Chapter 7- Memories and Problems

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Marinette did not show up to class that afternoon. Adrien hated to admit it, but he was worried sick about her. He looked towards the door many times throughout the class, hoping she would show up late like all those times in high school, but time passed, and she never showed. "Where could Mariette be? I hope she is okay," was all his brain could process throughout the class. 

Why was he even worried? She was only acting like the victim. He was the one who had been torn apart and left broken. He had tried fixing their relationship only months after it had been broken. It was she who threw him out of her house. 


"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," Adrien stated nervously after walking through the bakery doors. "Adrien, my boy it has been so long. It is so great to see you again," Tom stated, pulling the young boy into a bone-crushing hug. He knew her daughter hated the boy, but never fully understood why. All he knew was, one night she was at a party with him, did not come home till about 4 am, and the next day came home from school absolutely torn to shreds. He has not seen her smile much ever since. He just hoped the blonde was here to fix his mistakes. 

"It's great to see you too, Mr.Dupain-Cheng. Umm, I am here hoping I could t-talk to your d-daughter, please," he stuttered, as his nerves got the best of him. He knew she was home. He had seen her come in minutes before but had to wait to get his emotions in check before coming in himself.

"Sure, my boy, you go on up. Marinette is in her room," Tom responded happily.  Truth be told both, he and his wife always hoped the two would end up together. It was so obvious they were made for each other. Adrien nodded before walking up to the apartment, and towards her room.

He truly hoped he would forgive him. 

 His hands trembled as he made a fist and knocked on the door. "Alya, just come in already," Marinette called out while giggling. She truly believed it was her bestie at the door. Adrien gulped at the sound of her voice. Just her voice had the power to turn him into jello. He hoped this visit would go right.

Adrien knew he had messed up badly, especially with Kagami. The two girls were friends so it was obvious one would get mad if he hurt the other, but he had a reason, and it was not even what it looked like.  He and Kagami were never together. Well, they were, but not like she thought. 

Adrien walked in before speaking up, "H-hey," His voice shook. "Umm, i-it's not Alya. It's Adrien." 

You could tell by the tone of his voice that he wanted to run away. There was fear evidently in his eyes because he has scared. Scared that she wouldn't forgive him, scared that he would lose her forever. He never imagined just how right he was. 

Just earlier, Adrien heard that a lot of things happened during the last party they went to together, most of them involving him and her. He prayed to God that it wasn't all bad. He honestly had no memory of that night. It was said, that it was the reason for her to immediately hate him. He only hoped she would forgive him. 

He watched as Marinette froze in her spot, not moving an inch. Her body was stiff and almost shaking. 

But that was not the only thing he noticed.

 His sight went to her walls. Every picture of him had been removed. Just a few months ago, her walls were filled with pictures of the two of them. Every game tournament, every adventure, everything had been caught on film and placed on her walls, but now, it was all gone. 

His heart immediately broke.

Adrien was hurt, his eyes filled with tears, as he fought to hold them back. His eyes shifted back to a still-frozen Marinette. Upon noticing she wouldn't so much as turn around, Adrien began to speak. "Princess, I-" The second his voice was heard again, Marinette felt her insides boil. Turning around to face him, she yelled, "don't," immediately interrupting him. "Don't you dare call me that after what you have done," she added angrily.

Adrien's eyes widened at the tone of her voice. She had never been one to speak in a harsh tone before. What did she mean by what he had done? What the hell did he do? He took a step forward and reached out to touch her, but at the same instant, Marinette took a step back, backing away from his touch. It was almost as if she feared him. Adrien felt his world come to an end. Did she really hate him that much? 

 "Marinette, please let me explain. I am so-" 

"You're so what? So sorry? Do you think that you can just say sorry, and everything will go back to normal? No, it won't be that easy," she interrupted again. 

Adrien began to feel anger rise. She wouldn't even let him talk, how else is he supposed to explain things, what was worse, he didn't even understand why she was so upset. 

