First Gym

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First Gym

Ash, Stoney, Wilma, & Betty had arrived at the Flintstones residence where Fred & Barney were waiting for them

"Hey Ash, saw ya at the Contest, good job out there, son." Fred said

"Thanks, Mr. Flintstone, it's a shame I didn't win though." Ash said

"It's alright, kid, you can't win them all on the first try." Barney said "Say how about some grub before the gym battle."

"You're speaking my language, Barn." Fred said "Stoney, you & Ash go out to the backyard & entertain yourselves while me, Barney, & missus prepare dinner."

"Okay Dad." Stoney said "Let's have a little practice battle, Ash."

"Yeah." Ash said

After Ash & Stoney had their practice battle

"Well, I say you're very good at battling, Stoney." Ash said

"Thanks Ash, can't wait until I go on my own journey." Stoney said

"Hey Stoney, I have a question." Ash said "I'm not judging you or anything, but why do you have a Bergmite as your starter?"

"That's because it's evolved form is part Rock Type." Stoney said

"What? But I thought Avalugg was pure Ice-Type." Ash said

"I'm not talking about a Kalosian Avalugg, I'm talking about a Hisuian Avalugg." Stoney said

"Oh, you mean its regional form." Ash said

"Exactly, I'm planning on evolving Bergmite into a Hisuian Avalugg." Stoney said

"How are you gonna do that?" Ash said

"Well, there are two only ways for that to happen, you either have to go to Sinnoh or use a Hard Stone." Stoney said as it rubbed Bergmite's head

(A/N: Anyone else wish the Hard Stone was an Evolution Stone?)

"Bergmite." Bergmite said

"I see, you know your folks seem like really nice people." Ash said

"They are, I'm actually adopted by them." Stoney said

"Really?" Ash said

"Yeah, I never knew my real parents, so I was a very rough kid, always causing trouble until I met Fred & Wilma. Fred & I didn't get along very well until we warmed up to each other & I became a new member of their family." Stoney said

"Wow, you sure are lucky, Stoney." Ash said

"Yeah, I started to look up to him which made me decide to become a Gym Leader in his place, I think it will do him a lot of good for his retirement since my sister never got around to take his place." Stoney said

"You have a sister?" Ash said

"I do, her name's Pebbles, she's an advertising agency executive in Hollyrock." Stoney said as he pulled out a picture of the Flintstone-Rubble family"This is her, the guy next to her is her husband, Bamm-Bamm Rubble."

"That's Barney & Betty's son, right?" Ash said

"Yep, he's adopted just like me, he's a screenwriter & that's their children, Chip & Roxy." Stoney said

"Who's the lady on the right end?" Ash asked

"That's my grandma, my mom's mom, she doesn't like my dad much." Stoney said

"She doesn't?" Ash said

"Nope." Stoney said

"Hey Stoney, would you say your Dad is strong?" Ash asked

"Well, he's pretty strong, but I think you'll be able to handle him, but his Dracozolt Dino, watch out." Stoney said "Dino's been with Dad a year before Pebbles was born."

"Seems like a long time." Ash said

"Boys, dinner's ready." Wilma called out

Ash was eating with the Flintstones family & the Rubble Couple until Meowth called

"Hey Ash, we got a problem." Meowth called through the window

"What is it?" Ash said

"Pichu's not eating." Meowth said

"Oh no, I knew this was coming." Ash said

"Why is Pichu not eating?" Betty said

"Ain't it obvious, Pichu is discouraged over the loss from the Contest Battle with Bubbles." Barney said

"Well, certainly can't blame the little fella, losing a battle can be hard on a Pokémon sometimes." Fred said

"Ash, you should go & have a little chat with Pichu, try to make him feel better & get his spirits up." Wilma said

"Right." Ash said as he left

Ash went to the backyard where he found Pichu sitting on a rock with a downcasted expression

"Pichu, are you okay?" Ash said

"I'm fine, I'm just not hungry." Pichu said

"Are you upset that we lost the Contest?" Ash said

"I don't understand, how could I lose? I was at a Type advantage & I still lost." Pichu said

"I know, it sucks sometimes." Ash said

"Why couldn't you let me use Thunder Shock again? Would've been better if you taught me other Electric Type moves." Pichu pouted

"I told you this before, it was very risky, you only barely managed to endure the recoil after using Thunder Shock." Ash said "I didn't want to hurt you if I had you keep using that attack, if I did I would be a bad trainer."

"..." Pichu sat in silence

"Pichu, I care about you very much, I love all my Pokémon just the same & the last thing I want is my Pokémon getting hurt because of me." Ash said "You understand, right?"

"Yeah..." Pichu said

"Don't worry, once you evolve into Pikachu, you can learn all the Electric attacks you want." Ash said

"You swear?" Pichu said

"I do, & the next time we face Bubbles, we'll win for sure." Ash said "You with me?"

