Chapter 14

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Jaune was at the bar drinking a beer after dealing with Mt Glenn incident with Gwen and Winter when a girl approach him as she had black hair and green eyes

"Hello Handsome." The girl said as two girls grabbed his arm

Winter and Gwen grabbed Jaune arms

"Back off he ours!" Winter and Gwen said glaring at the girl as she looked terrified little bit

"Are you guys dating." The girl asked looking between the three girls as Winter and Gwen look at each other and nodded

"Sorry then..I thought he was single." The girl said as Winter and Gwen aura calm down

"You have a name." Jaune asked her with a look of interest

The girl smiled shyly "My name is Izuna." She said bowing to him.

"Nice to meet you Izuna." He said taking a sip of his beer as he turned to her as he gently pulled Winter and Gwen to his side to make sure that they don't harm the girl

"You should be careful on who your flirting with." Jaune said warning her as Izuna blushed

"It's okay I'm apologize for that." Izuna said as she sat next to him

"Why are you here?" Gwen asked her as Izuna looked around the room

"I wanted to see you." She said looking at Jaune

"Me?" Jaune asked confused

"Yes I have heard of Beacon strongest student." Izuna said looking at him with big eyes

"That makes sense why would you want to talk to me anyway?" Jaune said looking away from her

"I need your help." Izuna said looking up at him as she took a deep breath

"What kind of help?" Winter asked with interest Izuna looked around before she started to speak

"Okay, well..uh...I know information about...Nara ." Izuna said as everyone looked at her

"What do you mean?" Gwen asked as Izuna gulped

"She..she attack my village and took my sister..She took my sister for her semblance Aura Enhancer." Izuna said as she looked around the room again "She Said she is needed for an experiment. She took my sister and returned her but something not right her semblance gone. She has aura but cannot use her semblance. I heard you fought her. Please I need to know" Izuna said looking at Jaune

"We did." Jaune said looking at Izuna and sighed"She took your sister semblance. She has 4 semblance and one of them is your sister" Jaune said looking at Izuna who was shocked to hear that

"How did you know that she has 4 semblance?" Izuna asked as Winter and Gwen looked at each other

"One of our huntsman was taken by Nara's group. Also Jaune has fight and saw her use 4 semblance." Gwen said with anger in her voice

"I see...We also have a Grimm problem ever since Nara came." Izuna said as Gwen looked at her

"We can take care of the Grimm for you." Gwen said as Izuna smiled

"Thank you. But I have no idea where they keep coming as we keep on destroying them but more keep showing up. My sister and her team are exhausted and we need help." Izuna said as Jaune put his hand on her shoulder

"Don't worry about it just lead us the way." Jaune said as Izuna's smile grew bigger

"I will guide you there. I leave tomorrow morning so if you could meet me here by 6 AM I would appreciate it." Izuna said as Izuna got up and excused herself from the table

"Thanks for the drink." Izuna said as she left the bar with a smile

"So what do you think?" Winter asked as Izuna left

"She seems nice." Gwen said as Izuna walked back to her friends.

"Yeah, she is very pretty and helpful." Jaune said as Izuna bowed to her friends before leaving the bar

"Let's go home." Gwen said as they went out of the bar


"Ah! Sorry about that." Izuna said bowing to Winter and Gwen as she entered the room as Jaune was loading his gun as Coral was with him as these 4 where the one who are going to deal with the grimm.

"No worries. Is this your first mission?" Gwen asked as Izuna shook her head

"No, I've already done many missions like this and I'm ready to do more." Izuna said as she put her backpack behind her and opened it and took out a small notebook and pencil.

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing this." Izuna said as she took out a map of Remnant and marked 2 points on it with marker near the village

"This are the location of the grimm that is attacking our village." Izuna said as she handed the map to Coral to mark on it.

