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Later in the morning, Ash & company arrived in Route 25 at the beach where they saw the S.S. LAD which is a large cruise shit

"There it is, you guys." Bubbles said

"Fantastic, now let's get in that boat & get the heck out of here." Eddy said

"I'm with you, Eddy." Ed said

"Hey muchachos, over here!" A voice called out

They looked & saw a tall & large man with medium tan skin, hazel eyes, & a long white hair & beard wearing a navy captain uniform at the stairs of the entrance

"Y'all here for the S.S. LAD?" The man said

"Yes sir, are you the captain of the ship?" Ash asked

"That's right, the name's Maker, Captain Maker, in the flesh." Captain Maker said

"Pleased to meet you Captain Maker, I'm Ash & these are my Partners Pikachu, Eevee, & Meowth." Ash said

"Eevee/Pikachu." Pikachu & Eevee greeted

"Howdy Captain." Meowth said

"I'm Blossom & these are my sisters Bubbles & Buttercup." Blossom said

"I'm Eddy & these are my pals Ed, Double D, & the Kanker sisters, Lee, Marie, & May." Eddy said "How much longer until this baby sets sail."

"Oh not long at all, you guys arrived just in time." Captain Maker said "Just put your Rotom Phones through the scanner & we're good to go."

"Great, let's get ready & go." Eddy rushed

"Now slow down, one at a time." Captain Maker said

After putting their phones through the scanners, they entered the ship as Captain Maker pulled out a walkie-talkie

"Yo, Maker here." Captain Maker said

"What is it? Has the boy arrived?" A voice said from the walkie talkie

"Yeah, he just entered." Captain Maker said

"Excellent, get ready to lift the anchor." The voice said

"Roger that." Captain Maker said as he entered before the stairs disappeared

Back with Ash & company entered the lobby as they saw a lot of people & trainers

"Wow." Ash said in awe along with company

"Breathtaking, ain't it." Captain Maker said

"It is." Ash said

"Alright, I'll go start the engine, y'all hang tight." Captain Maker said as he left while Ash & the others took a seat

"Hey Eddy, can I ask you a curious question?" Ash said

"What's up?" Eddy said

"What was the scam for? Was it for money?" Ash said

"Well yeah, & the money is for us to buy jawbreakers." Eddy said

"Jawbreakers? You mean the candy?" Ash said

"Yep, Eddy always comes up with scams in order for us to get jawbreakers." Ed said "They're our favorite candy."

"Have those kids always treated you like that?" Ash asked

"Yeah, you can say we're the outcasts of the town, no one has ever acknowledged us." Edd said

"That's right, all we wanted was to be liked by everyone & be popular with the kids." Eddy said

"Guys, you don't have to be popular in order for everyone to like you, I like you guys already, even though we met the other day." Ash said "Besides, the girls like you due to the fact that they're your friends."

"We know, it's just hard for us back at home, being left out, made fun of, ignored, shunned." Eddy said

"I know that feeling, back where I'm from, I was laughed at because of my dream of becoming a Pokémon Master & no one believed I could do it, I never had any friends growing up." Ash said

"Well now you do, from what the girls told us, your dream is a big achievement to reach from afar, we believe you can do it." Edd said

"Mm-hm, you might lose a few battles every now & then but don't let that stop you." Eddy said

"Thanks." Ash smiled

"Everyone, may I have your attention." A voice said

They looked & saw a tall thin man with white hair, beard, & mustache along with red eyes wearing a green button up shirt with a black dress coat over it, black dress pants, & black dress shoes. Next to the man was beautiful Hispanic woman with long black hair down to her lower back & styled in a low ponytail & yellow eyes wearing a long red dress with long sleeves, red high heels, red lipstick, aqua eyeshadow, & a yellow flower in her hair

"Welcome to the S.S. LAD, My name is Ximenez & this is my wife Marigold, we are the owners of this wonderful luxurious cruise. We humbly inform you that we have officially gone off shore." Ximenez announced

"It is an honor for all you Pokémon Trainers to be here for some rest & relaxation, for those of you who are new, I would gladly give you a tour. But first we insist you line up at the front desk & receive your room key." Marigold said as everyone lined up at the front desk

"There's our boy, mi amor." Ximenez said softly

"I see him, it looks like he made some new friends." Marigold said

Later, after getting a tour of the S.S. LAD, they went to their room to get ready to have fun in the pool.

