Chapter 39- A night to remember

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. This message is a WARNING to all. Chapters will now become long and intense. Some chapters might contain sin, others may be confusing, but it will all make sense later. It will now be a rollercoaster of emotions, so beware. Sorry in advance. Sending love, MMF*** 

He could feel her warm breath on his lips. He could smell the scent of her strawberry lip gloss. He was so close. His lady would once again be his.

Marinette watched as Adrien began to lean in. Before she knew it, her eyes closed as his lips looked for hers. They were only centimeters apart, and Marinette had not found the strength to keep herself from also leaning in.

Standing in front of her was the man of her dreams. The one-man she truly loved and had loved since the age of fourteen. The only man in this world that held the power to bring her to her knees and make her heart beat at the speed of light. And the one man that she had given herself to time and time again. Adrien! 

Adrien had just confessed to everything regarding the bet. He had given her his reasons and excuses as to why he had done what he had. He even swore to loving her over and over again. Adrien had managed to say all the right things. The same things she dreamt he would say since the horrifying day when she learned of the bet. It was almost perfect.

Marinette felt as Adrien's lips brushed gently onto hers. That gentle touch made her feel as if millions of butterflies had erupted in her stomach. But that is when it hit her.

She could not do this. It was wrong!

Snapping back to her reality, Marinette moved her head to the side and away from the kiss. Adrien's lips had barely touched her cheek.

"I have a boyfriend," she whispered. Her voice was rough, almost different. It could have been due to the fact that she was attempting to hold the want to cry or simply because she wished she hadn't felt the need to move, but it did.

Adrien felt his world collide. Even though this was not news, and he was already aware of the new relationship between the bluenette and the professor, the pain he felt then did not compare to the ache he felt now, hearing it come from her mouth.

In just seconds, Marinette had managed to plunge a dagger into his heart, cutting deeper than the ocean. Adrien had spent the past week crying and hoping that it had been a rumor and his princess's relationship with Luka did not exist, but it was. And it killed him!

Adrien clenched his shirt right above his heart. The ache he felt at the moment was beyond any other pain he had felt before. He could not understand how Marinette could do something like this to him. Why? How could she move on so quickly? Did he really mean so little to her? Was she doing this to hurt him? Was this payback? No! That couldn't be true. She still loved him. He could see it.

Adrien let go of her and took a step back as if she was on fire and he had burned himself. He needed to look into her eyes. He wanted to find an answer as to why she was hurting him this much.

"Why?" He asked, but Marinette remained silent.

"Why?" He asked again, but this time in anger. He wanted an answer. He needed an answer. But once again, Marinette did not speak, only angering Adrien even more.

"Answer me. God damn it! Why? Why are you with him? I know you still love me. I can see it in your eyes. So please explain to me why the hell you are with him!" He yelled in frustration.

"Adrien, stop," Marinette whimpered.

"No! Marinette, I need to know. You came here to talk. Right? So let's talk. I was honest with you. I told you everything you wanted to know, now I am asking that you do the same. Be honest with me, please," Adrien said as he turned away from her. Seeing her hurt him, especially knowing she was with someone else.

Adrien took and deep breath and turned to her once again. His green eyes landed on her blue ones as he got closer. "You can't say that what you felt for me was not real. I refuse to believe it. I know you, Marinette. I know that what you felt was real. I know that every single moment we were together, the moments we made love meant as much to you as they did to me. I felt it, Marinette."

"I felt it, and I know you did too. I felt you feel it too. If I hadn't, I would have never asked for her ring. Are you saying I was wrong? Are you telling me that your feelings for me were never real?" Adrien whispered as he wiped a tear from his cheek.

At that moment, Marinette felt her blood boil. How dare he question her feelings. Was it not him who accepted to get close to her for a fucking bet?

"Screw you, Adrien! I can't believe you could even think of something like that. I am not you! Don't confuse who I am. I had no ulterior motive. I had no bet! You did! Not me but you!"

