Chapter 24- Nino's anger

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*** Hello, My loyal readers. Here is another chapter for you. Things are about to get heated for everyone. I hope you enjoy it. Please, vote, comment, share and follow. I really appreciate your support. Sending love, MMF***

"We meet again, Agreste!" She spat out evilly.

"What do you want, Amy? I am busy." Adrien hissed in anger. He was so tired of this, Adrien couldn't catch a break today. All he wants is to find his beautiful girlfriend and fix the situation before she leaves with Luka, but no, he had no such luck! Instead, he is stuck having to deal with this selfish brat. Why did life hate him?

Amy laughed bitterly upon hearing his words. 'I guess it's time to tell him who I really am,' she thought to herself. God, Amy truly hated this guy. She only attended this college to get revenge on this worthless prick, and she would do just that.

"Amy?" she laughed again, confusing Adrien. That was her name, was it not? Adrien might have been a player but had never forgotten a name. 

Why was she acting like he had called her the wrong thing?

 "God, you still haven't noticed, have you?" The girl groaned, annoyed at how dense everyone had been. Adrien remained quiet. He was not really sure what was happening right now.

"No? Well, I don't blame you. It's shocking what money can get you. A little surgery, new hair color, and a fake name later and Amy was born. A whole new me, and a brand new person to society. Although, that day at your dorm, I really thought you would recognize the kisses of the girl who loved and would've done anything for you back in high school. I mean, my lies were legendary for a while there."

Adrien's eyes widened in horror as it dawned on him who the girl in front of him was. 

"Lila?" Adrien questioned, anger feeling his veins. Of course, how had he not noticed before? That day she knew just what to say to get him to take her to his dorm. She had played him! She wanted him to get caught.

"Ding, ding, ding. That's the right answer," Lila mocked. 

"But I have to say you remembered that awfully fast for someone who is suffering from amnesia," she continued, giving him an evil smirk. 

"I have a feeling someone learned from my tricks. Gabriel helped, didn't he? Though it doesn't surprise me, considering it was your father who paid me a hefty amount of money not to speak to the press about how screwed up his son really was. Then made me disappear. But what I am wondering is, how will Marinette react when she finds out the truth?"

Adrien gritted his teeth in anger. He knew exactly where Lila was heading with this. She had done it many times before. 


 As if his luck today couldn't get any worse. He had to run into Lila. Out of all people, he had to face the one girl he wished would have disappeared forever.

"What do you want, Lila? Why are you back? What do you want from me?" Adrien spat out with hatred, clenching his fist tightly. He truly hated this girl. She did whatever it took to hurt Marinette back in lycee. She was a liar and simply repulsive.

Upon hearing his question, Lila gave Adrien the biggest smirk he had ever seen. All while raising a brow as if to mock him. That was the question she had been waiting to hear. She thought he would never ask. Finally, she replied with one word and one word only.


"Revenge? What revenge? I never lied to you. I told you from the very start I loved Marinette. I never wanted to be with you, to begin with. It was you who blackmailed me into going on a date with you. It was you who forced me to be with you by putting Mari in the way. You made me choose between protecting her from my father or dating you. You knew she would fight to stay by my side if she knew the truth about my father placing her in harm's way. You knew I would do anything for her. I never did anything to you!" Adrien defended himself.

Lila gave a bitter laugh before stopping to glare at Adrien. "Maybe so, maybe I did blackmail you into taking me on the first date, but you kept coming back to me for petty makeout sessions. You made me believe I had a chance with you. You broke my heart, ruined me, and now I will do the same to you!"

Adrien was beyond upset. He couldn't believe what was happening to him at the moment. Why did life have to hate him? Why couldn't he have a small moment of happiness?

"Why, Lila? Why? I am not the same man I was before. I know you can see that. I am sorry I hurt you. But that was my past. We both did things that we wish we can change, but that is just it. We can't change anything. I truly am sorry. I lost myself for a while, but I am back. I am a better man."

"Yes, but not because of me!" Lila yelled out angrily. Adrien did not know how to respond to that. The way he saw it, anything he said at this point would leave him flat-out fucked.

"Not because of me," Lila repeated softly. 

"You have no idea how hard I tried to get you to love me. I lied to impress you, to make you see me as the perfect girl for you, but you could never look past her. I mean, I don't blame you. Marinette was amazing. That is why I hated her so much. I wanted to be like her, but I wasn't as great, and neither were you!" Lila hissed, pointing accusingly at Adrien.

"All you did was hurt, people. Use girls like toys. You even went as far as to hurt her. The only girl that loved you more than me. You don't deserve happiness, and you don't deserve her! I am going to save Marinette. I am going to save her from you!" Lila spat out, leaving Adrien shocked. Before Adrien could defend himself, Lila played a video on her phone.