"Wow, this certainly gives the S.S. Anne a run for its money." Ash said

"Yeah, we'll definitely have a lot of fun here." Pikachu said

"Come out, Riolu." Ash said as he sent out Riolu

"Good morning, Ash." Riolu said

"Morning Riolu, I thought I would send you out to relax since we're on a boat to the next town, have you ever had fun before?" Ash said

"No, I haven't had fun before considering I'm a Pokémon from a very old timeline centuries ago." Riolu said "Back then, it was all serious."

"Okay, well we're going down to the pool, you wanna come?" Ash said

"Of course, have you checked on Phantom, your Delta Charmander?" Riolu asked

"Oh no, I haven't yet, come on out, Phantom?" Ash said as he sent out Phantom

"Huh? Where am I?" Phantom said

"It's okay, you're safe now." Ash said

"Who are you?" Phantom said

"I'm Ash, your trainer." Ash said

"Trainer? You mean I've been caught? Since when?" Phantom said surprisingly

"Last night, you were possessed by creatures called Heartless, so I had to capture you in order to snap you out of their control." Ash said

"Oh, thank you." Phantom said

"Do you remember anything before you were possessed?" Eevee asked

"Not much, I remember a friend & I were being chased by Pokémon Hunters, we separated to get away from them, but I was cornered. I was terrified of what they were gonna do, then I blacked out." Phantom explained "The next thing I knew, I'm here."

"I see." Ash said

"But enough talk, I have to find my friend." Phantom said

"Easy Phantom, I'll help you find them, what Pokémon are they?" Ash said

"Yes, he's a...wait, he's actually...oh no, I somehow forgot what kind of Pokémon they are." Phantom said discouragingly

"Do you remember what they look like physically?" Meowth said

"Oh yeah, I do, he looks like a green frog with red eyes & they have leaves around their neck." Phantom said

"Okay, so I'm assuming, he's a Grass Type?" Ash said

"Yes." Phantom nodded

"Alright, don't worry, we'll be able to find your friend soon enough." Ash said "I hope they were able to escape the Pokémon Hunters."

"My friend is fast, he knows how to run & hide." Phantom said

Ash had changed into a t-shirt & some swim trunks & went down to the pool, since the others were still changing, he decide to do a little fishing alone at the back of the boat

"Hey Riolu, did you originally come from the Sinnoh Region?" Ash asked

"I did." Riolu nodded

"How'd you meet Aaron?" Ash said

"My parents were killed by demented humans, I was found by Sir Aaron, he took me into Kanto & raised me. At first, I was a bit hostile towards him & kept my guard up, but eventually I warmed up to him." Riolu said

"So that's why you said I can't be trusted, because humans took away your parents." Ash said

"Yes, I was young when they were murdered by them, I used to cry at nights wishing they would come back." Riolu said

"I'm very sorry to hear that, Riolu." Ash said sympathetically "At least you got a chance to see them again in the afterlife."

"Indeed." Riolu said

"Was one of them a Lucario, or are they both Lucarios?" Ash asked

"My father was a Gallade, he was quite stern, but he was a caring father." Lucario said

"& your mom?" Ash said

"She was outgoing & adventurous, father would try to keep her away from what he thought was dangerous." Riolu said

"They sound terrific." Ash said "We're Aaron & Rin a thing?"

"Thing? What thing?" Riolu said

"I mean, like, did they have feelings for each other?" Ash said

"Yes, they did, I was honestly surprised that they made love before he died which resulted in your existence." Riolu said

"Okay, I did not need to know that part." Ash sweatdropped

"Heh, sorry, too much information." Riolu chuckled nervously

"Do you think Aaron & Rin would like me if I had met them?" Ash said

"Ash, they already love you." Riolu said

"...Hm, thank you, Riolu." Ash smiled

"There you are." Lee said as she & the others approached him

"Whatcha doing, Ash, fishing for Pokémon?" Eddy asked

"Yep." Ash said

"You seriously gonna fish at a time of relaxation?" Lee said

"Leave him be, Lee, if he wants to fish for new Pokémon then that's alright." Blossom said

"Yeah, I would do the same." Buttercup agreed

"Just give me a moment, this won't take long." Ash said as he felt his fishing rod tug "Whoa, I got a bite!"

