Enemy Confrontation & Offer Acceptance

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Enemy Confrontation & Offer Acceptance

All the Legendary Pokémon were in the Hall of Origins for the Giratina, Kyurem, Rayquaza, the Genesect Army, Eternatus, Zacian, & Silver(Lugia)

"I assume you know why you're here." Arceus said

"Just get on with it, Arceus, we're not in the mood for rhetorical questions!" Kyurem said

"Very well, how could you all help that villain escape, you know what he has done." Arceus said

"Lord Arceus, Ash was innocent, he would never do something like that." Red Genesect said

"There was evidence that he committed the crimes." Arceus said

"That was not evidence, Arceus, can't you see it was all a set up to ruin Ash's life & reputation! He. Was. Framed!" Zacian said

"I see that criminal has blinded you with his false personality." Arceus said disappointedly

"No, Arceus, you're the one who's blind & his personality was NOT false, it was exactly the person he was until you betrayed him!" Douse Genesect said

"Are you really gonna believe a simple video & drugs that was found in his locker which he never used!? What if that video was fake? What if someone deliberately put those drugs in his locker!?" Giratina said

"You dare question my knowledge?" Arceus seethed in anger

"As a matter of fact we do, & that's another thing, if you wanted to know if Ash was really guilty, why the hell didn't you use your damn Mind Plate to confirm that he was telling the truth!? Why didn't the Psychic Pokémon use their psychic powers to do that as well!? Were you all THAT blinded by rage!" Kyurem said in outrage "Arceus, this was exactly like the time you jumped to conclusions when you thought Damos betrayed you!"

"Nevermind that, because of you, Ash will possibly return & destroy us all for revenge!" Arceus said

"& he SHOULD! You nearly executed an innocent boy who was our hero!" Rayquaza saud

"Ash has done so much for us, for example he helped me reunite with my mother just like he promised, He helped the Genesect Army in finding a home, he save Giratina from a villain who wished to use his power to travel freely between dimensions. He also helped YOU retrieve the Jewel of Life by going back in time & fixing the past, Arceus!" Silver said

"That's right, but the moment you foolishly thought he committed the crimes, his good deeds all mean NOTHING to you!" Red Genesect said

"You can execute us, imprison us, banish us to the distortion world or ultra space. We don't care, we have no regrets in helping Ash escape from your false convicted justice." Giratina said

"You, Arceus, are the most incompetent Pokemon that has ever ceased to exist, it would have been better if you were more like your sister!" Rayquaza said

"How DARE you say such things!" Arceus said angrily

"At least your sister is a patient Pokémon & doesn't jump to conclusions, unlike you!" Kyurem said

"THAT'S IT! JUDGE–!" Arceus shouted in rage

Suddenly the Legendary Pokémon that helped Ash escape glowed in a big light & disappeared

"WHAT!? WHERE DID THEY GO!?" Arceus said

Meanwhile S. Arceus was in her throne room with Slowking

"Never have I ever imagined a Pokémon Trainer's journey being sabotaged like that, Lady Arceus." Slowking said

"It's quite disturbing & infuriating, no one should ever do that to anyone especially when that someone has a dream of their own." S. Arceus said "It's one of the reasons why I offered Ash a chance to start his Journey over again in my world."

"That's very kind of you doing that for Ash so he can continue his dream, Lady Arceus." Slowking said

"Thank you, Slowking, but I still feel guilty for not doing more to help him, I should've at least warned him or brought him to my world the moment he started his Pokémon Journey." S. Arceus said sadly

"It's alright, you've done enough." Slowking said "I sense a lot of pent up anger & hatred from Ash up there."

"I sense it too, if Ash is planning on getting revenge, he's gonna need some help." S. Arceus said

"From whom?" Slowking said

"I know just the people." S. Arceus said as her eyes glowed

The whole room glowed in a bright light, when it faded, the criminal organizations such as Team Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Plasma, Flare, & Skull along with its Leaders along with the other villains who Ash defeated appeared in the room.

"Huh? What's all this?" Giovanni said

"Master Cyrus! You're alive!" Mars said

"Are you alright, sir?" Venus asked "What happened?"

