Chapter 12

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 these two were weird. they didnt know the meaning of silence. and it seemed to fly over there head at the fact that i just wanted silence. they continued to try to talk to me, but i would just looks at them blankly and answered with one sentence. "hay mizuki!" i sighed softly looking over my shoulder to lavi. "why are you so quiet?" he asked. i looked at him blankly for a few moments before answering. "i grew up alone around no people. i prefer the silence." i said after another few moments before turning to walk again. i could feel both of there eyes on me, but chose to ignore it as we boarded the train.

Normel prov

"shut up kanda! " kanda looked at me startled. "i am trying to do this without killing myself!" i said peeved. i looked ahead and took a deep breath. "jump already." he said a bit irritated. i looked back at him "shut up! why don't you go first!?" i demanded. he chuckled. "fine." he said. he latched himself to the zip line and pushed off, zipping along the line swiftly. "show off!" i screamed at him. i swear i herd his laughter. once he landed i took a deep breath and latched myself to the line. and took another hesitant breath. "okay.. i can do this.." i said giving myself a small pep talk as i slowly stepped froward and closed my eyes. i stepped off, and felt the world pass by in a Burr. i opened my eyes, and saw the line ahead was thin about to snap. " just my luck..." i mutter, the line snapped, and i gritted my teeth. Kanda called my name as i fell. i grunted as i slammed into a tree and continued to fall. my sword was ripped from my belt. "no!" i screamed, the branches continued to scrape my skin, i latched onto a tree, digging my nails into the bark, causing me to bleed, the pain was a bit distracting. but i rather live then die. the branch i was hanging onto bouncing wildly at my added wight. i herd a snap. "dang it!" i screamed as it snapped sending me falling once again. i looked in horror at the sky as i fell, sensing the earth coming closer and closer to me. i closed my eyes and waited for the inpact, but none ever came. i slowly opend my eyes to an unfamiliar face. "are you okay?" he asked. i hesitantly nodded, he was standing on the ground now. "your injured." he said, his hair was blonde and his eyes a deep blue and mesmerizing. he was handsome. almost as much as kanda. i shrugged looking a bit board. he turned in a direction. "hay! where are you going?!" i demanded as he was carrying me. "i will get you patched up before i let you go." he said. "but..!" he looked at me and i pailed. his glare was terrifying!


i had to find her! where is she?! i ran down the slope and looked around. something shining in my face caught my attention. i looked over in that direction and saw her sword. i ran over, sliding on the pine needles on the ground. i picked it up looking at it. 'no..' i thought. i growled. "she's not dead. i know it." i growled.i looked around more calmly this time. i found foot prints this time around. and looked off into the direction it was going to. i followed carefully, and silently. 'i will find you!'

hay! sorry for the long wait for this chapter! i hope you enjoy! will kanda ever find her?! or will she be stuck with the mysterious man for the rest of her life?!

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