Escape Aftermath

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Escape Aftermath

Ash & the Pokémon found themselves in some sort of cave

"Where are we?" Ash said

"No clue, but at least we're safe, for now." Slowking said

"Come on out, everyone." Ash said as he sent out Lapras, Haunter, Dracovish, & Ambipom. "You guys hang out for a bit, I gotta sit down & rest."

As Ash sat down with his back against the cave wall

"This is madness, how could everything go so wrong in one day!" Slowking said

"I know, it's terrible, Slowking." Ambipom said "& all because everyone believed Ash had committed those crimes because of that stupid video, I mean couldn't they tell that video was fake?"

"Not only that, but also because of those drugs that were in Ash's locker in the World Coronation Series stadium. Who in the world put them there!?" Haunter said

"Guys, do you think Team Rocket or any of the villains Ash defeated had something to do with it?" Dracovish said "That's the only thing that makes sense."

"Maybe, but we don't know if they were behind this or not." Slowking said

"We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!" Psyduck sobbed

"We're not going to die, I don't know where we are but at least we are safe from everyone's wrath." Slowking said

"What do we do now, Slowking?" Lapras said

"First thing we need to do is get Ash some medical attention since he's injured very badly. The next thing is that we need to find ourselves a new home. If we go through this cave, it will surely lead us to shelter." Slowking said

"But what about Ash after that?" Lapras said

"What do you mean?" Slowking said

"He just got revoked as a Pokémon Trainer, & because of that, he won't be able to continue his dream." Lapras said "Being a Pokémon Master was all he ever dreamed of until it was taken away."

"Yeah, now that Ash is no longer a Pokémon Trainer, what's he got to dream for now?" Croagunk said

Slowking was silent for a moment before looking at Ash, he never imagined what he felt like when his dream was destroyed. Meanwhile, Ash was sitting in silence as he was nearly traumatized by the whole incident, he remembered all the things that were said to him by his so called "friends" & "family."

"Consider yourself disowned from the Ketchum Family!"

"Your father would be very ashamed & disappointed!"

"We always told your mother you would turn out this way."

"I never should have qualified you as a Pokémon Trainer!"

"No wonder I lost in the Johto League! YOU CHEATED!"

"Now I know why you stole my bike & burned it! You're a delinquent!"

"I can't believe I ever loved you! I HATE YOU, ASH!"

"Pathetic, using drugs to win."

"Wow, you really must have been THAT desperate to win a major league."

"I used to look up to you! But you're nothing but a fraud!"

"You're a disgrace to Sir Aaron!"

"Once a kid, always a kid!"

"You're under arrest for mass destruction, homicide, & illegal drug use!"

"You can forget about being Lei's big brother, because you are NEVER getting near our son again!"

"You're a big meanie!"

"Ash, your license as a Pokémon Trainer has been dismissed!"

"You're an embarrassment to all Pokémon Trainers!"

"Trusting you with our children was a mistake!"

"I should've known you were a bad influence on my daughter!"

"You'll pay for stealing Gladion's victory!"

"I never should have traveled with you!"

"He's the reason my brother died!"

"Mew & I should have left him in stone if only the Pokémon hadn't shed any tears for him."

"Not to mention, he almost caused the Tree of Beginning to be destroyed."

"& he almost got Mama killed!"

"I knew that he couldn't be trusted, I thought he was different, but it turns out he's just like the rest!"

You're right, we did know you. But we didn't know the REAL you. You have blinded us with your false personality, you have fooled us into believing you were a good-hearted Trainer. Well, not this time, we will no longer be blinded by your facade. You may have been the hero & the Chosen One, but you had already served your purpose as you are hereby stripped & discarded of the title. Justice will be served against you!"

Ash shook in anger, sadness, & fear as he remembered every word they said causing him to break down in tears.

"Ash." Slowking gasped as he & the other Pokémon quickly approached Ash "Ash, you shouldn't let those things they said get to you."

"But Slowking, they're right! I am a disgrace!" Ash said

"Don't say that, I know you never used those drugs or wreaked havoc anywhere." Slowking said

"Of course I didn't, I never touch that stuff & I never done anything to hurt anyone." Ash said. "It's just that, during my journeys throughout the Regions, I tried to be a good trainer, I really did...but I'm not."