"I'm fine, when I went through that portal I was beginning to create my own world, but suddenly everything was going into chaos & I was trapped within darkness. The next thing I knew I'm here." Cyrus said

"Speaking of here, where are we?" Archie said

"It seems that we're in some sort of castle, but the question is who brought us here." Lysandre said

"That would be me." S. Arceus said as everyone looked at her & became shocked

"It can't be." Jessie said

"It is." James said

"It's a Shiny Arceus!" Meowth said

"This is perfect, Hunter J, capture it!" Cyrus said

"Right." J said as she pointed her arm at S. Arceus but she noticed that her wrist cannon was gone "What?"

"Looking for this?" S. Arceus said as J's cannon was floating beside her

"Hey, give that back!" J demanded

"Not until I have a word with you, if you don't comply, you'll have two options if you refuse." S. Arceus said

"What are these options you have in mind?" Maxie asked

"I can either turn you over to the authorities or I can give all of you a taste of my Judgement. So what's it gonna be?" S. Arceus said

The villains stare at S. Arceus as they could tell that she was not bluffing & it terrified them.

"Very well, Arceus, what is it you want to talk about?" Giovanni asked

"It's about a boy, a boy who all of you are familiar with that goes by the name of Ash Ketchum." S. Arceus said

"The twerp?" Jessie, James, & Meowth said

"What about the brat?" Jupiter glared

"Don't you all know?" Slowking said

"Know what?" Zero asked

"Haven't you all heard or know of the incident that happened recently?" Slowking asked

"Incident? What are you talking about?" Giovanni raised an eyebrow

"It appears that they weren't aware of what happened." S. Arceus thought before saying "What Slowking is saying that there was an incident that involves Ash."

"Is he hurt?" Guzma asked in concern

"He is, very badly." S. Arceus confirmed

"So, why does that have to do with us?" J said in annoyance

"Exactly, why should we be bothered with that brat since he was the one who ruined our plans!" Ghetsis said angrily

"& why should we care about what happened to him. If he's hurt then we're glad he is!" Lysandre said

"...Arceus, is the boy here by any chance?" Giovanni asked

"Yes, he is." S. Arceus said

"...Let's see him." Giovanni said to the villains surprise

"Giovanni, why do you want to see him?" Matori asked confusingly

"Don't tell me you're starting to care for the boy." Dr. Zager said

"We recently found out that there was an incident that involves the boy, so I'm curious to know what happened & wanting to hear his side of the story about the incident." Giovanni said

"Hm, I see, alright Arceus send him here." Cyrus said

"Slowking, go get Ash." S. Arceus said

"Yes, Lady Arceus." Slowking said

A moment later, Slowking returned with Ash & the Pokémon. The villains saw that Ash was surrounded in dark Aura & his eyes were red which surprised them & caused a shiver up their spines, they also noticed bandages on his arms & legs & suspected that those had been the injuries he got from the incident. The villains that reformed along with Jessie, James, & Meowth became worried & wondered what happened.

"It's been a long time since I've seen most of you." Ash said neutrally

"You too, you look like you've been through hell." Grings said

"I have." Ash said

"Ash, are you alright?" Lawrence asked

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" Ash said

Meowth noticed that the only Pokémon he saw with Ash are Dracovish, Lapras, Ambipom, Haunter, & Larvitar along with Misty's Psyduck & Brock's Croagunk. He was confused that a certain Pokémon wasn't present on Ash's shoulder.

"Hey Twerp, where's Pikachu?" Meowth asked

"NEVER mention that piss-covered rat in front of me!" Ash said angrily

This startled Meowth causing him to run to Jessie & James & hide behind them in fear as they were shocked, this wasn't the twerp they chased after for his Pokémon. The rest of the villains were also shocked

"Whoa man, chill out, why are you calling your Pokémon that & most importantly where are the others, where's Kukui, your mom, Professor Oak, &—." Guzma said

"WHO THE HELL CARES!? THEY'RE DEAD TO ME!" Ash shouted, causing a crater under his feet which startled the villains making them jump back

They were all shocked & slightly scared as they had never seen Ash THIS angry before. They were also quite amazed by the amount of power he just unleashed.