"That didn't take long." Lee commented as Ash was pulled a couple of steps forward

"This one's a fighter, might need a little help." Ash said

"I gotcha, Ash." Ed said as he grabbed the rod

"Count me in." Lee said as she also grabbed the rod "Alright, on 3; 1...2..."

"3!" Ash, Lee, & Ed exclaimed as he yanked the Pokémon out of the water which reveal to be

"A Shiny Buizel!" Bubbles gasped

"Bui Bui!" Buizel said

"Bellsprout, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Bellsprout

"Bellsprout." Bellsprout said

"Use Razor Leaf." Ash said

"Bellsprout, use Razor Leaf." Ash said.

"Bellsprout!" Bellsprout said as she fired green glowing leaves from her leaves & hit Buizel

"Water Pulse!" Buizel said as it fired a blue orb of water from its hands

"Send it back with Vine Whip." Ash said. Bellsprout released two green vines from her leaves & deflected the Water Pulse back to Buizel

"Bui!" Buizel dodged the attack with its tail glowing yellow while before firing multiple yellow stars from it & hut Bellsprout "Swift."

"Energy Ball." Ash said. Bellsprout fired a light green orb of energy from her mouth & hit Buizel

"Aqua Jet!" Buizel said as it became surrounded in water & shot itself like a rocket

"Dodge with Stun Spore." Ash said

"Sprout!" Bellsprout said as shot herself into the air by releasing a cloud of orange sparkling powder from her mouth

"Bui!" Buizel winced as it went through the Stun Spore & got paralyzed

"Go Golden Ball!" Ash said as he threw a Golden Ball & caught Buizel

Buizel has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Female

Ability: Swift Swim

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Sonic Boom, Quick Attack, Water Gun, Bite, Swift, Water Pulse, Aqua Jet, & Aqua Ring

"Bellsprout!" Bellsprout said in determination as she glowed bluish white & evolved into Weepinbell

"Bell." Weepinbell said

"Weepinbell." Ash smiled as he scanned her

Ability: Chlorophyll

Learned Moves: Power Whip & Solar Beam

"Nice catch." A voice said

"Hm?" Ash looked along with the others "Mr. Ximenez, Ms Marigold."

"My wife & I heard some commotion & thought we should check up on things." Ximenez said

"Oh, sorry about that, I was just fishing for a new Pokémon." Ash apologized

"No need to apologize, mijo, we never said you couldn't." Marigold smiled

"So, you two are the owners of this cruise?" Eddy said

"Yes, indeed." Ximenez said

"How long have you two been running here?" Edd said

"Years." Ximenez said

"I beg your pardon, how many years?" Edd said

"Just years." Ximenez said

"Forgive my husband, he just says that to not verify his age." Marigold said

"Oh, I see, I see." Edd understood

"Anyways, you go & have your fun, & maybe after you're done with the pool, you can dry up, get changed & head to the game room." Marigold said

"Definitely." Marie said

"Come on, let's head to the pool." May said

(Original Universe)

"Rah!" O. Buizel said angrily as it used Ice Punch on a rock

"Buizel, what's wrong?" Gible said

"I don't know, I just snapped for some reason & I feel angry." Buizel said

(Alternate Universe)

Later after enjoying the pool & drying up, they went to their rooms before putting some dry clothes on before heading to the game room. After playing some games

"Step right up, step right up, try your luck with our raffle." a Carnie said

"Ooh, raffle, what are the prizes?" Eddy said interestingly

"If you participate in this raffle you could either get an Evolution Item or a Pokémon, just choose your ticket wisely." Carnie said

"Cool, let's go for it." Eddy said

After picking their tickets

"Now, ladies first." Carnie said

"You go ahead, Blossom." Lee said as Blossom came first & gave him the raffle ticket

"For your prize, you get a Sun Stone." Carnie said

"Awesome, this will be the start of my collection." Blossom said as Bubbles went next

"Hoho, this is your lucky day, my dear, you get a Hisuian Zorua, but not just any Hisuian Zorua, a Shiny Hisuian Zorua." Carnie said

"Eeeeeeeeeee! Thank you so much!" Bubble squealed excitedly as Buttercup went next

"Your prize is a Water Stone." Carnie said

"Great, now I'll be able to evolve Poliwag once she's a Poliwhirl." Buttercup smiled "Blossom, you can have it when that happens."

