XXXII | Rats

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"You should have insisted that we take Caroline out now," Trent told his future father-in-law.

The man merely shrugged. "Caroline does what she wants. I trust her." Staring at Trent, he added, "And I trust you."

Trent closed his eyes and bent his head. "This is not good. A rat in the Circus?"

The Duke of Remington gulped down the rest of his drink. "We should have expected this. The Royal Circus is not spared of traitors."

"If there is indeed a rat, Your Grace, then Caroline is in trouble."

"There are only a few people who know she has not lost her memory," said Remington.

"Does the duchess?"

Remington cleared his throat. "She does not."

"She will have your throat."

"She will have all our throats, son." He looked at Trent. "Does your father know of your plans to leave Belcourt?"

"He does not have to."

"He will be very disappointed."

"Are you?"

"Trent, I am the father of the woman you will marry. Of course, I do not want you in Belcourt." Standing to pour himself another drink, he said, "Go and tell my daughter her new mission. And for God's sake, tell her to be careful."


"You seem a little guilty," noted Caroline.

Robert shook his head. "I am not."

He may deny it, but Caroline saw it in his eyes. The attack in Everleigh affected him as much as everyone else. Or maybe because he had an agenda.

She let the silence linger for a while, content in watching the fire in the fireplace. "Do you think there is a rat in the Circus?" she asked Robert.

When he did not reply, she turned to him. His face was tight, his eyes staring blankly in the distance. "St. Vincent did not think twice."

"Pardon?" she asked.

"He did not think twice when he tried to save Garmont's life."

While you did nothing? She wanted to ask. Her jaw tightened. "He's a hero."

His dark eyes turned to her. "You believe so?"


"All for the Circus?"

"All for the cause."

Robert scoffed and shook his head.

At that moment, Caroline was uncertain if Robert was merely acting. He was terrific at it if he was because it was difficult to act guilty while trying not to be.

Caroline did not know why Robert was meeting Ruby in secret. She could ask, but it was enough for her that Trent knew. It only meant that there were many things the Royal Circus did she was not privy to.

Later that evening, after she sent Carrie to make certain that Jade was not leaving her villa, she went to Trent.

"I truly think Robert is conspiring with Belcourt."

He sighed. "Carol, Robert is not a bloody rat. He could be an arse, but he is not a traitor."

"Because of what he is doing with Ruby?"

He smiled. "You cannot manipulate me into spilling secrets."

She let out a dramatic sigh. "Once we are wed, I will have full privilege to your secrets."

"If you do not change your mind."

She snapped her head toward him. "I will not. What makes you think I will?"

He shrugged. "I do not doubt that you love me, darling. I simply doubt the machinations of your mind."

"You dare judge me?"

"I dare, yes. Why?"

She playfully narrowed her eyes at him.

He caught her hand and pulled her toward him. His mouth claimed hers for a long, sensual kiss. Then he pulled back. "Darcy wants you to find out who the Circus rat is."

She blinked in surprise. "Then tell her I think it is Robert."


She scoffed. "Very well. But Why me?"

"Because Lady Renee did not willingly come to Belcourt. They had to manipulate her to spill her secrets about the fake Rothsker."

"So someone told Belcourt."



He smiled. "Again, Robert could not have told Belcourt. Simply trust me."

"How do you expect me to find out then?"

"Darcy suspects that Arielle, the Maiden, receives a visitor now and again. That person may be our rat."

"It could be Aliya, you know. She provides the information to her sister Delaney, and Delaney gives the information to her lover."

"Are you defending Arielle?"

"No, of course not. I am saying there are too many potential rats in the Circus."

He nodded. "I will keep an eye on St. Vincent's wife." He squeezed her hand. "While we are on this mission, we cannot meet often. This is a crucial time, Carol. A Royal Master is missing. Darcy is escalating everything."

She sighed. "I am inclined to believe that Ruby is Darcy. Just because you do not believe Robert is the rat."

He kissed her again. "Do not worry about Ruby and Robert."

She nodded. "Very well. I will find my way, but I cannot promise I can provide results."

"The Orphan Ball is a good place to start."

"The Orphan Ball?"

"Held every year in Belcourt, the only one of its kind. It is open to prominent figures in Sutherland. We should make certain to be there."

She nodded, then wrapped an arm around him. "Now, shall we say goodbye for now?"

He grinned, bending his head to claim her mouth. "Deliciously," he murmured against her lips before pushing her to the bed where she fell with a chuckle.


Sasha watched Arielle slowly place her wineglass on the table before picking up her knife to gracefully cut her perfect cut of meat.

"Are you not hungry?" she asked.

Sasha looked down at her untouched food. "No," she replied. "I am more curious about the reason for this dinner, my lady."

"You work hard, Sasha," said Arielle. "You should allow yourself some space to enjoy delicious food."

She smiled. Then she picked up her knife and fork. "Perhaps I should."

Arielle smiled, her face radiant with the yellow hue of the candles. "The Palace has been intruded weeks ago," she said.

Sasha froze and feigned surprise. "An attack?"

"No, no such thing happened."

"Then what—"

"One of the Soldiers claimed she saw a Maiden take the back passage into the Palace."

"Did she explain why—"

"She did, and she was believable enough. But none of us Maidens would admit to having gone out that day."

"Did they catch the intruder?"

"She was gone before the alert came. We suspect it might be one of the Service ladies. They are the only ones who have access to the cloaks in the Village."

Sasha pretended to think. "Or it might be that one of the Maidens are lying."

