XL | The Rat

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When Sasha opened her eyes, she saw him. And she thought she was dead.

He was sleeping beside her, his face at peace, facing her.

She smiled. If this was heaven, then perhaps she was fine with it.

She lifted her hand and cupped the side of his face, running her thumb over his cheek, loving the warmth and the sharp stubbles against her palm.

Then his lids sleepily lifted, revealing light blue eyes.

Then she heard his breath of relief, and she saw the tears in his eyes. And she knew she was alive.

The whimper that escaped her lips, the painful clench in her chest that stole her breath, were not enough to define the overwhelming feelings. And when he gathered her in his arms and pulled her closer into his warmth, she was back, drowning in the ocean.

But this time it was not cold. It was warm; and her hands were not bound—they were wrapped around his shoulders; and she was gasping in relief rather than air. Because she was alive and he was here.

She choked in her tears and the words she wanted to say but could not utter. She pulled away, cupping his face with trembling hands. His mouth found hers in a gentle, tender kiss. She tasted tears and realized they were not just hers. He was crying with her.

He pulled her away, his thumbs absently wiping the tears off her cheeks as he stared at her in wonder, unashamed of his own tears. Her left cheek felt swollen from when Ellise punched her earlier, but it did not matter because he kissed her again and buried his face in the crook of her neck and shoulder, gasping for air as he silently cried, shoulders shaking under her arms. His own pulled her tighter.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he choked against her neck. "I'm sorry."

"You're alive," was all she could muster, turning her head to kiss his neck, his jaw, his face.

Moments after their tears were dry, they stayed in bed, fully clothed. His hand was on her abdomen, hers were on his.

"Where are we?" she croaked, looking at the walls of the small cabin. A small circular window showed clear blue skies outside and allowed a stream of light into the room.

"Ship," he sleepily replied, sliding his arm around her waist, and rolling to his side. "We're going back to Coulway."

Sasha let the peaceful quiet linger for a moment. "Will you tell me what happened?"

His arm tightened around her. "Greene and I knew we had to lead Belcourt far from Sutherland while the others tried to take Leo to Herst. We decided to take the ship bound to London." When he felt her stiffen in his arms, he chuckled. "We did not plan to stay on the ship, darling. The first night, the boat we paid came on time and took us back to shore." A pause. "And they were waiting for us—the Soldiers."

Sasha pulled away from him and sat up in bed. She pulled her knees toward her and wrapped her arms around them. She belatedly realized she was dressed in a white nightdress. She looked down at West. "Tanner knew of your plans."

He nodded. "He was the one who purchased the tickets for us before we went down south. I never told him we were going back." He reached for her hand. "But he must have known I would never have left Sutherland without you."

"And where did they take you next?"

"For weeks, we were onboard their schooner. The same one you were in. They interrogated us, wanted to know where Leo was. Where Reginald was." A bitter smile curled his lips. "I don't know how we managed to say anything, but we did. And I guess they grew tired of it. Or they must have thought there was no use. They already knew where Leo was."

"The Everleigh attack. Tanner claims he never meant to betray us."

West's face turned dark. "I will have to hear for myself." He turned on his back, placing their clasped hands over his chest as he looked up at the ceiling. "I met her."

Sasha blinked. "Who?"

"Arielle. She was there on the schooner. On our last day." His eyes met hers. "She hates me."

"I already told you she does."

"She was there to tell me that my friend Tanner says hello. She told me she will take me where they took our mother."


"But there is no Sinhold."

"That's how you knew they would never let me live."

He slowly nodded. His hand tightened around hers. "If Dior was not there first, I did not think we could have made it in time. They anchored far from where they left us for dead."

She bent and kissed his mouth. "That's why I was Darcy. I knew we needed Dior's schooner."

He smiled. "Your plan worked even without me."

Her lips twitched. "I always told you I will not always need you." He grinned. She traced his brow with her fingertips. "I was honestly worried Ellise would refuse the task. You have to remind me to thank her." She kissed him and lingered longer. "How did you survive?"

He took a deep breath. "The captain of this ship found us floating in the sea. They were not given permission to dock in Sutherland as they did not have the papers, and they were trying to find somewhere to illegally do so. They found us and we recuperated in this ship for two weeks. They were traveling to London, but we convinced the captain to turn the ship around, promising her entrance into Sutherland."


"The captain's name is Vanessa Lyndon."

"What does she want in Sutherland?"

"A man."

Sasha narrowed her eyes at him. "Did you promise her this man?"

"I would have promised her my soul, Sasha."

She grinned. "I am stepping down as Darcy," she said after a while.

"As you should. We are getting married. The Royal Master cannot have Darcy as a wife."

"Your child will need a father. I should marry you after all," she said with a sigh. "And Seven needs a mother."

He pulled her down toward him. She met his kiss and the warmth of his arms. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth. She smiled as his hand planted over her abdomen. "I love you both."


Tanner's head was bent when Sasha entered the room with West. Behind them were Dior and Ellise, followed by Rider and Greene.

Sensing that he had visitors, Tanner lifted his head and his eyes widened. "West!"

"I want to know everything," West said in a cold voice he never used to Tanner before. "How did it start, Tanner?"

Tanner closed his eyes and swallowed. Sasha looked around and remembered it was the same room they kept Gabrielle. There was a bed in one corner. She remained quiet as Tanner began to speak.

"She approached me after a night at Stark's. She was already in my carriage. She said she was from Belcourt and that she needed my help. I did not realize who she was until she told me herself."

"And you believed her."

"She..." Tanner sighed. Then she scoffed. "I was a bloody idiot."

