XII | At the Flower Garden

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The sound of the carriage wheels against the smooth path seemed to echo Caroline's heart. It was quiet, yet it pranced against her chest.

She fiddled with the red material of her cloak, wondering until when she needed to wear it. Until she was dead, or until she survived?

"Your hair suits you well," said Gabrielle. "Fatima did a good job."

"Thank you. I feel like I am a different woman."

Gabrielle smiled and let the silence linger for a moment. "The Belles have been gathered in the Flower Garden—that is what we call the Court of Flowers," Gabrielle informed her, tone assuring and certain. Caroline liked that about Gabrielle. The woman would not spare a minute more to sympathize. She asked when she wanted and only spoke of what she could share. "They very rarely gather to welcome a new Belle, but your case is different. Belcourt found a need for the Belles to be told."

"Will they be made aware of who I am?"

"No, but we assume that some of them will be curious enough to find out in the days to come."

Caroline nodded. "And my family?"

"I believe that the Mistress of the Court of Flowers had already invited your father to Belcourt."

"I do not want to see him."

Gabrielle nodded. "That can be easily arranged."

They drove more twenty more minutes before they reached the Court of Flowers.

It was Caroline's first time to set foot in the said court and one look gave her an idea why the other service women she had met during her confinement in the Library talked about the place as if it was far superior to the Palace.

Caroline would not agree, but she saw the charm of the place.

The garden in front of the half-circular façade was inviting. As if they could talk, the flowers sang their beauty under the summer sun, dancing with the soft wind that flew past them. The soft rustles of the trees and shrubbery nearby whispered secrets to Caroline that she could not comprehend.

As Gabrielle guided her unto the solid ground, Caroline took a lungful of air and hid a smile.

She did not know how she felt, but being in this court seemed like a success; wearing the red robe giving her a sense of pride.

"Please, follow me," Gabrielle said, walking up to the front doors.

Inside, Caroline realized that another curved building was connected to the façade. "You will be toured to the entire place later," Gabrielle informed her, guiding her down a corridor.

They passed an open empty parlor, and then another.

Three more closed doors followed before they stopped outside one and Gabrielle turned to her with a serious look on her face. The woman's green eyes searched her face. "Once you step inside, Caroline, you have to force yourself to feel that you are a part of their world. That is the first step to belong."

Caroline smiled. "I have prepared myself for this, Gabrielle. Thank you."

Gabrielle nodded and reached for the door handle.

Air swept past them as the large, bright, and airy drawing room was revealed.

Inside, nearly fifty women in similar cloaks were already settled; some were standing at the back of the room, others were cramped in the numerous chairs and chaise. And at the center stood a woman who was probably fifty years of age or older, blond and with a stern look on her face as she stiffly turned. Her blue eyes fell on Caroline.

"Perfect timing," the woman said, lifting a hand to curl her forefinger to beckon Caroline inside. Gabrielle started to follow but the woman said, "You stay outside, Soldier, please."

Caroline saw Gabrielle's jaw tighten as the woman bowed and stepped back into the corridor.

Taking a step inside the room, Caroline's eyes searched the crowd of women. At the very back, she found Sasha standing in one corner, eyes fixed on her, face impassive.

"I am Lady Mariam, Mistress of the Court of Flowers," the blond woman introduced, her eyes giving Caroline orders to come closer. She did and the lady eyed her from head to foot, whatever judgement she may have was perfectly concealed by the stern look on her face. "I was just telling the ladies about the new Belle. We normally do not exercise this, but your case is quite special."

Caroline nodded, turning to face the crowd. She curtsied and softly said, "I hope that you will welcome me with graceful hearts." It was what the cook in the Library taught her to say, and it was seconded by the Librarians who had been taking care of her. They all said that Belles always wanted to be praised, but the word graceful was their favorite of all. Looking at most of them now smiling gently and gracefully, Caroline thought that she ought to go back and thank the Librarians and the cook.

"This is Carol, ladies," said Lady Mariam. "Carol, it is my honor to introduce you to Belcourt's finest ladies, the Belles."

Caroline stiffened at the new name she was given. No one had told her that she would have to be called by another name here. And she did not like it. But she had to smile at the Mistress and the beautiful women before her, all of whom secretly assessing her from the roots of her hair down to the hem of her cloak.

"I hope that you have reviewed the codes of the court, Carol."

There was no question in Lady Mariam's tone because the lady expected only one answer and Caroline gave it to her. "Yes, I have."