"Definitely." Pichu smiled in determination

Later, Everyone was at the Gym as Ash & Fred were on the Battlefield

"Are you ready, boy?" Fred called out

"All good, Mr. Flintstone." Ash responded

"Barn, start the introduction." Fred said

"You got it, Fred." Barney said "The battle between Ash Tajiri of Townsville City & Bedrock Gym Leader Fred Flintstone will now begin. This will be a 3 on 3 battle & will be over when each side's Pokémon are unable to continue. Only the challenger can substitute Pokémon, now select your Pokémon."

"Go Kabuto!" Fred said as he sent out a Kabuto

"Kabuto." Kabuto said

"Alright, Kabuto is both a Rock Type & Water Type, so I got just the Pokémon to double the damage." Ash thought before saying "Bellsprout, I choose you!"

Ash sent out his Bellsprout

"Bellsprout." Bellsprout said

"Battle Begin!" Barney said


"Alright, Bellsprout, let's start with Growth." Ash said

"Bell!" Bellsprout said as she glowed light green

"Now, Vine Whip." Ash said as Bellsprout released two green vines from her leaves

"Kabuto, Harden." Fred said

"Kabu." Kabuto said as it briefly glowed light blue & got hit

"Use Wrap." Ash said as Bellsprout wrapped her body around Kabuto

"Not gonna work, Rapid Spin." Fred said as Kabuto spun at rapid speed throwing Bellsprout off of it

"Use Bubble Beam."

Kabuto's red eyes glowed blue & fired a beam of blue bubbles at Bellsprout

"Use Bullet Seed." Ash said. Bellsprout fired multiple light green seeds from her mouth which cut through the Bubble Beam & hit Kabuto

"Kabuto, Icy Wind." Fred said. Kabuto's red eyes glowed light blue & blew a gust of wind with light blue sparkle in it from them which hit Bellsprout & froze her feet to the ground

"Bell! Bell!" Bellsprout said as she tried to break free

"Keep calm, Bellsprout, use Growth again." Ash said as Bellsprout used Growth

"Use Rock Tomb." Fred said

"Kabuto!" Kabuto said as it became surrounded by gray rocks outlined in white energy & launched them at Bellsprout

"Send them back with Vine Whip." Ash said as Bellsprout used Vine Whip to hit the rocks back & surrounded Kabuto

"Kabu?" Kabuto said as it looked around

"Bellsprout!" Bellsprout said as she used Vine Whip to break free of the ice

"Alright, let's go!" Ash said

"Bell!" Bellsprout said as she jumped up above Bellsprout

"Heads up, use Aerial Ace!" Fred said. Kabuto became surrounded by light blue streaks & charged at Bellsprout

"Sleep Powder!" Ash said

"Sprout!" Bellsprout said as she released a blanket of green sparkling powder from her mouth

Kabuto went through the Sleep Powder & hit Bellsprout

"Kabuto..." Kabuto said as it fell asleep

"Alright, let's finish this, use Energy Ball!" Ash said. Bellsprout fired a light green orb of energy from her mouth & hit Kabuto which caused it to faint

"Kabuto is unable to battle, Bellsprout wins!" Barney declared

"Good job, Bellsprout." Ash said as he & Bellsprout high-fived

"Kabuto, return." Fred said as he returned Kabuto "Not bad, kid, not bad at all. Go Rhyhorn!"

Fred sent out a Rhyhorn.

"Rhy!" Rhyhorn roared

"Return for now." Ash said as he returned Bellsprout "Psyduck, I choose you!"

Ash sent out his Psyduck

"Psyduck!" Psyduck quacked

"This'll be Psyduck's first official battle without the headaches thanks to this move." Ash thought before saying "Calm Mind."

"Psy." Psyduck said as he closed his eyes & blue green ripples entered its mind.

"We'll boost up one of our stats as well, Rhyhorn, use Rock Polish." Fred said

"Rhy." Rhyhorn said as it sparked with light blue energy

"Psyduck, use Water Pulse." Ash said. Psyduck fired a blue orb of water from his hands at Rhyhorn

"Dodge & use Horn Attack." Fred said. Rhyhorn dodged the attack with its horn glowing white & hit Psyduck with it sending him flying into the air

"Water Gun." Ash said. Psyduck fired a stream of water from his beak & hit Rhyhorn

"Use Thunder Fang." Fred said. Rhyhorn's teeth glowed yellow, created yellow teeth-like aura with sparks of electricity & charged at Psyduck

"Disable!" Ash said

"Psy!" Psyduck said as his eyes glowed pink for a moment which covered Rhyhorn in pink aura & canceled out Thunder Fang

"Heh, you canceled out Rhyhorn's super effective attack, you're a real smart strategist." Fred said impressively

"Thanks." Ash smiled

"Now, let's back to business, Smack Down!" Fred said. Rhyhorn's horn glowed orange & fired a orange orb of energy which hit Psyduck

"Use Confuse Ray." Ash said.

