Possession is 9/10th's of The Law

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I couldn’t resist my urge to look at him. I found his face plagued with pain. He brushed his thumb across my lip. “You don’t really believe in personal space do you?” I asked him trying to keep myself from thinking about the feelings he was giving me by his closeness. He ignored my question releasing a sorrowful sigh, “Looks like they did a number on you. You’re probably just covered with bruises. I should go back there and rip them apart.” He seemed serious about ripping them apart. I smirked at the thought, “Slow down there tough guy. Even though I relish in the thought of you causing them bodily harm, considering what they had probably planned to do to me. I would feel bad if they scratched up that pretty face of yours...” I watched him smirk at my attempt to joke about my near death experience. He looked at me with amusement in his eyes and the smirk still playing on his face, “You’re taking everything surprisingly well...” I smiled up at him, “I guess I’m not your average human. I’m not really afraid of anything.” I raised my eyebrows as he removed his hand from my face. His eyes growing a little serious, “Well, there are somethings I wish you would be afraid of...” he said mutedly. I laughed at his comment turning away from him to look out toward the courtyard, “Why? I figured If I was supposed to die behind the school, then there isn’t much me or anyone else could have done to stop it. There’s a bigger design in play Tristen and we’re all pieces, everything has been pre-decided. So it’s not like I can change destiny.” I turned back to look at him. He stood his hands in his pockets a little hunched over but his eyes intently watching me taking in everything about me as if he was committing it to memory.

  “Yes, but there is a difference between living life without fear, and being completely suicidal...” He raised his eyebrows as if to enhance his point. I felt my eyes narrow at his snide comment, “Yes, and there is a difference between a hero and a annoying pest who just happened to have lucky timing...” I folded my arms across my chest. I watched Tristen’s straight face light up. A smug smirk spreading across his lips, “But since you say everything is pre-decided I guess then there is no such thing as lucky timing...” He stood up straight beaming with satisfaction. I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, well don’t let it go to your to head. We wouldn’t want it to explode...” I swayed a little anxiously as I turned toward the dorms impatiently. I had, had my fill of the show off for one day. “So how do you expect to repay me for saving your life?” Tristen leaned back against the wall, a little chagrinned. I looked over my shoulder at him, “Excuse me?” I said in astonishment. He was watching me with amusement like I was some kind of puppy in the window, “Well, if I’m your hero don’t I get like some kind of reward for saving your life?”

I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him. I didn’t want to thank him for helping me because he was conceited and arrogant and he was the last person on earth right now that I would want to thank for anything. I turned to him his body leaned elegantly against the wall like a perfect sculpture completely flawless and beautiful. His eyes were dark but a smile sat on his perfect lips. I felt my heart beating heavily in my chest. He made every nerve in my body alive with the electricity in the air between us. I watched him beckon to me with his finger wanting me to join him. A soft voice spoke gently, Not now. You’ll have time for that later, right now you need to get away from here and fast. I looked into Tristen eyes blankly focusing on the voice in my head, Why? Wind whistled through the space between us, he stared into my eyes with an ageless wisdom that was making my legs feel weak. I hate him. I hate him. The soft voice spoke again over my thoughts, Hurry. You need to leave. You need to get out of here. They’re going to send scouts to locate you. 

I didn’t know where all these strange thoughts were coming from but I felt conviction whenever I heard the voice. It was my voice but yet, it wasn’t mine, not truly. It seemed to know more then I did. It must be my subconscious  mind, for some reason today I woke up with a spilt personality. Someone else sharing the space in my brain. Whatever was happening, I was telling myself things I didn’t know anything about or understand but I trusted my gut and I wasn’t about to not take my own advice. I turned away from Tristen and took a step toward the dorm. The voice let out a growl, Take him with you. He can protect you. I stopped in my tracks, I can protect myself. There was a faint growl in my mind that sent a shiver down my spine. I didn’t want to take Tristen with me because I didn’t like the way I felt around him. I wasn’t in control. If I had to take him with me then I was going to do it my way. I turned back to face him his eyes were glued to me. I walked up to him slowly exaggerating every step. He never took his eyes off him, his smile was bright with his amusement. I looked up into his eyes batting my eyelashes and trying my best to act girly as I had seen Tegan do many times before. I watched his amusement disappear replaced with what looked like an anxious smirk. His body stiffened as I closed the gap between us. He no longer looked relaxed and in control. 