"Buttercup, don't evolve Poliwag right away once it's a Poliwhirl, only evolve it when you think it's time." Blossom said

"Okay." Buttercup said as Lee went next

"Your prize is the Pseudo legendary Pokémon from Unova, Deino." Carnie said

"Sweet, a Dragon Type." Lee smiled

"& One that looks like you, hahahaha!" Marie laughed

"Shut up, Marie, that Pokémon looks nothing like me!" Lee said defensively

"Whatever." Marie shrugged as he gave the Carnie her ticket

"You, my little Blunette, get a Rockruff." Carnie said

"I always wanted a Midnight Lycanroc." Marie said

"Make sure to train it at night, if you want that form." Ash said as May went next

"Your prize is a Galarica Cuff." Carnie said

"I was worried I was gonna have to wait until we get to Galar to get this." May said as Ed went next

"You, tall boy, get one of the Hoenn Starters, Torchic." Carnie said

"Yay! Torchic!" Ed said happily as Edd went next

"For you, get a Linking Cord." Carnie said

"Perfect!" Edd smiled with joy

"Double D, what's a Linking Cord?" Ash asked

"A Linking Cord is an evolution item that evolves Pokémon who have an Trade Evolution. With this, you can evolve certain Pokémon like Kadabra, Boldore, etcetera without trading them." Edd explained

A/N: Does anybody think Trade Evolution is unfair?

"Whoa, that's amazing." Ash said in awe as Eddy went next

"& for you, you get 999 Gimmighoul Coins." Carnie said

"What do I do with that?" Eddy said

"Eddy, with 999 Gimmighoul Coins, you can evolve your Gimmighoul with them." Edd said

A/N: Which is RIDICULOUS! Who in the hell made up that stupid evolution method!?

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Eddy said excitedly

"Alright, last but not least, the one with the black hat." Carnie said

"Good luck, Ash." Ed said.

When Ash gave the Carnie his raffle tickets

"Congratulations! You have just won the glorious star prize!" Carnie said enthusiastically as he brought out a rectangular 18-inch box

"Wow, this looks like a big prize, what's in it?" Ash said surprisingly

"Oh, you'll see." Carnie said

"Guys, let's go to my room & check it out." Ash said

When everyone got to Ash's room, Ash opened the box to reveal a 18 different Poké Balls, Ash used his PokéGauntlet to send out the Pokémon which revealed to be

"Holy smokes! Those are Eevee!" Eddy exclaimed surprisingly

"& 18 of them too!" Blossom said excitedly

"You sure lucked out, Ash." May said

"This is awesome, but why 18 of them?" Ash said

"Wait, you mean you don't know?" Buttercup said confusingly

"Don't know what?" Ash said

"Ash, Eevee has 18 evolved forms, one for each Type." Edd said

"What!? But I thought Eevee only has 8 evolved forms." Ash said shockingly

"What do you mean you thought they only had 8 evolved forms? Have you been living under a rock or something?" Lee said incredulously

"No, the only Eeveelutions I know are Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Leafeon, & Sylveon." Ash said

"Geez Ash, you've really been missing out." Marie said

"I know, sorry about that." Ash sweatdropped

"You need my Water Stone to evolve one of them, Ash?" Buttercup said

"No thank you, I'd rather get a Water Stone on my own." Ash said before thinking "Besides, it might be one of the rewards from one of my achievements."

"Do you need to know what the rest of the Eeveelutions are?" Bubbles said

"Actually, I wanna find out what they are by myself, but how do I know the items that make the Eevee evolve into them?" Ash said

"That's pretty easy, Pokémon have the ability to sense the item that turns them into the evolutions they want to be." Edd said

"Okay, got it." Ash said before thinking "Wow, to have Eeveelutions of every Type, I wish my old world had those."

Ash checked his Roto-Arc Phone to scan the Eevee, half of them were Males & the other half were Females, 8 of them had the Hidden Ability Anticipatiom while 5 of them had the Run Away Ability & the rest had Adaptability. As for their moves, they knew Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Covet, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Bite, & Copycat. He decided to keep 4 of them with him while sending the rest to Utonium. Just then, Ash's room phone rang as he picked it up

"Hello?" Ash said

"Hello, you are invited to a dinner party by Ximenez & Marigold, the party will start at 7:00 PM. We highly suggest that you dress formally for it." A voice said

"Okay, thanks." Ash said as he hung up "Hey guys, we're invited to a dinner party at 7, we need to dress nicely for it."

