The new battle

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Disclaimer alert: I do not own any of the following character from Saijaku muhai no Bahamut. This fanfiction will be focusing on the paring of Lux x Lisha which I like it quite a lot. This will not be following the anime. Sit back and relax and I will see u all at the end of the story.


"Haizz.....I am beaten!" Lux complain as he have finally finish upgrading his Bahamut. Lux look at his new Bahamut which he was impress by it. "Ni-san, is this...." Airy, who was walking to see how her brother was doing and was amazed by how he was able to pull something off. Lux explain "Yup, this is the new mode that I have input on Bahamut. It is the [Sx-Bahamut]. It strength, speed, defense, is way stronger then the normal mode and it output of energy is low so that I would not felt fatigue after the fight. Furthermore, I have created a new form. Airy remember Bahamut have acquire an overlimit form before?" Airy nodded.

He continue "The overlimit form is powerful however it have a down side. It is a mode where it give the machine a higher speed and power but at the same time it will cause strain to the machine and user causing it to be unable last long. I don't want to experience another 1 week or more of unable to move just because I use it only for a few minutes when I am fighting Ragnarok back when we are at the ruin." He shiver as he remember. He continue "Anyway the new mode that I have input in [Sx-Bahamut] is call {Acceledrive}." Airy look at Lux confusingly and ask "What is that?"

Lux smile and show her a data that he has been collected from his Bahamut Overlimit and Acceledrive. Airy who sort of understand clarify a bit "So basically {Acceledrive} is a form that allow the user machine to unleash it top potential and it output is little which does not cause the user to fatigue. On top of that all it state will increase?! Wait Ni-san, don't tell me u are going to publish this to the whole world?" Lux shook his head and explain that this form could only be apply on divine dragon that output is higher than normal divine. Lux also state that if the user is not familiar with the system, it could cause his or her life to be in danger.

Airy stare at him which causes Lux to be frighten. He quickly add on "Don't worry, Airy! Nothing will go wrong. Plus I also not going to use this form very often." Airy did not know whether to trust him or not but decided to let it slide off this this time. Lux sigh. He silence thought to himself "Lucky I never tell her that by going to {Acceledrive}, I could use another divine dress which could be dangerous if was not use it correctly. Plus I wonder those 2 new technique could be perform" He decided to test it out when the time he need to use that form in battle.

Lux head to meet Lisha in the capital for his job. (AN: Note that they are still in Crossfield) He was now the private bodyguard, which Lisha claim him to be, and have been serving her for quite a while since after they defeated Hayes. He head to Lisha room and check on her. "Lisha-sama? How are.... Lisha-sama?!" Just as he enter, he saw her lying flat on her desk and was wondering what has happen. Lisha look up and saw Lux standing there and sigh. He look at her curiously. Lisha look away in annoy and ask "What is the matter, Lux?"

"Erm...I just was wondering how are you doing and...apparently you are not doing so well. What the matter?" Lux ask in a concern tone. Lisha ignore him and continue to do her work. Lux close his eye and decided to resolve to the last technique in order to make her talk. "I see... even now Lisha-sama don't trust her lover is it?! Haizz, I feel kind of hurt." Lisha blush and look at Lux full of embarrassment. She finally decided to tell everything to Lux.

Lux listen to her and after she finish explaining, he said with a slight jealously in his tone "In another words, it means that Belton Empire want you to marry their prince and when you say you refuse, they would not hesitate to start an all-out war with our country?" Lisha nodded as tear start to fall off from her face. "Lux, what should I do? I am confuse and lost." Lux walk in front of her and wipe off the tear from her face and comfort her. "Don't worry about anything, Lisha-sama. I am here after all. I will protect you at all cause so feel free to turn them down. Besides, if they are serious on talking our country....." Lux look outside and continue with a serious tone while holding on to his Bahamut device "At that time, I will not hesitate to destroy their nation."

Lisha was surprise to see Lux giving off a scary expression. However hearing Lux vote to protect her, she decided to write a letter to Belton Empire on the matter.

After a few day, Lisha receive a letter on Belton declaring war against them. Lisha Aunt or adoptive mother of her, Queen Raffi was asking Lisha to explain the situation to her. Lisha explain that she would not want to marry someone that she does not like and told her that Lux was currently her boyfriend. Raffi look at Lux and smile. "I knew something was going on with both of you. Lux Arcadia, I entrust Lisha to you and hope that you will protect this girl with your strength, can I rely you on it?" Lux look at Lisha and bow down and answer with a firm tone "Yes, I swear on my sword device." With that, Lisha and Lux went to prepare the necessary stuff for the war.

The day where the two empire to face off have arrived. Lisha and Lux, who was currently on his Wyvern, saw an army of Wyvern approaching them with a Divine Dragon leading them. "That is the prince of Belton Empire?" Lux ask Lisha. Lisha nodded. She then face the prince of Belton Empire, Skyler. "It been a while, Lisesharte Atismata. I never expect that we have to meet under this situation. What a terrible outcome for our love." Lux who was right beside her could feel her anger was rising and wanted to calm her down but feel that he might accidentally make thing worst so he resisted. Lisha said in an irritated tone "Shut up, you freak! All troop commends attack now!"

In an instance, everyone started to engage in the battle. While Lux was busy dealing with the troop, Lisha went ahead to fight Skyler. However, Skyler manage to evade easily. He commented "You are always too hastily. Did I not teach u to keep calm?" Skyler look at Lisha and strike her hard from behind causing Lisha to scream in pain. "What was that?" Lisha look at Skyler with a pain expression. Skyler explain "That is one of our country secret formula 'strike down'. Let me show you something else." Skyler activate his Divine dress causing a multiple magic bullet striking on Lisha. Lisha unable to keep up with the attack was force to retreat back down to the land.