"Kukui, what the hell did you do?" Guzma thought

"Ash, settle down, tell us what happened to you." Maxie said

"You wanna know what happened to me? My friends, my family, My Pokémon, my rivals, EVERYONE I helped during my journey including the Legendaries turned their backs on me because they thought I cheated the World Coronation Series by using strength inducing drugs & caused chaos somewhere in a video! I was framed & NO ONE gave me a chance to defend myself, they didn't even give me a trial! I LOST EVERYTHING! But the worst part is before I was framed & since the day I started my journey, no one believed in me, my growth & intelligence was stunted & my WHOLE LIFE was planned out because they wanted me to be something I'm not! I was treated like I was worthless, A NOBODY!" Ash said as he slammed his fist into the wall behind him causing cracks causing everyone to jump & back away

 "I did so much for everyone & died so many times to save the world & this is the thanks I get? To them, I'm just a pawn they'll use & throw away, they just used me & left me to die! That's why I don't give a damn about them, hell I want ALL of them to pay for what they did to me & what they took from me! But something inside me is telling me to let it go & move on, but I have another thing that's telling me to make them SUFFER the way I suffered & I'm trying so hard to fight it, but I can't!"

Everyone was stunned & they found it unbelievable.

"Arceus, is this true?" Rose asked

"Yes, it's true, I'll show you everything." S. Arceus said as she showed them the memories

As the memories played, the villains were surprised & shocked to see Ash's Pokémon Journey had been sabotaged from the get go, they were also surprised that his supposed 'friends' & 'family' along with everyone else believed a simple video over Ash. The reformed villains including Jessie, James, & Meowth were angry when they saw the memories.

"Those bastards! They're just as disordered & broken as the world is!" Archie said angrily

"I must admit, sabotaging someone's Pokémon journey is beyond cruel, even for us." Cyrus said

"You know, I find their idiocy quite amusing." J said

"Everyone, Arceus said that all of you were not the ones who framed me, but I want to hear it from you." Ash said

"Boy, even though this might be something we would do, this was not in our hands." Ghetsis said as the others

"That's your answer?" Ash said

"Yes, none of us were present when the incident happened & we were never the cause of your false conviction." Lysandre said

"Hm." Ash said as he looked at Jessie, James, & Meowth "You three."

"Us?" The trio said uneasily

"Ever since we met, you three have been following me while trying to steal my Pokémon, I wouldn't be surprised if Oak & Delia hired you three to do that in order to slow me down & hold me back on my dream?" Ash said

"We were never hired by them to do that." Jessie said

"Bullshit, you didn't?" Ash said

"No, & it was not our intention to hold you back on your dream." James said

"Yeah, & besides we don't always follow you, sometimes you would run into us." Meowth said

"They're telling the truth, Ash." Slowking said

"Whatever, it doesn't even matter now." Ash said "I hope all of you are happy now that my life is over, you can go back & finish what you started, only this time I won't be there to stop you, because I won't care."

The villains stared at Ash as they couldn't help but feel pity towards him, they honestly couldn't blame him for not wanting to stop them from finishing their plans after what happened to him. Giovanni stared for a moment before approaching Ash

"Ash, you are worth too much to die in a world like that." Giovanni said as Ash looked at him & Giovanni offered his hand "Don't fight it, get your revenge with our help, run wild & free, our symbols will be yours & I will call you my son."

Ash softly gasped, he was surprised that Giovanni was willing to help him get revenge. When Ash heard the word "free" from Giovanni's mouth, it was another thing he desired more. He looked at the other villains who nodded in agreement.

"You really think I can be free?" Ash asked

"I know you can, once you are free, you can do whatever your heart desires without anyone running your life." Giovanni said "Those people who held you back, desecrated you, & tampered with your journey have crossed the line. The worst part is that there's no justice in that. For that there should be hell to pay by getting your own justice on the count of revenge. But if you want your revenge, you'll have to give us something in return, by helping us finish our goals since you had prevented us from doing so. Do we have a deal?"

Ash thought about it, he knew Giovanni was right. Ash had tried so hard to achieve his goal, only for them to ruin it along with ruining his journey & ruining his life. He then remembered all the times he was berated along with what he was called when he was betrayed, it all hurt like hell. He wouldn't stand by & let his betrayers have any satisfaction after screwing him over, & if getting revenge & ruining their lives makes him any worse than them. SO BE IT!

"Alright, I'll help you." Ash said as he took Giovanni's hand as the dark aura faded from & Ash's eyes returned to normal "But, there's something I gotta do first."