"What are you talking about?" Slowking said

"Well, I hadn't exactly been the best trainer, you know. I didn't train my Pokémon enough because I was easily distracted. I've never rotated my team through my journeys, I mean I have rotated my team during the Kanto League, the Orange Islands, the Johto League, the Battle Frontier, & the Sinnoh League until I stopped & I don't know why." Ash said

"Ash, that doesn't make you a bad trainer." Slowking said.

"Maybe not, but I never took any of them before I started through my journey through each of the new Regions, except Pikachu." Ash said "I wasn't trying to play favorites, it's just–."

"That Pikachu was your Starter Pokémon?" Slowking said

"Yeah, exactly." Ash said

"Ambi Ambi." Ambipom said

"Ash, Ambipom said that you did take her with you to Sinnoh when she was an Aipom." Slowking said

"True, & I did take Donphan with me when he was a Phanpy through the Battle Frontier, also I did have Charizard with me through the Delocore Islands in Unova." Ash said

"See? That doesn't exactly mean you're neglectful." Slowking said

"But why would they believe that I drugged them? Was it because they were never around me to actually know me considering I never rotated my team? I won the Alola League, the World Coronation Series, along with my other achievements fair & square! & another thing why would they believe I had caused chaos to some town, I mean Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, & Sirfetch'd were with me the ENTIRE time! So they should know I never did it just like Dracovish." Ash said

"Draco Draco." Dracovish agreed

"Heck, even Pikachu believed I was guilty & he's been with me for the LONGEST time! Just like Brock had been with me for the longest time" Ash said "Speaking of Brock, he along with Misty, May, & the others were my friends, they were supposed to KNOW me, to know I would never do crimes like that!"

"Ash, perhaps you may have dodged a bullet." Slowking said

"Dodged a bullet. How can you say that when the damage is already done, I mean LOOK AT ME!" Ash exclaimed gesturing his injuries "I look like a freaking monster!"

"No, you don't, please settle down." Slowking said "Tell me, was there anyone who believed you?"

"Well, when I was confronted today, the only ones who believed I was innocent were Scott, Blaine, Wattson, Pryce, Juan, Ramos, Agatha, Bertha, Drasna, Clay, Newton, Spenser, & Alder. But I noticed the people that didn't confront me were the Orange League Gym Leaders except Rudy, the Galar Gym Leaders, Galar Elite Four, Leon, Hau, Hala, Hop, Marnie, Team Skull, & a few rivals of my former friends but I don't know if they believe I'm innocent or not."

"There could be hope." Slowking said "We need to get you medical help, then we'll figure out what to do next."

"Oh, what's the point, there is nothing we can do." Ash said

"But you can't give up now." Slowking said

"I already have given up, I have no home, no friends, no family, no Pokémon, no trainer license, & possibly no dream. Everything was perfect, & now I'll NEVER become a Pokémon Master!" Ash said

"Ash, please don't say that, this is exactly what the person that framed you wants. Don't let them win & take power over you." Slowking said

"Well, whoever they are, they've already won...& I've lost." Ash said lowly

The Pokémon comforted Ash as he sat there to cry. A moment later, they heard footsteps, they looked & saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair wearing a beautiful golden dress.

"Who are you? Have you come for Ash on Arceus' behalf?" Slowking glared as he & the other Pokémon got their guard up to fight "You will have to go through us if you want him."

The woman said nothing as she raised her hand which shined in a golden light which caused the Pokémon to fall asleep.

"Guys!" Ash gasped before looking at the woman who walked towards him causing him to shake in fear. "Please, don't hurt us, I'll do anything."

"Shhhh." The woman shushed with her finger against Ash's lips before her finger glowed & caused him to fall asleep "Rest well, Ash, you've had a very rough day."

Meanwhile with the traitors

"Where did I go wrong with that boy?" Delia said

"It's alright, Delia, he was just a bad kid, that's all." Green said

"Yeah, it wasn't your fault, he decided to choose this path." Blue said

"You're right, I should've listened to you two, I'm so sorry." Delia said

"Hey, it's what friends are for." Green smiled

"To think I actually had feelings for him." Serena said

"Yeah, me too, he's such a desperate loser." May said

"Tell me about it." Clemont said

"I don't know about you, but traveling with him was a complete waste of time." Brock said

"Most definitely." Cilan agreed.

Just then, Arceus appeared with Gladion, Lillie, Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana, & Mallow as they were beaten, bruised, burned, & bleeding.