Lux who notice Lisha was been badly beaten up, rush to her side quickly. "What wrong Lisha-sama?" Lux lift Lisha gently up while asking her. Lisha who was barely keeping her conscious warned Lux "Lux, be careful of his divine dragon, [Scatted Starlight] and his divine skill 'Starfall'. He is on different level ever since the last time I saw him." Lisha told Lux that she and Skyler was originally childhood friend. But ever since Lisha and Skyler got their divine dragon, they were never really on a good term till this day.

Lux smile at Lisha and said "Let me take over. Lisha-sama, you just rest here and wait for me. I will definitely be back." Lux disengage his Wyvern and drew out his sword device while looking at Skyler. Before he ride on, Lux glared at him and said in a cold tone "Skyler prince, I will make you pay for what you did to the girl that I love! Manifest! Fest on the blood of the gods, Dragon of death, sever the black clouds of heaven! Bahamut!" At that moment, Skyler could not believe what was standing before him.

"This is....the jet-black divine dragon?! Why.... Why do u have it? No....If u have it, then does it means you are that legendary Black hero? But how? This must be a bluff" Skyler at that moment was confuse. Lux activate his divine dress 'Reload on fire' and charge at him. Skyler who was confuse the moment ago, came back to his sense and block his attack easily. "What!?" Lux was surprise that his attack has been block off easily as he thought to himself.

"Hahaha! I bet you will be confuse Black-hero! Let me tell you something. I am able to counter you was thanks to a skill that I have made myself. It call 'Full nullify'. It enable be to block an opponent Divine skill, but in order to do that, I must be able to keep my calmness. You stand no chance to win me Black-hero! Hahahaha" Skyler laugh as if he thought he has won.

Lux smile and said "I see... what an annoying skill you have there but regards, that is a nice information I got there... Then let see how you keep your calm after I use this. (Acceledrive) activate!" In an instance, Bahamut change into [SX Bahamut]. Skyler was now losing a bit of his composer.

Lux taunted "Are u afraid? Well don't be so tense up now. I though that you say you are going to defeat me?" After saying, Lux activate a new skill which is 'Gravity bust' which allow him to accelerate 15 sec at double of his speed and destroying the Belton troop that was around them. Skyler was confuse. Lux then activate his another new skill that he invented 'Burst shot" which allow him to convert the machine energy into beam allowing him to fire 1 addition continue shot per every enemy he defeated.

Skyler who was been hit many time feel his body getting weaker and ask "What did you just do?" Lux coldly look at him and explain "Allow me to explain. 'Gravity bust' it a move that allow my machine to recover half of the remaining energy in the opponent machine when I defeat them. On the other hand, 'Burst shot' it a move where it require a huge amount of energy to be use, furthermore, it allow me to fire 1 addition shot per enemy I defeat. Don't ask me how although this machine is I modify it. Anyway, in another words, when I use 'Gravity shot' I defeated 10 enemy which mean I receive half of the enemy energy. So when I use 'Burst shot' I am only using half of the energy I receive plus a bit of my energy to activate an 11 combo shot and per shot been hit, the opponent will feel 1% more fatigue as normal."

Skyler at that moment felt the meaning of fear and was impress with how he manage to create all this skills. "Hahaha, you are a real deal then. may I ask for your name Black-hero?" Skyler ask with a tremble tone. Lux keep silence for a while and said "Once a prince but now a bodyguard. I am Lux Arcadia." Skyler was shock. He could not believe the legendary Black-hero was actually the prince of the old Arcadia Empire.

"Impossible..." Skyler let out a sigh. Lux gaze at him and said in a cruel tone "It up to you to believe or not. Enough of the chit chat. 'Rebirth stream'". Skyler immediately activate his divine dress 'Starfall'. However Lux easily reflected the incoming magic bullet back. At that moment, [Sx Bahamut] release a huge amount of energy and input on his sword. The next moment, Lux release the energy causing a massive huge damage on all enemy in sight whipping out almost half of the Belton empire troops and defeating Skyler at the same time.

Skyler who was lying on the ground, was barely keeping his conscious. He ask "What was that just now?" Lux land in front of him and reply coldly "It is my divine dress. It allow me to reflect any attacking move back at the user and release a massive energy towards any foe that is in my sight. Well that is what it supposed to be. Now, you are given 2 option. 1) All of you retreat and leave Lisha alone. 2) This will be you and your troop last time seeing daylight. Which one would you choose? "

Skyler who was now trembling in fear, decided to go with option 1 and retreated back to their empire. Lux on the other hand, was exhausted as he help Lisha to treat her wounds when they are back in cross field. Lisha who was been treated, has been looking at Lux the whole time. Lux felt her gaze and look at her and ask "What is it Lisha-sama? Is there anything on my face?" Lisha who was aware that he has been notice her gaze all this time suddenly heat up and shook her head.

"Hey Lux..." Lisha call out. He look at her and frown. Suddenly, Lux feel her lips on his face causing him to be surprise. She continue "Thank for protecting me out there." Lux who was smiling and said "Lisha-sama, no I should say Lisha. I am your boyfriend and I will be protecting you even if the world have to end." Lisha look away in embarrassment as Lux thought to himself while enjoying her cuteness "Nothing has ended yet. I feel that there is something out there I am missing. I wonder what it is."


Hey guys, what do u think of this fanfiction? I doubt this will turn out to be a good story for you readers.....Haizz, well at least I try right? Please feel free to leave a comment or a review on how you feel about this fanfiction and also hope you guys have enjoy more than I do! With that, I will see you all the next time! Peace out!J


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