"Oh yeah!" Coral said as she took out her phone and took a photo of the map and sent it to her team member in the field

"Is your team going to assist us?" Izuna asked

"Unfortunately it us 4. We have a situation with a massive grimm that need to be dealt in Mistral so they set my team and Hwen team. So it only me, Winter, Coral, and Gwen." Jaune said as he holster his gun and reloaded it.

"Umm...can I ask you a question?" Izuna asked

"Sure." Jaune said as Izuna took out a small jar and took out some dust from it and put it on the table as Winter gasped

"What is that?" Gwen asked as she saw what Izuna had on the table

"Its..a special ingredient made by our village." Izuna said as she opened the lid of the jar and took out a small pinch of dust and put it in her mouth as she blew white smoke into the air

Gwen could feel the power and speed increase. Jaune could also feel it along with Winter and Coral as Izuna took a deep breath and turned to face them

"Izuna!!" Coral shouted as she ran towards Izuna as Izuna's eyes turn red and she inhaled the air as she felt the power within her body as she stood up as her aura enhance the 4 in their aura

"My semblance is Aura Accelerator and with the powder it increases our power double! Also the powder Just something my mother created" Izuna said as she coughed as

"Wait...your the daughter of the legendary huntress Ariesa?" Winter asked

"Yes...Ariesa was my mother." Izuna said

"Your mother was one of the strongest Huntress in Mistral." Gwen said as Izuna smiled and nodded

"Yeah she was before...Nara killed her and took my sister semblance." Izuna said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe as Jaune put a hand on her shoulder

"I am sorry about your mother...I promise Nara will pay for killing your mother and taking your sister semblance. She is the reason why we are going to fight." Jaune said as Winter and Gwen nodded.

"Thank you." Izuna said as the others took a deep breath and felt their aura enhancing as the door opened and the pilot came into the room

"We are ready to depart." The pilot said as Izuna looked at the map and drew a line as she wrote the name of the place on it as the bullhead was flying to the area as they were approaching Izuna was giving the location

"Here is the location of the grimm that attacked our village." Izuna said pointing at the map "If we can kill the grimm in the village. I believe we can evacuate the survivor along with my sister." Izuna said as Gwen was shocked to hear that

"Alright lets get this over with." Gwen said as she picked up her weapon and followed the pilot and Izuna out the door as the rest of the team followed

They left the building and headed to the place where the grimm is located

"You all ready for this?" Izuna asked as she looked at Coral and Gwen

"Yes, I can feel the power of the dust within me. It feels amazing." Coral said excitedly

"Me too." Winter said

"Oh I am going to enjoy this." Jaune said as he unsheathed his sword

"Alright, let's go." Izuna said as the group nodded and headed to where the grimm was. They reached the area and saw that there were Ursa Major, alpha Beowolf, Ursa and Wyvern circling around the village

"Izuna, can you tell us what we are up against?" Jaune asked as Izuna looked at them and gave a nod

"There are 10 grimm in total. 7 of those are Ursa. 2 of those are Major, 2 alpha Beowolf and one Wyvern" Izuna said as the group looked at each other and nodded

"Alright, Girls you go deal with the Ursa and Beowolf I will deal with the wyvern but be careful." Jaune said as the girls nodded

"Let's do this!" Gwen shouted as she and Winter  grabbed Izuna's arms and pulled her to the door as Coral ran behind them with a sniper rifle

Jaune looked at the Wyvern as he activated his magic and a wall of fire appeared and the grimm was engulfed in flames

The creature howled as it tried to escape from the raging flames as its skin was burning

"Come here you overgrown grimm!" Jaune yelled at the creature charged at him and swung its claws and tried to bite him at him but Jaune was able to dodge it as he readied his sword and stabbed it in its chest as it screamed in pain

"Hahaha!" Jaune laughed as he jumped out of the way of the Wyvern's attacks and thrust his hand as he created six orb and fired two energy attack as it hit the grimm as it roars in pain as more orbs flew at it and it took several hits as it was taking serious damage

