Seashore Kingdom(Contest)

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Seashore Kingdom(Contest)

Ash along with Jessie & James made it out of Mt. Moon. Right now, Ash had encounter an Ekans & a Shiny Mankey in Route 4

"Mime Jr. use Confusion." Ash said

"Mime!" Mime Jr. said as his eyes glowed Violet & telekinetically lifted them up into the air

"Hey, put us down!" Mankey said irritatingly

"I'm afraid of heightsssss!" Ekans panicked

"Don't worry, I'll get you down." Ash said as he summoned a beige Poké Ball with black stripes & a gray Poké Ball with a circle wrapped on top & chain designs attached to it "Rubber Ball, Chain Ball, Go!"

Rubber Ball by MandJTV: A Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Electric & Poison Type Pokémon

Chain Ball by MandJTV: A Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Ghost & Fighting Type Pokémon

Ash threw the Rubber Ball & Chain Ball & caught the Ekans & Mankey

Ekans & Mankey have been registered to your Pokédex


Gender: Male

Ability: Defiant(Hidden)

Known Moves: Covet, Focus Energy, Leer, Scratch, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Mud-Slap, Seismic Toss, & Counter


Gender: Female

Ability: Shed Skin

Known Moves: Leer, Wrap, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare, & Poison Tail

"Nice catches, twerp." Jessie complimented

"Thanks." Ash said

"How many is that in total?" James said

"Not counting my 26 Tauros, that would be 31." Ash said

"That's sure a lot." James said

"I told you I was gonna catch as many Pokémon as possible." Ash said

"Yeah, you weren't kidding." Jessie said

"Yeah..." Ash sighed

"What's wrong?" Jessie said

"Well..." Ash said as he pulled out Shadow's Heartless Ball "You know, it really bothered to hear that Heartless have no emotions & don't know positive things like friendship, happiness, & love, it all just sounds so sad. What's worse is that they were humans who experimented on willingly in the past & they had no idea of the risks they were gonna end up with."

"It's alright, Ash, we believe you'll be able to teach Shadow those positive things, if anyone can do that it's you." Jessie said

"You're right." Ash said

"We're nearly at the location where the next gym is." James said looking at his Rotom Phone

When they got there, they saw that the city looked more like a kingdom.

"Wow, this looks very breathtaking." Ash said "What is this place?"

"It's called Seashore Kingdom." James said

"The Gym is in a kingdom?" Meowth said shockingly

"I smell a beach day." Jessie sang "No doubt this kingdom has a Contest."

"Yeah, we better sign up, then we can check out the Gym." Ash said

"I got a feeling the Gym uses Water Types like Cerulean City Gym, as a matter of fact this Seashore Kingdom is an ultimate upgrade in this world." Meowth said

After Jessie & Ash signed up for the Seashore Contest, they went to the Seashore Gym. When they got there, they found themselves standing in front of a castle

"James, this is a castle, are you sure this is the right place?" Ash said

"Of course I am, it's what the Rotom Phone said." James said incredulously

"Excuse me, may we help you?" One of the guards said

"Uh, yeah, we're looking for the Gym Leader."Ash said

"She's inside, but she's busy at the moment since today is a special event." The Guard said

"Alright, let's go you guys." Ash said

"Hold on a moment." A voice said

Everyone looked & saw Professor Utonium with a scrawny elderly man wearing royal garments

"Professor Utonium." Ash said surprisingly

"These three are with me." Utonium said

"Sir Grimsby, shall we let them in?" The guard said

"If that's what the Professor requests, proceed." Grimsby(The Little Mermaid) said

"Hello there, Ash, Jessie, James." Utonium said

"Hey Professor, good to see you again." Ash smiled

"Come, you're just in time for the special event." Grimsby said as they entered the castle

"What's so special about this event, Professor?" Ash asked

"The Princess of the Seashore Kingdom's daughter has a Birthday today, not only that but she'll be starting her journey after she competes in Seashore Contest tomorrow." Utonium said

"& you're here to give her a starter Pokémon." Ash said

"Exactly." Utonium said

"What about the Gym Leader, what's her part in this?" Ash said

"Oh, you'll be surprised." Grimsby chuckled

They had arrived at the ballroom where they saw a lot of people wearing fancy royal garments

"Silence, everyone, silence." Grimsby announced "Presenting their royal highnesses, Prince Eric & Princess Ariel & their daughter Princess Melody."

