Chapter 21- Making it official

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*** Hello my loyal readers. I'm back with another juicy chapter for ya'll. I do apologize for the wait, but things have been a little crazy lately. I do hope you enjoy it. Vote, comment, and follow for more. Sending love MMF.***

Nino, Alya, Adrien, and Marinette sat in a booth enjoying the loud music of the well-known club, Miraculous. During lunch, Adrien insisted on going to visit the club after their date. Of course, Marinette could not say no to the man she loved. 

Marinette smiled as she remembered their date before they got here. Adrien had certainly outdone himself. He had set up a romantic dinner on a rooftop. While candles and roses covered the floor. God was she in love with this man or what? 

Now, they were at the club ready to have fun. 

The young adults were all in deep conversation when an upbeat yet romantic song began to play. 

"I love this song," Marinette called out, smiling and moving her body to the beat. Not wasting any time, Adrien stood up and gave a compact bow while extending his hand. 

"Well then, may I have this dance, M'Lady?"

Marinette giggled at Adrien's silly actions. "You are such a dork," Mariette said, still chuckling just like she did when they were teens. 

"Yeah, but I am your dork, princess. Now, come on," Adrien replied, taking her hand and pulling her towards the dance floor.

Placing his hands on her hips, Adrien pulled her closer so that their chests were touching. Marinette felt Adrien's breath on her neck, making her shiver. Her heart pounded erratically, millions of butterflies erupting in her stomach. She loved the way Adrien would make her feel. 

Only he had the power to make her lose control, to make her heart skip a beat, and to give herself to him. Ever since they were teens, it was clear that only Adrien could make her swoon. To make her feel wanted, cared for, and loved. 

Luka was great. But he was no match against Adrien.

Nino and Alya watched as their friends danced to Marinette's favorite song. They were a beautiful sight, so in sync with each other. Their bodies moved as one. Everyone stopped and stared at them. The people could swear they were professional dancers and had practiced for hours a day, but the love in their eyes told a different story. They were soulmates. They were one, and they danced as one.

Marinette swayed from side to side and then turned so that her back was facing Adrien. Adrien's hands felt all her body, finally landing on her hips once again. He pulled her closer so that her back and his chest were pressing tightly on each other. Marinette could almost feel him through her clothing. Not that she minded.

Adrien loved the feeling of Marinette's body on his. 

There was no better feeling than this. 

He couldn't think of anyone else that he wants this close to because there was no one. It was true that Adrien was rich and famous. It was not a secret that he could have anyone or anything he ever wanted, but all he had ever wanted was her, the girl dancing with him at the very moment.

 Adrien wanted Marinette Dupain Cheng. 

The one person he couldn't have. At least not until now. There was no doubt in his mind that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and now that she was in his arms, he would be damned if he allowed her to go.

With his hands still on her hips, Adrien guided Marinette around for her to face him once again. He wished to kiss her, to stare right into her eyes and show her how much she meant to him. The blonde model had a plan. He had thought about it all day, and he would do it right now.

The young adults stared into each other's eyes, and the world around them faded into darkness. Nothing else mattered. It was him and her alone, dancing together. At that moment, memories of that night flashed into his mind. Them dancing together and having their first night together. 

Adrien tried to shake off the memories before he could replay all the bad ones that followed. He could faintly hear her moaning his name, he should have remembered before, and he hated himself for having forgotten. But through all this, one thing was clear to him. No matter how hard he tried to make himself believe it. The truth was that Adrien Agreste never stopped loving Marinette Dupain Cheng.

There was only one problem. Adrien knew he hadn't said those three words to her since that night. Not because he didn't feel them, but because he was scared. The last time he did, the next day came, and he didn't remember it, resulting in losing her for years. What if it happened again? But he refused to let that stop him. Adrien couldn't hide it anymore. He wanted to say them. He needed to tell her. 

"Princess, I love you."

Marinette's heart pounded as she felt Adrien's hands turning her around to face him. She couldn't see anyone else but him. Adrien's beautiful emerald eyes were the window to his heart.

Marinette could see it. Now more than ever, she could see how he felt. Even though he had not said the words, he didn't have to. Marinette somehow knew that he felt the same way.

 At that very second, Marinette saw his lips move, and he mutter something, but she didn't hear him. The music had drowned out his words, but that didn't matter because she wanted him. Now more than ever, she wanted him to be hers. And she wanted to be his. She wanted the whole world to know they were together. That he was hers and she was his.

Closing her eyes, Marinette began to lean in. She didn't care who say them. In fact, she wanted the whole world to see. She was no longer scared of what she felt because the truth was Marinette Dupain Cheng loved Adrien Agreste. She always had and always will.

Adrien wasn't sure if Marinette had heard him, but at that second, he didn't care. Adrien watched as Marinette closed her eyes and began to lean in, and it only took him a second to respond. This was his chance. 

This is what he had been waiting all night for. It was time to show the whole world and his friends that his princess did love him and that he loves her.

 He wanted them to see that this was not a game. Adrien needed to let them know that if he was with her, it was not because of the bet. He was serious about Marinette, and he refused to let anyone ruin it for him again. 