The Mistress nodded. "We have prepared dinner to welcome you into the court. In the meantime..." Lady Mariam turned her head and motioned with her hand. Two ladies sitting at the very front of the gathered women stood and walked over to them. "Allow me to introduce you to the two Belles who shall be guiding you as you start your new life as a Belle in Coulway."

Caroline turned and faced the two women.

One had straight black hair and deep-set blue eyes that did not reflect the smile on her full lips. The other woman, however, was wearing the brightest smile in the room as she regarded Caroline with awe. Her straight red hair was swept to the side and held together by a thick band adorned with pearls.

She could hear Lady Mariam say. "Carol, meet Ruby and Jade." The Mistress waved her hand at each woman while saying their name, but Caroline could not focus as she blinked at the pair of ladies before her.

Her lips stretched into a smile. "Hello, Ruby," she greeted the woman with the black hair before turning to smile at the redhead. "Hello, Jade."


Indeed, a desperate soul would find it easy to belong to a strange place. She did not know these women, did not know where they came from before Belcourt, what they did outside Belcourt, or what they thought of her, but she wanted them to like her. Not because she was trying to survive, but because she needed to belong.

Caroline barely had time to breathe because she was suddenly being trotted around by Ruby and Jade, introducing her to the other Belles whose names she forgot as soon as she was ushered to another.

Ruby was vibrant the moment she recovered from her shock. Later, she explained to Caroline that she was the first Belle to have such short hair. "I was stunned for a moment," said the woman, laughing at her silliness. "But you look wonderful, darling, do not get me wrong. Does she not look stunning, Jade?"

Jade's smile had never left her face. Holding Caroline's gaze, she nodded at Ruby's words and she grabbed Caroline's hand, gripping tightly. "I truly hope we can become friends, Carol."

Caroline's jaw tightened at the sound of the name. "I hope the same. I was told that I will have my own villa in Coulway."

"Ruby and I reside in Coulway, thus you were assigned under our care." Jade's gray eyes searched hers. "I hope you do not mind, but we were told that you have lost your memory." When Caroline nodded, Jade gave her a reassuring smile. "Fret not, consider this a new beginning."

When she turned to Ruby, she noticed the wary look in the woman's eyes before she blinked them away with a smile. "Now, do tell us, Carol, we heard that you met a Maiden."

"Yes, I have. Why?"

"You are a lucky lady," Jade whispered conspiratorially beside her as she and Ruby led Caroline to a table of refreshments. The entire drawing room was abuzz with chatters. The other Belles had gone to different parts of the court earlier while Caroline was having her first tour. "Most ladies of Belcourt never gets a chance to see or talk to a Maiden in person after their Courting Ceremony."

"Yes, I was told the same."

"Sasha, on the other hand, is amongst the lucky ones," Ruby mumbled under her breath before she took a sip from her wineglass.

Caroline's eyes found Sasha talking to two more Belles in one corner. She had always thought the woman was different from the others. She was not particularly beautiful, but the air around her was unlike any other, even stronger than Gabrielle's. She seemed confident and capable, giving Caroline a feeling that Sasha was amongst the Belles she should be wary of.

"We heard that one Maiden is particularly fond of her," Ruby was saying beside her.

She remembered the day Arielle took Sasha with her to see Caroline. "Why?"

"You will know soon, darling, but to give you a summary of what Sasha is capable of, she discovered the leader of the Royal Circus," replied Ruby.

"Belcourt's enemy," added Jade.

"And the kingdom's."

For a few more seconds, her gaze lingered on Sasha until the woman turned her head and their eyes met. Her eyes immediately flickered away from the woman to find Ruby studying her. "It seems that I have much to learn from the two of you," she said with a smile.

"Oh, much!" they chorused and then burst into giggles.

Lady Mariam interrupted the merry atmosphere by announcing, "I have taken this opportunity that all my ladies are present here tonight and invited as many flowers as I could to join us for dinner."

And for the first time, Caroline saw how the ladies transformed before her eyes. Many jumped to their feet to retreat to their chambers to redo their hair and face. Most of them took off their cloaks and revealed some of the most enchanting dresses.

As to Ruby and Jade, they were frozen in their spot.

"Why? What is the matter?" asked Caroline when Ruby turned to Jade, face fretful.

In a blink of an eye, their face changed and the smile was back. "Oh, nothing, dear," said Jade, turning to Ruby to say, "I should go and see if my flower will be in attendance."

