Chapter 12

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With Jaune

Jaune and the girls were resting in beacon courtyard when Jaune felt himself going unconscious 

Jaune mindscape

Jaune was in a field when he heard someone calling him

"Hello again Jaune." The female said as Jaune turned to see

It was one of the 2 original god and goddess of the Multiverse Asteria the one who killed the Brother Gods and sent Jaune to her and her brother chosen champion

You see 2 of the original god has a chosen one which is Izuku Sakai however at the time of remnant Asteria saw potential in Jaune and saw he was a pure heart and sent him to the chosen one family to be raised and guidance

"Hello Jaune." Asteria said in a sisterly tone

"Hello Big sis Asteria." Jaune said as he hugged her

"You have gotten stronger. Your brother has been training you" Asteria said as she smiled at him

"Yes he has made me strong." Jaune said smiling

"That is good. He is the chosen one after all." Asteria said

"Yeah I am glad he is the chosen be honest I wouldn't be able to handle that much pressure." Jaune said admitting as he told the truth. You think most would be jealous of their sibling if they were chosen one but Jaune didn't care one bit. In fact he was happy that his older brother was the chosen one and still cared for him as one of his own blood siblings

"That is good. I always saw that you had talent now I have came to reward you. I came to bestow you a power of the Phoenix Slayer Magic" Asteria said as Jaune eyes widen

"The Magic of a Phoenix." Jaune said in awe as Asteria smiled

"Yes Jaune you have proven you can wield this power." Asteria said as a yellow glow entered Jaune body

"You will also have a guide." Asteria said as flames appeared as a Phoenix was in front of Jaune as it tackles Jaune

"Hello Master." Phoenix said as she nuzzled Jaune as he pets her awe at her beauty

"Hello aren't your so beautiful creature." Jaune said smiling and petting his new friend as it nuzzled him affectionately

"Her name is Natasha and she will help you in battle." Asteria said as she looks at Jaune

"It will take time to master the art of Phoenix. I will leave instructions for you to read on how to control your powers. Natasha will be with you all the time when your not in school or training. You can summon her whenever you want as she also has a human form" Asteria said as she stands up

"Thank You So Much, Asteria." Jaune said as Asteria smiled

"Now go introduce them to your girls." Asteria said as Jaune woke up to see Jade, Anna, Gwen, Winter and Monica staring at the big Phoenix in awe and fear

"Natasha human form." Jaune said as Natasha transform into her human form

"Yes Master." Natasha said as the girls looked in shocked as she transformed into human

"Jaune..." Winter asked shocked

"She is my guide and familiarity I have gained new magic." Jaune said showing his Phoenix symbol as the girls eyes widen

"You gained powers of a Phoenix." Gwen asked

"Yep. I have some knowledge of the power but look like I will need to increase my training. Natasha will help me isn't that right." Jaune asked as Natasha nodded nuzzling her master/new friend

"Yes master." Natasha said

"Well she is cute." Jade said as she tried to touch her as Natasha bit her hand

"Ow!" Jade said angrily as she pulled her hand away "Hey! You bite!"

"Sorry only master can pet me." Natasha said as Jaune was giving her head scratches

"No biting my girlfriends." Jaune said sternly.

"Yes Master." Natasha said as she bowed her head

"So now you have a higher chance to beat Nara." Gwen said excited as Jaune smirked

"Right. Nara has changed too much. Now I can learn to control my magic better." Jaune said as he felt the Phoenix in him as his eyes glow orange

"How did it feel?" Winter asked curiously.

"It felt weird at first but I will get use to it eventually." Jaune said

"Good because our enemies are getting stronger." Monica said with a serious tone of voice.

"Then we will be ready for them." Jaune said confidently before turning to face Gwen and the others.

"We should head to the city soon. I need to pick up some supplies" Jaune said as the group began walking towards the city

"What type of supply." Anna asked as she watched Natasha nuzzling Jaune

"Some meat and some spicy food for Natasha." Jaune said smiling

"I guess we do need some grocery." Gwen said

"Grocery Master." Natasha asked as she looked at Jaune.

