Chapter 19- Close call

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***Hello my loyal readers. I apologize for the long wait, but here is another chapter for you. Vote, comment, follow, and tell your friends. Thank you for your love and support. Sending love MMF***

"YES, BET OVER. I WON!!!" Adrien hollered, jumping excitedly.

 Adrien held a big smile, his feet off the ground, and his fist lifted in the air like a kid during Christmas, opening his dream toy. The few who saw his actions would have thought he had just won the lottery. Indeed, he had. Well, at least, his heart's lottery.

 All he has ever wanted since he was fourteen was the love of Marinette Dupain Cheng, and hearing the words from someone else meant a lot to him.

 At this point, for Adrien, the bet was not a bet, but the reason that gave his heart the courage to go after what he wanted. He wished he had done so without needing to gamble, but in reality, after everything that had happened, Adrien feared what could have been if he had.

Deep inside, this was not how Adrien wanted things to go. 

In fact, he wished he could go back in time, and erase that God-forsaken bet from existence, but that was not possible. Not even all the money in the world could get him a time machine.

 Adrien just wanted this to end. He wished to move on and live a happy life with Marinette without having to remember the bet or worry that it could come back and ruin the thing he fought so hard to have.

Adrien needed to win this bet, earn the one-of-a-kind jagged stone merchandise his princess made, marry her, and forget the bet ever existed. 

He hated the fact that he could lose the love of his life for this. Although technically, that's how he got her in the first place.

No one, not even Nino, knew why it meant so much for Adrien to have that. Nino knew about the lucky charm Adrien always carried, but didn't understand why the merchandise had always meant so much. 

Nino could still remember the look of hurt and anger Adrien held the day he showed him the gift Marinette had given him. But he couldn't understand why.

 You see Adrien, had a secret, that merch was supposed to be his. His princess promised to make him that when they were friends. In fact, people believed there were only two made. 

That was a lie.

 There were actually three. 

Jagged Stone held one, his lady held another, and the matching set that had been gifted to Nino after the incident was meant to be his. 

 The day Marinette handed the box to Nino was the first day Adrien felt real pain. 

He left school early that day lying about a photo shoot when the reality was he locked himself in his room and cried for hours. That should have been his. They had plans. She had promised him matching outfits and souvenirs to let the world know they were together, always. Adrien had plans to post it on social media as a sign that his heart had an owner, but he had ruined that. All thanks to his father.

And Marinette had made sure he knew that.

 She promised him they would dress alike on their first day of college, but she gifted it to Nino. Now Adrien wanted it back. He wanted so much, but he was willing to let it go if Nino would let the bet go, and keep quiet.


Nino felt stupefied.

 He stood frozen in his spot as his blood ran cold.

 He was appalled by his best friend's reaction. Was this whole thing with Marinette really all about the bet? Was he playing with Marinette just to win some damn stuff? Did he even ever care for her, or had that been a lie too? 

Nino honestly believed that his old friend was in there somewhere, but now he wasn't so sure. Maybe, Alya was right, and he was completely gone. Nino watched as Adrien danced around, repeating how he had won the bet, and felt disgusted.

He thought of how Adrien had called him last night to let him know that he had his first official date with Marinette planned and asked if they wanted to meet up after and go to the club. Nino could have sworn by the sound of his voice that Adrien was smitten. Had he gotten it wrong? Was it all really about the damn bet? But he was sure of it. 

He could see how Adrien's eyes sparkled every time Marinette was mentioned, and he would drop everything for her. With that last thought, Nino decided to give himself the benefit of the doubt and not make assumptions just yet. He needed to have proof first, so for now, he will sit back and observe. For now, he will play it off cool that way he would find out exactly what he needed to know.

"The bet? Haha, say what you want, but Luka is not the judge, Alya and I are, and we haven't seen a damn thing yet. This is too bad, considering time is ticking, and you are coming up short," Nino stated while laughing. 

He was trying hard to play his part as he would have if this had been a different bet, but he was livid. He watched his friend closely, attempting to figure it out.

Adrien's smile faded, and Nino notices him gulp. All Adrien wanted was to forget about this damn bet. Was that too much to ask for? He wanted to tell Nino to forget the bet. To tell him that all he wanted was to be with Marinette, but could his best friends even accept that after all the harm and pain he had put her through?

"Fine! I will prove it tonight. Then all this shit will finally be over. But don't keep stalling. We both know that I already won. This bet is over," Adrien responded, not noticing the shadow of a petite bluenette behind him.

Nino was outraged. Based on Adrien's answer, Nino was starting to believe this really was all about winning some Jagged Stone crap. Nino was more and more convinced his friend is a heartless bastard. But what was worse was that if word of the bet got out, Marinette would never forgive him either.

Nino's eyes widened as he saw the girl involved in the bet walking behind Adrien, listening to his words. He was not sure how much of that she had heard, but based on the look on her face and his girlfriend's eyes, he could tell she had heard enough. 

