Chapter 41- Forgiveness?

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***Hello, my loyal readers. I have brought yet another update for you. Yes, this is the third one this week. I want to address a few messages that I have been receiving. It seems as if my story has upset a few people. Guys, if you read the book title, it clearly states this is an Adrienette story. Please, don't worry, it will happen. The things happening now are a must to understand the rest. I did state there would be a lot of twists and turns. Just enjoy the ride. As always thank you for the support. A special thanks to all those who vote and comment on every single chapter. It truly means the world. Sending my love, MMF***

Marinette stood there watching her phone light up for the twentieth time in the last hour. Luka was attempting to contact her once more. Last night, he had left several messages, some of which expressed concern for her safety, but Marinette had not answered any of them. She wished she had never gotten a new phone in the first place. Isn't it possible for the earth to open up and swallow her whole?

Marinette took a deep breath and wiped a tear from her eye. The situation this morning had managed to destroy her completely. She hated knowing that she would soon have to face the hurt in Luka's eyes as she confessed the truth, just as much as she hated having to hurt Adrien the way she did, but she didn't see any other way.

Marinette stood there watching as the phone lit up once more. She was unable to take the call. What could she possibly say to explain her actions last night? How was she supposed to explain that she followed her heart and ended up in Adrien's arms? Most importantly, how could she converse with him while wearing marks made by another man all over her body. The man she loved. 

Marinette hid her face behind her hands as she sobbed even harder.

She was so ashamed of herself. Luka was not deserving of such treatment. He had always been so kind to her, but she wronged him in the worst possible way. She had cheated on him, and it was only the beginning of their relationship. She'd betrayed him, just as she had thought she would if she saw Adrien again. She was unable to speak to him. She felt filthy.

With a shake of her head, the young designer expressed her dissatisfaction. Her intellect told her to hide for a few days so the markings would fade and the events would be hidden from him, but her heart wouldn't let her. Marinette was well aware that Luka deserved her candor. He had a right to know the truth, and she had a right to suffer the consequences. Marinette could only hope that Luka would be gentle with her at this point. But, could she blame him if he wasn't? After all, it was her fault, and she deserved his hatred.

She realized she couldn't stay hidden for much longer. Marinette took out her cellphone and dialed Luka's number. She had no choice but to accept to call him back. There was a knock on her chamber door just as the phone started to ring.

Marinette stood up and walked slowly to the door, whimpering in pain. The ache simply reminded the bluenette of the blonde she had just hurt a few hours before. He made sure to leave his imprint on every inch of her body last night. He'd made love to her in ways he had never made love to her before. He yearned for her body, and she sensed it in his every touch. He had left such an impression on her that she could still feel him inside her, and it only filled her with greater remorse.

When Marinette answered the door, she was met by  Luka's stronghold, which caused her to stiffen and gasp as pain radiated through her body. While Luka held her securely, she tried to reduce her whining to a minimum.

"Melody, you're fine. I was very worried about you," Luka spoke up, his grip on her tightening. Marinette pressed her eyes shut tightly, trying not to cry in his arms. She did not deserve someone as lovely as him, someone, who would concern and care for her as much as he did. Her actions were not fair to him or his heart. 

Marinette's body froze in horror as she remembered her acts. She had neglected to cover the markings Adrien had left on her neck and chest because she was unaware of Luka's visit. This may be disastrous.

When Luka sensed her stiffening, he wrapped his arms tighter around her. As he clutched her hard, he was fairly certain he heard her whine. Almost immediately he unwrapped his arms from around her waist, attempting to give her some space. He attempted to ignore it and began to speak, but he came to a halt when his gaze fell on her body. "I made a million phone calls and texts. Is everything okay with you? Wha-" His gaze fell on her neck. His eyes widened as he looked over his girlfriend's neck and chest, almost studying all the colorful marks.

Marinette's head hit the ground, and she instinctively reached for her neck, hoping to conceal them. The was no word in the dictionary to describe the amount of shame and remorse she felt that very second.

Luka's heart shattered into a million small fragments. He wanted to yell, cry, and even hit something, but he knew he couldn't. As he tried to remain cool, his breathing got rigid. The sight of those marks was destroying him. He was well aware that it would occur. He was certain it would happen the moment he saw her two best friends arrive at the airport. He had a hunch it may after getting her call the night before informing him of her choice to speak with Adrien. His worst fears had come true. Adrien Agreste had stolen his melody yet again. 

Luka cursed the blonde out in his head. That rich daddy's boy did not deserve the love of someone so wonderful as Marinette. He had used her for a fucking bet!  How could he possibly be worthy of her?

The professor felt dizzy. How could he have been so stupid?  He should've realized something was wrong with them the moment she didn't call him last night. All of the unanswered messages were now clear. He was concerned about her safety, but apparently, she was secure in Adrien's embrace.

Luka watched as Marinette placed her small palm over her neck, attempting but failing miserably to cover the markings that had been left on her neck. His enraged eyes finally met her teary ones at that very moment.

"I-" she hesitated. She did not know what to say. Marinette felt horrible, yet she did not know how to explain herself. She tried to speak. She hoped to say something, anything but failed.

