My world shattered

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"Huh, where's Rias and her peerage?" I question as i hadn't seen them in school for a week "Not like i care" i say leaving class for lunch. 'Guts, you there?' I say trying to communicate with him, he has been silent ever since i had that dream, i turn the corner and bump into someone. "Oh sorry about that" i tell them as a guy comes up to me and grabs my collar "What do you think you were playing at?" He questions "Nothing, i just bumped into them" i answer "Let him go Saji" someone tells him as he lets go of my collar and look to see Sona Shitori "Once again sorry about that" i say as i turn to walk away "Wait" she says as i turn back around "Do you mind coming with me?" She asks "not at all" i answer following behind her as we reach the student council room. "Please sit" she says as i take a seat opposite her "Do you know who i am?" She questions "You're Sona Shitori, head of the student council right?" I ask "Correct but i am also a devil" she tells me as wings like Rias' come out behind her.

"I'm not joining your peerage" i state as her eyes widen in shock "How do you know about that?" She asks "Well Rias tried the same thing, i said no and then she tried to kill me" i answer as she nods "Well i won't keep you" she tells me as i get up to leave but Saji confronts me again "Why the hell did you say no!?" He questions "i have my reasons" i answer, a small black gauntlet appears on his wrist and a rope shoots out from it wrapping around my throat "No-one disrespects Sona like that!" He yells "hehehe... HAHAHAHAHA" i start laughing like a madman "What's so funny?" He questions "Y-you think you c-c-can stop me w-with some g-glowing rope?" I ask as raise my prosthetic arm and fire a Crossbolt into his shoulder. "AHHHHHHHH!" He screams in pain as the rope disappears around my throat and i rub it "Be careful with that, it's holy" i warn them walking out the student council room.

I decide to skip the rest of school and start walking home and i have a sinking feeling in my stomach. 'Guts do you know what that might be?' I ask hoping for a response but he didn't like i expected. I see my house in the distance and see my mums car still in the driveway 'Didn't she go to work?' I question walking faster i come up to the front door and see its opened slightly, i pushed it open as i saw a horrifying sight... my mothers... maimed corpse pinned to the wall with bayonets. "H-hey, this isnt funny" i force out not wanting to accept what i see infront of me. "Mum... c'mon... get up" i say grabbing onto her dead body, she was cold to the touch. "Ahh i see i missed a heathen" a voice says to my left as i turn to see a blonde man with blue eyes wearing a white trench coat with a scar running across the left side of his face. "You" i say as he raises an eyebrow "Me?" He questions "You... killed my MUM!" I yelled dashing forward summoning Dragonslayer i swing at him but he jumps over my attack and throws eight bayonets at me to which i block most of them but one slashes my shoulder.

"Come now, stay here and let me slay you like your heretic mother" he asks to which i fire Crossbolts at hit but he slashes them. I get close to him at swing at him sending him flying through the wall, i climb out with him as we stare eachother down "Why did you do it?" I question "I came seeking an item of interest but she told me to leave, so i killed the Heretic whore!" He yelled. 'Sorry Guts' i apologise as i active the Berzerk armour "DIE!" I yell dash forward slaming my sword through him as his top half goes flying off but his blood from both halves reach as his body parts are put back together. He dashes towards me stabbing his bayonets into my shoulders as he smiles wickedly, i grab him by the throat and slam him on the ground and use my flamethrower burning his face as he cries out in pain "BURN!!!" I yell before throwing him as hard as i could and he flies through the streets going through houses and cars as i jump after him seeing the carnage left in my wake. I land rather shakily as i see him climb out the rubble of a house with random pipes and wood impaling him in many places.

"What kind of Demon are you!?" He questions as he gets up "I AM NO DEMON! I AM A HUMAN PUSHED TO MY UPPER LIMITS!!!" I answer running forward pushing my left hand that has fallen forward onto his chest as the attack starts build up as i wrap an arm around his neck as he struggles to get away "LETS DIE TOGETHER!" I say as he tries stabbing me but i dont budge "LET ME GO DEMON!" He commands but i dont move as my arm starts shaking from the attack being charged up for to long "WHEN YOU GET TO HELL TELL THEM Y/N SENT YOU! THEN APOLOGISE ON MY BEHALF!!!" I shout as the top of my lungs firing my attack as he instantly stops squirming as me and the entire street is engulphed my the blast as it reaches high into the sky taking the form of some kind of beast.

(A/N like that)
The blast dies down revealing a smoking crater that is covered in the ash of what was previously there. I climb out the crater as i deactivate the armour as i instantly feel the repercussions of my actions, my skin feels like its burning even though nothing had touched me and i have multiple scars running up my arm and legs from where the armour pierced my flash to force my bones back together. I drag myself back to my house and climb inside dragging my mothers body out and bury it in the garden with a stone plaque with nothing written on it stick out. Through out all this i showed no emotion, no sounds from me were made as i walk away from her grave and drag myself down the street clutching onto the only possession i have, her ring which she said she will give to me once i get engaged.

I feel tired but i can't stop now, i made a promise to the only person left in my life and I'm going to keep it even if it kills me. I look forward to see to cloaked figure walking towards me, the wind blows towards them as one holds onto their hood while the other has their hood fall back as i see her features. Chestnut hair and Violet eyes, it's a stretch but thats gotta be Irina. "Irina" i call out her name as she observes me and gasps "Y-Y/N?" She asks to which i nod before falling to my knees, i hear rushing footsteps and she is hugging me as i return the gesture "Irina... i-i" i say choking up "I'm Sorry, i couldn't save her... my mum s-she's... she's gone" i tell her crying on her shoulder and she tightens her hug. "It's okay Y/N, your safe now, I'm here" she says trying to reassure me as she puts my head into the crook of her neck as i release all my pent up emotions.

After crying for a couple minutes i calm down and pull back from the hug to which does the same and gives me a warm smile. "Ahem" we hear her cloak figure say who by my assumptions is a woman "So Irina, is this-" she starts but is quickly cut off my Irina "Yep!" She states cheerily "Xenovia Quarta meet Y/N L/N my Fiancé" she tells her "Irina" i say catching her attention "Yes" she replies "Give me your left and close your eyes" i tell her to which she reluctantly obliges, i hold her left hand and slide the ring on her ring finger as she shivers at the cold sensation. "Open your eyes" i tell her as she does that and stares at the ring with wide eyes with tears forming in the corners of them "Now it's official" i tell her giving her a warm smile as tears stream down her face. "Now if you'll excuse me, i'd like to sleep, hopefully i'll wake up and you will still be here" i tell her drift off to sleep as she cradles my exhausted frame. I hear her say a few words that set me at peace "Mrs Irina L/N, i like it"

(Lemme know what you think)

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