Arielle's face was unreadable as she blinked at Sasha. Then she broke into a smile. "That's why I called for you, Sasha. I hate myself for thinking this, and I will be thoroughly heartbroken if one of the Maidens is betraying Belcourt. But I am quite confident the Maidens are innocent. The impostor told the Soldier that she and I had a squabble. Which is a complete nonsense. No such thing happened between myself and another Maiden."

"Did the Soldier have a good look at her at all?"

"No, nor did she have the courage to find out who the Service woman was."

"The Service woman?"

"The intruder was not alone. She was with someone in a gray cloak."

"But Maidens are always accompanied by an Elected."

"Not outside the Palace."

"Yes, of course," Sasha said, nodding her head. "Then this intruder must know how things work in the Palace."


"But so does every lady of Belcourt."

Arielle sighed. "I am afraid so. Which is why I called for you. The more we investigate the matter, the more we are certain that the rat is among the Belles."

"You want me to cooperate with the Palace?"

"Yes." Arielle smiled. "I have sent out the Soldier who discovered her. She swears she will recognize the impostor." She blinked at Sasha. "At the very least, we have a lead."

"What is your plan, my lady?"

Arielle's smile widened into a wicked, knowing one. "Not everyone in Belcourt knows my name. The fact that the intruder was familiar with me narrows down our search."


Caroline was invited by Jade and Ruby to Belcourt, an invitation she gladly took.

They wanted to prepare for the Orphan Ball, they said. And while they did, Caroline spent as much time with the Belles as she could. One of these ladies could be corresponding with someone from the Circus. Ruby was one, and despite Trent's warning, Caroline could not simply eliminate the woman. The same with Robert. They could be fooling everyone in the Circus. Robert survived that attack in Everleigh too easily. She hated to think he was the rat, but no one was innocent in her eyes at the moment.

"Carol, will you help me pick my dress?" Jade asked, poking into the parlor.

"Of course," she said, standing to her feet. She followed the woman down the corridor and to the outer building.

"This is your first Orphan Ball, Carol. How are you feeling?" Jade asked.

"I am uncertain."

"Well, I am certain you will enjoy it," Jade said, holding her arm. She almost flinched, but she was used to Jade's touches now. "The benefactors are attending. Also potential parents for the orphans."


"Yes, of course. There are several children who found a home after an Orphan Ball. In fact, the children in the Common Court must be excited by now. They will be presented in the ball, see. Through a dance. Oh, I remember my first Orphan Ball. I was six. I truly believed someone would take notice of me."

Despite what Jade had done to her, despite who the woman was now, Caroline believed her story. She tried to picture a younger Jade, dancing in front of rich people, wishing that they would take notice and adopt her.

"But no such thing happened. Only one benefactor was interested in one girl. Obviously, that was not me. She was out of Belcourt in a week while the rest of us had to only hope that more benefactors would send their letters of intent." Jade squeezed her arm. "But now that I am a Belle and with a terrific flower at that, I cannot ask for more."

Caroline forced a smile. "I am certain that Belcourt appreciates you being one of its Belles."

"Well, they should!" They finally reached Jade's bedchamber. "I only hope that you can regain your memory, Carol. I have no wish for you. You deserve to remember your childhood."

"I hope for the same," she said as they entered the woman's room. There were three gowns on the bed, all of them very familiar to Carol. One was white, the same white gown her mother procured for her, the same one she was supposed to wear on her engagement day. The other two were lilac and gold, both the same gowns she ordered from the modiste months before.

"I am having trouble choosing. I would ask Trent if he was here, but he will not make it until tomorrow afternoon." Jade had her hands on her hips, biting her lower lip as she gazed at the three gowns. "What do you think, Carol?"

I think I should burn you with them, she replied in her head. "I think you will be great in white."

The lady blushed. "I will look like a bride, no?"

"You will look terrific in white. It will make your red hair stand out."

Jade nodded, moistening her lips, her eyes bright with excitement. Then she turned to Carol and scrunched her nose. "Did you dye your hair again?" she asked.

Carol unconsciously ran her fingers through her damned hair. "Yes."

"It looks dry, darling. You should make your maid do something about it."

"Perhaps I should try on the other two gowns first. I want you to see them..." Jade was saying and Carol smiled tightly.

"Do you want me to call Ruby and Summer? They will love to see your gowns as well."

"Oh, no, they will only think I am bragging. These gowns were paid for by Trent, see? I know they talk behind my back, you know, every time I talk about him." Jade smiled at her. "They always have."

"No, they do not," she lied.

"Do not lie to me, Carol," Jade said, face suddenly serious. "I hate it when people lie."

Caroline cleared her throat.

Then Jade's smile returned. "Well, would you like to see me wear them? I'll wear the one Trent likes first. He doesn't fancy the white one you like. Would you like to see it?"

Caroline forced her lips to curl into a smile and hoped it did not appear as a snarl. "Of course."


The following morning, someone shook Caroline awake. Opening her eyes, she blinked. Then she stiffened and sat up in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded. "Where's Fatima?"

"Fatima is preparing your gown for tonight's ball, my lady," Iyana replied, approaching her bed. "I am here to wake you up as ordered by Lady Sasha. And also to tell you that you ought to be careful tonight."

She frowned. "Careful? Why?"

"The Palace is aware of the trespassing."

Caroline felt cold water wash over her.

"Soldiers will be present in the Orphan Ball. They will be looking for you." 

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