There before Adrien's eyes, played a video of him and Nino. Adrien danced around while claiming he had won the bet. It then proceeded to him lying to her while attempting to cover it up. It also had him admitting to faking the amnesia. Lastly, the scene at the club. Adrien stiffened as his body grew cold. He had never been as afraid as now. Lila had everything she needed to make Marinette hate him for good. 

As long as she was alive, Adrien would never be loved again.

As Adrien watched the video, he realized something.

 Lila was right.

 He didn't deserve Marinette, and it hurt so badly, but he couldn't give up. For once in his life, Adrien wanted to be selfish. He loves Marinette, and he would do anything to keep her.

"Please, don't do this, Lila. Think of Marinette. If you do this, you will destroy her. I know I agreed to the bet, but I love her. I truly do. Please, I'll do anything, but don't take her from me," Adrien begged.

 If anyone asked Adrien at the beginning of the year if he would beg Lila for mercy, he would laugh and call them crazy, but look at him now.

Lila bit her lip, thinking.

 For a split second, she thought about giving up. Call her crazy, but Lila didn't have any intention of hurting Marinette again. She had wronged Marinette so many times before for no apparent reason other than her jealousy, and she didn't want to do it again. 

Adrien looked like he genuinely loved her. That second, Lila thought of maybe allowing Adrien to be happy, but then she thought of all the pain he put her and many other girls through. That was when Lila made her decision. She will finish what she started.

Suddenly, Lila got the best idea ever. Looking up and behind Adrien, she saw just the person she was looking for. Smiling, Lila looked Adrien in the eyes before saying, "Fine, I won't show her the video, but I want one last kiss. A final goodbye kiss."


Nino walked out of the class in search of his best friend. Adrien had texted him about the events with his father, and Nino wanted to give his friend the support he needed. Knowing Adrien as well as he did, he was certain Adrien was only hiding his true feelings. It was a matter of time before he blows.

Nino walked around the campus in search of the model. Why did the school have to be so crowded? Nino sighed in relief as he saw a glimpse of Adrien's blonde hair at the end of the hallway. Nino hurried closer to his friend but stopped in his tracks when he noticed Adrien talking to the same girl Marinette had once said she saw him making out with in their dorm.

Nino remained behind silently watching as Adrien looked like he was begging. 

'What the hell?' Nino thought to himself. Nino watched as the girl looked up at him and smirked. That was when he decided to react and chose to come closer but, as he was about to reach his best friend, he saw something that made his blood run cold and his stomach drop.

 Adrien pulled the girl closer to him and kissed her.

Nino couldn't believe it. How dare he! How could Adrien do something like this to him, to Marinette? That was it! This was the last straw. Adrien was officially dead to him.

 Amid his anger, Nino failed to realize he had been pulling on his backpack strap forcefully, making it snap in two and allowing the backpack to drop to the ground with a loud thump.

Adrien flinched and pulled back upon hearing the noise. Quickly, he turned around, scared that it was one of his friends, and to his luck, it was. 

Behind them stood a raging Nino with his jaw and fist clenched tightly. Adrien's eyes opened wide in fear. No, no, no, please not this. Adrien felt as his entire body began to sweat. Without thinking, he ran towards Nino in an attempt to explain.

"Nino, I swear it's not what it looks like. I w-" Adrien was interrupted when a painfully hard fist made contact with his cheek, sending him right toward the ground with force. 

To say Adrien was surprised was an understatement. 

He held on to his cheek as the pain spread all over his head. Adrien had taken hits before but never as painful as this. But he should have seen this coming. Nino was always protective of Marinette and had given him plenty of warnings, but to be honest, Adrien never thought he would hit him.

Adrien was at a loss for words. 

Not that he would have been able to speak because not a second later, Nino began yelling. "Fuck you, Adrien! I have forgiven many things you have done before, but this was too much. I can't believe you would stoop this low. You did all of it for the bet, didn't you? Well, fine, but know that as of right now, you are dead to me!" Nino spat out in anger before picking up his broken backpack and walking away from his now teary-eyed ex-best friend.

"Nino, please, wait. It's not what it looked like. Nino!" Adrien yelled, but it was no use as Nino was already gone and out of sight. That was the moment Adrien realized that it was over for him. Within minutes, Marinette would disappear from his life, taking his heart with her.

Walking over to Adrien, Lila stood straight and then laughed. 

"Oooppps, did I forget to mention your best friend was behind you?" She asked sarcastically, laughing once again. Then she mocked him by pouting her lips and putting her hands over her chest as if she felt sorry for him. "To think that we didn't even need the video," she added before walking away.

Adrien let out tears of anger. How could he have been so stupid as to trust that evil witch again? Lila had set him up. That's when it dawned on him. He had to stop Nino before he got to Marinette.

Adrien gasped and picked himself off the floor, quickly running after Nino. "Nino!" He yelled out desperately. He had to find him, he had to explain everything before it was too late. "Nino," Adrien yelled again, but to no avail, Nino was gone. But Adrien couldn't give up. He had to stop him. But the question now was,

Will he be able to get to him on time?

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