"Oh? What might that be?" Giovanni asked

"I can't help you achieve your goals & get my revenge in the state I'm in right now. I only have a few Pokémon in hand & I just recently discovered I have powers, so we're nowhere near strong as most of you are. Lady Arceus gave me an offer to start my journey over again in her world, so if I accept the offer, I need to become strong along with my Pokémon." Ash said

"I understand, Ash." Giovanni said

"Thank you." Ash said as he looked at S. Arceus "Lady Arceus, I've made up my mind, I am willing to accept your offer."

"Are you sure?" S. Arceus said

"Yes, but can I ask you a question, since you have spies in your brother's world, does he have spies in your world too?" Ash asked

"No, he doesn't, my brother's not intelligent enough to have spies wandering in my world, if he did, I would know." S. Arceus said

"Okay, that's good to know." Ash said

"Ash, when we saw your mother have someone seal your powers, we were curious about what kind of powers you have." Lysandre said

"Well, if you wanna know what my powers are, the first one is Aura." Ash said

"Is that the same power that Riley guy has?" Mars asked

"Yes, but my Aura was too strong to be sealed." Ash said "For the second power, I think it's psychic powers."

"Psychic powers you say?" Charon's eyes widened along with everyone else

"Yeah, I discovered them when I was little, I was playing in my room when suddenly my blocks began to float in midair." Ash said "For my third power, I can talk to Pokémon."

"Wait, you mean you can understand what Pokémon are saying!?" Meowth said shockingly with his jaw dropped to the floor

"Yeah." Ash nodded much to everyone's shock & surprise

"This is incredible, with your power we will surely succeed in our plans." Ghetsis said

"Here I thought someone never going around to use their powers was a waste, but having their powers sealed like that, that's definitely a complete waste." Colress sais

"Ash, I want you to know that while you were unconscious, I cleared all the drugs out of your system." S. Arceus said

"So that means I'm clean?" Ash said

"Yes, & today you're officially 11 years old." S. Arceus said

"Wait, so that means–." Ash said in realization

"Happy Birthday, Ash." S. Arceus said

"Today's my Birthday?" Ash said surprisingly

"It is, & I have a few presents for you." S. Arceus said

A ball of light appeared which floated towards Ash, Ash caught the ball of light with his hands which faded & revealed to be a smartphone with an Arceus-like case

"A smartphone?" Ash said

"It's an Arc Phone, my own creation." S. Arceus said "It comes with a little something extra."

"Zzt." The Arc Phone said as it's eyes & mouth appeared

"Whoa, it has a Rotom in it." Ash said surprisingly

"It's a combination of an Arc Phone & a Rotom Phone, I call it a Roto-Arc Phone." S. Arceus said

"Roto-Arc Phone, that has a nice ring to it, no pun intended." Ash complimented

"Roto-Arc Phone has an application where you can decide how many Pokémon you want to carry with you on your journey." S. Arceus said

"Great." Ash said

"Also, Ash, I had all the money on your bank accounts transferred to the regional banks in my world." S. Arceus said

"That's good to know, I don't want them getting a single buck after I left." Ash said

"Hey Ash, see how much money you got." Domino said

"Right, Rotom, how much money do I have in my accounts?" Ash asked

Kanto: 865,800

Johto: 640,500

Hoenn: 600,750

Sinnoh: 789,450

Unova: 755,965

Kalos: 722,680

Alola: 636,295

Galar: 574,800

(A/N: I honestly don't know if Ash received a bank account in Galar since he did have some Pokémon battles in Galar, so I guess that counts.)

"Whoa, you are so freaking loaded!" Annie said shockingly along with everyone else

"That's like over 5 million in total!" James exclaimed

"I'm definitely gonna kick Oak's ass for not telling me about this." Ash thought

"Here's the next present." Arceus said

Another ball of light floated towards Ash & touched his hand which glowed bright. When the light faded, Ash was wearing a blue gauntlet with gold designs & a diamond-shaped rubies on the back.

"What is this thing?" Ash asked

"That is a PokéGauntlet." S. Arceus said

"PokéGauntlet? What does it do?" Ash said

"You can use PokéGauntlet to store all your Pokémon without problem. Once you're done with your Pokémon Journey in my world, you can use the PokéGauntlet to transport back to your world. With the PokéGauntlet, you have an unlimited supply of any kind of Poké Balls without running out" S. Arceus said "When you start your journey, you will be getting achievements, once you complete an achievement, the PokéGauntlet will give you access to a certain item."