"How many times have you met her, Tanner?"

"I lost count. After that carriage ride, I only met her inside Belcourt. She led me to believe I was a hidden flower for her."

"You bloody know Maidens do not receive lovers."

"I know, but she led me to believe she had enough power to fool Belcourt. She led me to believe that everyone in Belcourt thought I was a flower who was being called into the Palace. We have always been careful. Or at least that's what wanted me to believe."

"He would have been given entry into anywhere because he was a subject of interest," Sasha informed them, her eyes on Tanner. "You were fooled to the greatest extent, Tanner, and it led to this because you never told a soul."

"You told her about Everleigh."

Tanner's jaw tightened.

"You bloody bastard," Greene growled.

Tanner closed his eyes. "I told her about Everleigh because I needed to know something." He opened his eyes. Everyone waited for him to explain. "She found out I purchased tickets to London for two. She thought it was for the two of us. She sounded genuinely happy. She saw the receipts in my coat. I did not tell her for who it was." Tanner swallowed. "And then you disappeared with Greene and thought she may have had something to do with it."

"The bloody hell she did!" Greene burst out.

"I told her about Everleigh. I needed to know if she would send their women there. And she did. But I did not realize Garmont and the others were staying."

"When she realized that Leo is still alive, she came to meet with you."



"She claimed Belcourt learned Leo is alive, and she wanted me to confirm if it was true. Because, as she said, she wanted to help us keep him safe." He looked at Sasha. "She never knew who you were, Sasha. I never told her."

Dior, to Sasha's surprise, rushed toward Tanner and boxed the man with one fist. "You cost us Garmont's life, you bastard," Dior said through his teeth.

"Dior," Ellise said, and the man returned to her side.

"You let yourself be fooled by Belcourt!" Greene growled.

"She is West's sister!" Tanner shouted back. "I wanted to save her! Albert was poisoning her mind."

"She told you about Albert?"


"And why was she working with Albert?"

"So he could be king."

"But Albert is to be king."

"Not when Reginald is still around. He was the High Priestess, but now that he is dead, Arielle is regent until the Elected is old enough. But she does not want it. She said that all she wanted was to get out of Belcourt."

"She could have taken my offer of help," West said.

"You think I did not ask her that? I did. She said Albert had been watching West closely."

"So who killed Albert? Arielle? The king?"

"I do not know. Someone who will do anything to stay in power, either in Belcourt or the kingdom. To be honest, I do not know anymore. I admit I have been careless and reckless. I thought I was... I thought I was saving her." He closed his eyes. "I still think Arielle can still be saved. Your sister can still be saved, West. You should understand that these women have been reared to believe only in Belcourt. Sasha," he said, turning to Sasha. "You know this is true. She must have an explanation about Everleigh. It could be that she was forced to tell them."

"The fact remains that she is a danger to us," Ellise said. "She has gained power in Belcourt. What made you so stupid to think you could change her? Love? Are you in love with the woman?

Silence followed.

Chest heaving, Tanner turned his head to West. "She is still your sister. She needs to be saved."

"She threw me in the ocean herself, Tanner," said West. Tanner stiffened. "Right after she discovered you bought two tickets out of Sutherland, she went to see us die."

Blood drained down Tanner's face. It seemed to finally dawn on him what Arielle was capable of and what he let himself be fooled into. Any hope in his eyes melted into nothing, replaced by a look of betrayal. And then his head fell and his shoulders shook. Sasha could not tell if he was crying.

West looked around the room, at the five people with him, and then at Tanner. "From this day on, everyone in the Royal Circus shall recognize you as a traitor. Your membership is revoked." He paused while Tanner silently accepted his fate. "But for everyone else present in this room, your true mission has just started."

Tanner looked up at West, confusion on his face. Sasha looked at West and she knew he was struggling as well. Rider remained impassive, just watching everything unfold without batting an eye.

She felt a lump in her throat, for she had witnessed these three men as friends. And to see them in this situation was sending tiny prickles of pain from her chest to her fingertips.

"Every fiber of my being wants to send you away, Tanner, but I hope I will not make the biggest mistake of my life with what I'm about to say next."

Tanner frowned, then his face softened, as if he finally understood that he had been given one last chance. "In Garmont's name, I will do anything you ask of me. You can kill me afterwards if you wish."


Dior watched Ellise climb into his carriage. "Take me home," she ordered.

The corner of his lips curled. "You are still Darcy, are you not?"

"She refuses to take the title back." She looked at him. "You are lucky you are off the hook."

He fixed his coat. "I enjoy not having the responsibility."

"I agree. It is quite a task to lead so many incapable men, my brother being one of them." Then her eyes narrowed. "You father will be disappointed."

"You mean my mother. My father is only happy Eaton is back."

Ellise looked out the window and sighed. "They are going to wed," she said through her teeth. "Must be for the babe."

"Eaton also needs an heir. I see no other reason."

"Perhaps they are in love."

He shrugged. "They could be, yes."

She clucked her tongue. "This is still your fault. You nominated me."

He hid a smile. She looked beautiful even at her most uncomfortable state. "It is not a curse, Elle."

She rolled her eyes. "I will be looking after dozens of grown-up male children. Of course, it will be a bloody curse." She paused, then caught him watching her. She held his gaze. "Do you have brandy?"

"In my villa, yes."

"Is your villa safe?"


"Then I would like a brandy."

"You cannot stay past midnight."

"Then you have to take me home before midnight."

"I have a horse. You can borrow it. I go to bed by midnight."

She sighed. "I am glad you are the same boring man. Very well, your horse will do."

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