Swift Redemption

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Evan and I spent a lot of time talking in the small study but he had to leave to attend to his duties around campus and with the headmaster. He told me to stay in the study and wait for him but after a couple of hours in that stuffy room I was beginning to feel restless. I needed to get out and breathe. I gathered myself up off the couch and stalked over to the door. My hand hesitated at the knob but then quickly without another thought I turned it and pulled the door open. The room looked exactly the same as it had before, minus all the vampires. The room was completely empty. I felt as though I should be happy about that but for some reason the utter silence of the giant room gave me bad vibes. Something felt wrong about the silence I knew was that I had to get out of this empty room and find somebody. 

Logan. I knew where the kids room was, and I knew I would be safe with him until Evan got back. I raced through the room and up the stairs like someone was chasing me. I reached the hallway that Logan had led me down my memory reminded me which door was his. I didn’t stop until I reached the closed door. I looked down the hall in both direction no one was around but it felt like someone was watching me the hair on my arm rising. I shrugged the strange feelings down and knocked on the door. The knock echoed down the silent hall. I waited for a moment but no one came to the door. I knocked again this time with more force and waited. I heard a slight movement but again no one came to the door. I felt annoyance strain through my body. I didn’t want to anger any of the other vampires. I knocked again, “Hey, you ready for that kiss?” I said sarcastically through the closed door. I heard some more movement on the other side of the door. I listened carefully, as the movement drew closer. I looked around the hall once more, twisting my fingers around nervously. 

The sound of the door opening brought my attention back my head whipping around. My heart stopped dead in my chest, I had planned on looking down at the sweet face of Logan, but instead I was met with the blue color of a t-shirt. My eyes scanned upward, to find the beautiful face of Tristen his emerald eyes dazed and glazed. His hair lay in a beautiful mess on his head, some falling down flatly across his forehead. He stood leaning his body against the half open door as if he would fall over without the support. Even in his sleep stupor, he was a glorious sight. I couldn’t find any words to speak I just stood silently staring at him. 

“Look, come back at a more reasonable time and I’ll think about it...” He didn’t even look at me he started closing the door. I felt shocked by his statement. He must be still sleeping because there was no way he would ever say anything like that to me not after what had happened. I was lucky he hadn’t slammed the door in my face when he opened it. However, the thought of being left alone in the dark hall overrode any other feelings. I put my foot out jamming the doorway, “I need to see Logan...” my voice shook. Tristen opened the door with a dramatic swing his eyes wide with shock. He was awake now and he wasn’t happy to see me at his door. His shock was replaced by a nasty glare, “He’s not here.” he said flatly closing the door again. I kept my foot in place blocking the door from closing, “Can you tell me where he is?” I asked my voice shaking. The door swung open again Tristen looked ready to bury my alive, “He’s out on a feed with his group. He’ll be back soon I’m sure. Now would you please remove your foot from the door before I do?” 

I stared up into his face, “I’m sorry...” the words fell out of my mouth before I could even think. The moment I said them I regretted it. He didn’t want my apologies He thought I was a person who had played some cruel joke on him by getting in his head. I let my head fall in shame removing my foot from the door. I felt the rush of wind as the door slammed shut in my face. Without much reason the shame melted away and was replaced with something much more powerful, rage. He had no right to be angry with me. I mean not truly. I hadn’t lied to him. I was who I was, and he was living in denial. Suddenly and without warning I threw my fist up against the door and pounded it hard. I heard intense grumbles and the rush of feet as they padded across the floor to the door. It swung open, and he stood there looking down at me through an angry glare, “I told you he’s not here. Now go away.” 

I nodded, and a wicked smile spread across my face, “I’m not leaving here until I’ve said what...” I felt an strong hand latch onto my throat. The next thing I knew I was back against the  opposite wall, feet off the ground, hand around my throat. “I said you need to leave...” Tristen’s voice was in a low whisper. I should have felt afraid, but I didn’t. I felt a strange calm run through me. I looked up into Tristen blazing eyes, he looked out of control. I felt my throat vibrating against his hand, “I’ll go once you put me down...” I said my voice completely calm. 