"Arceus, what happened!?" Dawn gasped

"Did Ash do this?" Brock said angrily

"No, it was those damned Ultra Beasts & Ultra Necrozma!" Arceus said

"Did you say Ultra Necrozma?" Lusamine said shockingly

"Yes, not only that but they along with Kyurem, the Genesect Army, Rayquaza, & Giratina turned against us & helped Ash escape. Now Ash has disappeared thanks to them." Arceus said

"So Ash is nowhere to be found." Gary said

"Yes, there is no trace of him." Arceus said

"Thank goodness." Scott thought as he sighed in relief along with the others who believed in him

"That's just great, no what do we do?" Paul said

"Everyone, search everywhere, Johto, Kalos, bring him dead or alive, that criminal needs to face justice." Goodshow announced as everyone except several left

"Anyway, I had stripped & discarded Ash of his title at The Chosen One & I'm giving it to someone else." Arceus said

"I bet it's me because of how awesome I am." Gary said arrogantly

"Don't flatter yourself, it's clearly me." Paul said

"You're getting ahead of yourself, It's obvious I'm the new Chosen One." Trip smirked

"I've decided that the new Chosen One will be Goh." Arceus said

"Wait...WHAT!?" Gary, Paul, & Trip exclaimed

"Awesome, I'm the new Chosen One!" Goh said excitedly

"Why does he get the title!?" Gary said outrageously

"I agree with Arceus, Goh is the perfect example to become the new Chosen One." Goodshow said

"Now, that's just bullcrap." Paul muttered

"While we're at it, It has come to the decision to give Goh all Ash's badges, Frontier Symbols, & all his other achievements." Goodshow said

"Also, I'm going to replace Ash & adopt Goh as my own son." Delia smiled

"Alright!" Goh said happily

"Now wait just a cotton-picking minute!" Clay said as he along with Blaine, Wattson, Pryce, Juan, Ramos took their respective Badges that they gave Ash while Spencer took Ash's Frontier Symbols. "You're not getting the badges we gave Ash to that pipsqueak!"

"Yeah, Ash won these badges & frontier symbols we gave him fair & square!" Blaine said

"If Goh wants them, he's gonna have to battle us for them." Pryce said

"Oh, come on! I have to battle you to get them? But that's too hard!" Goh complained

"Suck it up, kid, that's the rules." Scott glared as he took Ash's Orange League, Alola League & World Coronation Series trophies "Also, I'm taking these trophies with me & keeping them for Ash until he gets back."

"Hey, that's not fair!" Goh said in outrage

"If you don't hand those over to Goh, I will—." Goodshow said

"Then go ahead, you Santa Claus rip-off, we would rather quit being Gym Leaders than give away badges for free!" Wattson said

"We told you to give Ash a trial, but you didn't listen to us, you just jumped to conclusions & jacked up the poor boy without giving him a chance to defend himself!" Drasna said

"We already told you, there was enough evi—." Oak said

"Enough evidence, my ass!" Clay said angrily "I think that video was nothing but a load of bullshit! Did it ever occur to you that Ash was framed!? Of course you didn't!"

"Some of us may be old, but we're a lot wiser than you." Ramos glared

"You all have made a huge mistake, if Ash comes back here for revenge, then you have brought it on yourselves!" Alder said as he & the others who believed Ash left

"Ah, let them go, who cares about them anyway." Oak said "So, since Ash's Pokémon Trainer license has been revoked, feel free to take in his former Pokémon."

"I call dibs on the Water Types." Misty said

"Save some for me, Misty." Lana said

"Also, we will be claiming all the money from Ash's bank accounts from every region." Oak said

"Cool, I can't wait to go on a shopping spree!" Dawn said excitedly

"Me too." May agreed

"Imagine all the girls I can buy with all that money!" Brock swooned

"Hey Misty, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Rudy said

"You bet, you're more of a man than Ash ever was, I certainly was stupid to choose him over you." Misty smiled

Meanwhile with the believers

"I just can't believe it, they all just betrayed him after everything he did for them." Alder sighed

"Ash must have been devastated after all this, the poor boy." Juan said

"Where do you think he could have gone?" Drasna said

"Wherever Ash disappeared to, I pray that he's safe." Spenser said

"Yeah, the boy was a good lad." Pryce said

"I wouldn't blame him if he ever decides to come for revenge." Agatha said

"I agree, whatever path decides we should support him all the way." Scott said as he looked up at the sky "Ash, whatever you do, don't give up & don't be defeated."

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