Chapter 17- Kagami is back

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***Another long chapter for my loyal readers. Thank those of you who are still here reading all my updates. Vote, comment, and follow. Sending love, MMF***

"Your father?" Marinette asked once again, looking at him in search of his reaction. Adrien played with his fingers as he nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Y-yeah, you know how it is, modeling stuff."

Marinette could not believe Adrien was lying to her. He had been a player and a shitty friend in the past but never a liar.

 Marinette pinched herself on the arm with her thumb and pointer finger, hoping the pain might distract her from crying. She was starting to get a clear picture of why Alya told her not to trust him yet. Now, she couldn't help but wonder if Chloe's words had been truthful as well.

"Right," Marinette replied, turning around to hide her face. The fact that Adrien had lied to hurt began to fill her with doubt. The first one being, were they even official? 

He never really asked the question, so did that mean he was still seeing other people? Noticing her reaction, Adrien felt guilty. He didn't want to lie to her. But if he had told her the truth, things could have gone bad quickly.

"Princess I-"

"No, It's okay. It doesn't matter anyway," Marinette interrupted. She didn't want to show him she was upset, but the fact that he lied got to her. "There is Alya. I guess I'll see you later at the dorm," Marinette added before hastily walking away.

Adrien knew he had messed up. He saw it in her eyes. Not to mention, she just left him there, without so much as a goodbye kiss. Hell of a way to start a relationship, but he had to lie. If he had told her he would see Kagami, Marinette would have probably dumped him in a second. But he needed answers from her. After all, it was she who set him up for failure.


Adrien sat on the booth, tapping his fingers against the table as he waited for Kagami to arrive. The truth is he was livid. Kagami not only knew how he felt for Marinette but also of Marinette's feelings towards him. Yet the fencer kept quiet. The kiss that day was her idea. She had set him up, but the question is why?

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Fencing practice ran longer than expected," Kagami answered as she sat across him in the booth. Usually, Adrien would receive it with a hug. After all, they had been friends for years, or so he thought. It also didn't help that their last conversation, days prior, ended in an argument.

The two sat in silence for a minute or two before Kagami decided to break silence. "Over the phone, you said this was important, and we both have very little time, so are you going to speak or not?" Adrien was not the only one angry. Kagami was livid.

Adrien gritted his teeth in anger but then took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. He then decided to get right to the point.

"Kagami, why did you set me up?" Adrien asked, not even trying to hide his anger. Adrien glared at Kagami as he waited for an answer. 

Kagami's mouth dropped. "Excuse me?" She asked, placing a hand over her chest, pretending to be offended.

"Don't even try it, Kagami. I know the truth. That day, you were the one that came up with the idea of the kiss. I trusted you, but I come to find out that you knew she had feelings for me all along. Why? Why did you set me up, Kagami? Why did you do that to me?" Adrien slammed his hand on the table towards the end, startling Kagami and making her jump. Luckily they had been at the dinner alone.

"I set you up? You called me for help. It was you who came crying to me about your father threatening her and her family if you refused to stay away from her. I did what I had to do to keep her safe," Kagami argued back.

"I wanted for her to say away from me for a while. So we could make my father believe we weren't talking. I wanted to figure out a way to stand up to my father without him taking it out on her. I never wanted her to hate me forever. You promised me she would only be mad for a few days, then forgive me, but you knew that wouldn't be true, didn't you?" Adrien asked accusingly.

 "I trusted you, Kagami. Why did you do that to me? She hated me for years. Even now, I can feel how she is distant. We were friends, you knew how painful it was for me to have to push her away, yet you hurt me even worse." Adrien covered his face and pulled his hair in frustration.

Kagami was silent.

"Tell me this one thing, did you know? Did you know what had happened the night before?" Adrien asked, his voice lowering, sounding like a bear whisper towards the end. Tears of anger threatened to spill from his eyes. 

Kagami lowered her head in shame. There was no use in denying it now. Adrien already knew the truth, so she might as well be honest. "Yes, I did," Kagami whispered in shame. "I was the one that took you home afterward. You had walked out of the room half-naked. I had gone back in to get your shirt, and I saw her in the bed. I tried sneaking you into your house, but Natalie caught us." Kagami added, refusing to make eye contact.