Luka closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. He couldn't possibly be upset with her. He couldn't find it in himself to despise the bluenette in front of him, no matter how much it wounded him. After all, she had always been honest with him about her feelings for him.

He began to talk after taking a deep breath. He wanted to make sure she was all right. She was stiffening, which meant she was in agony, and Luka needed to know if Adrien had injured her.

He whispered, "Just tell me one thing." "Was it consensual?" he inquired solemnly, his gaze never leaving hers.

Marinette's head slumped to the ground, and tears streamed down her cheeks while Luka stood there watching. Her eyes communicated the story all by themselves. Her body language expressed the message of the book better than any picture ever could.

Luka chuckled sadly. His hands togging the blue ends on his hair. He honestly couldn't believe it. He had trusted her. She had promised him over the phone that nothing would change between them after visiting Adrien, but it appears that was not the case. He should have known better. He always believed the saying "the heart wants what the heart wants" to be true. And her heart wanted Adrien.

"I should go," he whispered, turning around to take his leave.

"No, please, Luka, don't leave," Marinette pleaded. "Please accept my apologies. I swear I didn't intend for this to happen. It was a blunder. I wish I could take it back, but I am unable to do so. I am truly so very sorry. I never meant to hurt you.  Please don't abandon me," Marinette was in tears. She'd already lost Adrien due to her foolishness; she couldn't afford to lose Luka as well.

Luka came to a complete stop. He was befuddled to the point of insanity. He had no idea what he should do next. He loved Marinette, he wanted nothing more than to be with her, but he will not be able to endure the continual worry of losing her to Adrien every time he was near. He couldn't keep competing for affection that he would never get.

He desired to be near her. His only wish was for him to stay at her side, but he required more. If only she could give him reason to believe. Luka would take it without hesitation if she could offer him a reason to stay.

As he turned to see his melody crying, Luka felt his heart break. He hated seeing her so broken, but the question was, what did she truly want? Did she want his love and affection or just a friend? Luka couldn't be just a friend. 

"What for?  So you're able to tell me how you were willing to forgive him? So you're free to tell me you want to be friends and break up with me? Marinette, why do you truly want me to stay?" Luka stated, feeling upset.

"But I don't want to end our relationship!" Marinette screamed passionately. Luka sensed the return of his spirit to his body. She was giving him the hope he so desperately needed, but was it genuine?

"I made a major mistake, Luka. I fucked up! I had no idea how difficult it would be for me to see him again. Two weeks ago, I imagined a life with him. I was hoping to marry him. It's difficult, Luka. You can't understand how tough it is to wake up one day and discover everything has changed. I don't know what got into me. I lost control, and it just happened, Luka."

"Luka, I'm trying my hardest. I know my feelings for him aren't going to change overnight, but I'm trying. Luka, I enjoy spending time with you. Please don't give up on me just yet. I made a mistake, but it was not on purpose. I swear to you, I don't know why I did it."

"Because you still want to be with him, Marinette!"

"No, I don't! I can't deny that I still love him, but our tale is over. It is part of the past.  Luka, my relationship with him is over, I swear it. I'm looking for a new story. I want to be happy. I'd like to begin again, with you. Last night was a mistake. We talked, he gave me his reasons and said things that got to me, and before I knew it, I lost control. I suffered a lapse of judgment. I was weak, but I swear it will never happen again. Luka, please."

Luka shook his head, denying the situation. "Marinette, you can't make such a guarantee. That is not a promise that can be kept. How can you be so certain you'll never be weak again? That is not something that can be managed so simply. Don't you get it, Marinette? If you actually wanted to be with me, last night would not have happened. You're well aware that your relationship with him is far from done. Marinette, please accept my apologies. I really want to believe you, but I just can't. I won't be with you until I'm certain I'm the one you want to be with," Luka confessed.

"However, I am. This morning, I put an end to it all. I expressed my want to be with you. I explained that what I did last night was a mistake. I can't say I didn't extend him a hand of friendship, but I made it obvious that it would be limited to that. Please, Luka, believe me."

"I am sorry. I'm quite aware that I made a mistake. I'm sorry that I hurt you, but it won't happen again. I don't want our relationship to end. I don't want us to part. I'd like to spend some time with you. I'd like to keep trying with you. You brighten my day. I sincerely want to keep our relationship going, but I understand if you don't. If you despise me, I understand. I despise myself. I had no intention of hurting you."

Luka cracked a little grin. All he could hope for was that. Marinette had given him the ray of hope he had been looking for, and he was not going to give up.

"Marinette, I don't despise you. I know that you are sorry, and it was a mistake. I still care about you. I am not enraged by you. It hurts me to know that you offered yourself to him while being in a relationship with me, but I understand. That happens from time to time with love. After all, I'd always assumed such a scenario was possible. You've been honest about how you feel about me since the beginning, and I've chosen to love you nevertheless. I elected to take the risk, and I intend to continue doing so. Marinette, I still want to be with you too. If you say that you are sure it will never happen again, then I will believe you. I trust you, melody."

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