"I know what I felt! And you are an asshole for doubting that. My feelings for genuine, and I always made sure to show them. I have never denied that I felt something indescribable with you. Yes, each time was special, and you are right. I can't lie and say that I don't love you because I do still love you bu-"

"Then why are you with him? If you still love me, why did you go to him? Why can't you forgive me? If we love each other, then why can't we start anew and simply, love each other?"

"Because you hurt me! Because you lied to me time, and time again, even after promising me never to do so. You lied and continued to lie over, and over again for months, Adrien. I can't trust you anymore. Can't you see that?" Marinette cried.

"Even if I wanted to believe you. Even if I wanted to start over and try again, I can't. Do you want to know why? Because without trust, there is nothing, and you made sure to ruin the trust I had in you. If we try again, we will fail because there will always be a part of me that will believe you are lying. I can't look at you the same," she continued.

"Luka is an amazing man. He was there for me when I had no one. He picked up the pieces of my broken heart. Even knowing what I feel for you has refused to leave me to fix it alone. He made me feel and see that I am worth it when you made me believe I wasn't. Most importantly, every day Luka wakes up and tries his hardest to repair me. The me that you destroyed. Luka is good to me," she finished.

Adrien was silent for a second. Her words hurt. To hear that she could never trust him again or that she believed Luka would help her heal more than he ever could, pained him greatly. Because at the end of the day, Luka could never love her as he did.

"But he will never own your heart," he whispered, staring deep into his eyes and coming closer to her. So close that she could feel the heat radiating off his body. "Do you want to know why?" It was his turn to ask. "Because that's my place," he whispered in her ear.

"Because deep inside, we both know we are meant to be together," he continued. "I was made for you, and you were made for me," he said softly.

Marinette did not speak. She couldn't deny that there was truth behind his words. No matter how much she hated to admit it, her heart was and will always belong to Adrien.

"N-No, we a-arent," Marinette denied nervously.

"Yes, we are, and I can prove it," he whispered in her ear once again. Marinette gulped loudly and froze upon feeling Adrien's arms wrap around her waist, drawing her closer. Marinette felt her knees give out on her. She mentally cursed herself for allowing Adrien to make her feel this way once again.

"Tell me, does he know you as I know you?" Adrien whispered in her ear, gently placing one of his hands on her cheek. "Does he know your likes and dislikes?"

"Can he make your heart pound as I do? Like it's beating right at this moment," he breathed out over her neck.

"Does he know of the cute birthmark on your inner left thigh close to your-?" Adrien stopped and chuckled as he felt his princess shiver. Loving how his lady reacted to his touch, Adrien decided to take it further by placing soft kisses on her neck.

"Does he know that your safe place is laying in my arms?" He whispered in between his soft kisses. "Can he recognize your voice and or scent anywhere you go like I can?" He asked again, kissing all around her neck.

"Does he know you moan loudly every time I am deep inside you?" He sucked and licked her neck, earning a soft moan from the bluenette. "Can he make you scream his name like you have mine?" He sucked again, leaving another mark on her neck.

Marinette couldn't control herself. Each time his lips touched her skin, she couldn't help but moan, giving him better access. He had her, and she knew it because the answer to every question was always the same. NO! Luka did not or could not because her heart was Adrien's. It always was.

"A-Adrien, p-please," she tried to speak, but her body did not have the strength to continue.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked, taking his lips off her neck and backing away just enough to look into her eyes. "If you do, stop me now before it's too late," he spoke softly, caressing her cheek. "Marinette, do you really want me to stop?" He asked one last time.

Marinette gulped. She was in trouble, and she knew it because she didn't want him to stop. She was his and wanted to be his again. "I-" Marinette hesitated. Did she really want to do this?

"I- No," she whispered. Yes, she did.

It only took a second for Adrien to respond, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was intense. It was special. Adrien had made sure he expressed himself with the kiss. It was so full of love and passion, it made them forget all the pain, hurt, and anger they once felt.

