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Clutching the straps of his bagpack with head low and walking straight towards his locker, he made sure he didn't made an eye-contact with anyone, not because he feared them or something it was just a natural repulsion from all his fellow mates' judging stares at him.

He wasn't ugly. No one is!!! But aren't we born in a judgemental society!?! Unfortunately yes!!! And yeah according to society wearing round glasses, not having their so-called cool demeanor, not doing all those trendy things but studying and loving being themselves is called ugly. So, there goes the tag of being ugly. Well congrats!?! Atleast you are not a sheep following its flock cluelessly of the path just to'follow the trend' .

He didn't mind their comments on him, he is intelligent enough to ignore them. But at a point don't we all need someone by our side who would be by your side not minding of who you are!?! Fortunately he had that someone. And there goes his someone calling him across the hallway gathering everyone's attention.

??: HYUNGGG!!!!!!!!!!

His bestfriend more like his little brother.

JEON JUNGKOOK, The Heartthrob of the college. A literal sunshine or a rabbit hybrid maybe!?! Everyone's favorite, every girl's dream man , handsome, intelligent, cheerful, outgoing and what not so yeah atleast 5-6 proposals everyday but gets rejected politely. He isn't your cold Heartthrob who would harshly yank you away or a playboy who would accept just for fun. He would reject them so politely that would make them admire him even more.

Even after getting so much attention just in his freshman year's first 2 months, he never went for all those glittering friends but for an actual friend whom he could find only in his hyung,


Namjoon looked up at the source of voice finding jungkook waving his hand to him with a big bunny smile on his face making the girls go 'aww...' on him, but everyone made a slight disappointment face when he hugged his hyung. Well he could care less about them!!!

JUNGKOOK:What's up hyung!?!

NAMJOON:I am all good Jungkook!!! What about you!?!

JUNGKOOK:Me too!!! Hyung, we are soon gonna have a test and I really haven't reviewed, please hyung help me!!!

NAMJOON: Ofcourse i will do help you kook!!! But why didn't you reviewed it!?! See, I told you, if you have took my words seriously and studied instead of playing video games you wouldn't be worrying now bu-

JUNGKOOK:Aish hyung!!!! I know as long as you are by my side, I don't have to worry for anything!!!! And uh-hyung!!! Actually

NAMJOON:What!?! Say it properly kook!!!

JUNGKOOK:hyung- that uh- how about you find a book for me in library till then I can have a little basketball match!!!! Byeeeeee!!!

Jungkook spoke and ran away making Namjoon sigh knowing he will do what he said, afterall he is someone he adores the most in this world after his mother.

After the little match, Jungkook's teammates were sitting on the ground having refreshment so that they could start their classes energetically when suddenly one of the boy asked him.

??: Jungkook, bro I am having a party at my birthday in a club. Hope you come!!!

JUNGKOOK:Oh,isn't your birthday tomorrow!?! Well many many happy returns of the day in advance but I am really sorry,I wont be able to come tomorrow.


JUNGKOOK:I will be with Namjoon hyung!!! I will be having a night over at his house.

??:Hey!!!!C'mon bro my party will be more interesting than his house. And to be honest why do you even hangout with that loner!?!

JUNGKOOK:I dont think I need a reason to hangout with him. And yeah!!! His name is KIM NAMJOON. I hope you learn how to use words for him when you talk because next time I won't be tolerating anything against my hyung.

He spoke sternly and went away towards his classes not realizing his every words were heard clearly by Namjoon himself who was having a soft brotherly smile.

Namjoon came in reality when he sensed someone beside him. He turned his head towards his right and saw none other than Byeol herself.

BYEOL: Remembering those days huh!?!

NAMJOON:No, just thinking about upcoming project.

BYEOL:While crying!?!

Namjoon looked at her being confused making byeol chuckle. She reached out her hands towards his cheeks where a tiny drop of tear was sitting without his permission and wiped it.

BYEOL:You can't lie, you know that. And these tears are making it more obivious.

Namjoon just stared at her face knowing it's not like he can't lie, it's just he can't lie to this one particular person in his life. He slowly held her hand which were busy wiping his tears which made her look at his eyes.

NAMJOON:Don't you also remember those days and h-

Before he could say anything from their painful past,she covered his mouth. She shook her denying him to mention anything. Namjoon sighed and removed her hand.