The curtains opened revealing a man with black hair & blue eyes wearing a prince outfit, a beautiful woman with long red hair & blue eyes wearing a sea green princess dress with seashell earrings, & a young girl with black hair wearing a salmon pink princess dress

"Well, we know who rules this Kingdom but where's the Gym Leader?" Meowth said

"You're looking at her." Utonium said

"What? You mean Ariel's the Seashore Kingdom Gym Leader?" Meowth said

"Yes." Utonium said to the others shock

"Wait a minute, are you saying that...the Gym Leader's a Princess?" Ash said in aghast

"Oh boy, we sure will be lucky to face a princess in a Gym Battle, eh Ash? Ash?" James said

They noticed Ash was shaking nervously as his breathing was still.

"Ash, Ash, are you alright?" Utonium said as he shook Ash on the shoulder a bit

"Huh!? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I think...I think I need to sit down." Ash said as he walked away

"Wonder what that was all about?" Jessie said

"Probably overwhelmed that he's gonna be facing a princess." James said

Ash had sat down at a table as he was beginning to become anxious

"Crap, crap, crap, CRAP! Why did it have to be a princess as a Gym Leader, I faced many Gym Leaders in my old world but never A PRINCESS! What's even worse is that her daughter is competing in the Seashore Contest! What's gonna happen if I defeat them in battle!? Oh man, this is worse than when I was in North Petalburg! Damn it, why do I always have the worst luck!" Ash thought in panic

"Good Party, huh boy?" A voice said

Ash looked & saw a man with blue skin, crimson red eyes, a red fin-like object on his head, long leathery red trench coat, brown boots, & jeans sitting next to him with a drink on hand

"Hello, name's Yondu Udonta." Yondu(Guardians of the Galaxy) said

"Uhh, hi." Ash said

""From the way you're dressed, I'm gonna have to say that you're here for a Gym Battle with Ariel, am I right?" Yondu assumed

"I am, I'm also here to compete in the contest." Ash said

"Oh, so you're a Trainer & a Coordinator, impressive." Yondu said

"Yeah, but I'm gonna bail on that & head to the next town." Ash said

"Why?" Yondu said confusingly

"I'm sorry, I just don't wanna get in trouble by defeating her & her daughter in Pokémon Battles." Ash said

Yondu stared at him with a very confused look for a moment

"Ahahahahahahahahaha!" Yondu laughed

"Hey, what's so funny?" Ash glared

"Now who the hell fed you that lie, boy?" Yondu said

"What?" Ash said

"Hey Grimsby, come over here." Yondu called out

"Yes, how may I help Mr. Udonta?" Grimsby approached them

"Tell me, how many of Ariel's challengers got in deep shit just because they beat her in a gym battle?" Yondu asked

"Why that's just utter nonsense, no one got in trouble for defeating Ariel in a gym battle." Grimsby said

"There you see, boy?" Yondu said

"But I thought–" Ash said

"You thought what? That this was a crazy-ass kingdom who attacks everybody who defeats a Gym Leader?" Yondu said

"Certainly not." Grimsby said

"Okay, I don't mean to sound judgey, but why is she both a princess & a gym leader, shouldn't being a princess prevent her from that?" Ash said

"Look here, boy, there's no rule about anyone not being able to be Gym Leaders, & there sure is hell ain't no rule about anyone who is either a princess, a celebrity, or whatever not being allowed to become a Gym Leader either. You should know that by now, boy, think about it." Yondu said as he placed a glass cup in front of Ash "Here, have some punch to cool down your nerves."

With that Yondu got up & left

"You know, he's right, my boy, being a princess doesn't mean Ariel can't be a Gym Leader." Grimsby said as he placed a hand on his shoulder "There's nothing to be afraid of, Ash, you shouldn't feel like you're gonna commit a crime, because you're not."