"Yes Grocery. I am sure there is one here." Jaune said

"Alright then let's go to the city." Winter said as Jaune gave Natasha a scratch behind the ears as he was leaving with the girls as Natasha whined

"Master, I want to come with you." Natasha said as she pouted

"No. Don't worry I will return soon go to my room" Jaune said as he scratched her again and walked off as Natasha went to his room


Jade and Gwen decided to follow Jaune as he headed into Vale while the other girls went to the mall in Vale while Jaune was doing grocery shopping with Jade and Gwen. As they arrived near the entrance of the city, the girls could hear the sounds of people having fun. The streets were busy as the girls saw many people who are enjoying themselves. They saw a couple who is kissing passionately while another was hitting on a girl in front of them.

"Come on let get the grocery and head back to Beacon?" Gwen said looking around at the crowd

"Yeah. We can keep exploring the city later." Jade said as they followed their boyfriend

As they approached the market, the girls saw many vendors selling different merchandise. There were also a few stalls with food.

"Wow. It looks like there are a lot of people here." Gwen said as she noticed the large crowds

"Yeah. This place is a lot more lively than the other villages." Jaune said as they walked through the crowded marketplace

"Where do we start?" Gwen asked as she looked around

"There should be someone here that can help us find what we need." Jaune replied as he scanned the crowd as they were getting supplies and found everything to meat and few drinks all that was left was to get Vegetables

After a few minutes of searching, they found a young man wearing a red vest with 'Vegetables' written on it. He had several boxes of merchandise in his hands as he scanned the crowd.

"Can I help you?" The young man asked as he turned towards them.

"I am looking to buy some vegetable for me and my group." Jade asked pointing to herself Gwen and Jaune

"Are you staying in Vale?" The young man asked as he looked at them suspiciously

"We're just from Beacon." Jaune said as they began to walk away.

"Wait!" The young man yelled after them.

The girls stopped and turned to look at the boy.

"Why would I lie? We're all here on our own." Jade said looking at the young man.

"Maybe you are the guests of Miss Nara."

Jaune immediately got alarmed with Gwen and Jade as all three stare at the young man in shock.

"How do you know that name." Jaune said as he stared at the boy

"She was here...She looking for Jaune." Young Man said fearfully

"Who are you?" Jade asked as she pointed her sword at the man.

"My name is Yutaka! I'm a merchant here in Vale!" The young man said as he tried to get back to his previous stance.

"Well Yutaka how do you know about Nara." Gwen said hands on her pistol.

"She came to me asking if I knew where Jaune was..."

"That's not true." Gwen said glaring at the young man

"Listen..." Yutaka said as he put his hands up.

"You think you can hide behind your lies? Jaune said as he angrily

"I heard from my friends that she is here in Vale. She is doing business with Roman"

"Go ahead and tell us everything." Gwen said calmly as she pointed her gun at the young man.

"She left last night. I don't know where she is. But it's best to stay away from her. I didn't know she was going to attack you. I swear!" Yutaka said in between gulps.

"If you lied to us, you are dead." Jade said coldly as she glared at Yutaka.

"Anything else." Jaune asked as he pulled out his sword.

Yutaka hesitated for a moment before replying.

"She is also leading some white fang." Yutaka said as Jaune nodded

"Keep quiet don't mention we were here." Jaune said as Yutaka nodded again as Jaune Gwen and Jade left with the stuff and new information

As the girls returned to the Beacons, they went straight to the cafeteria where they saw the rest of the team gathered.

"Did you guys find something?" Winter asked as she was helping Anna carry some groceries.

"Yeah. We found some meat for you." Jade said as she handed Monica a brown bag.

"Thank you. I will cook dinner tonight." Monica said as he smiled.

"What happened?" Winter asked noticing Jaune grim look.

"We met up with the guy from the market. He told us about Nara." Jaune explained.

"What happened." Anna asked

"He said Nara is here. She's making deals with Roman and she even stole some money from him." Jade

"Oh no. Do you know where she might be?" Monica said

"Not really. But she is dangerous so it's best if we stay away from Vale at night. We will check the morning but at night Nara is extremely dangerous and agile it will be hard." Jaune said as the girls nodded

"So what did you get?" Anna asked as she looked at the bags.

"Meat and some spices." Jade answered as she placed the meat in the refrigerator.

"And the spices?" Anna asked as she opened the bag.

"Potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, garlic, cinnamon, salt, pepper, coriander, basil, cumin, paprika, thyme, rosemary, lemon zest, bay leaves, oregano, chili flakes, nutmeg, ginger, chilies and cayenne." Jaune said as Monica raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have anything else?" Monica asked as Jade shook her head.