All I had wanted to do was tease him a little and make him squirm because I thought it would be funny. I heard the faint voice in my head, Stop fooling around. I mentally pushed the thoughts away. I didn’t like the attitude I was having with myself. I smiled up at him, “You want a reward?.” He smiled nervously back trying to keep any part of him from touching me. I got a little closer and watched him squirm. I got up on my tip toes making it so our faces were a couple of inches away from each other. I gently placed my hand on his chest, “Well? Do you?” I looked up at him under my lashes. I watched his eyes grow wide as I walked my finger up his chest stopping when I reached his chin. He looked down at me, “I’m not sure...” he whispered back his breath coming in sharply. I let my finger trail up his chin slowly across his soft lips which parted at my touch causing me to pause. I looked into his eyes and for a moment I felt a magnetic pull but I pushed it away and focused on why I was here. I quickly grabbed his nose and tweaked it. He let out a painful yelp looking at me like I had murdered his grandmother. I back away from him, “Consider that your payment in full!” I yelled at him. He eyed me like he wanted to rip me apart as he rubbed his nose. I stalked off toward the dorm alone, mumbling angrily under my breath more at myself for whatever had happened to me back there. I heard the voice in mind faintly yelling at me for leaving without protection.

I only made it a few feet before I heard Tristen's footstep crunching there way behind me, practically on top of me. I whirled myself around to sling another comment at him but I had missed judged his closeness and turned right smack into him making him lose his balance. We both went down together. He hit the ground with a loud smack and I landed on top of him. He let out a rush of air. I looked down at him my nerves vibrating with the electricity because of his closeness. I straddled his body innocently smiling. His eyes were closed tightly, “You want to get off me?” He asked in an airy voice. I quickly pulled myself off him, unsettled. He sat up slowly opening his eyes to look at me. I could tell he was angry at me I felt a twinge of guilt because he had saved me and even though he was, well, who he was I shouldn’t be so rude. I gave him an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry about knocking you over...” He dusted himself off as he stood up eyeing me and then looking down at his pants as he dusted them off mumbling something under his breath. I tried to think of something to say but I knew I wasn’t sorry for the nose tweak. He had deserved that for what he had said and the way he had treated me. Tristen looked at me grimacing, “Do you mind if I walk you back to your dorm, or are you going to punch me again?” I smiled gingerly, “I never punched you...” He glared at me but gestured for me to lead the way.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until I couldn’t go on like that. I felt like I owed him an explanation for the way I had treated him,“I’m sorry for the way I’ve been treating you. I’m not much of a people person...” I said glancing up at him. “Yeah you told me that...” He said glimpsing quickly in my direction and then back to the horizon. I tried to ignore his hostility towards me by continuing to have some kind of civil conversation with him. I walked behind him silently for a moment trying to find the words. He was so menacing. His figure was tall and bulky like a bear. I wasn’t afraid of him but I knew that I had to be careful because of what he was. If something were to go badly I wouldn’t be able to fight him off. It didn’t matter if I was stronger then the average human I wasn’t strong enough to fight off a vampire. I stared at his back, his muscles flexing on his shoulders as he swung his arms. Tristen turned up his speed but turned around quickly to face me, which startled me. I stopped walking. We both stood staring at each other a huge gap between us. 

“Why don’t we be honest with each other...” He spoke his words snapping out of his mouth like an accusation. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about but I didn’t like the tone of his voice. His hands were in tight fists at his side and his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, dark eyes blazing. He looked like the angel of death, glorious and frightening all at once. “I don’t understand...” I took a step toward him but froze again when his face turned to a snarl. I held my hand up like I was surrendering, “Ok, ok. What do you want to know?” my voice was soft my eyes never leaving his face. He took a couple steps toward me like a lion approaching it’s prey, “Why are you really afraid of all my friends? I know its not bad vibes because sometimes you give me the same look that you give them...” He had been to observant. I should have known that he would be. I looked away from his face to my hands I couldn’t tell him the truth because if he knew then they would all find out what I knew and they wouldn’t let me live knowing there secret would they? The voice came back into my mind, Be careful Lucy. Give him what he wants, he won’t hurt you. I didn’t feel the conviction I had before it wasn’t a demand, it was more like a suggestion. I had a choice this time.

