hair pulling me up into a sitting position. I couldn’t help but cry out from the pain. She released me once I was sitting up my body slumping forward, my breathing sharp and ragged. 

“Did you know that the Archangel Michael used this sword to drive the fallen from heaven and bind them to earth as there eternal prison until the day of judgement? No, I suppose you wouldn’t. You want to know what this sword says Lucy? It’s written in the language of heaven, no one except the angels know what it says, but they fear it, and so they should...” Selene rambled on as I positioned my body with as much strength as I had been trying to conserve. Selene took a step forward and I knew she was drawing the sword back for her strike, “Lucy Patterson, You have been found guilty by the laws of heaven, your punishment is death by the sword...” I could see her drawing the sword back. My mind rang with extreme clarity, strike at the last possible moment. I moved quickly as she brought the sword down for her final strike I snapped my head up my hands snaking forward with an untimely grace, slapping the blade between my hands keeping it from progressing. Selene’s eye’s were wide with terror and surprise.  I stared up at her, “Live by the sword, die by the sword!” 

I pushed quickly with my hand, slamming the hilt of the sword into her  face. Selene stumbled back losing her grip on the sword. It was to heavy for me to hold by the blade, so it clammered to the ground, between us. 

Selene let out an angry hiss and lunged forward for the sword. I moved quickly and I threw my legs out, they connected with her ribs with enough force to launch her across the room. I grabbed for the sword quickly my hand gripping around the handle. I used it to pull my body up off the ground. I walked forward toward Selene’s body, which lay on the ground near a metal beam I assumed was supporting this underground compound. The metal was dented from the force of her hitting it. Selene was moaning low in her chest her hand was clenched tightly. 

I stood over her, the sword in my hand, “You want to know what the writing on the sword says Selene? ‘Piercing to the devision of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart’...” Her eyes opened wide, as she looked up at me, not speaking. I continued, “You have been found guilty under the law of heaven, the punishment of which is death.” I drew the sword back with my one hand, “Death will be your keeper now!” I plunged the sword into her chest, her eyes wide with surprise. The words on the sword lit up brightly and Selene’s body melted away before my eyes into ash. The light got brighter sending out a wave of power through the room like a gust of wind. I stood gripping the sword above the ashes on the tile floor. 

“Lucy?” I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned quickly, Tristen stood in the lead, Ruth and Tegan on his flanks. They had there weapons at the ready, which were unnecessary now I had taken out our opposition. I gave them a smile, and then collapsed to the ground. Tristen came racing to my side, “Lucy! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he sounded frantic as he leaned over me, inspecting me. I shook my head, “I’m tired thats all...” Tristen looked skeptical but eased back a little. Tegan’s voice echoed through my room, “Where’s Selene?” Ruth let out a chuckle, “That’s more then dust you’re breathing...” Tegan made a gagging noise, “Man, my mouth was open. You couldn’t have warned me...” She made another gag noise, which had Ruth laughing. 

I focused my attention on Tristen, whose eyes were looking at the remains of my uncles body, “I’m sorry Lucy...” He said softly before he turned his gaze to me, “Evan?” he asked softly. I shook my head against the tile, and he let out a sigh of relief. I felt the same relief that for now my brother was alive. Ruth and Tegan now stood behind Tristen looking down at me, “You look terrible...” Tegan said to me Ruth gave her a nice elbow to the ribs, “Let me apologize, she’s lacks a natural filter between her brain and her mouth...” Tegan gave Ruth a nasty glare which made me smile. 

“Where’s Evan and the Headmaster?” Tegan asked her eyes looking around the room. I looked up at her with sad eyes, “I’m sorry Tegan but Leon’s dead...” She stood silently Ruth looked like she wanted to say something but kept quiet. Tegan closed her eyes, “Evan?” she asked her voice faint. Tristen answered for me, “He’s alive, but they still have him.” I watched Tegan’s body relax at the news, which seemed strange because I had thought she had hated him, but maybe him saving her had made her feel indebted to him. I wasn’t sure but looking up at her, I could tell she felt the same way I did about getting Evan back, it was something we had to do.  

“What do we do now?” Tegan asked. Tristen looked at me and then pushed his arms under my body, pulling me closer to him, “We get out of here.” He pulled me up off the ground in his arms. I looked up at him, “Thanks for coming for me...” I said softly so only he would here me. He gave me a gentle smirk, “Nothing could have kept me from you.” I blushed a little at his statement, and then turned my attention to Ruth, “Thank you.” I said with gratitude written in my expression she put her hand out and gripped my shoulder, “You’re welcome but don’t ever do that again, you hear me?” I nodded, giving her a brief smile. Tristen headed toward the door. I relaxed in his arms closing my eyes, “That’s right, rest now. There’s nothing to be worried about anymore...” He spoke softly lifting me in his arms planting a gentle kiss on my forehead, “I love you...” I smiled at his words. 

I could hear Tegan and Ruth talking behind us, “There were only the remains of two bodies, what do you think happened to Seth?” Tegan asked in a hushed voice trying not to disturb me. Ruth answered, “You probably breathed him all up...” Her comment made me smile. I could imagine Tegans expression, “Ha ha” her tone mocking. I too wondered where Seth was because he obviously had made it out alive. A cool shiver ran down my spine hadn’t he promised to see me again. I tensed in Tristen’s arms I hoped he was joking about that. 

I knew even as we emerged from the ground that although Selene had been killed the battle had only begun. We had to finish what we had started. We were all a part of the war now, ready to deliver a little righteous payback on behalf of the loved ones they had taken from us. If they thought we would fail they were dead wrong. The fallen were about to face their worse threat yet, vengence. Which from today on they would come to know as your’s truly: Death dealers. It was a name I thought would fit us well, once we continued our search for Evan, but for now I won’t think about what tomorrow will bring. I will just live my life in this moment glad to be alive in the arms of my soulmate.

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