I felt his hand relax for a moment, and then it tightened like I was challenging him. I started to speak again this time my throat straining against his hand, “Listen to me Tristen...” I felt a hard push against the wall my head thudding against the wood, pain shooting down my spine. Tristen’s other arm pushed against my ribs making it incredibly hard to get breath. His hot breath hit my ear send chills down my body, “If you think that I won’t hurt you, you’re dead wrong.” He pushed his arm harder against my ribs, pain shot up my side making me wince. I took in a shallow breath, “Please Tristen...” I pleaded with him my voice breathy all my anger floating away with the oxygen in my lungs. I fell to the ground in one big slump, coughing and gasping for air. He reached down and grabbed my arm, in his strong hands twisting it slightly to make me look at him. I clenched my teeth with the pain it caused and looked into his face, to find it in a deadly stare. 

I pulled a little at his grip, but he tightened his hold, “Stay away from me Lucy. I don’t care what explanation you have worked up in that pretty head of yours, save it for someone else. I’m done with you, you’re pathetic...” I wanted to scream at him instead I slapped him with my free hand. His eyes widened with shock, then narrowed. I was trembling all over from the hurt and anger. I wanted to throw him to the ground and pound on him, but I also wanted him to take me in his strong arms and hold me. Words came flying out of my mouth, “How dare you. I can’t believe you Tristan. If you want to lie to yourself about who I am, that’s fine, but don’t you ever say anything like that about me again.” I pulled my arm out of his hold, rising up from the ground with firm grace. He rose with me as if we were connected in our movements. We stood staring at each other unyielding anger coursing between us. 

The sound of someone clearing their throat broke me from his gaze. I shifted and turned to the sound Logan’s beautiful face held and awkward expression, “Am I interrupting something?” his voice sounded curious. I looked back to Tristen who was looking down at the ground, “Nope. I just had the pleasure of meeting your roommate...” His eyes shot back up to mine. I looked away to Logan, “I have to admit, I think I like you better, you’re not as grouchy...” Logan blushed, “Oh, don’t be to hard on Tristen he’s like that when he doesn’t get his beauty rest...” I smiled at his comment. Tristen let out a low growl, “When a woman like this comes knocking you’d be grouchy too...” I gave him a glare which seemed to make his lips turn up in a victorious smirk. Logan laughed, “She’s sure got a temper. I’m surprised she isn’t dead with her beating up on Seth like she did. You should have seen it, never saw anyone do that to him...”Logan looked away like he heard a sound. I blushed as I felt Tristens look turn into an odd expression. I rubbed my hands together, “Well, this was a stimulating conversation but I really should go...” I said faintly. 

“Oh really? Why? I just got here...” Logan whined. I wasn’t sure what to say to him, sorry kid I can’t stay because I didn’t realize your roommate was who he was. Tristen’s words shocked me, “You woke me up because you wanted to see Logan. Now you’re going to stay to visit with him.” It wasn’t a request, it was an order he was giving me. I wanted to haul off and slap him again for ordering me around, instead I was pulled by the hand into their bedroom by a very happy Logan. Tristen came in slowly closing the door behind him, as if he was thinking about running but decided against it. I felt awkward standing in their room. Logan stood smiling up at me, “So why aren’t you with Evan?” I looked quickly at Tristan, who was trying to ignore that I was there. I couldn’t look away from him, my eyes following as he made his trek to the bed across the room. 

“He had to go take care of some business and I didn’t like being alone...” I said without taking my eyes off Tristen, until his gaze met mine. I turned away quickly blushing. Logan seemed to have caught the whole scene, his smile was wide looking up at me my face reddening more. “Well you can stay here until he gets back.” Logan offered turning  and walking toward his dresser. Tristen cleared his throat, “What he means I think is, you can stay here until he’s done cleaning up and then he’ll take you to Evan...” I nodded absentminded, of course he wouldn’t want me in his room but then why had he made sure I stayed. I didn’t look toward Tristen, instead I stared blankly at one of Logan's figures, my arms wrapped around me. 

“Are you cold?” Logans voice brought me out of my trance. He stood looking up at me with a concerned expression. I gave him a smile, “No, I’m fine.” He gave me a confused look, inspecting my whole form, “I only wondered because your stance is normal among humans when they are cold...” I realized my arms where hugging my body and I let them drop smiling down at him, “Yes, and thank you for asking me...” He smiled and then walked past me grabbing a pile of clothes sitting on his bed and walked through a door, closing it behind him. The sound of running water told me, I had a couple minutes alone in this room with Tristen. My heart began to pound in my chest, instinctively my arms wrapped around me again. I walked towards Logan’s dresser, eyeing the figures carved out of wood. 