"Right." The others nodded

At 7 o'clock, Ash along with the Eds & Kankers walked out of their rooms dressed formally. Ash & the Eds were wearing different colored tuxedos : Black for Ash, Yellow for Eddy, Red for Edd, & Green for Ed. Lee was wearing a red shoulderless knee-high dress with a white cropped cardigan over it along with a pearl necklace red high heels, Marie was wearing a shoulderless dress with a red stripe on the midsection along with a black choker & red high heels, May was wearing a white short sleeve formal dress & white high heels

"Looking good, boys." Marie said

"Thanks." Ash said

"I have to admit, you look great, Lee." Eddy said

"Really? Hm, that's the first you gave me a complimented in a meaningful way" Lee said

"You look lovely as well, Marie." Edd said

"Oh, go on." Marie smiled

"What about me, Ed?" May said

"Very pretty, May." Ed said

"Thank you." May smiled happily

"Where are the other girls?" Ash said

"We're right here." A voice said

Ash looked & saw the Powerpuff Girls who were dressed formally. Blossom wore a pink long sleeve dress with a light red sash around her midsection, Bubbles was wearing a frilly baby blue dress & baby blue bows on her twin tails, Buttercup was wearing a light green shoulderless dress with a black leather cropped cardigan over it

"Wow, you girls look...beautiful." Ash said in awe

"Thank you." Blossom blushed

"Shut up." Buttercup chuckled as she looked away

"Aww, you're really sweet, Ash." Bubble smiled as she blushed

"I agree with Ash, I actually like that leather jacket you have, Buttercup." Eddy said

"Thanks Eddy, it's actually a cardigan, but if I don't wear this over my wedding dress, I ain't getting married." Buttercup said

"Heh, we feel you, girl." Marie said

"You mean you don't like to wear dresses, Buttercup?" Ash said

"Well, I don't like wearing girly dresses since I'm pretty much a tomboy, you know." Buttercup said

"Yeah, I got that." Ash said

"Let's not waste anymore time, we have a party to attend." Edd said as he offered her arm to Marie "Shall we?"

"We shall." Marie smiled as she took his arm

Later, they were at a big dining hall with a stage that had a band on it. There were people dancing on the big dance floor & the food was delicious. After an hour of eating & having fun.

"May I have your attention, please." Captain Maker announced "As of this moment, we will be handpicking two Trainers for a tag team battle against Ximenez & Marigold. So without further ado, the lucky tag team trainers will be..."

Just then a couple of spotlights shined on Eddy & Ash

"Ash of Townsville City & Eddy of Peach Creek Town." Captain Maker said "Come on up to the dance floor, you two."

Ash & Eddy came up to the dancefloor which turned into a battlefield

"The Tag Team Battle will now begin,each two Trainers are allowed to select one Pokémon & will be over when either's side has fainted." Captain Maker said

"You ready for this, Eddy?" Ash said

"Born ready, buddy." Eddy said in determination

"Don't think we'll go easy on the two of you, muchachos." Marigold said

"Let's show these boys how it's done, mi amor." Ximenez said "Come on out, El Fuego."

"Go La Fuega!" Marigold said

Ximenez sent out a Lampent named Fuego while Marigold sent out a Lampent, but her Lampent had a golden body & a red flame in its center

"Lampent." Fuego & Fuega said as Ash pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone

Delta Lampent, the Lantern Pokémon, a Fairy & Fire Type. It has been known to appear next to children having nightmares, basking them in its warmth & eliminating all negative thoughts & emotions.

"Eevee, I choose you!" Ash said

"Go Gimmighoul!" Eddy said

Ash's Shiny Eevee entered the battlefield while Eddy sent out his Gimmighoul

"Eevee!/Gimmighoul!" The Pokémon said

"Interesting choices." Marigold said

"Could've been better." Ximenez said

"Battle Begin!" Captain Maker said


"Eevee, use Work Up." Ash said

"Eevee!" Eevee said as she became surrounded in yellow & pink aura

"Gimmighoul, use Confuse Ray on Fuega." Eddy said as multiple purple balls of energy formed around Gimmighoul & launched them at Fuega

"Fuega, Dodge & use Flamethrower on Eevee." Marigold said as Fuega shot a stream of red-orange fire at Eevee

Fuego, use Shadow Ball on Gimmighoul." Ximenez said as Fuego fired a black & purple ball of shadow energy from its hands at Gimmighoul