"This is all we need. These spices are very expensive and rare. So I picked these up carefully since I don't know when I'll get to buy them again." Jade said as she grinned.

"They are pretty good." Anna agreed as she sampled the spices.

"We also got some wine and champagne." Gwen added as she took out a bottle.

"Wine and champagne?" Winter asked surprised as Jaune shrugged

"Half price." Jaune said as he poured a glass for the girls. "To celebrate victory."

Winter smiled as she raised her glass and drank.

"Cheers." Everyone said as they clinked glasses and drank their wine as Jaune was tackled by Natasha as everyone laughed at that as Natasha was nuzzling Jaune

While Jaune and the girls were celebrating a certain yandere is scheming 

 Meanwhile with the crazy yandere 

Nara was sitting down in her chair as she

Nara was sitting down as she watch Roman plans on stealing more dust

"So what the plan to steal more dust?" Nara asked.

Roman looked at her with a smile, "Well I'm going to need your help."

"You want me to help. Why should I help you remember I am your boss." Nara said

"Because without your help I can't attack this one," Roman replied showing her the mine in Altas with lot of dust as Nara look interest.

"I will be glad if you could do that for me and I promise you will be able to use that dust for whatever you look," Roman said smiling as Nara gave him a wicked grin.

"Very well I'll help you but I need something from you in return," Nara said looking at Roman who smiled back at her.

"What is it?" Roman asked.

"I want you to capture....Ruby Rose." Nara said smirking

Roman's eyes widen when he heard those words, "You don't know how hard it has been to catch her even though we have many people after her."

"Oh I think I understand now why she hasn't been caught yet, because you guys are too busy chasing after her."

"Hey! What did you just say!?" Roman called out.

"You're heard me," Nara said looking at him.

"Why would you say that!? I haven't captured her because I've been trying my hardest to catch her!" Roman yelled getting angry.

"Yeah right, well let's until then. I will not help you. If necessary I will come to you and agree to take the mine until then rob the store," Nara said walking away again as she exit the hideout as she walked down the street she couldn't help but wonder how she has to work with this idiot as she was walking she couldn't but hear something aim towards her as she dodge as she turned to see Pyrrha Nikos looking at her with anger as she smirked

"Well Well..Well what do we have here. The so called champion of Mistral" Nara said smirking.

"Shut your mouth I will defeat you and prove to Jaune that I deserve his love," Pyrrha growled as she saw that Nara was enjoying this as she laughed crazy

"And how are you going to do that? You're still in training." Nara taunted.

"Just watch me" Pyrrha said as she jumped at Nara as she started attacking her with punches with her aura as Nara dodges it easily and kicks her leg as she lands on the ground as she quickly got back up and started hitting her with her fists as Nara dodged them by jumping back and blocking the punches with her hands making Pyrrha jump back as she tried to hit her but Nara dodged and punched her on the face sending her flying into a building and made her fall on the floor where she landed on the ground with a thud as she stayed there dazed as blood was dripping down her face.

Nara walked closer to Pyrrha as she got up and charged at Nara as she blocked her punch with her fist as she pushed her back.

Nara took advantage of the moment and punched her on the face again which made her fall unconscious on the ground

"Pathetic." Nara said as she approached to finish her off a hammer hit her

"Stay away from her." Nora said

"Why?" Nara said

"She is our friend" Nora said

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Nara said sarcastically as Pyrrha get back on her feet.

"We got you this time surrender!" Ren said as Nara laughed as she active Blue flames around her and threw fireballs at them while they ran away as she kept throwing fireballs.

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you if you surrender" Nora said as Nara entire left body begin to glow

Nara chuckled before she stopped laughing, "That's funny coming from a girl who has been defeated by me" Nara said as she started walking slowly toward them as they stood by as her flames grow bigger.

"But we are not like other team, unlike others we can beat anyone." Nora said as Nara looked at them with her red eyes

" think you can beat me. Well let me show you that you cannot beat me" Nara said as she used her aura and blue flames bigger to make her looking terrifying as she kept approaching them with slow steps.

