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Graduation Day was only a few weeks ahead and the seniors had gotten a few days off of school to prepare for eventually interviews at Companies or Universities. Hana had planned a camping trip with Yoogeun and Soonbok to celebrate her best friends eighteenth birthday. Without Hana knowing, Yoogeun had invited Mark, who had become one of Yoogeun's closest male friends. Mark told Yoogeun almost everything and it was different than talking to Donghyuck and Haeyoung, as both of them were younger and Yoogeun was older. Yoogeun could understand Mark's worries a little better than the two Hoobae's.

On the day of their departure, Hana was tired, since her medication got elevated once more and she had to take extra pills to calm an inflammation she had a few days ago. She was pale and exhausted from the pills that were draining her energy. She sat on the floor at the bus station that would take them to a camping site outside of the city, when Yoogeun appeared with Mark by his side. Hana didn't even realize it was Mark at first due to the pills. But when he suddenly sat next to her in the bus she couldn't deny that he wasn't actually there.

„I didn't know you'd actually join us," Hana whispered tiredly and rubbed her eyes. Mark realized she was tired due to her medication and softly smiled at her. „Are the new pills draining you out?" He asked carefully and Hana nodded. „I had a minor inflammation a few days ago," Hana explained and told Mark about the pills her doctor had imported from Great Britain. „They're a bit stronger than my usual medicine but I have to go through that," Hana spoke and Mark nodded. „That must be a pain in the ass taking all these drugs that make you completely tired and wobbly on your feet," Mark said but Hana could only shake her shoulders. „Sadly I have to take them so my body gets used to my new elevated inhaler," Hana explained and yawned. And soon after she had fallen asleep on Mark's shoulder and the Canadian lass couldn't do anything but smile down at the girl.

What was it, that kept Mark looking at her petite face? Hana wasn't the most outgoing or courageous girl in their class. She was smart and dedicated to soccer, which she couldn't attend anymore. But she still liked talking about it. And now that she dealt with the loss of playing soccer she was being herself again. And Mark couldn't help but be impressed by her strong willpower in continuing her life like that.

He sighed quietly, feeling the weight of his own future on his back. The acceptance letter for The University of British Columbia had arrived only a few days prior to this trip and he couldn't look at Hana without feeling guilty. How could he allow himself to grow fond of her and be selfish like that and enjoy her sleeping on his shoulder like that? He was leaving to Canada in only a few weeks. He sighed once more and caught Yoogeun's look.

„What's wrong, mate?" Yoogeun asked Soonbok was sleeping next to him. Mark sighed. „I told you about Canada right?" Mark said and Yoogeun nodded. „Yeah, you showed me the letter. But what's the matter with that?" The eighteen-year-old lad asked. Mark sighed. „Am I being selfish for falling for her now?" He nodded towards Hana and Yoogeun opened his mouth. „Mark, you're leaving in almost a month and are now falling in love with Han?" He asked and Mark looked down. „I know, it's wrong and all," Mark sighed. „But she is so impressive and cute. I just can not like her." Mark stuttered and Yoogeun sighed. „Do what you have to do, but don't hurt her too much. She's been through a lot lately, okay?" Mark nodded at his Hyungs words.

Two hours later the four of them reached the camping site that was in the mountains and by a quiet and lovely stream. The boys started building up the tent while Hana and Soonbok walked to a nearby convenience store and bought some snacks and beverages for the evening.

Hana looked at the ring on Soonboks finger and sighed. „That ring is really pretty. It must've cost him a fortune." Hana sighed when the two girls paid their stuff. Soonbok smiled and looked at the ring. „He must've worked a lot for it. That only makes it even more special to me." Soonbok smiled softly and Hana sighed. „It must be nice taking the next step with your boyfriend, right? Yoogeun loves you so much, he promised to marry you once you're grown up!" Hana gasped and Soonbok laughed. „You could have the same if you would finally confess to Mark," Soonbok said on their way back to the camping site.

„No, not really," Hana said with a sad smile. „I caught Mark filling out applications for Universities in Canada only. He'll go back once we graduate. There's no need to confess anymore. I just have to-"

Soonbok patted Hana's head. „Stop talking rubbish like this. Tonight. Tonight you're going to confess. If you don't do it tonight then you can completely forget anything that has to do with Mark Lee, but if you confess tonight you might be surprised." Soonbok said and Hana had the feeling Soonbok knew something Hana didn't know.

The sky was painted in orange and purple, while Soonbok and Yoogeun slowly got drunk on the beer they bought and were cheering on Soonbok finally being eighteen and their promise to marry when they're grown up.

Mark looked at Hana who was nibbling on a sweet potato. He coughed and caught her attention. „Would you like to go for a walk?" Mark asked and Hana nodded, putting the Sweet Potato away, before standing up and dusting her clothes.

The two walked alongside the stream, seeing little fishes play in the clear water. Hana sighed seeing them. Mark watched her. The two of them continued to walk alongside each other, quite awkward at first and all of a sudden Hana stopped in her tracks. If she wouldn't confess now, she would never confess at all.

She looked at her sneakers, that was dirty of the mud next to the stream. Hana looked up at Mark's slightly broad shoulders and called his name before continuing speaking in complete English.

„I have something to say." She started and looked up, her eyebrows furrowed. Mark had a surprised look on his face and couldn't quite catch what Hana had to say that she had to stop walking in this warm summery air.

„Mark, I have something to tell you and I wanted to say that for a while now." Hana started and then she took all her courage and closed her eyes.

„I am in love with you."

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