Jaune then fired his ice and electric magic abilities at the grimm as it covered in orbs as it roared in pain as the grimm was engulfed by the orbs and died

With the girls

Winter was using her ice magic to freeze the Ursa's feet making them unable to move as its claws were stuck on the ground causing it to fall down

Coral was shooting at it with her sniper rifle while Gwen was healing the wounds of the villager that Gwen dealt with the nearby grimm

"Shit! It's too many for us" Gwen shouted as she used her water magic and froze the Ursa's legs so that it couldn't attack anymore while she shot it till it was on fire until it collapsed

"Good job Gwen!" Winter said as Gwen got up and ran to where her teammates were

"Look out!" Gwen shouted as she saw a large Ursa charging at them

"Here goes nothing!" Winter said as she ran to block the attack of the Ursa with her shield as Gwen used her rifle to shoot the creature's head so it wouldn't attack again

"You guys almost done?" Gwen asked as she saw the remaining grimm are running away

"Yeah we're good. Good Job Gwen! !" Winter said as she and Coral helped the villagers out of the village

"Thank you for saving us." A young lady said as Izuna bowed to her

"No problem." Izuna said as she took out a potion and sprayed it onto the female's wound

"Are you alright?" Izuna asked as she looked at the woman's face

"I'm fine now. Thank you very much!" The woman said as she smiled

"Don't mention it. That is what we are here for." Izuna said as Izuna bowed to the woman and her companions before leaving the area as Izuna quickly returned to the Bullhead with Coral and Gwen

"That was fun!" Coral said as the group got back into the Bullhead

"Yeah, I liked it too." Izuna said as she looked at her friends and smiled

"Thank you for everything." Izuna said as Jaune came

"It's no problem. You did well." Jaune said as he took back his rifle that he lend to Izuna and put it back in the holster

"Thank you." Izuna said as she bowed to Jaune as the group departed as they had to finish another grimm invasion


After 1 days of hunting grimm the group finally arrived at their destination and they saw a small town. Jaune was carrying Coral who wasn't used to the long travel as Winter and Gwen were behind him with weapons.

"Wow, this place looks really nice. We should probably start looking for a hotel." Gwen said as they stopped walking

"Yeah, but where do we start?" Winter asked as she looked around

"Well there is a large hotel right above the center plaza." Jaune said as he pointed at the building with a tall tower

"Okay, let's go." Gwen said as they headed to the hotel and checked in

"Welcome to the Hotel Arcadia. How may we help you?" The clerk said as they walked up to the counter

"Umm..." Gwen started as she looked at the clerk

"Hello! I'm Gwen, this is Winter and this is Jaune along with Coral. Do we have rooms available?" Gwen said as the clerk looked at her and nodded

"Of course, you have a lovely day." The clerk said as they walked to their room and opened the door

"Alright let's unpack." Coral said moaning as she said down

"I hope to relax." Gwen said as she opened her bag and took out her stuff and put it on the floor

"Ok." Winter said as she took out her bag and put her bags on the bed

"You girls deserve some rest." Jaune said as he was about to head out only for Winter and Gwen to grabbed him by his arms

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked as she looked at Jaune

"I was going outside." Jaune said as he looked at the two girls as they both had mischief smile

"Nope mister you are going to give us our cuddle time." Gwen said as she dragged Jaune back as both her and Winter snuggled up to Jaune as he sighed but smiled as Coral got the hint and left the room with a smirk

" has been a long day since we cuddle." Gwen said as she hugged Jaune tightly

"Indeed its being a long time but why didn't we just let him go out " Winter asked as she looked at Gwen embracing Jaune

Warning Lemon

"Well, we haven't had any time alone since we came on the mission and I want to spend some time with you." Gwen said as she kissed Jaune as she felt his hands groping her breast and she moaned as she pushed him down on the bed

