Chapter 36- It's really you

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***Hello, my loyal readers. As promised, here is the new chapter on The bet. I hope you like it. It will get a bit emotional and or a bit confusing from now on, but I promise it will all come together soon. As always, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you for your love and support. Sending love, MMF***

"M'Lady?" Adrien questioned again, stumbling closer and closer to her. Marinette took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she noticed Adrien reach out to feel her skin. He had to touch her skin. Adrien needed to verify that his princess was really in front of him at the moment. It was no secret that the blonde model was in a drunken state. He had been for days, if not weeks. Throughout which the blonde imagined his lady's presence, but just for a few seconds before realizing it had all been illusions. But this time had been different. She had spoken. He was sure she had said his name.

Adrien remembered all the previous times he had seen his princess. During those restless, painful nights, Marinette would appear by his side. Her bluebell eyes would stare deep into his green ones, showing him all the pain he had made her feel, yet she never cried. Marinette never moved, never spoke, and most importantly, would disappear upon his touch.

But this time was different. Adrien was sure of it.

His lady had tears in her eyes. She looked broken, and Adrien was sure she had spoken. That wasn't an illusion! It couldn't be!

As Adrien's hand reached to touch the soft skin of his lost love, Marinette stepped back. For a second, she had thought of giving in to his touch, but as she felt the heat of his hand come closer to her skin, she knew she couldn't allow it. The bluenette had to avoid his touch at all costs.

It had taken a lot of strength to show up today, and even more not to run into his arms the second he walked into the dorm, but his touch, that damn magical touch of his, was the one thing she knew would bring her to her knees.

Marinette held her breath. She had bearly avoided his touch. She just hoped he wouldn't attempt it again as she was not sure she could be so lucky the second time. With one single touch, Adrien had the power over her. Her mind, heart, and body. Everything was his with a simple touch.

The young designer's heart pounded as her eyes met his for the first time in two weeks. How was it possible that one man could make her feel such powerful emotions? How was it possible that she still loved him even after knowing she was nothing but a bet for him?

It was the first time coming face to face with the man who turned her entire existence and love into nothing but a bet.

"Hello, Adrien," Marinette spoke coldly. At least attempted to, as the pain made her voice break. As angry as Marinette was, nothing could compare to the hurt inside. She might have had a chance. She'd probably despise him, but three factors conspired against her in the end.

The sight of the love of her life drunk and broken hurt her more than words could ever describe, even more than learning of the bet itself. How was it possible for Adrien to look ten times worse than the picture her best friend had shown her? It was more than evident he had not been eating. The guilt that she had started dating Luka only a week after leaving the man in front of her. Marinette worried that everyone was correct, and she made a mistake. She started dating Luka without giving Adrien a chance to explain himself. More of so now that she knows how he reacted when he found out and begged her parents to intervene, claiming he loved her.


"Honey, I brought you some cr-" Tom halted upon seeing his only daughter in tears. "Oh, darling. Are you okay? What is wrong?" He asked worriedly, setting his plate down and hurrying towards his little girl.

As Tom approached his baby girl, he couldn't help but notice her holding on to a photograph. A photograph of her and the same blonde who had begged on his knees for help with his daughter.

"You still love him, don't you?" He asked almost quietly. Of course, he already knew the answer to his question, but he wanted her confirmation.

Marinette nodded almost shamefully. She felt horrible for admitting it, as she was in a relationship with someone else, but she could not lie to her father. No matter what she did, and no matter how hard she wanted to hate him, the truth was she loved Adrien with every ounce in her. "With all my heart," she whispered but quickly shook her head. "It hurts. I know that I shouldn't, especially after all that has happened, but I still do, and it kills me to know that he never felt the same."

The baker sighed. The baker let out a sigh. He had promised his wife that he would stay out of it, but he couldn't just stand by and watch two people who are clearly in love suffer in this way.

"That isn't entirely true," Tom said. "There's something you should know, honey. Something that happened approximately a week ago, but first and foremost, I'd like to say that Adrien loves you. That much I am certain of, I think you should hear him out."

-End of Flashback-

Not long after that, Tom confessed the entire truth about that day. The event only confused Marinette even more than before. That brings her to the last and third factor working against her.

               3. She will always be completely and helplessly in love with Adrien Agreste.

Adrien smiled, tears streaming down his cheeks as he exhaled, "Princess, it is truly you." He then took another step closer to her. Adrien had a strong desire to touch her. He felt compelled to touch her. For many nights, the blonde had yearned for the warmth of her flesh, the beauty of her voice, and the love of her heart. This time, nothing was going to stop him from touching her skin. She had escaped his initial attempt, but he would not let that happen again.

