The Begin

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Griffin & Kryuger

We see a person wake up from a bed and begin to dress up the commander suit as the person put his hat on and reveal his appearance.

Alex Brooks

Alex:Time to get start.

Alex start walking on the hallways but he is confused because he notice some t-dolls and commander are staying away from him and give a death glare at him.

Alex:Weird..why are they giving me a death glare?

He keep on walking until he saw three girls standing in front as they already wait for Alex.

Female Kryuger



Alex notice Gentiane and Helianthus look disappoint to him while Female Kryuger just sigh at me.

Alex:What's going on girls?

Female betray us.

Alex:*Confused*What?What do you mean I betray you girls?!

Helianthus:We found a footage about you harass the t-dolls and send information to Sangvis.

She said as she show him the footage as he was shocked.

Alex:*Shocked*That is not me!I swear!Please believe me!

Gentiane:The evidence is here Alex...I can't believe...

Female Kryuger:Alex..we know you are great commander in our army but..unfortunately I have to get you fired...due to this case.

Alex:Just why don't you arrest me?!

Helianthus:We know your a good person....but we have to handle the situation so get out of here.

Alex went silence until...

Alex:Why can't you girls believe me...

He walk off to his room as they keep looking at Alex until Gentiane notice Female Kryuger eyes have a bit tear.


At his room,we see Alex pack his stuffs and ready to leave as he open the door and see three girls standing in front.




Alex:You girls... could you..?

Alex:Girls..please believe me..I'm been framed.

AK-47:Shut up!How dare you harass our comrade!

Alex:I swear it wasn't me!

Kalina suddenly slap him as he look at Kalina and saw Kalina is in tear.

Kalina:You don't deserve to be here!

She said as she and her two t-dolls leave Alex as he hold his face in pain.


We see Alex is in the cafe as he sigh and call his old friend.


???:Alex?What do you call me for?

Alex:I need a ride to my old home.

???:Oh you mean at Hope County?Don't worry,I call my pilot to pick you up.


The screen then went black...

5 Hours Later...(Night)

At the sky,we see a helicopter is flying toward to their destination as we see Alex hold his picture of an old home.

Pilot:We almost there to the place.

Sam Geenil

Sam:Alright then.

Alex(Mind):Hopefully I can meet some good old face again.

Suddenly a rocket hit at the helicopter tail.

Pilot:Sh*t!We're going down!Hold on tight!

The helicopter start going down as Alex and Sam hold still their seatbelt until they crash into a forest and they got knock out.

10 Minutes Later...

Alex:*Wake Up*What..the hell..happen?

We see Alex wake up as he see him and Sam are stuck upside down at the fire crash helicopter as they heard a voice.

???:We got a live one here!

They look at their right and see some people are grabbing the pilot as they put him onto the ground.

Pilot:Please let me live!

???:This one doesn't look nice.

??? 2:What are we going to do with him?

The person then shoot pilot head with his pistol.

???:Check the chopper.We need to see if we got some people.

Sam:Sh*t!We have to get out!

They struggle to get off the seatbelt as they finally got off and start running.


???:Shoot them!

The mysterious people start firing their weapon at Alex and Sam but they dodge it as Alex and Sam keep running as far as they can until they reach a trailer house as they got in and calm a bit down.

Alex:Jesus...Who are these people?!

Sam:I don't know..I think they are not friendly for us.

Alex look around and notice a picture of a family.

Alex:*Point at the picture*What is that?

Sam:I don't know...maybe it's just a normal family living here.

Sam look at the left and notice some weapon.

Sam:Alex look!

He walk toward to where the weapon is and start grabbing.

Sam:Alex take this.

He give Alex a shotgun called M133 and a pistol called M1911 as Sam armed up with his assault riffle AR-C.

Sam:We have to get out of here.If those people find us,we shoot at them...

He then heard a voice from outside as Alex and Sam slowly walk toward to the near wall as a shot is fired at the window.

???:They're inside!

Sam:Get ready!

They start firing their weapon as Alex fire 2 shots at two of the people while Sam fire 24 shots at eight of the people as Alex fire another shot at one of the people and reload as he notice the people keep coming after them.

Alex:Sam it's no use to stay here!

Sam:Come with me!I have the truck key but you need to protect me!

They crawl out the window and head to the garage as Sam is opening the door while Alex fire his shotgun at the people as Sam manage to open the door and start the truck.

Sam:Get in!

Alex fire his last shot and get inside the truck as they start driving away from those crazy people and they crash the gate.

Alex:Jeez!What is wrong with these people!

Sam:I don't know but our plan is to get away from them and get the f*ck out of this place!

Sam keep driving the truck until he look at the front and see the roadblock.

Sam:Ah sh*t!They got the roadblock!Hang tight!

Sam turn left and drive into a shortcut as the people also drive their vehicle to attack them.

Sam:Alex there a machine gun at the back!Grab it and fire at these f*ckers!

Alex nodded as he grab the M60 and start fire at the people from the back as he manage to kill 3 of the vehicles.They drove into back into the road while Alex keep firing until he got shot at his shoulder and accidentally drop his M60.


Sam:You're okay Alex?!

Alex:I'm fine.Just got hit by the shoulder but I drop my damn weapon!

Sam:Just take this!

He pass the AR-C to Alex.

Sam:It's only have 120 ammos.Make this count at those people!

Alex look out the window and fire his AR-C at the vehicles as he hit one of the driver and the vehicle flip.They drive into the bridge as in front of them have a truck with a machine gun behind as one of the people fire his machine gun at them while Alex fire his AR-C at the truck in front until a plane suddenly fire at them and it make them crash into the iron from the bridge as they got off from their truck.

Sam:Sh*t!We're been surrounded!

The truck surround the area as the people got off from their vehicles and aim at them as we see a person got off and reveal his appearance.

Joseph Seed(The Father)

He walk toward to them until he stop.

Joseph:You guys are tough..but your journey end.

Alex look down and saw the lake.

Alex:Maybe not...this is only the Beginning!

They jump off from the bridge and land at the lake as the people run toward to the end of the bridge.

???:Damn!They got away!Shoot them!

But then Joseph pat the person shoulder.

Joseph:No.He's right.*Look at the scene*God said this is the start of the war.


We see Alex and Sam landed at some kind of mini island as Alex cough from the water.

Alex:Did we escape from them..?

Sam:I think so..

But then they heard the people voice.

???:Search for them!

??? 2:Let them be dead!

Alex:They still coming for us!

Sam:Damn it...

He's piss off until he look at Alex.

Sam:Alex..when the time come,I be the angel.I distract them while you run away.

Alex:*Shout*No!I can't leave you to them!

Sam:*Shout*I say so!Now run!

Alex look at Sam and nodded as he start running into the forest while Sam shout at the people.


Alex keep running off until he heard a noise.


Alex stop his track and look at the direction where they landed.


He walk toward a bit until he got down and ready to close his both eyes as he see a person holding a shotgun and the person decide to put the shotgun at his back and carry Alex as Alex close his both eyes and a tittle is shown at the screen.

"The Betrayed Hope Of Hero"


Ask:Hey guys,so what all this about?Well if you remember the old story Far Cry 5 X Girls Frontline,well I have decide to create this story for you guys to enjoy.When in 2021,I start making story like the first story called Tower Defense Simulator X Girls Frontline and the second story is the old version of Far Cry 5 X Girl Frontline.This will be the great return of my second story.Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I will see you on the next one!

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