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"Mahir...I won't spare you. See this blue mark! It is like peeping out of my shirt!", She said dressing up and seeing herself the nth time today.
"I told you to stop me!", I said playfully.
"I never knew you are such a beast!", She frowned at me.
From the last one hour, she was again and again changing into different dresses to see which can hide the love bite, I gave her today, the first time I devoured her neck and shoulder with kisses. The love bite was just below her earlobe on her neck. I smiled at her cute disappointed expressions, sitting on my bed, enjoying the view with my coffee.
"Mahir please help me!", She was tired now.
I took out my phone and opened Amazon.
"Okay come here, we'll order some high neck stuff for you."
She came to me, yet maintaining a decent distance because last time she approached a little, and that resulted into those love bites. She wanted to be careful now.
I see some high neck tops and ordered.
"I'll have to wait now until they come! You are such a headache Mahir.", She was irritated. So getting the opportunity, as she was less attentive, I pulled her down on my lap.
"Bela...we can do alot of things to pass our time.", I smiled at her. I have a huge effect on her and I can see her breathing hitched.
I give her the coffee so she could get relaxed. And I was amazed seeing she sipped from the same cup that I used. I kissed on the love bite and pretended to talk to it, "I know I made you, but now leave my girlfriend. She is just mine...and I'll make sure I place you next time, in a well hidden place!"
I laughed as Bela punched me.
I lay in the couch remembering this beautiful moment of my life. The best time I spent with her. And now she calls our love as a One Night Stand. I know now, how much I have to put in to win her back. To win her trust back.
Just when I was thinking this, I hear a loud squeal. It was Bela! I rush to her room in a blink of an eye. She was not in the room but in the washroom.
I rush to her as she was lying on the ground. The shampoo was spilled all over the floor and in one instant I knew what happened. I went to her to pick her only to be pushed by her.
"Get lost!", Then I realized that she was just in her bathrobe.
"Oops! I am's just I heard you shout!", I said and turned around.

I could feel she was trying to get up herself, but she was slipping again and again.
"Bela.. should I help you..!"
"No need!", She said again trying to get up but failed.
"You won't listen this way!", I said and turned to pick her up. I feel her protesting in my arms but I hold her tightly, so tightly that she couldn't even move. I get out of the washroom and lay her on her bed.
I gave her a towel to dry up her hair and this time she took it, thinking she has no option. I smiled at her only to get back a frown.
"I want to change!", She said and started coming down from bed, when her back started paining as soon as she kept her legs on the floor.

I went to her cupboard and started looking for a dress.
"There's a white long skirt and a pink top...!", she finally said, having no option. I gave it to her and went away, calling a doctor. The doctor came and gave her some medicines with a ointment. She fell on her back.
Now the problem was ointment. Who will apply it on her back. Her own hands couldn't reach there. I offered to do that but it felt like she would kill me with her eyes. She preferred calling Suhani who lives 2km away than allowing me to apply the ointment. I was disheartened seeing this. Suhani consoled me saying that to win her back, I will have to go through these small things.
I offered her lunch, dinner but she denied saying she prefers restaurant food more than the one by me. I had nothing to do except shed tears on how brutally she was behaving with me.
She sometimes didn't sleep whole night because of pain. And I couldn't sleep seeing her in this condition. One day, she was walking through the apartment because of sleeplessness when she found me wide awake.
"Why are you not sleeping!? Keeping an eye on me!", She said as she leaned on the kitchen frame.
"I saw you were not sleeping, so I thought I should make something for you.", I said as flatly as I could say, so her mood isn't spoiled.
"Why!? Why do you do all this!? To impress me or what!?", She said, thankfully not in a angry note.
"You are not well. Your dad said I need to take care of you. He even called me today to ask if you are alright or not. He could have sensed something wrong in your voice.", I said and she was attentive at once.
"Did you tell him!?", I see dread on her face. I never knew someone would resist to this extent in telling her problems to her parents. But thankfully I didn't tell him anything.
"No..I didn't. I just told him that you are studying till late night and hence, a bit stressed. You just need some sound sleep. That's it.", I hear her sighing.
"I hope I get well soon. Because if Dad comes to see me, I won't be able to hide.", She said tensed.
The sandwiches were ready by then.
"You should eat properly...and apply the ointment well.", I said handling her the plate of sandwich. I expected her to throw it away, but after a good stare at me, she took the plate.
I definitely did something great today, that I am seeing her well.

I walk behind her with the she settles on the couch. My books were already there as I have been studying. I was stuck in a problem, where I now see her looking at it. I sit at a distance that she wouldn't mind.
She took my notebook and began solving the problem.
"You had to add up this balance and then interest on it..... quarterly basis...", She was solving my problem. I smiled seeing her.
"What's the answer?", She asked.
"59,000!", I tell checking the answer booklet.
"Here it is!", She triumphantly smiled giving me the solution.
"Thank you!", I said, hiding my smile so she wouldn't get offended.
That's the speciality we share. When I start losing hope to win her again, she does something to lift me up. Although unintentionally.

Just then, I received a call from Suhani!
"Why is she calling at this hour!?", I say picking up the phone. Bela too became attentive.
"Yes Suhani!", I said.
"Tomorrow we all will go to PUB and party. It's been a long time now!"
"You have called 12:30 to tell that we are going to pub tomorrow!", I felt relaxed. I saw Bela shaking her head.
"Okay... I'll come!", I say.
"Ask Bela also!! She has to come as your partner."
I ask Bela for the first part only.
"Bela will you come!?"
"Ok!", She said in answer.
"Bela too is ready... Only if she doesn't feel unwell!", I added.
So a plan was made by Suhani to bring Bela somehow close to me like it happened before.
We started talking in the Pub. I still remember that talk...then that argument...then her cute sorry text. I smiled at her, but I see her calling someone.
"Hey! Yuvi...we are going to Pub tomorrow... you will come??", I wondered when she became friends with Yuvi.
"Please Yuvi! For me!!", I see her pleading to Yuvi! Damn that badass!
"Okay...good.. we'll have fun!", So she was going with Yuvi and not me.
I didn't feel good about this, but I have earned what I am suffering today. I just want her to be happy. This way or that way!

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