"Wow, that is so awesome." Ash said amazingly

"Also, your 29 Tauros are in there." S. Arceus said

"Does that mean they believe I'm innocent?" Ash asked "I didn't see them when I was confronted by my former Pokémon."

"Yes, they know you're innocent." S. Arceus said "Here is the final present I have for you.'

A light shined bright before fading & revealing a Lucario.

"A Lucario?" Ash said

"Hello Ash." Lucario said in a familiar voice

"That voice, it can't be." Ash said shockingly

"It is, Ash, this is Sir Aaron's Lucario." S. Arceus said

"Lucario!" Ash said as he hugged Lucario "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, my friend." Lucario smiled as he hugged him back "I am very sorry about what happened to you, do not listen to Ilene, you never disgraced Sir Aaron."

"You mean it?" Ash said

"I do, Sir Aaron & everyone else you know knows of your innocence back in the afterlife." Lucario said

"The reason why Lucario is here is because he's gonna be the one who will train you in your Aura & join your team." S. Arceus said

"Really?" Ash said surprisingly

"That's right, Ash, it will be an honor to train the Aura of Sir Aaron's descendant." Lucario said

"Descendant? So my theory was right." Ash said

"What are you talking about?" Meowth asked

"When I saw Sir Aaron's picture, I felt like I had some sort of connection with him. So, I had a theory that I might be related to him since he & I both have Aura & we kind of look like each other." Ash said

"He has a good point, they did look alike when Ash wore Aaron's outfit." James said

"Not to mention their Aura was the same." Lucario said

"Wait, Lady Arceus, if Lucario is gonna train my Aura then who will train my Psychic powers?" Ash asked

"I'll have that handled after I send you to my world, your PokéGauntlet will help you find him." S. Arceus said

"Okay, good." Ash said "Also, I'm renouncing the Ketchum name & changing my last name."

"You can change it to Sir Aaron's last name." Lucario said

"Wasn't his last name Ketchum?" Ash said

"No, his full name is Aaron Tajiri." Lucario said

"Tajiri. I like that better than Ketchum, besides I'm gonna take the name Tajiri because I owe Sir Aaron so much for my existence." Ash said

"Aaron, would be happy to hear you say that." Lucario smiled

"Ash, before I send you to my world, there's something I need to do first." S. Arceus said "Would the Pokémon except Slowking please step forward."

Dracovish, Lapras, Ambipom, Haunter, Larvitar, & Lucario approached S. Arceus

"Very good, Ash can you place down Dracovish, Lapras, Haunter, & Ambipom's Poké Balls?" S. Arceus said

"Oh, sure." Ash said as he placed down the Poké Balls

S. Arceus eyes glowed & the Poké Balls floated up in front of her, then they glowed in a bright light & disappeared into nothingness

"What did you do?" Ash asked

"I demolished the Poké Balls." S. Arceus said

"What? Why?" Ash said confusingly

"Hold that thought." S. Arceus said as her eyes glowed once again.

Just Dracovish, Lapras, Ambipom, Haunter, Larvitar, & Lucario were engulfed in a bright light

When it faded, an Aipom, Gastly, Riolu, Fossilized Drake & Fish, & 2 Eggs were standing in their place.

"Guys!" Ash said in alert as he ran up to them to see if they're okay

"I'm an Aipom again!" Aipom exclaimed

"Lady Arceus, did you just revert them back into their previous forms?" Ash asked in a demanding voice

"I did." S. Arceus said affirmative

"Why'd you do that?" Ash said

"Ash, you want to start your Pokémon Journey over again, am I correct?" S. Arceus said

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with it?" Ash said

"Because if you want to start over, you're gonna have to start small. Don't worry, you can recapture them, but you'll have to wait until you've caught your first 2 Pokémon in Route 1." S. Arceus said

"Oh." Ash said "I wish you said that before doing that."

"My apologies, as for Slowking, he'll stay with me for the time being." S. Arceus said

"Are you okay with this, Slowking?" Ash asked

"I'll be fine, we'll see each other again real soon." Slowking assured "You just go start your adventure."