NAMJOON:It's quite late, you should go and sleep. We also have a meeting with Mr.Jeon.

He said and went awy to his room. Byeol looked at his disappearing figure and mumbled.

BYEOL:You dont even want to take his name. Atleast you can talk to him even tho formally but I can't even see that someone.


Sitting inside her office, she was engulfed with immense amount of work completely forgetting the meeting with THE STARLIGHT company's CEO, Jeon Jungkook.

Soon a high-pitched voice was heard from her secretary, Lisa.


Byeol just looked at her calmly and said.

BYEOL:It's okay,lisa!!! He will be the coming in our office anyway!!!

LISA:Oh!! Yeah!!! Hehe you can continue. I will just inform you when he will come.

Byeol nodded her head and continued her work after Lisa went out but soon she was interrupted by a knock on the door making her groan before she let out a small 'come in' .

She glanced up from the file finding Jungkook standing with all his glory with his assistant who was giving a hatred look at her.

JUNGKOOK:Good morning, Ms.Han!!!


ERICA:Only morning, Ms.Han!?! Not good!?! Why so!?!

Jungkook looked at her sharply but she didn't cared, all she cared was humiliating Byeol just like she did. But with whom is she even trying to compete, a woman for whom her self-respect comes before anything and anyone.

BYEOL:Quite an observer huh!?! What to do, Miss Erica!?! Some faces are so unlikable that they automatically make my morning dull. Hope you understand it,Miss Erica otherwise there are many mirror around here. And yeah, use your specialty for good things.

Erica felt ashamed yet again, Jungkook coughed lightly making both the women turn towards him.

BYEOL:Please have a seat,Mr.Jeon!!!

Jungkook nodded and sat on the provided seat and said.

JUNGKOOK:So, Ms.Han have you decided anything for the project!?!

BYEOL:Yeah!! Not much but it can surely help us and what about you!?!

JUNGKOOK:Yeah,same here and uh- I am really sorry again for our mistake that day but don't worry, we won't be repeating it.

BYEOL:I am glad to hear tha-

Before she could complete her words Lisa barged in her office and shouted without acknowledging the other two persons.

LISA:Yaahhh!!!! LEADERRRRR!!!! STARLIGHT's CEO is here already.

Byeol sighed at her and shook her head.

BYEOL:Lisa, I know and they are sitting in front of me.

LISA:Ohhh!!! Uh- well Good Morning Mr.Jeon and Ms.Erica.

They both greeted back. Lisa gave a apologetic smile to byeol and was going out when byeol stopped her and said.

BYEOL: Lisa!!! Please inform Namjoon about the meeting.

LISA:Sure thing leader!!!

Jungkook squinted his eyes at Lisa this time who was soon out of their view or the words she said to be precise. Somehow her voice seemed familiar to him but just couldn't pinpoint on it.


BYEOL:Did you said something, Mr.Jeon!?!

JUNGKOOK:Oh, no!!! I guess we can start discussing further.

BYEOL:Umm...sure but let Mr.Kim also come then we can proceed.

Jungkook just clenched his fists under the table and said.

JUNGKOOK:I think, you are already here so we can proceed.

Byeol raised her eyebrows at him and said,

BYEOL: I dont like taking any kind of decision without him, Mr.Jeon.

JUNGKOOK:Why!?! Because he is your bestfriend.

BYEOL: No,because he owns this company as much as I do. Without him and his intelligence, this company is nothing. I guess you should know that, who knows him better than you do, Mr.Jeon right!?!

Before Jungkook could say something the doors opened revealing Namjoon with a blank face like always.

NAMJOON:Morning, Mr.Jeon!!!


Erica furrowed her eyebrows and thought 'what is with these both, byeol and namjoon like cant they add a simple good with morning. Wait, is he also trying to moke me!?! Ahhhh!!!!! I guess I should visit beauty parlor soon,hmm.'

Soon the three business persons were discussing their project with slight conflicts between Namjoon and Jungkook which added nothing except more hatred towards each other.

What they didn't notice was, they were digging nothing but the past, the brutal past which had messed up everyone cruelly, the same past with which they all were tangled unknowingly.

The same past which will be the reason of upcoming BETRAYALS.





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