I rubbed my hands together sweat gathering between them, “I can’t...” His footsteps were loud and pronounced as he closed the rest of the gap between us. His warm hands latched onto my upper arms, “Look at me!” he commanded. I obeyed him, looking up at him under dark lashes. His eyes pierced through my soul prying me apart from the inside. The voice gentle and pleading, Trust me. I felt limp in his hands, “I know what they are...Seth and that guy...and the others...You...” I wasn’t sure what I was doing by telling him but part of me felt at ease in the hands of this dark angel. I felt my heart beat slowing down as I spoke out the truth. I shouldn’t have done it but for some reason I hadn’t been able to stop myself. In his eyes I saw that he understood what I was saying. He looked away to the ground his jaw tensing up. He let go of my arms turning his back to me. I watched him silently waiting for him to say something. I folded my arms around me like I was cold. I heard my soft voice in my head, Good girl. I felt a rush of peace flow over my body and I knew I made the right choice by telling.

“I knew there was something different about you...I wasn’t really coming to save you but when I saw you in the hands of that...I couldn’t help myself. You looked so fragile...” I felt my heart stop in my chest. I stood very still, my eyes growing wide. He smiled at me like he knew what I was feeling. He nodded his head toward the dorms and started walking again.  I followed right behind him nervous from his last statement not quite able to catch up with him, “So, if you weren’t coming to save me then what were you doing?” I asked not really certain if I wanted to know. He looked back to me over his shoulder, “I was checking up on you because I felt a disturbance but I wasn’t planning on helping you. I just couldn’t keep myself from checking on you...” I was quiet taking in what he had said. We kept walking “You felt a disturbance in the force, Am I correct Luke?” I asked to fill the silence between us. He looked over his shoulder at me with a little smirk and then back into the distance, “Yes, I felt a disturbance in you...” I stopped in my tracks, “What do you mean by, you could feel a disturbance in me?” my voice rang out like tiny bells. Did he and I have the same kind of connection Evan and I had? Thats impossible because he was dead wasn’t he? He turned around and took a couple steps towards me. He shook his head at me and himself like he couldn’t believe he was going to have this conversation. “Look, I don’t really feel like talking about this...” His eyes looked dazzling as the sun played across them looking away from my inquisitive face. I could feel the question on my expression, “You’re going to have to explain yourself here Tristen cause I don’t understand...” He looked back at me a tense expression on his face, “It’s complicated...” I couldn’t help but give him a look for his comment he looked away from me up to the sky watching the clouds float overhead. I stood watching him the sun playing in his hair, his face angelic and bright, nothing devilish or scary about him. He turned back to me slowly raising one of his eyebrows. I quickly looked away heat rushing to my cheeks. I heard myself, Not right now Lucy. You don’t want to know this right now, trust me. Why was my subconscious warning me, it must know something I didn’t but I was going to find out.

“Is that normal?” I asked reluctant to look back at him. A tiny growl echoed in my thoughts, I smiled to myself. He didn’t answer for a moment causing me to feel anxious. His voice soothed my nerves, “Is what normal?” I looked over at him with confusion. His eyes were blank giving me nothing to work with. I let out a little sigh. He looked over at me as if knowing what was on my mind he reached out and grabbed my hand in his and looked me directly in the eyes, “Lucy, I don’t think you really want to talk about this. There are some things you just shouldn’t know...” He leaned closer. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. I felt confused. I pulled myself away from him, his hand still wrapped around mine, “I think in this case I need to know...” 