His eyes closed as he dissolved the remaining distance between them. Adrien kissed Marinette as if his life depended on it.

Adrien kissed his princess, pouring all the love in his heart out for her to feel. He kissed her as if tomorrow would never come again. They had kissed many times before, but this time was different. Adrien wanted to show her just how much he loved her with his lips.

Their lips molded together and moved in sync just like their bodies had seconds prior. Both their bodies and tounges danced together to the rhythm of their heartbeats. There was no doubt in their minds that they belonged together.

The two adults kissed passionately, not caring who watched. Neither one noticed all the cellphones that were pulled out, recording their moment. The couple kissed until they realized the music had stopped playing. Marinette pulled back and blushed. That had by far been the best kiss they have ever shared.

"Wow," Adrien whispered dreamily. 

He also believed this kiss had been the best one yet. This one was special, and he was sure she felt it too. They had poured their hearts out during this one, and it wasn't because they were in the middle of a moment of passion, but because they wanted to show each other just how much they loved each other.

 It felt as if this was their first kiss.

Still not caring who heard or watched, Adrien began to speak. 

"Princess, I know that this might be too late considering all that had already happened between us, but I have been thinking about what you said the other day about us not being anything, and I hate it. It hurt so much to hear you say that," Adrien said sadly. 

"Chaton, I-" 

"Please let me say this," Adrien interrupted. Marinette nodded understandingly. 

"Every time I remember hearing you say those words, it kills me little by little, especially after all that has happened. Every time we walk out of our dorm, and I can't hold you or kiss you like I wish I could, drives me mad. The thought of Luka or any other man trying to talk to you and believing we are just friends breaks my heart because I can't just be your friend, Marinette. My heart can't handle being introduced to your friends as one of your best friends because I want more. I need more."

"Princess, I want to be so much more than just your friend. I need to be more. I want to be your friend, but also your boyfriend, lover, and soulmate. I want to be able to hold you and kiss you at all hours of the day. I want to be able to tell the world that I do have a girlfriend and her name is Marinette Dupain Cheng." Adrien paused as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. "So," he delayed again, looking at the box and then towards her again.

 Adrien then got down on one knee and opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring that looked like a princess's crown. "My Princess, M'Lady, my everything, will you accept this promise ring as my promise to you to stand by, care for, and love you forever? Marinette Dupain Cheng, will you be my girlfriend?" Adrien finished, tears in the corner of his eyes as he finished pouring his heart out to her.

Marinette gasped, tears also spilling from her eyes. She couldn't believe it. Adrien was asking her to be official, and she couldn't be happier. She was honestly starting to believe that this day would never come. But it had and in the best way possible. Adrien had even gotten her a promise ring. Was she dreaming?

"Yes, Chaton, of course, I'll be your girlfriend," Marinette replied happily, as she allowed him to put the ring on her finger. "I love you," she whispered again, bringing him to another loving kiss.


Nino and Alya watched their friends as they kissed for what Alya believed was their second time ever and the first kiss of the night. 

Neither said a word as neither of them knew what to think of it. It was not that they didn't want to be excited and happy for them. It was more of the fact that the circumstances were a mess, and with the bet still in place, they didn't know if this was real or not. They couldn't help but feel doubts in regard to Adrien's actions.

Even then, Alya pulled out her phone and began to record. If Adrien thought about breaking her friend's heart, first she would show him this. Adrien looked so in love he needed to see this. She was about to put her phone down when the unexpected happened.

The couple watched as Adrien began to confess in front of everyone and then proceeded to get down on one knee, holding a box with a ring. The young couple gasped in surprise, and their eyes widened. They could not believe this was happening.

Nino expected a signal or even a smirk from his friend as a sign that he had won the bet, but was surprised when it never came.

 Actually, what he saw was quite the opposite.

 Adrien had tears in his eyes. He held on to Marinette as if his life depended on it. Nino could see the love in Adrien's eyes. The same loving look he had when he was a teen. Was the old Adrien back?

Their next kiss was as great as the first. Adrien and Marinette had begun a new chapter in their stories. One filled with true love.

 After breaking the kiss, the new couple heard everyone cheer and blushed profoundly, but they were so happy it didn't matter. Being extremely happy, Marientte couldn't help but rush towards Alya's side to show her the ring. All Marinette wanted was to share her happiness with her best friend, so it came as a surprise when Alya responded with a weak smile.

Marinette was confused. She really believed her best friend would be happier for her. 

Alya wanted to be happy for her, but she just couldn't be. 

She worried for her best friend. It was clear that Marinette was in love with Adrien, but was he? See, the thing would have probably been different if Marinette at least knew about the bet, but she had no idea, and that was what was bothering Alya so much. 

Someone had to tell her, and she would do just that.

"Alya, I- I don't understand. I thought you would be happy for me. This is what you wanted, right? Why are you acting like this now?" Marinette asked. Tears filled her eyes, only this time it wasn't because due to happiness. Alya saw this, and her heart broke. She couldn't take it anymore. The guilt was eating her up inside. She had to tell Marinette the truth. She needed to know the truth before it was too late.

"Marinette, there is something you should know." 

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