19. Kayra

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Shoot! The bottle was pointing towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut in defeat but I could still feel the wide grin on Ruby's face. She was desperately waiting for my turn.

We were playing spin-the-bottle from the past fifteen minutes as our classes for the day were over. There weren't many students in the cafeteria, so all the noise we made felt louder.

Ruby and Amy were already done with their dares. Flirting with a guy and a fake breakup prank. This game was no joke. It even made the rigid Jake panic after hearing about the breakup. I bet he was on the verge of tears and I was going to hell for laughing at him.

"Well, well, finally the fish caught in the net," Lorrie smirked.

"That's right and your dare is..." Ruby took a dramatic pause. I knew it was going to be something weird like kissing a stranger or flirting and for the first time I wasn't thrilled to be right.

"Grind on any guy in this cafeteria," she completed, smiling wide. I stared at her and raised a questionable left eyebrow. She nodded.

Well, this was it. I had to do this dare. I was playing this game knowing that I had to do something and I decided to do it no matter what. But now that the time had come, my nervousness creeped in.

"Within five minutes."

My head snapped towards Ruby, "What?" It was absurd to complete this dare in that short amount of time. I didn't even know on whom I was going to try that dare.

"We all had a time crunch. It makes things interesting. Now, hurry," Lorrie said and all the three devils I call friends had wicked grins on their faces.

I sighed and looked around the cafeteria and realized my options were limited. There were less people and even lesser guys. Most of them were with their girlfriends. So, they were off limits. And that left me with only two options but Nolan couldn't ever be considered an option.

I must've ran out of luck.

I stood up and went towards Oliver. He was sitting in a corner, engrossed in his books. Oliver was a book rat who was as good as a groundhog but at least he was better, more safe than a certain someone.

I lightly tapped on the table in front of Oliver to gain his attention and it succeeded. He looked up from his book and passed me a confused look. I could hear the groans coming from the girls' table. They must've wanted me to do something scandalous but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

"Hey, Oliver! If you don't mind, I have a favor to ask." I smiled. He appeared uninterested but nodded anyway.

"My friends gave me a dare to sit on a lap and-" God! I can't say something like- and grind on it. I would definitely come off as a pervert. But I had to do this.

"-if it's okay with you...can I ?" I clasped my hands together and hoped he'd say yes. Though the probability was low.

He took a few minutes to take in everything I said and make sense out of it. And as soon as he did, he blushed. My conscience was cursing at me. What was I doing to an innocent boy?

He looked down and slowly nodded. "Okay."

Now, I was the dumbfounded one. He really said yes. Though I wanted him to accept but now that he did, it felt off. He pulled out his legs from inside the table and faced them towards me. "Here you go," he said.

I forced a smile and nodded and neared him but a strong tug on my left wrist pulled me back. I glared at Nolan who had grabbed my wrist lightly and jerked my hand from his grip. I saw from the corner of my eye that Oliver was now standing. It must've caught him off guard.

"Fuck off, Nolan," I said irritated, the time was running out and I had to complete the dare or else I would have to go to a strip club. The thought alone gave me chills, I barely survived a normal club, then a strip club would definitely kill me.

I turned over to Oliver, ignoring Nolan, but he wouldn't budge form there. "Oliver-"

Nolan cut me off, "What's up, Oliver?" His deep voice echoed from behind me. He ignored me, as if I wasn't even there. I noticed Oliver visibly shuddered at Nolan's intimidating voice. Was Nolan this scary? Scary was the last fifth thing I would describe him as.

"Nothing, just helping Kayra," Oliver spoke frantically.

"Mhm, then get lost Mr. Goody-two-shoes." Nolan raised his eyebrows and in a flash Oliver was gone. Oliver wasn't the type of guy to indulge in unknown business and if someone looked this threatening, fleeing was the best choice. I bet my friends must be munching on popcorn and enjoying the drama by now. But trust me, drama is only fun when you're not a part of it.

Nolan groaned as I smacked him with the books that Oliver forgot behind. He deserved every little hit. "You grown ass idiot! I needed him," I grumbled.