"Psyduck!" Psyduck said as he became surrounded by multiple purple balls of energy & fired them at Rhyhorn

"Dodge & use Horn Attack again." Fred said as Rhyhorn dodged the Confuse Ray & charged at Psyduck with Horn Attack

"Psyduck, use Iron Tail." Ash said. Psyduck's tail glowed white & hit Rhyhorn causing it to skid back

"Use Rock Tomb." Fred said

"Rhyhorn!" Rhyhorn roared as it became surrounded by gray rocks outlined in white energy & launched them at Psyduck which surrounded

"Now, let's use Bulldoze." Fred

"Horn!" Rhyhorn said as he slammed his front legs on the ground, sending out a series of yellow shockwaves which caused the rocks to break apart

"Psyiyiyiyi!" Psyduck panicked as the rock parts toppled him in a pile

"Well son, can you get yourself out of that?" Fred said

"Don't underestimate us." Ash called out "Psyduck, use Confusion."

The rock parts became outlined in light purple energy & started levitating off of Psyduck as his eyes were glowing light purple with a glare

"Let them have it!" Ash said

"Psyduck!" Psyduck said as he telekinetically launched at Rhyhorn

"Watch out!" Fred said

"Rhy! Rhy! Horn!" Rhyhorn said as it was struggling with dodging the rocks

"Now, use Water Pulse." Ash said as Psyduck began to form Water Pulse in his hands

"Uh-oh, here it comes. Huh?" Fred said as he notice a pink glow on Rhyhorn & smirked "Hey Ash, your disabling time is up, Thunder Fang."

Rhyhorn charged at Psyduck with Thunder Fang

"Psyduck, Go!" Ash said as Psyduck charged at Rhyhorn with Water Pulse

Both Pokémon charged & clashed each other with their attack which caused an explosion of water vapor covered in electric sparks. When it cleared, they both had fainted

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, it's a draw." Barney declared

"Psyduck, are you okay?" Ash said as he picked up Psyduck in his arms

"Did we win?" Psyduck said weakly

"Sort of, it was a draw, that means we have one more win to go, you take a good long rest." Ash said as he returned Psyduck

"Return." Fred said as he returned Rhyhorn "You ready to go, Dino?"

"Draco! Draco!" Dino said as he entered the battlefield

"Bellsprout, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Bellsprout

"Bell." Bellsprout said

"You're not using your third Pokémon yet, son?" Fred said

"Not yet, saving the best for last." Ash said

"Alright, make the first move." Fred said

"Bellsprout, use Energy Ball." Ash said as Bellsprout fired Energy Ball & hit Dino

"Nice shot." Fred complimented "Dino, use Aerial Ace."

Dino became surrounded in light blue streaks & tackled Bellsprout which caused her to faint

"Bellsprout is unable to battle, Dino the Dracozolt wins." Barney declared

"Bellsprout, return." Ash said as he returned Bellsprout before thinking "Wow, Dino is strong, Stoney wasn't kidding. Hopefully that Energy Ball lowered his Special Defense."

"Dracovish, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Dracovish

"Dracovish!" Dracovish said

"Heh, I knew you were gonna sent out Dracovish, I've been looking forward to battling it with Dino." Fred said

"Me too, shall we get started?" Ash said before thinking "A Dracozolt is an Electric & Dragon Type, so Water Type Attacks won't work, so we'll have to stick with the other attacks Dracovish knows."

"Dino, use Dragon Tail!" Fred said as Dino charged at Dracovish with his tail becoming surrounded green scale-patterned aura

"Dracovish, use Protect." Ash said

"Draco!" Dracovish said as it summoned a turquoise force field & protected itself

"Okay, now use Dragon Breath." Ash said. Dracovish fired a light blue beam of energy from his mouth & hit Dino

"Dino, use Thunder Shock." Fred said

"Draco ZOOOOOOOOLT!" Dino said as he fired a shock of yellow electricity & hit Dracovish

"Use Ancient Power." Ash said.