"Mmh...alright, so where do we begin?" Gwen asked as she got off Jaune and lay down beside him as Winter sat on top of him and placed her hands on his chest as she started to grind on his dick

"Let's start with a kiss." Winter said as she kissed him as Gwen moved down and started kissing his neck and shoulders while she bite his neck and slowly sucked on it

"Hmmm...that feels good." Jaune said as he felt his cock getting harder asGwen's mouth as she kept sucking on his neck

"Oh yes...just like that." Gwen said as she watched Winter pleasure him as she turned to look at Winter who was already naked under the sheets with Jaune

"Hey Gwen, wanna join in? It'll be more fun if we can have a three way." Winter said as she laid down beside Gwen and pulled her close as they kissed

"Sounds like a plan." Gwen said as she looked at Winter

"Ok. Let's make this memorable." Winter said as she took off her shirt and pants revealing her naked body to Gwen who gasped before she moved next to Winter and kissed her as they moved down to kiss and lick each other's pussies

"Yes!" Winter said as she pushed her tongue inside Gwen as she moaned and smiled as Gwen moaned and shivered as she felt Winter's tongue inside her pussy

" feels so good. Oh're so good at this." Gwen said as she moaned as Winter licked her pussy

"Aww, you like it?" Winter said as she continued licking Gwen's pussy as she felt her pussy lips getting wetter and wetter as she enjoyed Gwen's taste

"Yesssss." Gwen said as she rubbed her clit as Winter's tongue went deep inside her hole and Gwen screamed in pleasure as she came on Winter's tongue

"You like that don't you?" Winter asked as she pulled back and looked at Gwen's cum covered face as she pushed her tongue inside Gwen's pussy and tasted her own juices

"Oh god...." Gwen said as she moaned as she came in Winter's mouth

"Mmhm...yummy." Winter said as she swallowed Gwen's juice

"Now it's my turn." Jaune said as he slapped Gwen ass cheek and gripping them as she moaned and looked at Winter and smiled before she moved down and kissed Gwen as she groped her breasts and kissed her deeply as Gwen moaned in pleasure

"Oohhh...that feels good." Gwen said as she kissed Winter deeper as she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she felt Jaune fingering her pussy

"Mmnnnnnn..." Gwen moaned as she continued kissing Winter as she felt her pussy leaking her juices on Jaune hands as he fingered her faster and faster

"God damn! You two are so hot!" Jaune said as he felt Gwen's walls tightening around his finger as he continued to fuck her pussy with his fingers as Winter turned to Jaune

"Now...I want Jaune. Fuck me hard. Give it to me. Make me scream." Winter said as she wrapped her arms around Jaune as she screamed out in pleasure as she put his dick into her

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Make me scream." Winter said as she begin to ride Jaune as Gwen immediately shoved her breasts into Jaune mouth as he begin to suck on them making Gwen moan as Winter moaned riding Jaune dick

"Ohh...yes! So fucking deep. Mmph! Oooohhhhh!" Winter cried out as she rode Jaune as she felt her orgasm building up as Jaune was groaning and breathing heavily as he continued to drill her pussy as she screamed in pleasure as Gwen breast were being sucked on by Jaune as she let go so Jaune in finish winter

"Ohhhh...oohh God! I'm gonna feels so good. Oh god! I'm cumming! I'm Cumming! Ugh! Ahh! Yeeeeeeaaah!" Winter screamed as she climaxed and came all over Jaune's dick and Gwen could hear her screaming in pleasure as she held Jaune tighter and kissed her passionately as she felt his cock was throbbing and shooting his cum inside her womb as he flipped her over as he inserted his dick into her tight pussy as he begin to thrust forward as Winter screamed as Jaune slapped her ass .