"...Okay, thank you, Grimsby." Ash said

"My pleasure." Grimsby smiled as he left

"They're right, I'm just being paranoid, princesses or no, they're still Trainers in the end." Ash said

Just then Ash heard shouting, when he checked it out, he saw a group of Shadows in the center of the ballroom

"Heartless! They must have started to manifest when I found out Ariel was the Gym Leader." Ash thought

"Ash, we should help out." James said

"Right." Ash said

"Not so fast." Yondu said

"Yondu?" Ash said

"You just leave this to me." Yondu said as he pulled out a Lure Ball "Come out, Arrokuda."

Yondu sent out an Arrokuda

"Arro!" Arrokuda said

"Arrokuda, it's been a little while since I saw that Pokémon." Ash said as pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone

Arrokuda, the Rush Pokémon, a Water Type, It takes down prey by charging into them with its hard, pointed jaw. But Arrokuda's eyesight is poor, so this tactic has a low success rate.

"SAUR!/CHAR!/SQUIRT!" A couple of voices yelled

Everyone looked & saw a Bulbasaur, Charmander, & Squirtle. Ash & Pikachu noticed something familiar with the Kanto Starter trio as he saw Charmander had red stripes, Squirtle had dark blue stripes, & Bulbasaur had dark green stripes.

"Is that who I think it is?" Ash said surprisingly

"It is, It's Venusaurtwo, Charizardtwo, & Blastoisetwo!" Pikachu said

"Professor, are they yours?" Yondu asked

"No, they're not mine." Utonium said

Ash noticed the Pokémon's eyes were yellow with a Heartless symbol on their foreheads & they were acting hostile

"Professor Utonium, what's wrong with them?" Ash asked

"Oh no, the Charmander, Squirtle, & Bulbasaur have been possessed." Utonium said

"Possessed? You mean Heartless can possess Pokémon?" Meowth said shockingly

"Unfortunately, they can, I better handle this." Utonium said

"No wait, let me handle it, I happen to know those Pokémon." Ash said

"You do?" Utonium said

"Yeah, they're my friends." Ash said as he stepped in

"You better know what you're doing if you're gonna help out." Yondu said

"I do." Ash said

"Alright, you take care of the starter trio & I can take care of the Heartless." Yondu said

"How are you gonna do that with an Arrokuda?" Ash said

"Heh, watch & learn, boy." Yondu smirked as he started to whistle

"Arrokuda..." Arrokuda said as it levitated around in circles

"*Fweet!*" Yondu whistled on command

Suddenly Arrokuda started charging & stabbing through Shadows at fast speed in every direction leaving holes on their heads & stomach while Yondu was whistling. When Yondu & Arrokuda were done, the Shadows dispersed as Ash & his friends & Pokémon were shocked

"How the heck did he do that?" Meowth said

"Wow." Ash said in awe

"You just gonna stand there or are you gonna deal with the Pokémon?" Yondu said

"Oh yeah, right." Ash said as he began to approach the Pokémon "Hey guys, it's me."

"Saur/Char/Squirt." The Pokémon growled

"I don't wanna have to do this to you, but seeing you guys like this just kills me." Ash said "Pidgeotto, Geodude, Bellsprout, I choose you!"

Ash sent out his Bellsprout, Pidgeotto, & Geodude

"Dude!/Bell!/Pidgeo!" The Pokémon said

"Ember!" Charmander said as it fired multiple balls of fire at Bellsprout

"Geodude, protect Bellsprout with Defense Curl." Ash said as Geodude got in front of Bellsprout before curling up & getting hit

"Now Bellsprout, use Sludge Bomb."

Bellsprout jumped over Geodude & fired multiple explosive sludge projectiles from her mouth which hit Charmander

"Razor Leaf!" Bulbasaur said as it fired multiple green glowing from its bulb

"Pidgeotto, use Aerial Ace." Ash said. Pidgeotto became surrounded by white streaks of energy, cut through the Razor Leaf & tackled Bulbasaur

"Water Gun!" Squirtle said as fired a stream of water from its mouth at Geodude

"Bellsprout." Ash said

"Bell." Bellsprout stepped in with her mouth wide open & rinsed the Water Gun causing her head to grow a bit which surprised everyone

"Fire Fang!" Charmander said as it's fangs glowed red-orange, created red-orange teeth-like aura & charged at Bellsprout