He wouldn’t let me go when I tried to pull my hand away. I looked up at him anxiously, “What are you doing? Let go of me...” I spoke my voice sounding tiny. He looked down at me with dark eyes, fitting nicely with his dark expression, “God, Lucy! You really should learn to let things go.” His voice was tense and angry. I felt myself shrinking inside my shell. He let go of my hand and grabbed my shoulder forcefully peeling my shirt down so that my scar was revealed. I looked at him astonished by his actions. He stared down at the scar. He ran his free hand over it gently my body reacted to his brief touch by sending chills up my spine. When his warm skin connected with the cold I felt a tingling sensation. His eyes floated up to mine dark and tormented. I stared into his without restraint. I felt something inside of me, a strange type of recognition. He let go of my shoulder and adjusted my shirt so it covered my shoulder. He looked away from me, “I know who you are. I knew from the moment I saw you drinking your hot chocolate...” I let out a little laugh, “You knew who I was?” he looked at me with a serious face. He caught my eyes in his, “Are you telling me you don’t remember me?” his voice was questioning letting his gaze fall with his head. I gave him a confused laugh, “Remember you from...” I felt my heart stop beating, and my mind went reeling full of flashbacks. I flashed back to the field to those eyes. They were the same eyes that had been looking back at me in the coffee shop, the same eyes that had been staring down at me in the courtyard. The same eyes that had been looking at me under the tree grove. Wait, I don’t remember this place. Suddenly my mind was clouded by a strange mist. There was a strange pulling in my mind, like someone retreating. Stay away from that, it’s mine. My split personality yelled. I felt myself mentally pull away falling back into reality.

 I let out a tiny gasp my hand flying to cover my mouth. Tristen slowly picked his head up looking at me. I understood now why he had felt familiar to me. As if someone took over my body, I couldn’t help myself I reached out for his face. My hands stopping inches away, unsure but when he didn’t pull away I stretched my hand and let my fingers touch his face. He closed is eyes and let out a sigh. I couldn’t believe my eyes he was right in front of me and he hadn’t aged a bit. I let my hands feel his face gently for another moment, and then let them fall. I felt strange, it was like I was recognizing him but not for the first time.

I felt myself losing control, “I don’t understand how this can be...” my eyes searched him for answers. I knew nothing about him and he knew nothing about me but yet here we were like old lovers or long lost family. He had found me after all these years but why? I looked down at my hands, “I always wished that I could meet you and thank you for saving my life...” I looked up watching him shake his head like I shouldn’t have wanted that. I looked away from him self conscious now, “but it seems you’ve saved my life again. I don’t know how I can ever repay you...” I felt a warm hand pull my chin up gently it sitting nicely between his thumb and forefinger causing me to look directly into his soul piercing eyes. “I don’t think you need to repay me. lets call it even...” he let his hand fall from my face smirking and turning away. I grabbed onto his arm which made him stop and look back at me, “We are not even close to even...” He shook his head at me, “I say we are...” I watched him my eyes never faltering, “And I say were not...” He smiled down at me, “Look, I might have saved your life but not without consequences.” 

He  pulled his arm out of my hand and started walking again. I followed behind him. Neither of us attempted to speak to each other again. I had no words for what I was feeling because I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. I couldn’t even sort through everything that happened it seemed that with every passing minute this day was becoming more complicated and spiraling out of control. I woke up this morning like every other day but now I was going back to my dorm having almost died and in the presence of the person who had saved my life so many years ago. It was just to much to take in, even for me. In my thoughts I kept hearing thousands of I told you so's.

When the dorm came into view I let my question fly, “What did you mean by consequences?” I had to know maybe there was a way to correct whatever had happened to flip the switch and have everything auto correct. He turned around a smile spread across his face causing my breath to catch. “It’s really not that big of a deal Lucy. Basically, I gave you my blood to keep you alive long enough to get you to a hospital but because I gave you my blood I marked you. So in a nutshell, you belong to me...” I heard myself let out a faint surprised laugh covering my confused smile with my hand. Tristen stood looking at me with dark eyes. I felt my heart beat a little faster because I wasn’t sure what it meant to be a possession of a vampire but I knew it couldn’t be a good thing. I was silent for a few minutes thinking, “I’m sorry I thought I just heard you say that I belonged to you...” I threw my hands up dramatically. He chuckled, “Yes, thats right...”. I felt hysterical. I laughed a little then I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. I had to speak, “First let me say that I don’t belong to anyone. Now that, that is cleared up, you might want to explain this in different terms because I don’t think you actually mean it in the sense that I took it...” my voice was a little louder then I wanted it to.