"Fuck me!" Winter said as she felt Jaune fuck her harder and harder as she screamed again and again as she came in his arms as she felt his cock getting even bigger and bigger

"Yeeaaaah! Yeeeaaah!" Winter screamed "I am going to fuck your brains out!" Jaune said as he began to pump his dick into Winter's pussy faster and faster and he grabbed her waist as he fucked her hard and fast as Winter bit her lip and screamed out loud as she came again and again as she felt his cock throbbing inside her pussy

"Ahhh! Ahhh!" Winter as she felt his mouth bite on her nipple

"Suck on my nipple they belong to you." Winter said as she felt his teeth biting at her nipples as she released milk as Jaune begin to suck on them for couple minute

"Mmm...yummy. They are so sweet." Jaune said as he sucked on her nipples as Winter gently held his head

"Fuck...its so good. I'm gonna come again!" Winter said as she felt the waves of pleasure spread through her body as she continued to scream with pleasure as he grabbed her tight as he bite her left nipple as he increase his pace as Winter moaned in pain and pleasure as Jaune released his mouth from her tits

" Don't stop! No! Ahhh! OOHHHHHH! AH! AAHHH! AH!" Winter screamed as she came yet again as she screamed in pleasure as Jaune continued to pound her pussy until he came too again as Winter looked at him

" two are amazing. I've never had sex like this. guys are so good." Winter said as she kissed Jaune as he smirked at her as Winter gulped

1 min later

Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Oh yeees! Yeeees! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! AHHHHHH!" Winter screamed as she was being fucked doggy style as she came again and again as she felt Jaune's cock throbbing inside her pussy as her ass was being groped and slapped by him as her left cheek had a huge red ass mark while her right was being groped

"AHHHHH! Winter screamed as she cummed as Jaune begin to dominate her in multiple position

6 min later

Jaune was holding Winter as he was pounding her sucking on her nipple as she was enjoying being dominated

"Finish me babe!" Winter screamed as she came yet again as she screamed in pleasure as Jaune continued to pound her pussy while sucking on Winter nipple to enjoy her milk. He was about to come so let go of her left nipple and released  as Winter moaned and collapsed leaking with cum as she gave a satisfied look and dazing gazeas Jaune removed his dick from her he grabbed Gwen and inserted his dick into her as she squeal in surprise as Jaune begin to pound her

"Yeeeaahh! Yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Gwen yelled out in pleasure as she felt Jaune's dick going deeper and deeper inside her as she moaned loudly as she moaned as her breast was in Jaune mouth as he let go of them

"Ah!Show me why I belong to you. Show me how much you adore me." Gwen said as she felt Jaune's dick throbbing inside her and she came hard as she screamed in pleasure as her orgasm shook her whole body as she came again and again as she felt his balls slapping against her pussy as she came and came and came as he continued to fuck her harder and harder and faster as she felt herself get closer and closer to her orgasm as she screamed in pleasure as she felt the waves of pleasure beginning to shake her body again and again as she screamed as Jaune slapped her ass so hard it was red as he flipped her while still fucking her

Your my breeding cow now." Jaune said as he begin to suck on her nipple harder and more furiously

"Mn... Mm! Oh! Oh! Ah! Aaaah! Ah! AAAHH!" Gwen moaned as her nipple were being sucked so hard as she was getting pound by Jaune dick as she came again and again as she screamed in pleasure as she came for the third time

"Ohh...That's right. This is your place. Your mine." Jaune said as he continued to pound Gwen's pussy and sucking her tits

"Ohh...I'm going to cum again!" Gwen moaned as she felt her orgasm building up as Jaune begin to Increase the abuse on her nipple and pussy as she screamed in pleasure and came again and again as she came for the fourth time as Jaune continued to pound her pussy

"Mmh...yeah. Cumming again. Yeah!" Gwen screamed as she came for the fifth time as she screamed in pleasure as she came again and again as she collapsed on top of him as Jaune filled her womb with his seed as she twitch

Lemon end

"Ahhh...that was amazing. I had no idea you could come so many times." Jaune said as he rolled her over and kissed her as she smiled