"Geodude, help her out." Ash said

"Geo." Geodude said as he grabbed Bellsprout's head, gave it a light squeeze which caused the water to shoot out of her mouth & hit Charmander sending it back

"The hell kind of technique was that?" Yondu said

"I don't know, but it sure was a tactical move." Utonium said

"Alright, let's wrap it up, Use Rock Throw, Air Cutter, & Energy Ball." Ash said

"Geodude!/Pidgeo!/Bellsprout!" The Pokémon said as they fired their attacks & hit the Starter Trio

Ash pulled out a Dive Ball, & 2 other kinds of Poké Ball. One Poké Ball was green on the upper part with dark green thorn patterns & a red-pink flower with a yellow center on top along with a red-pink button. The other Poké Ball was orange with a red spot on top, a green band with a blue button

"Dive Ball, Thermo Ball, & Thorn Ball, Go!" Ash said as he threw the Poké Balls

Thermo Ball by MandJTV: A Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Fire & Ice Type Pokémon

Thorn Ball by u/AtomicWalrus: A Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Grass & Poison Type Pokémon

Ash caught Bulbasaur with the Thorn Ball, Charmander with a Thermo Ball, & Squirtle with a Dive Ball

Charmander, Bulbasaur, & Squirtle have been registered to your Pokédex


Gender: Male

Ability: Overgrow

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, & Magical Leaf


Gender: Male

Ability: Blaze

Known Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Breath, Fury Swipes, Fire Fang, & Air Cutter


Gender: Male

Ability: Torrent

Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Withdraw, Bubble, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, & Aqua Jet

Just then, Ash heard clapping before he looked up & saw that it was Melody, then her parents joined in following along with Grimsby, Yondu, Utonium, Jessie, James, & everyone else

"Bravo, sir, an extraordinary performance." Grimsby said

"Way to go, ya lucky little bastard." Yondu smiled

"That was fantastic." Utonium said

"Thanks guys." Ash said

"Your highnesses, shall we continue with the celebration." Grimsby said

"Yeah, now that that's out of the way." Eric(The Little Mermaid) said

"I already know who I'm dancing with." Melody(The Little Mermaid) said

"Who would that be, Melody?" Grimsby said

"Him." Melody pointed at Ash much to everyone's shock & surprise

"Me?" Ash said surprisingly

"Eric, Ariel, do you support this decision?" Grimsby asked

"If that's what she wants." Ariel(The Little Mermaid) smiled

"Very well then, first we need to have you wear something more suitable for this occasion." Grimsby said

"We can help with that." Jessie & James said

"Splendid." Grimsby said

Ash, Jessie, & James entered into a dressing room

"Now, you just call out to me when you're done." Grimsby said "Best not to keep Melody waiting."

"Okay Ash, we've got to hurry to make you look more presentable." Jessie said as she start going through the outfits

"Guys, I don't think I could do this." Ash said unsurely

"Ash, this is once in a lifetime opportunity to dance with a princess." James said "After all, you did save her special day."

"Well, yeah, I guess so." Ash said

"Ash, send the cloned starter trio out." Pikachu said

"Oh yeah, right, come on out." Ash said as he sent out the clone starter trio

"Huh?" The clone trio said

"Charizardtwo, Blastoisetwo, you're a Charmander & a Squirtle!" Bulbasaur gasped

"So are you, but you're a Bulbasaur!" Squirtle said

"What's going on here?" Charmander said

"Guys?" Pikachu approached them

"Huh? Who are you?" Charmander said

"It's me, Pikachutwo." Pikachu said

"Pikachutwo? You're a Shiny Pikachu now?" Bulbasaur said

"Yeah, but I'm not the only one who's here." Pikachu smiled as he gestured to Ash

"Ash!" The Clone Trio said happily

"Hey, you guys." Ash smiled as he knelt down

"You're okay." Bulbasaur said

"We thought you were done for." Squirtle said

"We're so sorry that Mewtwo jumped to conclusions about you." Charmander said

"It's okay, it's fine now." Ash said "Are the three of you okay, you guys were possessed by Heartless."