"Eevee, use Protect." Ash said as Eevee summoned a turquoise force field & protected herself

"Gimmighoul, close up!" Eddy said

"Gimmi!" Gimmighoul said as it closed its chest & got hit causing it to rattle

"Nice one, Eddy, Helping Hand." Ash said

"Vee." Eevee said as she jumped on top of Gimmighoul before both becoming surrounded by golden aura

"Now, use Quick Attack on Fuega." Ash said. Eevee became outlined in light blue aura & charged at Fuega

"Fuego, protect Fuega." Ximenez said as Fuego got in front of Fuega

"No you don't, use Shadow Ball." Eddy said. Gimmighoul fired a big black & purple ball of shadow energy which hit Fuego out of the way before Eevee hit Fuega with Quick Attack

"Use Payback." Ximenez said.

"Lampent!" Fuego said as he unleashed a burst of purple energy at Gimmighoul who closed its chest & got hit

"Use Moonblast." Marigold said as Fuega fired a pink orb of energy from her hands & hit Eevee

"Use Bite on Fuego." Ash said. Eevee became surround in white teeth-like aura & charged at Fuego

"Use Night Shade on Fuega" Eddy said as Gimmighoul fired a dark crimson beam from its silver buckle at Fuega

"Flame Charge." Ximenez said. Fuego became surrounded in red flames & clashed into Eevee causing an explosion

"Flame Burst." Marigold said. Fuega fired orange-yellow fireball which collided with Night Shade

"Ghoul!" Gimmighoul winced as it was hit by small embers

"Now, Fuega, use Mist." Marigold said

"Lampent!" Fuega said as she spun while releasing a thick cloud of white mist from her body which covered the battlefield

"Vee?/Gimmi?" Eevee & Gimmighoul said as they looked around

"Use Shadow Ball on Gimmighoul." Ximenez said

"Flamethrower on Eevee." Marigold said as both Pokémon hit Gimmighoul & Eevee with their attacks

"Now, use Confuse Ray." Ximenez said. Multiple purple balls of energy formed around Fuego & launched them at Gimmighoul

"Use Will-O-Wisp." Marigold said. Fuega became surrounded in a ring of light purple & pink fireballs with white cores & launched them at Eevee

"Eddy, do what I do." Ash said

"Gotcha." Eddy nodded

"Eevee, spin & use Swift." Ash said

"Gimmighoul, get out & do the same with Night Shade." Eddy said

"Eevee!" Eevee said as she spun & while releasing multiple yellow stars creating star tornado

"Gimmighoul!' Gimmighoul said as it got out of its chest before spinning while releasing Night Shade creating a swirling dark crimson barrier

Eevee & Gimmighoul defended themselves from the Confuse Ray & Will-O-Wisp, then the star tornado expanded & hit Fuega while dark crimson whips came from the barrier which hit Fuego.

"Whoa, that actually worked." Eddy said surprisingly

"It's called a Counter Shield, my own creation." Ash said "Let's continue, charge Eevee."

"Gimmighoul, ride on Eevee's back." Eddy said as Gimmighoul got on Eevee's back before she charged at Fuego & Fuega

"Flash." Marigold said

"Lampent!" Fuega said as she glowed in a bright white light which blinded Eevee & Gimmighoul

"Fire Spin." Ximenez said

"Lampent!" Fuego said as a thin streak of fire ran across which turns into a fiery tornado, trapping both Pokémon

"Vee/Ghoul." Both Pokémon winced in pain

"Eevee, get yourselves out of there using Dig." Ash said as Eevee dug underground & escaped the Fire Spin

A moment later, Eevee popped out of the ground with Gimmighoul

"Gimmighoul, use Astonish." Eddy said

"Gimmighoul!" Gimmighoul said as it sent a blue & pink shockwave & hit both Pokémon

"Pent!" Fuego & Fuega flinched

"Double Shadow Ball." Ash & Eddy said as Eevee & Gimmighoul hit Fuego & Fuega with Shadow Ball

"I believe it's time for us to show the boys our special strategy, mi amor." Ximenez said

"You've read my mind." Marigold smiled

"Fire Spin on each other." Both said

"Lampent!" Fuego & Fuega said as they were surrounded by orange aura & swirling fire

"Uh-oh." Ash said as his eyes widen

"Uh-oh? What do you mean 'Uh-Oh?'" Eddy said

"They're abilities are Flash Fire, that means their Fire Type moves will boost up constantly with Fire Spin." Ash said