"It hurts, little shit!" He grabbed both my arms and held them in front of my face. I groaned and looked over at the girls. Lorrie pointed towards the clock and gestured two with fingers. Two minutes left.

"You'll take responsibility for this," I glared at him through the gap as my eyes blazed with fire. He squinted his eyes, "What?"

I closed my eyes in frustration and sighed, "I had to sit on a guy's lap as a dare. But now he's gone, thanks to you and time is running out."

Nolan lowered my arms but didn't let go of them. I ignored how his hands held mine and how the grip was inciting something within me. He opened his mouth and closed it again, like he was contemplating whether to say it or not. He should've stayed silent because his next words were utter bullshit.

"Sit on mine." He left my arms and paused for a second before sitting on the chair previously occupied by Oliver. I hated how he looked so confident and calm about all this.

In any other circumstances, I wouldn't even have considered doing this but I had no choice. I cursed under my breath and sat on his lap. My mind was constantly cursing me and my heart, well, it was a mess.

I didn't want to acknowledge it but his thighs were sturdy and solid. I never knew due to his pants but now that I was sitting there and feeling his muscles directly, they were definitely well-built.

I turned to face him but he was looking elsewhere. What happened to that confident bastard, huh? I wanted to ask. But stopped when I saw the pink dusted over his cheekbones. Nolan blushes?

I shook my head and focused on completing the dare. I placed my hands on his shoulder for support. The action startled him as he quickly looked at me. I closed my eyes and mumbled a small 'sorry' before doing the actual dare.

I started grinding on him. Front to back. Left to right. Slowly. His hands tightly grabbed my waist, halting my actions. I opened my eyes to meet his wide ones. They were screaming at me 'What the fuck are you doing?'

"The dare was to grind on a guy," I said before his head fell back. I wasn't sure because of what; the truth or the grinding.

His grip loosened and I continued my deed. His hands on my waist, gentle yet firm hold sparked something within me. It wasn't sexual but the attraction between us was increasing and it didn't feel wrong.

A few seconds in and I felt like his hands were guiding my moments. Slow but intimate. Deep but not enough.

I gasped and tightened my grip on his shoulders when he pulled me more on him. I was almost all over his chest and we were so close that I could feel his uneven deep breaths and hear his raised heartbeats. He stared at me with dark hazy eyes and clenched jaw and I didn't want to admit it but it was turning me on. The tension was so thick, even if I tried I wouldn't be able to ignore it.

"You were going to do this with Oliver?" His low growl sent chills down my spine. I only watched him, my mind a hot mess. He pressed me down more, "This?"

I unconsciously nodded, if he even asked me if I was a fool at this moment I would just nod. I was too busy admiring him to think of anything else.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath and chuckled bitterly. My skin was burning hot and the cold graze of his fingers slowly slipping upward and leaving small caresses in its wake was too much to handle. His fingers dug deeper in my skin.

I felt myself almost losing but as the realization hit me, I instantly stood up. What was wrong with me? How the fuck could I like this?

I was ready to leave but he grabbed my arm and looked at me with round puppy eyes, opposite from the previous ones. I internally groaned and resisted my horniness. One more minute and I wouldn't guarantee my rationality.

"Let go." I tried to sound stern, "I finished the dare."


"But finish what you started?" He said and I became confused until he pointed down with his eyes.

I glanced at his crotch and saw a bulge in his pants. My eyes widened and I gulped the lump forming in my throat. He had a freaking boner. I expected this much from grinding on a guy but how can he ask me to handle it?

His dark doe eyes, constant rise and fall of his chest, crimson on his cheeks, it all made me fluster. I had become a tomato by now. My reason tried to leave my body but I held onto it tightly. I quickly grabbed a book from the table and threw it on his lap.

"Cover it," saying, I made the run for it and stopped only after I was way too far from him. From everyone. I huffed and leaned my back on the wall, my heart beating frantically.

I chuckled as I remembered that I threw a thick book on his crotch. It must be hurting.

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