"As long as I am your bitch I will always satisfied you." Gwen said as Winter nuzzled Jaune chest as he hug her tightly

"You should go spend time with Coral." Winter said as she got off of Jaune and looked at Gwen and kissed her gently as she felt her soft lips on hers as he got dressed and left the room to catch up with Coral

Meanwhile with Coral

Coral was at the hotel bar enjoying her break from the mission with her partner and his two girlfriend. She blushed at the dirty thought of Jaune fucking Winter and Gwen

"Wish I can join." Coral thought as she was drinking a beer until a boy approach her and sat next to her with a smile but Coral could tell it was an arrogant smile as she rolled her eyes noticing the Altas brat

"Hey beautiful want to have some fun." the male said at Coral who looked annoyed at him in disgust

"Not interested I don't even know your name" Coral said as she looks away from him and walks away

"My name is Henry marigold beautiful." Henry said attempting to flirt as Coral rolled her eyes and have a look of disgust as he gently took her arm before she slapped it away as she got up and  walk away

"Hey! What was that about?" Henry said as he followed Coral as he tried to grab her but she dodged him and walked quickly as he chased after her

"I don't know what you're talking about." Coral said as she looked back at Henry with irritated look 

"I saw you looking at me when I was changing. Don't deny it." Henry said trying to boost himself as Coral sighed as she dodge him again as he attempted to grab her as she ran to avoid him.

 Henry got angry and followed her as she kept jogging but he kept chasing her as she ran behind a shop as he chased her

"Stop following me. Stop! Please leave me alone!" Coral said as she reach the shop as she looked back to see Henry now stood before her

"Please don't do this. Just give me time and you will see I am the one for you. I promise." Henry said as he reached out for her hand as he tried to hold her and get her attention

"NO! I don't want you! I don't need you!" Coral yelled out as she turned around and punched him in the face as she broke free from Henry's grasp

"What was that for? I am trying to just enjoy my time with you!" Henry said as he raised his hand to grab her again but she suddenly grabbed his wrist and threw him on the ground

"You think you can treat women like that? You are disgusting. And also a waste of time." Coral said as she kicked Henry in the chest before turning away and running off to get away from the creep 

Henry couldn't believe he had been humiliated by such a young woman so he got up and chased after her

"Don't run away from me. I am an Altas high class man, you should be grateful to me." Henry said as he caught up to her as she was slowing down she yelped as he grabbed her

"Get your hands off me! Go away!" Coral yelled at him as she pushed him away and sprint off again

Henry didn't stop and ran after her as he chased her down the street and along a path until they reached a park where Coral stopped as she tripped onto the grass

"Fuck!" She yelled as she fell onto the grass landing on her knees as Henry approached her with a smug smirk on his lips as he stepped towards her

"I told you not to run away from me. Now let me help you up." Henry said as he lifted her up and helped her stand but holding 

"Let me go!" Coral shouted as she struggled in his arms as he held her close as he gently placed her feet on the ground and smiled

"Oh no no no. That would be a shame if you hurt yourself after hurting me earlier. So how about we talk things over first before you make any rash decisions." Henry said as he gently kissed her but Coral used her aura and  push him away and slap him with aura

"Enough!" Coral said as she glared Henry away and stood on her own two feet as she glared at him angrily

"I'm not leaving here without taking you as mine." Henry said as he put his hand on her waist and pulled her close to him

"No you won't" Coral said as she pushed against him as he glared as he slapped her across the face as she stumbled back while rubbing it as she looked away from him as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them together as he grabbed her hair and forced her head down to the ground

"You belong to me." Henry said but before Coral could use her semblance to murder him a punch had sent Henry flying into a tree as it was Jaune with his hand covered in aura

"Whoa there big guy. What did I say about hitting a girl?" Jaune asked as he turned to help Coral

