Inhuman Allies

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(A/N real quick thank you so much for what 1.6k reads in only 7 days!)

"*sigh* Irina as much as i love you, that wasn't a good idea" i tell her as we stand on the sidewalk asking for money because Irina bought a painting and spent all our money. "Excuse me" i hear a voice call out and see Issei, Koneko and Saji.

"God bless these devils" Xenovia and Irina say in unison as said devils hold their heads in pain. "Y/N, you need to eat" Irina tells me "I've gone without a meal for 3 days, what's a couple more?" I question crossing my arms "Besides it's common knowledge to not make a deal with the devil" i say "There's no alterier motive" Koneko tells me pushing some food towards me. "Please do it for me" Irina requests placing a hand on my shoulder and giving me puppy dog eyes "*Sigh* I'm gonna have to learn how to say no to you" i tell her before grabbing the food and i eat it. "We want to help destroy the Excaliber fragments" Issei says as i nearly choked on my food, quickly Irina starts patting on my back "and why is that?" I question "It'll not only help you but our friend Kiba with closure" Issei answers excited "Okay!" Irina tells them "What!?" Xenovia questions "Surely you can't be serious, Y/N tell her" she says "As much as the thought of working with them makes my skin crawl it will decrease mortality rates" i reply begrudingly.


We had split up to look for the fragments and so far i had found nothing. "What the fuck is that?" I question seeing a bright light errupt from Kuoh academy, i quickly start running towards it with it only being a 3 minute run and i can't help but feel that something bad has happened to Irina 'No, i can't lose her, i promised i'd protect her' i think as i come across Rias' peerage fighting 3 three-headed dogs. Quickly i summon the Dragonslayer and leap up high and plunge downwards slicing the one of the heads off one of the dogs and slide back on the ground. I raise my hand a start firing crossbolts into it as it roars in pain 'It's a demon then' i think lunging forward slicing off a leg before jumping high and slicing it in half. Looking up i see A man with pointed ears, black hair and sickly pale skin watching us. As i land i see Xenovia and Kiba appear taking out one of the dogs and Rias destroys the other.

"oh whats this, a Devil, an Exorcist and a... normal human?" The man questions "Kokabiel are you mad?" Rias asks "My lord, it's ready" an old man that Kiba grimaces at says "Excellent" he states as an insane looking man holds a sword. The old man goes on about Kiba's backstory which i wanted to feel sorry for but i felt no remorse for him as he gave up his humanity for the sake of revenge, he was then thrown a crystal containing his friends souls as i light errupts around him and his sword changes. 'Never thought i'd see the day' Guts says 'Where the fuck have you been?' I question 'I've been... resting and I'm sorry about your mother' he answers 'Later, anyway i can't sense power but i can tell he is powerful' i say looking up at Kokabiel before turning my gaze to the fight that Kiba is in 'Should i interfere?' I ask 'No it should be ending right...' he starts as i see Kiba shatter the sword and impales his opponent 'Now. Kokabiel is no joke, the only way i can see you defeating him is if you use the berzerk armour but even then he's stronger than you' he tells me "But that should be impossible, unless... yes i understand now-" the old man says before being killed.

"You were a genius but you weren't ment to find that out... that god is dead!" Kokabiel states offhandedly "Now" he says spreading his arms wide "I'll give you one free hit" he tells us "Rias i've built up enough boosts" Issei says "great now giv-" wait a second" i say cutting them off "Give it to me" i tell him "What? No!" He shouts "I know you don't trust me but i was able to defeat all of you before and now that i have a way to be even stronger it would be best given to me!" I explain. Swiftly he moves to Rias and Akeno giving them power as his gauntlet calls out "Transfer" as they glow green and moan in pleasure "You idiot!" I shout at Issei as they charge their attack, quickly i join up with Xenovia as it looks like she barely hanging on "Hey Xenovia you okay?" I ask "I... i don't know, oh god... how's Irina going to react?" She questions "Xenovia where is she, wheres Irina?" I ask her shaking her by the shoulders "I don't know... t-they had h-her e-e-excaliber so..." she tells me trailing off as my arms flop to the side 'Irina... no i can't lose her too' i think as a battle between the others and Kokabiel rages on but I'm frozen in place 'It was job to protect her... and i couldn't' i continue before Issei punches me knocking me down