Tristens smile got wider which made me feel a little confused. I watched as he brought himself closer to me piercing my soul with his bright eyes, “Thats where your wrong angel baby. I meant it like if I go out and purchase something then I own it. You don’t know how things work in my world so I’ll explain it in a way you understand. I gave you my blood, in my world that means a lot. Blood is the most precious gift you can give someone. If you had been a vampire that exchange would mean something more serious then what we have in your case. Since you’re a human the bond seems to work differently and sense I didn’t take your blood in the exchange that helps. I’m not sure exactly how it works in every degree but I’d like to tell you that it’s been hell so far...” He gave me a smile that left me breathless, but I couldn’t believe my ears. I had all these years thought someone had saved me but I hadn’t realized that they hadn’t really saved me but purchased me. He was right, I had nothing to owe him.

 I cleared my throat and uncrossed my arms, “Why didn’t you just let me die? It seems like we would have faired a lot better if you had.” I watched his eyes spark full of life. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, “What kind of heartless person would let a child die?” I looked into his eyes my heart still beating quickly over his brief touch, “I don’t like the idea of being someone's possession, is there anyway to undo what you did to me?”. We had stopped in front of the dorm building which looked very much like an old rundown victorian style house. I watched his eyes skim over the building. A tiny smirk played on his lips, “I’m not sure that there is anyway to undo a marking. I mean a mark is pretty binding.” His voice was soft and deep. I put my hand to my forehead, “I feel like a tree that found out that it got peed on by a nasty dog and that dog is going to keep coming back to pee on me and there’s nothing I can do about it.” I heard him chuckle a little, “It isn’t that bad. I mean since you’re not a vampire and I didn’t take your blood I don’t really have control over you.” I glared at him, “Yes because that makes this so much better knowing that. What happens when I decide I want to date someone?” His smile and laughter disappeared, “Do you want to date someone?” his voice sounded a little angry. I turned away from in frustration stomping my feet, “NO! I was just talking hypothetically.” I turned back to him with raised eyebrows.

Tristen clenched his jaw tight so that I could see the definition of his muscles, “Well, I wouldn’t be happy thats for sure. I don’t think I really like the idea of any guy touching you besides me...” He crossed his arms and made a pouty face that made me think of him as a child. I leaned closer to him and spoke in him in a sarcastic whisper, “Well, I don’t think I like the idea of being owned. So I guess there’s just somethings we both have to get used to...” his expression was priceless. I felt the power of victory in my fingers for a moment before he snatched it away with a wicked smile. He leaned closer to me, “Well the good thing about being a vampire is our power of persuasion. I don’t think you or I will have to worry too much about other boys not while I’m around.” He tapped the tip of my nose with his finger, “And that could be a very long time. I mean I’ve heard some vampires live forever...” I felt the heat of my anger boiling in my blood, “You wouldn’t...” my eyes narrowed. He smiled showing his teeth allowing his canine’s to lengthen, “Oh I would, try me...” I gave him a bitter snort, “Oh you’re really something, aren’t you?” I pointed my finger at him. He nodded, “It’s all a product of my raising...” He gave me an innocent shrug. I gave him a short laugh, “Your mother must be so proud...” He gave me a wicked smirk leaning in close, “You know you remind me a lot of her. A very spirited woman but stubborn as an ass…” I squeezed my eyes into a nasty glare, “How endearing...” He gave me a wink and that was all I could take, “well, let me make one thing clear Tristen Matthews, you may in some way have a feeling that I am your possession because of this thing you did to me but that does not mean you have possession of my heart. I can do as I please.” my words made him pull away looking a little hurt, instantly making me wish I had never said them. 

I looked behind me at the dorm building awkwardly letting my eyes fall directly on my bedroom window wondering maybe if he knew which window was mine. After that thought I internally punched myself. I turned to say goodbye but he had already walked away from me. I yelled to him, “I don’t belong to anyone you hear me.” he answered me by looking over his shoulder an giving me another wink, “We’ll see about that...” were the words he spoke before he disappeared at the speed of light. I stood outside the dorm just staring into the empty space. 

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