At that moment, nothing else existed. It was just Adrien, Marinette, and their love. Luka was now far from the designer's mind.

"I love you, Marinette. I love you with all my heart," Adrien whispered, kissing her with every emotion he was feeling.

"I love you too."

Once again, their hearts lead the way. The two broken lovers kissed each other like there was no tomorrow. Marinette allowed herself to be lost in passion, Luka not once coming up in her brain.

Adrien's hands roamed around his princess's body. He wanted to feel every ounce of her. He wanted all of her. Marinette didn't find it inside her to make him stop. She didn't want him to stop.

Marinette needed to feel him.

She needed him.

She was completely and utterly lost in the moment. So much so that she failed to realize what she was doing and how far she was going.

And she didn't!

Marinette wished she could say that it all happened so fast, she couldn't stop it, but it didn't. Adrien made sure to take his time. He wanted her to feel his love in every kiss, every touch, and every move he made.

He wanted her to orgasm to the point of no return. To make love to her over and over again, until they passed out of exhausting. Adrien wanted to remind her that she will forever be his and only his.

"A-Adrien," she moaned, gripping the blankets harder. Adrien did not stop. If anything, he sucked and licked harder, tasting every ounce of his lady. He loved the way his princess moaned his name, and he wanted to hear it again and again.

"Adrien!" Marinette screamed out as she reached her second orgasm of the night. Adrien licked his lips as he once again aligned himself to her entrance. Marinette gasped as she felt him once again enter her.

Marinette had no idea how many times or how long Adrien was planning to go, but she surely didn't want him to stop. Her body shook violently as Adrien continued to move inside her. Marinette was almost sure her screams could be heard by the entire building, but she didn't care. She was his, and only his.

The two continued making love for what seemed like hours. That was until Adrien's sweaty body fell exhaustedly on Marinette's aching one. "Wow," they both whispered as they lay in bed, feeling weak.

"I love you, M'Lady."

"I love you, Adrien."

Soon after, the two fell asleep in each other's arms. Neither realized that first, Marinette had a boyfriend, and second, Adrien had realized on Marinette's unprotected womb multiple times.


Morning arrived in a blink of an eye. Marinette woke up to the irritating sound of her cellphone. The bluenette had still not realized what had transpired hours before. That was until she tried reaching for the phone and almost screamed in pain. Not only was her body aching, but she noticed her ex-boyfriend's arm around her waist.

Marinette gasped as she remembered last night's events. She had believed it was nothing but a dream, but the reality was different. What the hell had she done? "FUCK! OH NO, PLEASE NO!" She whispered in panic.

Not wasting one more second, Marinette removed Adrien's arms from around her waist and reached for her clothes. She whimpered with each move she made. She almost felt pathetic for aching this badly. Marinette shut her eyes tightly, swallowing the pain. Oh God, was she in trouble?

Adrien woke up as he felt the sudden movement. He was about to speak when he noticed the bluenette attempting to get dressed quickly. Adrien then decided to sit up in bed and watch her but got up as he noticed her silently panicking.

"What are you doing, M'lady?" he asked putting his pants on. Marinette jumped at the sound of his voice. "Fuck," she thought.

"I-I got to go," she replied, keeping her back towards him. She refused to look him in the eyes. She couldn't fall again.

"W-what? Why?" he asked, feeling confused.

Marinette did not know how to respond. How could she explain this? She had messed up. She had a boyfriend, and the events from last night were never meant to happen.

"Marinette, look at me, please. Why are you leaving?" Adrien asked, walking towards her. Realizing she would not move, Adrien placed his hands on her waist and turned her to face him.

His eyes widened as he noticed the tears running down her cheek.

"Princess, what's wrong? Talk to me, please," he begged.

Taking a deep breath, Marinette shut her eyes tightly and responded.

"I'm sorry, but we can't be together, " she cried out.

Adrien's heart plummeted to the ground. His hands dropped to his side. He took a deep breath as tears filled his eyes.


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