chapter 4

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Hay guys! its me! I'm trying to figure out if i should add another cacter or something like that, i also want to do a Christmas special, although, it only has to do with Christmas a little bit, other then that, not so much, but i find it interesting and funny, it is sorta like Atlantis, you know the movee?

          i yawned, and looked out the window board.i sipped my tea, and sighed,"Are you tired or something?" kanda asked, mildly annoyed. i sighed,"well i could'nt sleep okay?"i replied. he snickered."cuz you were nervous?" he said. my face turned red,"no! your a restless sleeper, you kept muttering something, and i couldn't sleep cuz of it." i mumbled. he scowl."did you know you can talk in your sleep?" i asked. he scoffed."i do not" he said flatly. 'maby i should consider tapeing him...' it wasn't the fact he was talking, it was more of what he was saying, that made me not want to fall asleep. i shivered, 'dint think about it.'i told myself. i shivered. something hit the window causing me to jump, i put my hand over my heart to calm it, kanda choked on his tea, and caged, laughing, i scowled at him, and stood up, i glared at him and walked out of the restaurant, my face burning with embarrassment, i took off down the road, not caring where i went. i heard him call my name, but i ignored it, and stormed away.

     I went to the park to relax. All was silent.I saw a few couples here and ther, all looking happy, i sighed sadly. walking along the road. a strained of long hair flopped in my face. i pulled my hair over my shoulder, and gazed at it.'i need a a hair cut.' i thought.I smiled at the idea, and came to the street, and looked around. i walked a few blokes, along the crowded road. finnaly i saw the salon up ahead, and walked into the shop, i was immediately greeted by vary enthusiastic women, 'cut or dye?" one asked,"just a cut please." i said, they dragged me towed the back room and began to work,"how short do you want it?" one asked. i thought for a moment,"what you think is best, as long as it looks good." i said with a smile, she nodded and began to work

     i smiled at myself in the mirror, "we decided to do your makeup, cuz your so pretty, how do you like your hair?" one asked, it was a bit longer then shoulder blade length, but somewhat wavy, my bangs, that had covered my eyes, were now styled nicely, my hair looked wonderful, i smiled hugely,"its wonderful, i love it!" i said. they squealed with happiness, i looked at my watch,1:00 pm.
i paid, and came out of the shop, and back to the park. i walked silently, and gazed at the water. i let the sun warm my face. i sighed, and walked around, browsing the streets, it was getting dark now, and i began to walk to the hotel,i would have to face Kanda again. i sighed for the millionth time, and continued. as i was walking i was off in thought, and got jumped, a man wrapped his arms around me, and one over my mouth, and drug me into an ally. i bit his hand, and he threw me against the brick wall, "you b***!" he screamed at me, he kicked my in the gut, knocking the breath outta me.i caghed,he grabbed a fist full of my hair in his hand, adn pulled my head back,"you will pay for that." he snarled, tears welled up in my eyes,i spit in his face, he banged my head into the wall, giving me a head ace, my vision blurred, but then the man screamed, and landed unconscious on the ground, i caghed, and arms wrapped around me,"Shally, where have you been?" kanda demanded, i was shaking,i couldn't speak, i was scared, i held onto kanda tightly, one of his hand's on the back of my head, which hurt,i took a shaky breath," i... i went to the park, after i left, and then to a salon, but when i was walking beck..." i trailed off tears trialling my face.he hugged me tightly. "its okay." he said. he pulled, back and whipped away teared with his thumbs, His dark eyes were soft. our eyes locked. his hand grazed my cheek. he bent down slowly, then hesitated, his eyes were bright, intense. i could feel his breath on my face, my face warm,i wrapped my arms around his neck, his lips brushed mine,then he hesitated, I closed my eyes, and leaned forward, kissing him. His arm's wrapped around me, Pulling me closer. his lip's were soft, his sent was intoxicating.i winced, pressing my hand to the back of my head. Kanda stooped, and saw me, "what's wrong?" he asked concerned."that man slammed me into a wall, i hit my head." i said.his hand gently touched mine, where i had placed it on my head.

i heard the terrible pinging noise in my head, i couldn't see anything, but i heard a raspy voice,'Master! she wakes!' the raspy voice sounded like rustling leaves. i had an urge to run"i can see that" said a familiar voice,i gasped in terror, that was the voice of the man who had killed my family, controlling an akuma, but it wasnt the millenium earl. "what do you want from me?!" i scramed at them, the blackneS receded, i saw a vary handsome blonde man, i shook my head and backed up, then i was frozen. he appeared in front of me,"you." he said. i gasped, as he touched me, a spark of elecisity went threw me,"i need you." his eyes were cold, and blue. i shivered, and shook my head,"never! you took everything from me!" i said, i found i was backed into a wall. he grinned at me." they were not your family, your not a regular human, you are special, you have more power then anyone, you can see things none else can, you have better sences then anyone. but i had to block these powers when we were young to ensure you to come to me, i had to kill your family to get you wanting revenge, you need me, to fafill it, and you must leave everything behind, to do just that." he said he smirked, before capturing a lock of my hair, "don't touch me." i growled. he smirked, and disappeared.

      i sat up fast, blinking several times, 'what was that?' i wondered. i glanced out the window, then at kanda, across the room. I sighed, and got up. I went to stand on the balcony in the front, right out the door. i leaned up against the rail, and gazed at the sky. the stars were beautiful. The moon was bright, and all was quiet. i sighed. and watched a falling star. i hummed softly to myself. closing my eyes, and letting the cold breez flow threw my hair. it felt nice, to be able to stand and enjoy the breez. i felt arm's wrap around me, i looked up startled at Kanda. he looked at me, and smiled slightly."cant sleep?" he asked softly.I shrugged, and said."Well, i just had an odd dream, that's all." i said. he waited, so i told him about it. his arms tightened a bit when he heard about what he wanted. i looked up to him"i don't want that, the only one i want, kanda, is you." i whispered. his eyes, which had been hard a moment ago, softened."promise me you wont leave me." i whispered, looking down, he kissed my head."i promise." he whispered.

hay! thank you for reading this chapter, i will post the next one as soon as possible, i hope you liked it. >3 it took a while to come up with, sorry for not updating for so long, i appreciate the people who continue too like my story,i haven't decided if i should let them get together, if you have any comments, please no negative one's

                                                                     thank you.

    Thsnk you! you guy's are awesome! one hundred read's thank you sooo much! >3

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