"Okay, if you say so." Ash said as he pointed his PokéGauntlet at the Pokémon except Slowking "Everyone, into the Gauntlet."

The ruby on the back of the PokéGauntlet glowed & Pokémon, Eggs, & Fossils turned into balls of light before going into the PokéGauntlet.

"Lady Arceus, I have one final question." Ash said

"Yes?" S. Arceus said

"Are there any criminal organizations like Team Rocket?" Ash asked

"No, but there are even worse villains that you will end up facing on your journey." Arceus said

"I see." Ash understood

"Ash, if you're gonna get your revenge, I suggest you recruit those villains to help us take over our world." Cyrus said. "Send them to our world, so we can make a negotiation."

"Alright." Ash said "Okay Arceus, I'm ready."

"Very well, I'll be sending you to a city where you can have your Pokémon Trainer License renewed." Arceus said "Any last goodbyes?"

"Well, guess this is it." Giovanni said

"Yeah, but I'll be back when my Pokémon & I are strong enough to help you with your plans." Ash assured

"The timelines between me & my world are different from each other, the timeline in my brother's world is faster than mine." S. Arceus said

"How fast are we talking?" Archie asked

"If Ash is in my world for one year, it'll be one month in my brother's world." S. Arceus said

"Good, we'll be seeing him in several short months." Lysandre said

"What will you guys do in the meantime while I'm gone?" Ash asked

"Aside from waiting for you, all of us will be teaming up & merging our organizations into one, then we'll build our headquarters somewhere & devise our plan." Giovanni said

"Got it, I'll see you guys later" Ash said.

"Jessie, James, Meowth, accompany Ash until after his license is renewed." Giovanni said

"Right boss." Jessie, James, & Meowth saluted

"Best of luck to you, Ash, be careful out there & don't catch cold." Giovanni smiled

"Thanks." Ash smiled

After everyone said their goodbyes

"Are you ready, Ash?" S. Arceus said

"Born ready." Ash said in determination

"Shall you ever need something, use your Roto-Arc Phone to contact me, good luck." S. Arceus said as her eyes glowed & transported Ash & the trio to her world while transporting the villains back to their world

Meanwhile with the traitors, Delia, Oak, Brock, & the girls were at the Kanto Regional Bank

"Excuse me, but we would like to receive all the money from Ash's bank account." Oak said

"Yes sir, I'll be with you in a moment." The desk lady said

A half hour later

"It's taking a long time." May said

"Does it really take this long to get all the money from one's account?" Dawn said impatiently

"Patience, everyone, it won't be long now." Oak said

"Mr. Oak, sir." The desk lady approached them "I'm afraid I have some bad news, all of Ash's money is gone & his account is empty."

"WHAT!?" The traitors said shockingly as they paled

"But how?! Did someone get to it before we did!?" Delia exclaimed

"We don't know, all the money from the account was there just yesterday, but now it's all gone." The desk lady said

"That's impossible! No one has access to Ash's bank account except us!" Oak said in outrage

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there is money left." The desk lady apologized as she left

"So what now?" Misty said

"Wait, perhaps there's still money in Ash's Johto Regional bank account." Oak said

When Oak called the Johto Regional Bank

"My apologies, but Ash's Johto Regional bank account is empty." The bank accountant said

"Huh!?" The traitors said confusingly

They called the Hoenn Bank. Empty

Then Sinnoh. Empty

Unova. Empty

Kalos. Empty

Alola. Empty

Galar. Empty

"How are all of Ash's bank accounts empty!?" Serena exclaimed

"You don't think Ash must have snuck in & got all the money after he disappeared, did he?" May said

"There goes our shopping spree!" Dawn cried

"& the girls!" Brock cried

"Now how am I gonna join the Rich Ladies Club!?" Delia panicked

"I am at a loss." Oak said shockingly

You got a call from Gary

"What is it, Gary?" Oak picked up his phone

"Grandpa, Ash's 29 Tauros are gone!" Gary said

"Gone? What do you mean they're gone!?" Oak said

"We looked everywhere, they're nowhere to be found!" Gary said

"But, but, Ash didn't bring his 29 Tauros when he escaped, how is that even possible!?" Oak exclaimed before thinking "What is going on?"

Little did they know that this was Karma's beginning while a fresh start for Ash was occurring as the restart of his Pokémon in a new world was about to begin.

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