"Why? Why did you do it, Kagami? You knew how much I loved her. If you had told me, I would have never gone through with it. I would have looked for another way!" Adrien stood up in anger.

"I know you would have. That's why I did it!" Kagami yelled back in anger. Realizing what she had said, she placed her hand over her mouth, covering it.

"W-what?" Adrien asked, feeling confused, dropping back down in the seat. "What are you trying to say?"

"I knew she wouldn't forgive you. I knew that if she saw you kissing me, it would have been the end of your friendship. You were my friend, almost like a brother, but I cared more about her!" Kagami confessed.

"W-what? I don't understand. What are you saying?" Adrien asked, almost panting.

Kagami remained silent. She quietly remembered all the times she hung out with Marinette and how sweet and caring and unique.

"I loved her too, Adrien. I fell in love with Marinette too," Kagami admitted softly. "When I saw she was the one with you that night, it broke my heart. Then you called telling me how your father threatened to shut down the bakery and ruin her career. I saw the opportunity and took it. I figured with you out of the way, I had a chance to earn her love. I am sorry. I know it was selfish, but I loved her, and I was trying to protect her." Kagami added, her voice hinting at both sadness and guilt.

"Protect her from what?" Adrien yelled out.

"Protect her from you! I knew you would never love her as I would. Just look at you now using her for some fucking bet! I would have never done that to her!" Kagami continued. Every time she thought of the bet made her blood boil.

"The bet was a mistake! When I realized I messed up, it was too late. I tried to tell you last time, but you walked out on me. Kagami, I still love her. I always have. First, you sabotaged my opportunity to have a life with her Kagami, and now this stupid bet." Adrien covered his face as he had a breakdown.

"I'm sorry I sabotage you, I know it was wrong, but I can't do anything to fix that now. But you can fix the bet situation. Just tell her the truth, Adrien. Marinette always hated liars, be honest before it's too late." 


Lunchtime had arrived, and Marinette sat outside the campus all alone. Adrien had lied and canceled their lunch plans. Not wanting to be the third wheel for the millionth time, Marinette canceled lunch with Alya and Nino.

Marinette remained still, looking ahead without blinking. Marinette was in deep thought. Thoughts of how Adrien had lied, and why? She couldn't help but believe that he was with another girl right now. 

Chloe had told her to ask Nino about the bet. She had come close to asking today but decided it was best to do it when Alya was not around. She couldn't handle the I told you not to trust him speech she would give her if it turned out bad.

Luka walked out of the campus, still feeling deflated, but that doesn't mean he would give up. Deep inside, he knew Adrien wasn't the one for Marinette, and he wouldn't stop until he proved that he was her true soulmate. 

As if fate was calling, the first thing his eyes saw as he walked out was the woman he loved. Luka stared at Marinette, noticing the tormented complexion of her face. Deciding to be there for her regardless of what happened, he decided to go to her.

Being lost in thought, Marinette failed to notice the handsome professor taking a seat beside her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luka asked, making Marinette let out a startled scream. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was heading out for lunch, and saw you here alone," he continued. Marinette let out a giggle trying to hide her embarrassment.

"It's okay," she replied with a smile. "Why are you all alone?" Luka asked, genuinely wondering. Marinette looked away, embarrassed. Just hours ago, she confessed to Luka of her love for Adrien only to be lied to like before.

"Well, Adrien's father called, so he had to leave, and I didn't want to bet the third wheel, so here I am." Marinette gave Luka a weak smile trying to hide her sadness. "Well, I am heading to a diner about 10 minutes away if you want to join me, you know as friends. We are still friends, right?" Luka asked nervously.

Marinette thought about how Adrien had lied to her, how he left her all alone. Therefore, she agreed. After all, Luka was right. They were friends. Luka had expected a rejection, but his heart jumped as he heard her answer.

"Sure, why not? Lead the way, Mr.Couffaine," Marinette joked. "As you wish, Madame," Luka replied with a smile, offering his hand.

Opening the door to his car, Luka led Marinette to his favorite diner. The two laughed and joked as they walked in. "And I ended up sowing my scarf to the dress," Luka finished. The two laughed as they walked towards a table in the corner. All suddenly, Marinette laughing ceased as she stood frozen in her spot.