Pyrrha used her spear and aimed at Nara and threw it at her as Nara smirked as her left hand glow blue flames as she aimed her flames at the spear as she fired at the spear destroying it and making it fall on the ground as Pyrrha was surprised about it

"Pyrrha, try using your new spear!" Nora shouted

"Ok..." Pyrrha said as she picked up a new spear. She aimed her spear at Nara but this time Nara didn't move an inch as she waited for Pyrrha to throw her spear. Pyrrha threw her spear at Nara and Nara easily dodged it.

"Come on. Try harder" Nara taunted with a smirk as Pyrrha used her semblance as the spear hit Nara in the chest as Nora cheered as Ren looked surprised

"Did we beat her." Ren said

"Yeah!" Nora said but to her shock Nara laughed and stood back up.

"Not bad but not enough" Nara said smirking at them

"What do you mean by that?" Pyrrha asked as she stared at Nara.

"It seems your spear wasn't able to deal damage to me. That means your weapon isn't strong enough. So why don't you use your move to defeat me" Nara taunted as she pointed at Pyrrha's and smiled evilly as she took the spear and broke it as she charged at Pyrrha of it as she kicked her in the stomach knocking her back as she got up and swung her arms in a circle and created a shockwave around her which sent a shockwave at Nara as she jumped and dodged it as she felt something go through her body and she fell to the ground as she was knocked down again

Ren and Nora looked at Pyrrha worried.

"P-pyrrha?!" Nora shouted worried as she ran to Pyrrha.

"I'm fine Nora. Just some minor wounds." Pyrrha said smiling as she wiped the blood from her face

Ren saw that Nara was coming for him as she barely dodge her punch cover with blue flames and aura. He moved forward and attacked Nara with his fists as she blocked all of his attacks until he couldn't anymore.

"You're out" Nara said as she struck his head with her right foot as Ren fell on the ground and blacked out.

Nora looked at Pyrrha worriedly as she helped her stand up and she looked at Nara.

"Are you okay?" Nora asked.

"Yes. But we need to end this now." Pyrrha said as she summoned her shield and she placed it above herself.

"How long are you going to keep playing this game?" Nara said as she started charging towards them as Pyrrha bashed her with her shield as Nara stood their moaning in pain.

"You will pay for that you little red hair slut." Nana said angrily

"I am no one's bitch" Pyrrha said as she looked at Nara.

"And you are a failure of a champion ." Nara said as she took a step forward.

"No, you are wrong! I may be weak compared to your power but I still have my pride as a warrior" Pyrrha said as she continued hitting her.

Nara blocked her attacks with her hands and she held her wrists together and made her look weaker as she punched Pyrrha's face as she grabbed her neck and lifted her into the air as Nora tried to help her but she was too late as Nara punched her in the face sending her flying across the room and slammed against a wall.

"I see that your friends aren't helping you much. It looks like only you care about winning." Nara said as she slammed Pyrrha onto the floor again.

Pyrrha struggled to get up but Nara slammed her back down with force and she felt something tear inside her.

"Aaaaahhh!" Pyrrha screamed in pain.

Nara walked closer to Pyrrha as she bent down and started to lick her blood off her blade.

"Why would you do that?" Pyrrha asked

"Because I love the taste of human blood" Nara said as she licked her lips as she came close to her.

Nora gasped when she saw what Nara did and she ran towards her as she grabbed her arm.

Nora gasped when she saw what Nara did and she ran towards her as she grabbed her arm.

"Stop it!" Nora shouted angrily

"Shut up." Nara said as she slapped her away.

"I won't let you hurt her!" Nora shouted

She clenched her fist as she glared at Nara

"That's cute. You think you can beat me?" Nara said as she turned her attention to Nora

"Of course!" Nora said as she punched her as hard as she could in her jaw knocking her back.

Nara rubbed her cheek as she stood up and faced Nora

"If you want to win, then fight me. Let see what you got." Nara said as she pointed at Nora

"I choose to fight you" Nora said as she pulled her Hammer from her belt and she swung it at Nara who easily dodged it.She went for her sword as she swung it at Nora but Nora easily dodged it as they circled each other looking for an opening.

Nora charged at Nara as she threw her hammer at her as she jumped over it and stabbed her with her knife in the stomach as she grabbed her wrist and twisted it causing Nara to scream in pain as she used her free hand to grab her neck and slammed her into the wall as Nora put her foot on her chest as she pressed down on her throat.