"Why the fuck are you just standing there? Irina isn't dead, she's being healed!" He tells me as i look up at him "W-who hurt h-her?" I ask shakily "It was Kokabiel!" He answers as i go wide eyed 'Kokabiel? He did it, he hurt her... tried to kill her!' I think as i slowly rise from the ground 'Y/N calm down!' Guts orders 'Kokabiel... Kokabiel' i think before staring at him "KOKABIEEEEL!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs grabbing the Dragonslayer, i equip the Berzerk armour 'GIVE IN TO ME!' A voice commands as the effects of the armour kicks in and i dash forward swinging my blade, he catches but they start shaking from the force being exerted. "DIIIIIIE!!!" I shout as the ground craters as i swing my foot into his chest as he skids across the ground "RRRAAHHHHH!!!" I shout as my helmet splits like the mouth of a beast

(A/N ignore the girl)
The helmet closes back up as a guttural growl comes from inside the helmet, running forward at blinding speeds i slash at Kokabiel as i cut off one of his ten wings and my hand falls forward and a massive blast errupts from the barrel. I get knocked back along with everyone else as the Barrier that covered the area in shattered. I try to stand up but i struggle and see my legs broken and bent the wrong way. "Oh g-god" Xenovia says covering her mouth with her hand "ISSEI, GIVE ME POWER!!" I shout at him "but your... legs" he trails off as sounds of cracking fills the air as my legs are pinned back into place as blood leeks from the mouth of the armour "START CHARGING!" I command gripping my sword walking back to Kokabiel as each step leaving indents in the ground. "So kid, a-are you done?" Kokabiel questions rising shakily from his crater, i swiftly move to him kicking him in the ribs, hearing cracking sounds from both of us, i then slam him on the ground cratering on impact i slam my foot on his chest. He gazes to my foot and see's it bent out of place but it puts itself back together. "Tell me Kokabiel, how would you like to be cooked?" I ask him raising my left hand "I-" "Wrong answer" i tell him as fire spews from my wrist burning him "AHHHHHH!!!" He screeches out in pain. I take my foot off his chest and implant the Dragonslayer in the ground and pick him up by his hair. "Tell me, what hurts more A?" I question punching him across the face "Or B?" I ask striking him with the back of my hand "Forehand" i say punching him "Or backhand" i say striking him with the back of my hand.

I see him slowly open his mouth but he spit blood on my armour "YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!" I yell throwing him to the ground and taking out Dragonslayer "Say your prayers!" I tell him raising the blade above his heart "WAIT!" A voice calls out from above and i look up to see a man in white armour with gold accents, blue gemstones and two giamt blue glowing wings. "Azazel wants him alive" he tells me "and i want him dead, what are the odds" i joke as Kokabiel tries to crawl away "AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" I question placing my blade near his spine. I let go off the Dragonslayer gripping the mouth of the armour and pull up revealing my face "Get it off!" I cry out "Don't you see we can get revenge!" The armour tells me "WE CAN GET REVENGE FOR IRINA!" It tells me as i continue to struggle "GRRR... I... WON'T LET... HER SEE ...ME ...LIKE ... THIS!!!" I shout as they armour disapates and i fall to the ground on my knees with blood leaking from my limbs "Take Kokabiel... *Pant*... and go" i tell the armoured man as he flies down and picks him up "I'll see you again one day Issei, my rival" he tell him before flying off. "Can someone catch me?" I ask before falling unconcious to the cold ground.

(Lemme know what you think)

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