Convinced, Adrien refused to give up. He would not allow the love of his life to escape his touch again. Adrien rushed towards her, grabbed her arm, and brought her into his arms in one rapid motion. It happened so fast that Marinette did not have a second to react against it.

"You've returned. You're r-really here, aren't you? I thought I would never see you again. I missed you so much, M'lady." Adrien was in tears.

Marinette remained silent. Her mind and heart yelled opposite messages. The bluenette was baffled by what was going on. She was not sure how to react. Instead, she allowed herself to cry in his arms, following his lead. As much as she despised admitting it, she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life in his embrace. Her head shouted at her to push him away while her heart begged her to do otherwise. She almost followed her head but realized she couldn't. She'd been missing him terribly. She yearned for his touch, scent, voice, and warmth. His arms still felt like home. Marinette's heart ached. She knew his touch had such power over her. Why did he have to reach for her? Why did she have to love him so much?

Noticing her cries and lack of movement, Adrien panicked and began to slur. "Princess, I swear on my life that everything you heard has an explanation. P-please, hear me out. Give me a chance to explain things to you. M'Lady, I love you. I am lost without you. Please, don't leave me. Not again, please."

Upon hearing his pleas, Marinette found the strength and pushed herself out of his arms, taking a couple of steps back with it. An explanation? He had an explanation for destroying her heart the way he did? Oh, this better be good!

"M'lady, don't leave, please. Let me explain. I need to explain," Adrien begged upon watching her pull further away from him.

"Okay, Explain then! I want to hear it! After all, it was my life that you fucked up!" Marinette responded, feeling anger rise within her.

Adrien gulped. He knew he had to find the right words. But were there any for something like this. "Princess, I- I am so sorry. I love you, I honestly do," Adrien cried out as he attempted to walk towards her once again, but his current drunken state only caused him to stumble and fall. Marinette gasped as she watched the blonde fall and hit the nearby desk. The bluenette had witnessed Adrien in a drunken state before, but never like this.

"Adrien!" Marinette called out worriedly but quickly hid it under her fake cold exterior. Marinette proceeded to wipe the tears from her eyes and turn her back towards him. "You know what? You can explain another day. You are drunk!" She stated, once again faking disgust.

Scared that he would never see his princess again, the blonde quickly pulled himself up and shook his head in disagreement. "No! I am not drunk. We need to talk." Marinette grunted in frustration. "Yes, you are! Do not lie to me!" Marinette yelled in anger. "Look, I came here to talk. I was ready to listen to your reasons and attempt to understand, but not like this. Not while you are in such state," Marinette continued, but this time a bit calmer. In reality, she was looking for an excuse to leave the dorm. She was not ready to hear him out. Not yet, at least.

Adrien panicked the second he witnessed the love of his life walking towards the door. "No! Please, Marinette, don't do this. Don't leave me. I- I will do anything you ask me to. I will never drink again, but please, don't leave me. Not again," Adrien begged.

Marinette would be lying if she said that hearing Adrien beg for her to stay didn't make her heart pound like crazy, giving her a warm feeling inside. His pleas had changed something inside her. Marinette was not sure how it had happened, but at that moment, Marinette found herself no longer being angry. In fact, she couldn't take one more step. She no longer had the want to leave, not yet. And that scared her.

Marinette remained still for a second. She reminded herself of the reason she had decided to come in the first place. Her friends we worried about Adrien's health. She had promised to put her ego aside and help, and she would do just that.

"Okay, I will make you a deal. Sobber up, and then we can sit and talk," she spoke up, turning to look at Adrien, who stared back at her in surprise. A smile formed on his lips, but before he could say anything, Marinette spoke again.

"Take a shower. Meanwhile, I will clean up and make you something to eat. Afterward, you can rest, and then and only then will I hear what you have to say," Marinette finished, looking at him sternly. At this point, she didn't care how long she would have to wait. All she cared about was his health, which was evidently at risk.

"M'Lady I-" Adrien was about to object, but he knew that would not be the best decision. This was probably his only chance to speak to her and give her his side of the story, and he would not waste it. He couldn't risk her leaving again. Not again. Not ever.

"Okay," he whispered, agreeing to her demands. He then stumbled towards the bathroom. Marinette felt perplexed. A few days ago, she was sure the blonde never loved her. But if he didn't, then why do all this? Was this another part of his game?

Adrien looked at the bluenette one last time before walking into the bathroom. He was about to close the door, but before he could, he needed reassurance that his princess would still be around.

"Y-you will still be here when I come out, right?" he questioned nervously.

"I promise."

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