Ruby nodded, taking Caroline's hand. No one had to say it, but Caroline felt that Ruby was getting more anxious.

"Is your flower also coming, Ruby?" she asked the woman.

"What?" Ruby's eyes were wide with panic, but then she blinked as Caroline's question sank. "Oh, no, I am afraid he is not. Or mayhap he will come. I can never truly tell with Aaron," she replied, following it with a light chuckle.

"How many flowers do you have, Ruby?"

"I used to have two, but now I have only one." Then Ruby smiled. "Do you hope to have one soon?"

Caroline shrugged. "I am not quite certain how it truly works."

Ruby's laughter sounded forced. "Fret not. Jade and I will guide you. And I am certain Gabrielle will, too. Or someone else from the Palace. Soldiers are the ones who introduce us to our tasks, after all."


Ruby smiled. "You will soon find out." She took Caroline's hand. "Carol, I do not mean to pry, but I am utterly curious. Do you truly not remember anything at all? You cannot imagine how stories travel and change around Belcourt, thus my curiosity. You do not have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."

Caroline shook her head. "No, I do not remember anything at all. Apart from my ability to speak and do tasks, I am afraid that every memory I have with people have left me."

Ruby nodded just as Jade entered the drawing room. Caroline saw how Ruby flinched as her friend approached them again with a smile. "My flower may not come at all. How about Aaron, Ruby?"

"I am not certain either," Ruby replied, pulling Caroline away from Jade, saying, "Come, Carol, I am certain you will want to meet a few gentlemen!"


When Trent received the invitation from Lady Mariam a day prior, he became more restless than ever. He could not go to the dinner party unless Darcy sent him instructions.

By the morning of the said party, he had at least thrown two chairs across the room in fury, much to Orlin's dismay. By afternoon and another broken chair, the letter finally arrived.

Come to the party, but approach her with caution.


He deliberately made certain he was late because he needed to set his mind. Jade would be there and the woman would never leave his side. The only way he could approach Caroline was if Jade introduced them, which he believed the woman would try to prevent from happening.

Jade would most definitely know who Caroline was. She had been stalking her for months, copying her dresses, purchasing the same items Caroline did—trying to be her in his eyes. He was certain that if she had her way, Jade would never allow him to meet Caroline.

And that could not happen.

When he reached Belcourt's gates, he dutifully climbed down his carriage to transfer to another that was owned by Belcourt. Once inside, his heart began to race.

He knew Caroline was strong. Memory loss or not, she would always have that in her. But she could also be frail when it came to making decisions.

Trent fought the guilt. He pulled his head back against the seat and closed his eyes, his jaw clenching. Using the minutes alone in the carriage, he talked to himself and made plans.

Just as when he knew the court had settled down after most of the gentlemen had arrived, the carriage entered the court. Opening his eyes, he took a lungful of air and cleared his throat.

And then he jumped down. Racing to the garden, he found the first Belle he was chummy with, pasting a grin on his face. "Summer, looking very beautiful this summer!"

The lady laughed at his words. "You are late, my lord! It is getting dark!"

"Forgive me, but I believe I need more begging in front of my Belle. Do you know where she happens to be?"

Summer pursed her lips as she thought. "I believe she is in the large drawing room with the new Belle."

Be blinked. "The new Belle?"

Summer narrowed her eyes at him. "Do not pretend that you do not know, Trent Durham. I know you have talked with Aaron. You two rascals know all the gossips in this court."

His laughter caught the attention of a few Belles and their gentlemen. He bowed at them in greeting before he left Summer saying, "Thank you, Summer, for being the sunshine of my evening!"

"You are warmly welcome, my lord!"

His trip to the drawing room was interrupted by one, or two more Belles, and a few more gentlemen. And when he reached the door, he found he could not breathe, his heart racing in his chest. He swallowed the thudding pulse in his neck and cleared his throat.

Hands slightly shaking with anticipation, he pushed the door open.

Everyone inside paused to stare at the newcomer, but Trent paid them no mind as his eyes swept across the entire room.

He saw Sasha in one corner with other Belles.

And then he found her.

Her eyes were on him just like every other person in the room.

And it was instant. He was being drawn toward her.

Jade's eyes were wide, her face pale as she stood frozen beside Caroline with a glass of wine in hand. Ruby was at the other side of Caroline with an innocent look on her face.

Trent's jaw clenched as he approached the three ladies.

Finally, he stopped just a few paces away in front of her and the first thought that came to him was that whoever in tarnation touched her hair would have to pay a dear price.

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