“His great-grandparents found them on a dig site, they believed those figures were used by the ancient civilization as a form of protection...” I turned and found Tristen standing closely beside me, he reached out and grabbed one of the wooden figures. He grabbed the one that looked like and angel holding a limp woman in his arms, the angels face looking upward towards the heaven. I watched Tristen inspect in his large hands, and I felt a strange sadness fill my heart. I watched him put it back and I stared at the figure, the angel face was crying out for the woman. I looked down at the woman and inspected her position, she looked to be happy in the angels arms, relaxed, at ease, even though it was clear she was dead. I reached out and gently brushed the face of the angel. The gesture must have been too intimate because Tristen reached out and grabbed another figurine, breaking the strange moment. 

“The truth is these figures aren’t any kind of protection, they are merely, figures from legends these ancient people told, they found that out later, that’s why they gave them to Logan I’m sure...” I looked at the other figures that sat on his dresser and the shelf above his bed. Tristen placed the warrior looking figure back on Logan's dresser. “Did you choose to be Logan's roommate?” I asked faintly, unsure what was happening between us but I didn’t want him to stop being vulnerable, which is what he was right now. His eyes flashed, “Yeah. When I decided to come here, I met him the day I was visiting...” I looked at him tenderly without any reserve, “He reminds you of your brother.” It wasn’t a question it was a statement I made. I knew it was true, and so did Tristen. He took a step toward me, looking like he wanted to say something. The bathroom door opened behind us. I jumped turning around quickly, Tristen moved away from me quickly and walked back over to his side of the bedroom like nothing had ever happened. Logan was looking at me with a wicked smile, I blushed. 

“I was looking at your figures, they’re very beautiful when you look at them up close. Tristen was telling me they’re figures from ancient legends...” My voice was rushed but I wanted to push through whatever Logan was thinking. Logans smile was bright, “Thats right. My Great-grandparents found them on a dig and thought that I might appreciate them. They even took the time to research the stories behind each of the figures...” He walked forward, his wet, curls bouncing around his bright smiling face. I eased away from his dresser and sat down on the edge of his bed, looking around me. Tristen was laying on his bed, his back facing towards us, as if trying to close us out. 

“The stories really help me when I’m feeling down...” Logan said softly to me, as if he sensed in some way that I was feeling down. I looked towards him, giving him a soft smile, “Which story is your favorite?” I asked gently. He walked over and took a figurine off the shelf above his bed. He walked back, taking a seat on the bed beside me. His hand was closed around the figure. I looked at him, his face was without emotion, as he held his hand out to me, his tiny fingers opening up to reveal what was in his hand. I looked down at the figurine in his hand, it was a beautiful detailed job, skilled hand must have whittled this wood. I reached out slowly, and ran my fingers over it, the dragon looked calm, and proud. It stood tall, every scale on its body was perfect, nothing was out of place. At the back of the small dragon stood, a girl, her hair looking like it was blowing in the wind, her small hand resting on the dragon, a stick in her other hand, ready to fight. The dragons face was turned toward the girl, watching her, protecting her, it seemed she was doing the same for it. I ran my fingers over the figure, then Logan's hands closed around the figure and I pulled my hand away. 

“I’m sorry...” I said gently to him, remembering he didn’t like people touching his things. He got off the bed and walked over to his dresser, “I really like the legends of the rowan warrior but it doesn’t matter because I’m to old for stories now...” I watched him touch the other figures, “You can never be to old for stories. I used to love when my uncle would tell me stories about great warriors. I would always pretend that I was the warrior in the story and I still do sometimes when I feel scared.” Logan turned around, with an odd expression, “But you are a warrior...” I cleared my throat rising off of the bed, “I am, but I didn’t know that then. I’m sure you probably want to be resting like your roommate and here I am rambling on...” I felt flustered by all the warrior talk, and being in the same room as Tristen. 