"You okay Coral." Jaune asked his partner as Coral smiled and nodded

"Yeah I'm fine. He just tried to make me his bitch. It happens all the time. They never learn." Coral said as she brushed herself off as she noticed Henry was getting up as Jaune looked at him angrily his black aura releasing scaring Henry

"I hope you are ready because I am going to beat your ass you Altas scumbag." Jaune said as Henry gulped nervously

"Please don't." Henry said as he tried to run away but he was tackled by Jaune Phoenix Natasha who punched him in the face and knocked him out cold

"I will deal with him master." Natasha said giving an evil smile as she looked at Henry lying unconscious on the floor as Jaune looked at her

"Make him pay Natasha I want him to scream then return to me." Jaune said as he pushed her away as he looked at Coral and smiled before he turned and patted Natasha head making her purr as she looks at her prey

"Come on Coral lets go get you some beers ." Jaune said as he put his arm around her shoulder to lead her away


Meanwhile with Henry

Henry woke up groggy as he blinked and looked around as he felt dizzy and weak as he coughed and spluttered

"Ahh... Ugh..." Henry said as he sat up from the grass as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as he looked at the blood trickling down his shirt

"H-How?" Henry said as he looked around and saw Coral and Jaune walking away from him as he got up he felt pain as someone burning him as he looked to see Natasha smirking at him

"My master want you to suffer." Natasha said as flames surround her body "I am going to make you suffer until you beg me for mercy." Natasha said as she spoke as the flame engulfed her entire body

"Ugh... N-No..." Henry said as he fell to his knees as he looked at the flames covering his body

"Here is your chance to repent and beg for mercy." Natasha said as she grinned evilly

"N-No don't do this. I'll give you whatever you want. Just please don't hurt me anymore. Please." Henry pleaded as he looked at her with pleading eyes

"You are so pathetic and useless. Why should I listen to you?" Natasha said as she stood up and took his hand and dragged him as Henry screamed in pain as he struggled to move as he felt hot heat against his skin

"Please stop!" Henry said as he tried to run away but the flames made him stop as he looked back and saw Natasha holding her hand smirking as the flames grow bigger and hotter

"Please no..." Henry said as his voice cracked as he went limp as Natasha walked closer to him

"It's time for my master request." Natasha said as she grabbed Henry and brought him before her as she placed her hand on his forehead as she whispered something and Henry felt a surge of energy flow through his body as he felt his entire body on fire

"A-Ahhh." Henry said as he felt his consciousness fade and he fell unconscious as the flames vanished


Meanwhile with Coral

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Coral asked as she looked at Jaune and nodded

"Yes I'm sure. The villagers saw what happened. I want to help them calm their fears. You can join me in drinking and I promise to watch over and make sure no harassment ." Jaune said as he smiled at Coral as she smiled back as they started to walk away

"Thank you Jaune." Coral said as she looked at him and smiled

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me with Henry. I wasn't expecting you to take charge of the situation so well.Thank you." Coral said as she blushed

"He's a pretty annoying guy. But I am glad I was able to help. I am more than happy to protect you Coral. Your my partner" Jaune said as he smiled at her

"I really appreciate it." Coral said with a smal smile

"So is that the reason you were depressed when we arrived here today?" Jaune asked as he looked at her curiously

"Oh I was depressed because I thought I'd never find a way to get rid of Henry." Coral said as she sighed

"I am sorry he has been bothering you so much. Do you need me to do anything?" Jaune said as he stared at her with concern

"No. He doesn't bother me anymore." Coral said as she waved her hand

"That's good. I hope things improve for the both of us." Jaune said as he smiled at her

"Me too. We can always hope." Coral said as she smiled at him warmly

"Well thank you for helping me Coral. I won't forget what you did for me. You've certainly changed my outlook on life."Jaune said as he smiled at her and gave her a hug

"Thank you Jaune. Oh before we go for the beer" Coral said as she hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek before dragging him to the bar with a blushing Jaune as they went to enjoy the bar

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