Marinette and Alya walked towards the two gorgeous men and the love of their lives who stood by their lockers. From afar, they saw Adrien do a little victory dance, Nino laugh, and then Adrien frown. Alya was sure they were talking about the bet. 

Therefore, she silently gasped and faked a cough as she tried to get her boyfriend's attention, but failed to do so. Now all that was left to do was pray that the two men would stop talking about when they saw them coming their way.

Marinette watched Adrien confusedly. What was it that he was celebrating, and what was with the sudden change of attitude? Marinette quickened her pace a tad bit. All she wanted was to run into Adrien's arms, and kiss him like there was no tomorrow, but she knew she couldn't.

Adrien and Marinette had yet to speak of their relationship status. Marinette could feel Adrien cared for her, but sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if Adrien really loved her. Looking back at their time together, Marinette realized that he has never said the words.

While he has said that it has always been her and that he wanted to be with her, he never officially asked the question. While she said she loved him, he would say things like I care about you, you mean a lot to me, you know how I feel about you, and lastly, I loved you (past tense). So, what did that mean?

What if he didn't love her? That explains why he hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend. Marinette felt her heart rip out of her chest at the thought of it. She had given herself to him, and he didn't even love her. 

If this is a game to him, she would never forgive him. In fact, she will make sure to grab her things and flee Paris and away from him for good. That way even if he tried to continue to torture her, he couldn't.

But maybe she was overreacting, and he just needed time.

 He did stop being a player for her. Their friends were also hard on them. Marinette had told Alya after calling her about the kiss that they were just friends and would not be anything else. If Alya knew that was a lie, she would be angry. Though it had to be obvious there were more than that. They never hid it. Maybe everyone thought she was another one of his sluts. Or maybe he was probably just scared to say the words. Since the last time he did, it did not end up so well.

Deciding to shake away the awful thoughts, she proceeded to come closer to Adrien, but that did nothing to make her feel better. 

As a matter of fact, it only made her feel crushed. 

Marinette felt shivers down her spine upon Adrien's words. "Fine! I will prove it tonight. Then all this shit will finally be over. But don't keep stalling. We both know that I already won. This bet is over." His words made a flashback of Chloe's confession pop up in her brain.


"Marinette, I just saw them, I- I overheard their conversation. She asked him about you. Marinette, he is using you. I heard it clearly. It's all for a bet, Mari. A damn bet! Stay away from him. He is going to hurt you."

-End of flashback-

What if Chloe had been telling the truth, and Adrien was just using her for a bet? It was the second time she heard about this god-forsaken bet. 

Marinette had forgotten to ask Nino the first time refusing to believe it was true, but now things were different. Marinette felt fear overpower the rest of her emotions. She did not know what she would do if she ever found out that their relationship had been a lie. But after everything they have been through together, Adrien wouldn't do that, would he? Nino wouldn't do that!

Deciding to be brave and get to the bottom of this, Marinette spoke up. "What bet?" she as holding her purse strap tightly. Adrien jumped in fear at the sound of her voice. 

'Shit! No, no, no, no, no. Damn it, not this. Oh God, please let me fix this,' Adrien thought as his eye widened in fear.

Adrien looked towards Nino with pleading eyes. He needed help. Adrien needed his friend now more than ever. 

Adrien hoped Nino would have an answer and would be willing to help him. But from the look in Nino's eyes, he was not very sure. After all, Adrien knew that Nino had no clue how he felt for Marinette. He had made sure to make it look like it was just part of the bet in an attempt to shield and protect his feelings. 

Adrien didn't want their past story to repeat itself. With his back still turned to Marinette, he mouthed a 'help me' to Nino, but what Adrien didn't know was how pissed Nino was at the moment. While Adrien thought it was a good idea for Nino to believe his relationship with Marinette was all part of the bet, Nino thought it was a slap to the face.

Nino thought he was getting his old friend back. Ever since Marinette had returned to his life, Adrien was never seen with other girls. He was happy, caring, responsible, and honest. Well, Nino was not so sure anymore. It could have all been an act.

At that moment, Nino swore to himself that if ever found out that Adrien cared more about the bet than Marinette's feelings, he would make him pay. Not only that, but Adrien would have to bid their friendship goodbye because Nino would be done with him for good. The way Nino saw it. If Adrien was heartless enough to do that to Marinette, the girl he claimed to have loved, then what would he be willing to do to them? For now, Adrien was on trial, and he better pray he is not found guilty.

Convinced on finding out the truth, Nino decided to push further.

 "The bet about you," Nino responded giving Adrien a smirk. Adrien's eyes opened so big people could swear they would fall off his head. Adrien couldn't believe his friend. Would Nino really rat him out? Why would he do this to him?

"About me?" Marinette croaked.

 "A-Adrien, what does he mean the bet is about me? Is there something I should know?" Marinette stuttered in fear. Adrien tried to think of something quick but found himself struggling. Adrien continued asking God for a way out. He had just gotten his princess back after so many years he couldn't lose her again. 

"Adrien, answer me, what bet?" 

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