"Draco!" Dracovish said as it stomped its foot making multiple rocks surrounded by purple energy come out of the ground & launched them at Dino

"Dodge & use Thunder Fang." Fred said. Dino dodged the attack & charged at Dracovish while creating yellow teeth-like aura with sparks of electricity

"Ice Fang." Ash said. Dracovish's lower jaw became covered in light blue icy energy & clashed with Dino causing an explosion & both Pokémon to skid back

"Use Dragon Claw!" Fred said. Dino's claws became surrounded by light green claw-shaped aura & charged at Dracovish

"Catch it, Dracovish." Ash said

"Draco!" Dracovish said as it caught Dino's claws with its mouth

"What!?" Fred said surprisingly

"Now, Dracovish, use Brutal Swing." Ash said as Dracovish swung Dino around

"Use Thunder Wave." Fred said as Dino released yellow rings of electricity & paralyzed Dracovish which caused it to let go

"Dracovish, no!" Ash said

"Alright, use Dragon Tail." Fred said as Dino charged with Dragon Tail

"Quick, use Protect!" Ash called out, but Dracovish got hit due to being paralyzed

"Draco!" Dracovish yelled in pain as it fell on its back

"Get up, you can do it." Ash said

"Dracovish..." Dracovish struggled

"Okay Dino, let's finish this, Charge." Fred said

"Dracozolt!" Dino said as it became surrounded in yellow sparks

"Now, Bolt Beak!" Fred said. Dino's beak became cover in yellow electricity

"Watch out!" Ash exclaimed as Dracovish got hit causing an explosion "Dracovish!"

When the smoke clear, Dracozolt was bounded by a familiar red aura from Dracovish

"What's this?" Fred said surprisingly

"Dracovish's power from when I battled Leon?" Ash said

"Draco! Draco!" Dracovish called out

"Oh, right, Ice Fang now!" Ash said. Dracovish bit Dino with Ice Fang covering his body with ice

"Dino!" Fred exclaimed

"Okay, now toss it up & use Dragon Breath!" Ash said.

Dracovish tossed Dino in the air & fired Dragon Breath causing an explosion, when the smoke cleared, Dino had fainted

"Dino the Dracozolt is unable to battle, Dracovish wins, so the victory goes to Ash!" Barney declared

"We did it, Dracovish!" Ash said as hugged Dracovish

"Draco! Draco!" Dracovish said happily

"You alright, Dino?" Fred said

"Dracozolt." Dino sulked

"Hey, don't worry about it, you did great." Fred smiled in encouragement

"Draco." Dino said as he licked Fred's cheek

"Heh heh heh, good boy." Fred said as he let Dino's head

"That was first Gym Battle, Mr. Flinstone." Ash said

"I'll say, for a Pokémon Trainer like you, I believe you'll go far & I mean that." Fred said as he gave Ash a Boulder Badge "Well, here you go, kid, one Boulder Badge in your arsenal."

"I just got the Boulder Badge!" Ash said

"Bellsprout!/Draco!/Psyduck!/Pika!/Eevee!" The Pokémon cheered

A moment later, Ash was outside the gym with the Flintstones & the Rubbles

"It was nice meeting you & your family, Stoney." Ash said as he & Stoney shook hands

"You too, Ash, I hope we see each other again soon." Stoney smiled

"Ash, before you go, there's something we want to give you." Wilma said as she whistled with her fingers

"Draco! Draco! Draco!" A baby Dracozolt came

"Ash, this is one of Dino's babies, we're practically giving them away to Trainers with no charge, so we want you to have it." Fred said

"Yep, besides we thought Dracovish would want a friend since they're both Fossil Pokémon." Wilma said

"Oh, thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Flinstone." Ash smiled as he pulled out a Level Ball "Go Level Ball!"

Ash threw the Level Ball & caught Dracozolt

Dracozolt has been registered to your Pokédex

Ability: Volt Absorb

Known Moves: Tackle, Thunder Shock, Charge, & Aerial Ace.

"& that's Pokemon No. 20." Ash thought "I'll be on my way now."

"Good luck on the next Gym & the next Contest." Barney said

"Knock'em dead, kiddo." Betty said

Ash was away from the Bedrock Gym until he heard Fred yelling out something

"What?" Ash called out & he looked back

"YABBA-DABBA-DOO!" Fred yelled

Ash stared in awe before smiling as he knew what Fred said meant a good thing. As soon as he got out of Bedrock City

You have a call from Tracey

"Hello? Tracey?" Ash said

"Ash, I've got great news!" Tracey said

CLIFFHANGER! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter & yes, the badges are all the same as the Gyms' Type like in the Original world, cut me some slack. Think of the badges like giving Ash back what was taken from him in his old world. As for the Gyms' types being the same, think of it like Ash is battling the old world's Gyms again without anyone drugging his Pokémon. But if that's a problem with some of you, then you can read something else. Stay tuned for another chapter. Morpho Out!

On Hand: Pikachu*(M), Eevee*(F), Meowth(M), Riolu(M), Aipom(F), Croagunk(M), Psyduck(M), Gastly(M), Tauros(M), Nidoran(F), Bellsprout(F), Rattata(M), Pidgey*(F), Pichu(M), Butterfree(F), Kakuna(M), Pineco(M), Dracovish, Mime Jr(M), Dracozolt

At Utonium's: Taurosx27

In PokéGauntlet: Eggsx2

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