Not alone anymore

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"But mom! I never been on one of your trips before." Macie said as her mother was finishing her packing. Macie's parents were busy. Again. Always going on trips without her. "I'm sorry sweetie but it's too late."

"But I'm gonna be lonely."

"Call some of your friends over."

"I don't have any friends." That wasn't entirely true. She hung out with her cousins on holidays sometimes but that's about it. Either way, the people at school aren't really what you might call...friends. "Macie, I don't have time for this. I have to catch the plane."


"No buts. Your father and I will be back before school is over." With that, her mother and father waved good bye and were out the door before Macie could even reply back.


Macie sighed as the clock was ticking. It's only been 5 minutes and see was bored. And very lonely.

She then noticed a picture of her and her father when she was a baby. She smiled sadly and went to pick it up when she heard a voice. "That's a pretty smile you got there." Macie jumped and turned around. No one was there. But she could've sworn she heard something. "Hello?" She called out as she heard footsteps approaching.

Suddenly, a handsome boy appeared in front of her. Macie blushed at how close he was. "Hey there." He said with a smile. Macie returned it but saw that the boy was frowning. "What's wrong?" She asked as the boy started to glare. "That's not a real smile." He said as he lightly scratched Macie's neck. Macie huffed a laugh and covered her exposed neck. "Hmmm." The boy playfully traced his finger down to Macie's belly. Macie giggled the entire time. "What're you doing?"

"Trying to see which spot is the one that makes you smile." The boy replied while Macie tried to smite his hand away. "No! Hehehehehe stop." She said as the boy smirked and covered her eyes. "No peeking sweetie." Macie tried not to smile at his childish behavior.

Macie felt the boy's finger circling around her navel. She gulped. That was one of her worst spots. She sucked in her gut as the boy chuckled. "I think I know what that means. Does the wittle girl have a ticklish tummy wummy?" Even his baby talk was making her smile. "Hey I see that smile. We'll save that wittle belly for another day. Let's see about those feet of yours."

Oh God. Oh God! OH GOD!

Macie curled her toes as the boy traced his finger on her foot. "Oh what sensitive toes you have." The boy spidered his way to Macie's foot as Macie giggled more. "No no plehehehehehehehase." Macie begged as the boy found her foot and was scribbling his fingers all over it. "Look at those toes wiggle. They love it when I tickle you. Goochie goochie goo sweetie." Indeed Macie's toes were wiggling but only due to the contact. Soon, Macie's giggled turned into laughter as the boy's fingers found her toes. "Aw look at these toes. They're so cute. All I wanna do is kiss them forever and ever."

"DONT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Macie said as the boy finally stopped and uncovered Macie's eyes. "Now that's a smile." He said as he gently kissed the back of Macie's hand and vanished. Macie rubbed her belly and feet. "Who was that guy?" She asked herself.


Like I said, the only similarity to this book to JustWritingMyDreams is the universe nothing else. Either way I hope you like it.

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