Round 3

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The Reconciliation 

Prachi was staring at the man in front of her in stunned amazement. His confession had rendered her speechless. She could see the truth in his eyes and could hear the ring of truth in his every single word. Yes, she was furious with him. But after listening to him, her rage was melting away. His each word reflected honesty and it was breaking the wall she had created around her heart, brick by brick. His words were healing the wound created by his acceptance of the bet. His words were filling the void created in her heart and refilling it with compassion and love for him. He was unaware of her presence on the grounds last night and the fact that she had heard his conversation with Rhea. Had he really wanted to fulfill the bet, he would never have divulged the truth and that too in front of his loved ones, knowing that he would fall in their eyes and his image would be destroyed in front of his family. Yet he did all that. And for whom? Her. Only her. And that yet again proved the depth and selflessness of his love for her. Prachi closed her eyes and tears cascaded down her cheeks. How could she remain angry with a man who loved her this much? How could she turn against him? How could she remain unmoved and unforgiving when confronted by his unadulterated love.

"Last night when you were engrossed in conversation with Rhea, I heard you." Prachi finally opened her eyes and looked at the love of her life.

Ranbir, who was standing in front of her with bowed head and joined palms, shoulder drooping with the burden of his guilt, looked up with a jerk, astounded.

"However, I left after you accepted your part in the bet. I...I didn't have the strength left to keep on listening. It left me shattered. I lost my faith, in you and in your love. My heart was broken. In a fit of rage, I promised myself to avenge my humiliation and expose you in front of your loved ones. I loved you so much." Prachi tried and failed to smile through tears.

Ranbir shut his eyes and tears now cascaded down his cheeks. Her every single word hit him like the sharpest dart. He opened his eyes and looked at the only girl he had ever loved.

"You will never forgive me now, will you? You will never love or trust me again, will you? You will hate me forever, won't you?" Ranbir looked at her as some more tears made their way out of his eyes and down his cheeks.

"Will you let me finish? Baklu!" Prachi reprimanded.

Though her tone was stern but the name 'Baklu' made a fledgling hope take shape in his heart.

"Today your confession has healed me, Ranbir. Today by exposing yourself in front of your loved ones and everyone else, without caring that your image will be spoiled in front of everyone and that you will fall in their eyes, you have healed my broken heart. The heart that beats only for you. You didn't know that I had heard you last night. You didn't know that I know. You didn't have to confess tonight. But you did. You were aware of the possible consequences and still you went ahead on the path of honesty. This proves the purity of your true love for me. How can I not forgive the man who loves me this much to sacrifice his own image in front of all and even risk losing me to reveal the truth? How can I not love a man who has proved his honesty and faithfulness to me? I have always wanted such a man and you are that man, Ranbir Kohli, and always will be." Prachi concluded with a teary smile.

Her smile grew as she witnessed the fledgling hope in his eyes transforming into astonishment and finally into exhilaration.

" love me? You have forgiven me? Really?" Ranbir looked at prachi with such an innocent hopefulness in his eyes that it melted her even more.

"Yes. I love you. And I have forgiven you. Really." Prachi smiled through tears.

Without another word, Ranbir pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, as if his life depended on it. Prachi, too, reciprocated the hug with matching enthusiasm. Both of them had tears in their eyes and smiled adorning their lips. Their smile reflected the biggest hurdle that gave way in front of the strength of their love for each other.

Everyone present at the venue smiled and blessed the much in love couple. Well, almost everyone. Rhea stood looking at the couple, jealousy eating away at her insides, when someone turned her around with a jerk.

Before she could understand anything, a slap landed on her cheek, making her stagger backwards. The noise caused Prachi and Ranbir to pull apart and turn around. Regaining her balance with difficulty, Rhea looked up to see an incensed Abhishek Mehra.

"How dare you? How dare you place such a cheap bet to break someone's heart? When have you become such a heartless monster? Fine. If you are a heartless monster than I, too, know how to tame a beast. From now on you will live in our native village and learn household chores there. Daylong drudgery will keep your mind away from such evil plans." Abhishek declared.

"Dad! You can't do this!" Rhea exclaimed in disbelief.

"Try me. If you refuse then I will throw you out of this house and disown you completely. Let me see how you can survive on your own without the support of my name. Now leave to your room before I slap you again." Abhishek warned.

Fuming in anger, Rhea left the spot but not before throwing a nasty glare towards Prachi and Ranbir.

Now, Vikram stepped forward and taking Prachi and Ranbir's hands, placed them on each other.

"I, Vikram Kohli, announce the engagement of my son, Ranbir kohli with Prachi Arora. I request you to bless the couple with a happy and prosperous life." Vikram smiled.

Everyone cheered for the new couple while Prachi and Ranbir smiled at each other. 

The End

Hope you all like this part. Don't forget to vote and comment. :)

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