"That's not good!" Eddy panicked

"Use Flamethrower." Ximenez & Marigold said as both Pokémon fired Flamethrower

"Gimmighoul, use your speed." Eddy said as Gimmighoul dodged the attack & started running around at fast speed

"Eevee, use Double Team." Ash said

"Eevee!" Eevee said as she glowed white & created multiple copies of herself & avoided the attack

"Shock Wave." Ximenez smirked

"Lampent!" Fuego said as it formed a yellow orb which released waves of yellow electricity which hit Gimmighoul & the real Eevee

"Fuega, use Fire Spin." Marigold said as Fuega trapped both Pokémon with Fire Spin

"Now, let's heat things up with Will-O-Wisp." Ximenez said as Fuego fired Will-O-Wisp, making the Fire Spin hotter

"EEVEE!/GIMMIGHOUL!" Both Pokémon screamed in pain

"Eevee, no!" Ash called out worriedly

"Gimmighoul!" Eddy called out in concern

"You know, it's not too late to throw in the towel, it's best to know when you two have been beaten." Ximenez said

"You really think we're gonna give up that easily?" Ash said

"We're the type of people to quit because someone suggested we do." Eddy said

"It's not over until it's over!" Both glared in determination

"VEEEEE!/GHOOOOOUL!" Eevee & Gimmighoul yelled in determination

Suddenly a burst of energy broke the Fire Spin combo apart as Eevee was glowing blue while surrounded by water bubbles & Gimmighoul's was surrounded by four blue gemstones with pink cores

"What?" Ximenez said surprisingly as Marigold gasped

"What's that?" Eddy said as he & Ash scanned their Pokémon

Your Eevee has learned Bouncy Bubble

Your Gimmighoul has learned Power Gem

"The exclusive Eevee move." Ash thought in realization

"Now that's awesome!" Eddy said excitedly

"Let's finish this, Eddy." Ash said "Eevee, use Bouncy Bubble on Fuego!"

"Gimmighoul, use Power Gem on Fuega!" Eddy said

"Eevee!" Eevee said as she fired the water bubbles at Fuego

"Gimmighoul!" Gimmighoul said as the gemstones fired pale purple beams of energy of energy at Fuega

Once the attacks made contact, it caused an explosion. When the smoke cleared, both Pokémon had fainted

"Fuego the Lampent & Fuega the Delta Lampent are unable to battle, Eevee & Gimmighoul win, so the winners are Ash & Eddy." Captain Maker said

"That's what I'm talking about." Eddy smiled

"You said it." Ash said as they high fived

"Eevee!" Eevee said happily as he jumped on Ash's other shoulder

"Hey, congrats on learning a new move, Eevee." Ash smiled as he gently scratched Eevee's cheek

"Gimmighoul!" Gimmighoul said happily as he hopped on top Eddy's head

"Haha, up top Gimmighoul." Eddy chuckled as he fist bumped Gimmighoul with his finger

"Congratulations, you two, that was a very strategic battle you had put up." Marigold said

"I must say you two were very lucky to have survived our ability strategy along with our final combination." Ximenez said

"Thanks, Ximenez, Marigold, it was a pleasure battling both of you alongside Eddy." Ash said

"Yep, this was definitely a good experience for me & Gimmighoul." Eddy agreed

"Everyone put your hands together for Ash & Eddy." Captain Maker said as everyone cheered

Later, Ash & company were on their way to their rooms

"You're really getting the hang of Pokémon Battles, Eddy." Edd said

"Thanks Sockhead, I had the best teacher." Eddy smiled as he looked at Ash who smiled back "You know, guys, after winning that double battle back there, I believe Gimmighoul is ready to evolve."

"I believe so too, you did manage to win the battle with Ash without evolving him, I think now might be the time." Ash said

"I agree." Blossom said

"Can we watch it evolve, Eddy?" Bubble said

"Sure, follow me." Eddy said as he & the others entered his room before sending out Gimmighoul

"Gimmighoul." Gimmighoul said

"Hey Gimmighoul, since we won that battle back there, are you ready to evolve?" Eddy said

"Ghoul! Ghoul! Ghoul!" Gimmighoul said excitedly

"Hahaha, I knew you were ready." Eddy laughed "Go get the Gimmighoul Coins, Lumpy."