Nara glared as she summoned a dark sphere and aim at Nora face as Ren woke up

"Nora!" Ren yelled as he ran towards her.

Nora quickly jumped away before she got hit by the dark orb as she rolled on the floor as Ren landed beside her as Nara charged at Nora as she raised her hand to strike her down.

"NO!" Ren yelled as he tackled Nara to the ground and held her in place.

He had no idea how he was able to hold her down as he struggled to stay on top of her as he saw Nara getting ready to punch her in the gut as she turned to him as she released blue flames as it seriously burns Ren making him scream in pain as he falls to his knees as he coughs.

"Enough!" Nora shouted as she hit Nara with her hammer.

Nara got up and glared at Nora as she glared deeply into her

"That it..GIVE ME THAT HAMMER!!!" Nara said as she reached for her hammer but Nora moved her hand faster than her as she grabbed the hammer and smashed it against Nara's face as Nara fell to the ground.

"Get up! Get up!" Nora said only to be in shock as she felt pain in her stomach and she gasped in pain as she collapsed to the floor as Nara had hit her with dynamite as it seriously hurt her.

Ren rushed towards her and held her in his arms as he saw the wound.

"It's not's just a small cut..." Nora said as she coughed.

"You'll live." Ren said but Nara appeared as she begin to seriously hurt Nora as she had Onslaught active as Nora cried in pain as she fell unconscious due to the beating.

"This is not happening..." Ren said as Nara gained at him

"Give up! Give up now!" Nara said as she began to slam her fists against him.

Ren tried to block them all but Nara was stronger than him and she was more powerful than him as well.

Nara smiled as she saw that Ren wasn't going to give up as she continued hitting him until he fell to the ground as she smiled and approached the knocked out Pyrrha Nikos and kicked her to her friends as blue flames were activated as she seriously burned them give them serious injuries as she left as the police were coming

Nara watched as the police called the ambulance to take the injured NPR away as she looked unamused

"What a waste of my time. The only girl was a minor threat was the hammer girl." Nara thought as she walked away as NPR was taken to the hospital

'It's not like they are going anywhere, The next time I will kill them they just got lucky.' Nara thought as she took off into the air as she went to Glenn Mountain to train as she had to prepare

At the Hospital

Ren and his group were in a safe place as they woke up after being knocked out and beaten

"Where am I?" Ren asked as they were brought back to consciousness as they looked around at the hospital room as Pyrrha was in bad shape with several broken ribs and bruises all over her body, While Nora was in worse condition than anyone else but she was alive as well.

Pyrrha looked up from where she was on the bed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Pyrrha said sadly looking down.

"But thanks for saving me." She added as tears filled her eyes.

"You don't need to thank us," Ren said as he hugged her. "We're here for you."

"Thank you." Pyrrha said as she began crying as she held him tight.

"It's okay, it's alright. We're here for you." Ren said as he felt Pyrrha crying on his shoulder.

"How Nora." Pyrrha asked as she looked at her.

"She saved our lives. She a tough girl she is going to make it." Ren said as he hugged her tight.

"Nora...she doesn't look so good..." Pyrrha said softly as she looked at her friend as Nora coughed and opened her eyes.

"I'm fine," Nora said weakly as she looked around.

"You almost died." Ren said quietly as he hugged her tightly.

"Let's never do that again please I don't want to fight her again?" Nora asked as she cried.

Ren nodded and placed his hand on her head as he began to glow with energy as he healed her.

"Thanks." Nora said as she smiled.

"It's nothing." Ren said as he hugged her tighter.

"You guys are great." Nora said as she smiled.

"We were worried about you." Ren said as he smiled.

"Are you two sure everything is alright?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at her friends.

"Yes we are lucky we lived." Ren said as he patted them on the back.

"Do you think we can leave now?" Nora asked as she tried to stand up as she winced in pain.

"Not yet, there's still some paperwork to fill out and the doctor need to check on us." Ren said as he sat down next to Pyrrha who was sitting up. "It's been a long day for all of us."

"I hope that wasn't your last fight." Pyrrha asked as she looked at Ren.

"We'll try our best to stop this thing." He said as he gave her a smile.

"Good luck." Pyrrha said as she hugged him as yelling could be heard as the door open as Jaune, Coral, Amber, and Destiny entered

"What happened to you guys." Destiny said coldly as she looked at everyone.

