Sam returns

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After breakfast, Macie decided to check her phone again for any notifications. Thankfully, there was one. From her dad. 'Mom's at work sweetheart. She'll be available tomorrow.' That message was yesterday.

Macie texted her mother again saying, 'Hey dad said you were available tomorrow.' Macie waited.

10 minutes have past and she still didn't reply. Macie slammed her phone to the ground in raged. "FINE! IGNORE ME ALL MY LIFE! I WISH YOU WERE DEAD!" Macie screamed as she ran to her room and cried in bed.

After about 30 minutes, Sam went back to Macie's house. Sam noticed the dirty breakfast plate and chuckled. "Boy was she hungry." He said but his amusement faded when he heard Macie crying. Sam sped walk into her room and found her curled up in pillows and plush toys. He would chuckled at her if it weren't for the crying. "Macie?" He called out to her. Macie gasped and stopped crying and began to whimper. "Sam, is that you?" Macie asked as Sam sat on her bed. "Yeah, it's me. What's going on?"

"Mom and dad are ignoring me. Again." Macie said as her water works formed again. It broke Sam's heart to see her like this. "Hey c'mere. Come on." Sam said reaching out his arms from her to come. Macie sniffed and lifted her head. She crawled over to Sam and wrapped her arms around Sam's neck while her legs were around his waist. She cried into his shoulder. "Alright alright let it out. It's alright." Sam kept saying it over and over while soothing her back. Sam turned around so he can lay on the bed with her on top of him. "It's okay sweetie. I'm here. I'm here." Sam replied as Macie stopped crying. "I'm glad you came back." She smiled and wiped her tears again. "Thanks for the breakfast. It was really good."

"My mom taught me to cook when I was 3." Macie raised her eyebrow and tilted her head. "You remember when you were 3?" She asked as Sam chuckled. "Yeah, it's faint but it's there." He recalled as he gave Macie a kiss on her cheek. "So, how was school?"

"Pretty good. No one really bothered me." Macie said while twirling her hair to the aside. Sam chuckled as Macie looked at him. "What?"

"You twirl your hair. That's cute." Sam replied as Macie blushed madly. Sam nuzzled his nose against hers. "Cutie~"

"SAMMY!" Macie cried as Sam shrugged and smirked. "What it's true."

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