"Okay Eddy." Ed said

Once Ed got out the Gimmighoul Coins, Gimmighoul jumped out of his chest into the air & became outlined in white aura. Then the Gimmighoul Coins levitated out of the bag & circled around Gimmighoul before glowing in a golden light & taking on its form. The light broke apart to reveal a bigger & taller golden cylindrical Pokémon with four dreadlock-like tufts on its head & a small Gimmighoul chest strapped to its side by a belt with the medallion in the center

"Gholdengo!" The Pokémon said as Eddy pulled out his Rotom Phone

Gholdengo, the Coin Entity Pokémon, a Steel & Ghost Type, & the evolved form of Gimmighoul. It has a sturdy body made up of stacked coins. Gholdengo overwhelms its enemies by firing coin after coin at them in quick succession.

"Wow, looking good, Gholdengo." Eddy said amazingly

"It is so shiny!" Ed beamed

"Yep, this Pokémon definitely suits you, Eddy-boy." Lee smiled

"Yeah, think of all the Jawbreakers we can buy, I mean who needs those losers' cash when we got Gholdengo?" Eddy said as he wrapped his arm around Gholdengo

"Now that's an idea." Buttercup said impressively

"We shouldn't be too greedy, Eddy, remember Gholdengo has feelings like all Pokémon do, you should use it's powers for good purposes." Edd said

"I'm with Double D on this one, Greed has a bad comeback, I'm sure you don't want a repeat of what happened back in Peach Creek Town." Ash said

"Hey, if I had 999 Gimmighoul Coins before that, I would have evolved Gimmighoul a lot sooner, then none of that would've happened." Eddy ranted

"Maybe you can use Gholdengo's power to pay the kids back for the damage you caused them." Marie said "That would probably ease their anger."

"I hope you're right." Eddy said

"Guys, I find something suspicious back at the raffle." Ash said

"What do you mean?" Eddy asked

"I mean, we won items & Pokémon that we really wanted like Bubbles with Shiny Hisuian Zorua & Eddy with Gimmighoul Coins, It was kinda like they knew what we wanted." Ash said

"It could be just a coincidence." May said

"I think it more than a coincidence, I don't know, I'm still suspicious about it." Ash said as he yawned "Well, I'm gonna go head to bed, goodnight you guys."

"Goodnight Ash." The others said as Ash left the room

Later, Ximenez & Marigold in the control room as Captain Maker is checking the security footage

"He's asleep, now's your cue." Captain Maker said

"Alright, do you have it, mi amor?" Ximenez said

"Right here." Marigold said as she was holding a jar with a ball of light in it "Are you sure we should do this?"

"If we were not sure she wouldn't have tasked us to do this." Ximenez said

"But, I can't help but feel bad for what we're gonna do?" Marigold said as Ximenez caressed her face with his hand

"It's alright, my dear, remember we're only doing this to help him, not hurt him." Ximenez assured "& once he wakes up later on, we'll reveal ourselves to him."

"You're right, my love." Marigold smiled as she kissed her husband

"Now, let's get started." Ximenez said

CLIFFHANGER! Looks like Ximenez, Marigold, & Captain Maker seem to know about Ash. Who are they & what do they have planned for him? Stay tuned for the next chapter, Morpho Out!

On Hand: Pikachu*(M), Eevee*(F), Meowth(M), Riolu(M), Weepinbell(F), Pikachu(M), Bulbasaur(M), Charmander(M), Squirtle(M), Dracozolt, Spearow(M), Sandslash(M), Nidoran(M), Geodude(M), Delta Bulbasaur(Crystal)(F), Delta Lotad(Wizard)(M), Delta Seedot(Spark)(M), Larvitar(M), Delta Charmander(Phantom)(M), Soldier, Buizel(F), Eeveex4(Mx1 & Fx3)

At Utonium's: Taurosx25, Aipom(F), Psyduck(M), Croagunk(M), Gastly(M), Nidorina(F), Raticate(M), Butterfree(F), Pidgeotto*(F), Pineco(M), Beedrill(M), Dracovish, Mime Jr.(M), Magikarp*(F), Wattrel(F), Zubat(F), Cleffa(F), Paras(M), Ekans(F), Mankey*(M), Shadow, Omanyte(F), Kabuto(M), Eeveex14(Mx8 & Fx6)

In the PokéGauntlet: Egg, Shadow Mewtwo(Unofficial)

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