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"What do you want Khione?" I growled, pointing Riptide at her. She just smiled.
"I just wanted you to be broken mentally." She shrugged. She must've noticed my slightly confused expression.
"Oh, don't you know?" She asked, her smile growing even wider.
"Know what?" I asked warily.
"Daniel Smith, the son of Aphrodite, was sent by me." She laughed coldly. I stared at her, frozen in shock.
"That's right. I was the one that sent him to your camp. I made sure that it was you on border patrol when I sent the two hellhounds after him. Since I have a power similar to charmspeak, I had made his power of charmspeak even more powerful than any other child of Aphrodite. I convinced him to turn everyone against you. I didn't realise how effective it would be." She laughed again. I felt myself shaking, not from coldness or sadness, but from anger. A dark rage swirled through my veins and I could feel my eyes darken.
"I am going to kill you." I snarled, my rage taking over as I lunged at her. Immediately she blocked the blow with an icy sword. We exchanged blows in an extraordinary rate, to others we probably would've looked like a whirlwind of blades, ice and snow. I ducked under a strike then kicked her wrist away. She gasped as her wrist snapped and the sword fell from her hand. She conjured up icy daggers, which she threw at me. I lifted my hand, turning the ice back to water. I advanced towards her slowly, water swirling around me like a mini hurricane. I glared at her and sent all of my water rushing at her. She was thrown back and landed on the ground. She scrambled to her knees, but I shoved the water at her again. It surrounded her and she clawed at her throat, drowning. She coughed and spluttered, but I continued. The dark anger pulsated through my body, driving me to do something I vowed never to do again.
"You ruined my life. You sent that... that piece of filth to destroy my life. And now," I paused, freezing all of the blood in her veins. She let out a gurgle, water filling her lungs. "I am going to destroy you." She let out a blood curdling scream, terror and agony clear in her eyes.
"Percy! Stop!" Someone called out. I turned around, ready to lash out at whoever dare stop me from killing her. It was Pepper and Tony.
"Percy, please. Stop." Pepper begged.
"She ruined my life! She deserves to suffer!" I snarled.
"Percy, no one deserves what you're doing." She said. I could see the fear in her eyes. Fear... of me. I winced, my anger slowly ebbing away. I let the water drop, hanging my head. Khione choked and spluttered, coughing up water. I turned to her with a hard look.
"Leave now. If I ever see you again, I will kill you." I hissed. She nodded hurriedly and disappeared in a flurry or snow.
"I-I didn't mean to get so..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. Pepper engulfed me with a hug.
"Hey, it's all right. Just because you lose control now and then, doesn't mean you're a bad person." She said soothingly. And just like that, the dam holding back my feelings broke. Pepper held me motherly as I cried. I cried for the camp that betrayed me, I cried for Annabeth and I cried for mom and Paul.

Sorry, this was a rather short chapter, but I'm not really sure what to do next. So just bear with me guys.

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