Luka turned around to see what had happened to Marinette. That was the second his eyes caught what hers were staring at, causing his to widen.


Kagami and Adrien talked and said their apologies. Adrien couldn't hate her. He knew better than anyone you can't help who your heart loves. Adrien also had done many things to keep other guys from Marinette, so he couldn't blame her for trying. After all, it was his fault he got drunk that night, his fault he wasn't brave enough to stand up to his father, and it was his fault he failed to be honest.

"Thank you, Kagami. I know this is hard for you, considering you also love her. I appreciate your advice," Adrien said, holding onto her hand.

 "No need. I would do anything for her, and I know you are the one she loves. It will always be you. Please, take care of her. Listen to my advice before it's too late," Kagami replied, getting up from her seat and pulling him in for a hug.

Marinette walked by to see the same two people who hurt her years before. She felt her heart ache, and she realized once again, the two betrayed her. It was like Junior year all over again. Only this time, she wouldn't run.

"And here I was, wishing you luck with your modeling stuff," Marinette called out sarcastically, making quotations in the air with her fingers as she said modeling stuff. Startled, the two jumped away from each other before Adrien turned around in shock. "P-princess?"

Marinette felt tears building in her eyes. Upon noticing this, Luka hurried to her side and squeezed her shoulder in support. Adrien looked to her side to see Luka, and he felt his blood boil. That guy didn't miss a chance. He wanted to say something, but he knew this was not the time, as he had once again messed up.

 Kagami stood frozen in shock. She hadn't seen Marinette in years, and boy, did she look as beautiful as ever.

"Princess, this isn't what it looked like." Marinette panted as tears continued building up in her eyes. She already knew he had been lying, but doing so only to have a repeat the story was beyond painful.

"Don't," she interrupted, not wanting to hear his lies anymore. "I don't care. It's not like we are together anyway," she responded, hurt, as she proceeded to walk out of the building in anger. 

Technically it was true. Marinette knew even though it is painful. He never said the words that they were a couple. She was the one dumb enough to fall for him again.

Adrien felt a dagger shoot straight through his heart. Not together? What about everything that happened between the two? What happened to her giving him a chance? Was that her dumping him? Not giving it a second thought, Adrien pushed Luka out of the way and ran after her.

"Marinette, wait!" Adrien called out, grabbing her arm to keep her from running. Feeling angry and betrayed, Marinette turned around and gave Adrien a hard slap on his face. Adrien could feel pain spread and his cheek instantly feel as if it was burning. Immediately, Adrien place let go of her arm and rubbed his cheek, attempting to ease the pain.

"Fuck you!" Marinette spat out in anger. "I don't ever want to see you again," she added before turning around. 

"Marinette, I swear it's not what it looks like," Adrien uttered, afraid of losing her. "We are just friends. Nothing is going on between Kagami and me. I swear."

"Then why did you lie? You swore never to lie, and yet you did, and now you expect me to believe you are just friends. Screw you, Adrien. I am not playing this game again." Marinette responded, still upset.

"I lied because I knew you would be angry! Because I knew you wouldn't believe me when I said we were just friends. Marinette, there is only you. I swear to my life."

Marinette let a tear fall. She wanted to believe him, but everything was too much for her. "You expect me to believe that the heartless player was only talking to a girl?" Marinette spat out with venom. She wanted him to feel the pain she was feeling right now.

"That's not fair, and you know that. You said you would give me a chance, that my past wouldn't affect us," Adrien whispered, tears forming in his eyes.


"Hey, M-Marinette," a voice called out from behind Marinette.

"Kagami," Marinette stated coldly. Kagami saded as she heard the tone of her voice. Even after all these years, Marinette still hated her.

"How have you been?" Kagami asked. She wondered why the hell she asked, knowing damn right Marinette hated her guts, but every time Marinette was close, she turned dumb.

"Well, how would you be when your ex-best friend is with the love of your life AGAIN?" Marinette asked sarcastically.

"Marinette, it really isn't what it looks like. Just listen to him before you write him off. Before you write US off. Can we talk? Please."  

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