"What do you want me to say then? What do you want me to do? I get it, I made mistakes. I messed up with Kagami, but things are not what they look like. I am trying to explain the situation, but you won't let me, and I don't even understand why you are so mad at me?" Adrien yelled with tears in his eyes. 

Down at the bakery Tom and Sabine froze upon hearing the teens yell at each other. As much as they wanted to run up there, they knew this was something they had to fix themselves. The adults felt sad that things had gone this wrong, but they still held on to the hope that they would find each other again. 

"Kagami? Do you think I am only upset because of that? What about the night before? What about what you said before you betrayed me? How about the promises you made? It didn't even last a few hours. You stabbed me in the back the first chance you got. I believed you. I trusted you! How could you do that to me?" Marinette was now fully sobbing. The memories of those awful hours played in her head, opening the wound she was desperately trying to heal. 

"I already told you I don't know what happened during the party! I was drunk! I am sorry if I hurt you, but I don't know what I did that was so wrong?" He answered as he pulled on his hair in frustration. 

"Then leave, get out and never come back. You can't truly be sorry for something you supposedly don't remember. You will never be able to understand just how much you hurt me." Marinette turned her back to him and put her hand over her mouth to silence her cries. "No, please, Marinette don't do this I-" he tried to beg, but once again she interrupted. "Get out Adrien, just go and never come back."

End of flashback 

Adrien felt a tear roll down his cheek. The memory was still so painful to experience. That was the last time he truly talked to his princess, the last time he visited her room, and the last time she looked at him with something other than disgust and hatred. That day had officially broken him. 

That was the day he decided to change to the new Adrien you see now. That was the reason he wanted revenge. He needed revenge. Adrien wiped away his tears and thanked God no one noticed it.

 Luckily, at that moment, the bell rang signaling the time for departure. Adrien grabbed his things and proceeded to walk towards the door. He had to find Marinette. He was not about to lose this bet. He would get his revenge if he was the last thing he'd do. 

Before he was able to walk out of the classroom, he felt a hand on his wrist. "Stay," was all Mr. Coufainne said. Adrien felt his blood boil. He still remembered Luka's confession to Marinette, and that was truly upsetting. That man had no idea just how much the blonde wanted to make him disappear. 

Adrien has never hated someone as much as he hated this guy, and he made sure to show it. Adrien glared at Luka and pulled his arm out of his grasp with full force. Not that it bothered Luka any, it took a lot to anger him. 

"Mr. Agreste, I was wondering if you knew why Ms.Dupain Cheng missed my class today?" Luka was not stupid. He knew Adrien had a thing for Marinette. It was obvious. Adrien's knuckles turned white as his fist tightened dangerously. 'Is this guy fucking serious?' Adrien asked himself. He was truly getting sick of this teacher. How dare he as him about her! How dare she even thought about giving him a chance. He was angry at both of them. 

'Oh well, time to teach this professor a lesson. Step one to winning the bet is to get rid of the competition.' Adrien thought to himself before relaxing his body and giving Luka the biggest and fakest smile he owned. 

"Of course I do, Mr. Couffaine. My princess felt ill and I decided it was best if she stayed home and rested. I mean I can't have the love of my life risking getting in a worse condition. Especially now that she agreed to get back together. I hope you can understand," Adrien stated with a smirk. He had always been a great actor, so it was not hard for Luka to believe his words. 

Luka went cold. His eyes widened, and the books he once held were now on the floor. Meanwhile, Adrien was enjoying the mental damage he inflicted on the professor. He really wanted to laugh, but he knew he had to keep the believable worried boyfriend act. Not that it was too hard, he really was worried. 

"I apologize, they slipped," Luka said, bending down to pick up the books. "Oh no worries, but I really should get going, I have to hurry home to my princess. Bye Mr.Coufainne," Adrien responded feeling proud. He had just done to Luka what he did to every other guy who tried to get to his princess. He got rid of him. 

"Competition disintegrated, now to win the bet." 

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