I made a gesture to leave but Logan's face lost all of it beam, “You don’t have to leave. If we sleep it’s only at dusk, but since I fed my body is full of energy.” I nodded in understanding, and took a step away from Tristens side of the room. If Tristen was trying to sleep that obviously meant he hadn’t fed and I still remembered what he had said to me about last time he waited to long. Suddenly, I wanted to waltz over and give him a good smack for endangering me again, because he had refused to feed. Instead I cleared my throat, “I won’t leave if you don’t want me to...” I gave Logan a gentle smile, his face suddenly grew bright. I had never met anyone who I had been so drawn to beside, Tristen and Evan. I looked around the room hesitantly, then gave a shrug, “Well, if I’m going to stay, what do you want to do?” 

Logan looked around unsure for a moment, “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” I had never really hung out with a vampire before, besides Tristen but that was different then this, even though he was asleep on the bed across the room. I couldn’t help but look over at him with a tender smile he was completely helpless right now, anyone could get him, but I would never let that happen I realized. I would give up every drop of my blood to keep him safe. Logan cleared his throat, “You like Tristen don’t you?” I turned quickly to him with wide eyes. Logan smiling sheepishly I began to shake my head, ready to deny but I knew Logan had seen to much of my response to him. My head sunk, “Is it that obvious?” 

Logan gave a childish laugh, “Yeah. It is. But Tristen is a really cool guy and I can tell he respects you, even though he seems to not like you...” I narrowed my eyes at Logan he threw his hands up in surrender. He looked over at Tristen sleeping, “It’s too bad you didn’t get to him before Annette. I mean she’s nice and all, but I think you two would fit perfectly...” I was the one who laughed now he looked over at me with an odd expression. “When you’re done trying to play match-maker let me know, then maybe we can do something for real...” I said gingerly. He shook his head, laughing lightly, “What did you have in mind?” I shrugged, “Well, what do you normally do when you get back from a feed?” His expression lost all it’s life, “I sleep...” 

I made a move toward his bed, “You said you had too much energy after a feed to sleep...” He looked me over and took a step toward his bed, “I lied. I would have said anything to make you stay. I really like you, for some reason I feel like I finally belong...” my heart leapt up into my throat. This kid was really sweet. He must not remember anything from before he was turned into a vampire. He had no family or friends besides Tristen and now me it seemed. I walked towards him, without restraint and threw my arms around him. He hugged me back his tiny arms around my waist his face nestled against my stomach. I ran one of my hands gently through his hair, “If you had asked me to stay, I would have stayed. I’m glad you feel like you belong with me because I feel the same way about you.” He peeled his face back and looked up at me his eyes sparkling. 

“Lets get you to bed.” A playful smile playing on my lips. I reached down quickly and grabbed him up in my arms carrying him to his bed. I dropped him down in one big plop both of us laughing. He scrambled to get up but I pushed him back down without much effort. I pulled his blankets down and he scrambled underneath them. I tucked in his tiny body, tickling him every once in a while. When I was finished his face was bright with love, and happiness. I knelt down and planted a tender kiss on his forehead, something I remember Evan doing to me when I younger, Something I remember Tristen doing to me not so long ago. A kiss of respect and affection. Logan's cheeks blushed then lightened, “Are you going to leave now?” His voice was faint I could tell his body was slowly shutting down. I stared down at him smiling, “No. I’m going to be right here.” He smiled, letting his eyelids drupe. 

I stood watching him sleep for a good while, his tiny chest heaving in and out a faint smile on his lips. I brushed the hair back away from his face, “Your a little warrior, aren’t you?” I whispered to him softly. His body stirred in its sleep but he didn’t wake. I walked over and took a seat on the floor next to his dresser leaning my head against the heavy wood listening to the soft breathing of both sleeping vampires. The sound filled me with strange pride as if I were protecting my family  before I knew it I fell asleep on the floor leaning against Logan's dresser. 

I stirred a little in my sleep when I felt my body jiggling around like someone was carrying me. I opened my eyes slightly, to see Tristen’s face looking down at me an odd expression on his face. I sleepily tried to push myself away from him. He held onto me tighter, “You’re safe. Rest now.” I studied his face sleepily and then let my eyes close this time snuggling my head against his chest as he carried me, his body tensed and then relaxed. I fell asleep to the sound of his heart beating. I knew he had loved me all along. 

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