"We were attacked by Nara." Ren said .

"...You guys fought Nara." Amber said as she looked at him.

"Yes...we had no choice but to fight her." Nora said

"I don't believe that for a second let me guess Pyrrha thought by defeating her she can prove to Jaune that she is worthy of his love." Coral said as the 3 didn't look at them as they walked into the room and sat down ignoring the stares from Jaune and the girls

"...what did I say about fighting Nara." Jaune said as Pyrrha looked guilty

"Do not engage with her." Pyrrha said

"Yeah and what did you do." Jaune said as he looked at Pyrrha who looked away from his angry glare.

"We...engage her." Pyrrha said as she looked down.

"You guys are dumb are you crazy." Coral asked as she looked at the injured Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha as they all laid on their beds.

"Look we didn't know she was that strong. I thought we can handle it." Ren said as Amber laugh coldly at that

"Well look where you guys ended...In a hospital." Amber said as she laughed harder

"We are sorry for making you worry." Pyrrha said as she looked at them.

"Apology accepted but next time you face her, You won't survive" Jaune said coldly as he left with his team as Destiny looked at them

"Don't ever make the same mistake." Destiny said as she walked away to her team as well NPR were left with deep thoughts.

With Nara at Mt. Glen 

Nara was watching the white fang load up dust and preparing their weapon as a tiger Faunus approached her. The man was dressed in all black, with a mask covering his face. He looked to be well-muscled, but clearly had some kind of injury on his right arm.

"The dust is nearly complete madam." He said quietly so that others wouldn't hear him.

She nodded back at him, "Good work. I will be needing it soon enough." Nara took a deep breath as she looked at him, "You are not like the other guards we have hired recently. You seem...different from the other men who came here before you. I can tell...what is your name"

He smiled slightly at her, "I am Kain Blackheart."

Nara raised an eyebrow, "Blackheart?" She asked curiously.

Kain nodded, "Yes ma'am. My father was a criminal. They named me after him. Most people know my name anyway."

Nara nodded again, "Well then, Kain. What is the status of the dust crystal cargo?"

Kain turned and pointed behind himself to where two carts were being loaded with crystals by a group of soldier. Nara looked over and saw them loading up the crates in the backs of the bullhead. He then led her around the edge of the crater to see what else was happening.

"There are loading it into the bullheads as fast as they can get it inside. It should be ready to go within a few hours." He responded as he walked along the crater rim.

Nara nodded, "Very good. Have some ready for the train then."

Kain turned back to her, "Train? You're not going to send that thing through the city streets are you?"

Nara shook her head, "No. Not this time. We'll load the train with more than enough dust so that we will send it to Vale and have Roman take it from there. Hopefully, we can use it enough to blow a defeat the city walls if the dust doesn't do the trick. If it does though, we will need to leave the city immediately. As long as we can destroy the city walls with the dust, we should be safe."

Kain nodded, "That sounds like a plan."

Nara nodded, "It's one of many now, but I think it will work out better than having to stay in the city and fight our way out."

They continued down the side of the crater until they reached the end near the old smelting factory. There was a large open area just in front of the factory with a few white fang soldiers standing around waiting for orders. Nara stared at the dusty ground below them. There was a large hole in the earth where the wall used to be. Her eyes followed the dirt and debris that was thrown up from the explosion.

"Is there a way to fix that?" Kain asked her.

Nara shook her head, "Not yet. When the dust clears, I'm sure someone will find a way to dig it back out. For now, we can fill it in with dirt and gravel."

Kain nodded, "As long as we don't have to spend any time on repairing it."

Nara nodded, "We won't. This was a quick solution to a problem that could have been worse if we hadn't done something about it." She turned and gestured toward a small army of white fang soldiers surrounding the crater. "These men will be the one to deal with the dust explosion . Once we are out of here, we need to be prepared to move quickly. I would hate to lose the momentum we've gained."

Kain nodded, "Understood." He paused, "When do we leave?"

Nara looked at him , "Sooner rather than later, but we want to make sure the dust works first so we can get out without anyone noticing us so couple weeks."

Kain nodded, "You got it. I'll meet you back at the main base once we're done."

Nara nodded, "I will see you there soldier."

Kain smiled, "Thank you ma'am."

Nara then walked away as she had to plan the Fall of Beacon 

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