"We're fine, but what are Heartless?" Bulbasaur said

"We can talk about that later." Ash said

"Hey Ash, I think I found something's something that might be familiar to you." Jessie said

"Let me see." Ash said as Jessie showed the outfit

"Hey, isn't that the same garments you wore at Pierre's Dance Party in Kalos." James said

"It sure looks like it." Ash said

"Let's get this on you." Jessie said

A moment later, Ash came back to the ballroom & approached Melody

"Whoa, seeing you in that, I mistook you for a different person." Melody said in awe

"Heh, thanks." Ash smiled as he held out his hand "May I have this dance."

"You may." Melody smiled back as she took his hand

"You'll have to forgive me, I haven't done this in a while." Ash said

"It's okay, we can just take it slow." Melody said as they started dancing

"I hadn't introduced myself, My name is Ash, Ash Tajiri." Ash said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Melody." Melody said "So, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to compete in a Gym Battle with your Mom & compete in the contest." Ash said

"Oh, well don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're my dance partner." Melody smirked

"I wouldn't want you to." Ash said as they both laughed

A couple of minutes later, when they finished dancing

"That was fun, you certainly are a good dancer." Melody complimented

"Thanks." Ash blushed

"Melody, I believe it's time for you to choose a starter." Grimsby said "Professor."

Professor Utonium sent out a Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, Froakie, Popplio, Sobble, & a white duck-like Pokémon teal webbed feet & a large teal coif-like crest

"Who's that Pokémon?" Ash said as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone

Quaxly, the Duckling Pokémon, a Water Type. Its strong legs let it easily swim around in even fast-flowing rivers. It likes to keep things tidy & is prone to overthinking things.

"That has to be a Water Type Starter from Paldea." Ash thought

"So honey, which one are you gonna choose?" Ariel said

"I decided to choose Oshawott." Melody said

"Oshawott!" Oshawott said it jumped into Melody's arms

"That's a very good choice, Mel, any reason?" Eric asked

"Oh, that's a secret." Melody said

A couple of hours later, the event ended as Jessie, James, Ash, Utonium, & Yondu were about to leave.

"Wait." Ariel said as she along with her husband & daughter approached them

"Your majesty, what's wrong?" Ash said

"Nothing, it's just that it's late & I was wondering if you & your friends along with Utonium & Yondu would like to spend the night here in the palace." Ariel offered

"Are you sure, we don't want it to be any trouble." Ash said

"It's no trouble, it's the least we could do after all your help." Eric insisted

"Well...okay then." Ash said "Your majesty–."

"Ash, there's no need for formalities, love, you can call me Ariel." Ariel said

"Oh, okay, Ariel, I'm here to challenge you to a Gym Battle & win your badge if you don't mind." Ash said

"Well then, I accept your challenge." Ariel smiled

"Awesome, will I face you after the Contest tomorrow?" Ash said

"Of course." Ariel said

Later, Ash was in one of the guest rooms as he got done explaining to the clone starter trio

"Guys, how did you get possessed by the Heartless?" Ash asked

"We don't know, we don't really remember what happened, all we know is that we've snapped out of it when you captured us." Charmander said

"I see, I guess that must be one of the side effects of being out of the Heartless' possession." Ash assumed

"Hey Ash, let me in, let me in!" Meowth said from the other side of the door

"Meowth, what's going on?" Ash opened the door

"Close the door! It's after me!" Meowth said as he rushed inside & hopped on the bed

"What's after—Whoa!" Ash said as he was toppled by a sheepdog puppy-like Pokémon with a candle on top of its head

"Vard! Vard!" The Pokémon barked as it licked Ash's face

"Hey, cut it out, hahahaha!" Ash laughed

"Max." Eric said as he picked up the Pokémon "Easy there, boy."

"Vard." The Pokémon named Max barked

"Sorry if this knucklehead ambushed you, Ash, he's harmless really." Eric said

"It's alright, Eric." Ash said as he stood up "What is he?"

"This is Max, he's my Greavard." Eric said

"Greavard." Ash said as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone

Greavard, the Ghost Dog Pokémon, a Ghost Type. This friendly Pokémon doesn't like being alone. Pay it even the slightest bit of attention, & it will follow you forever.

"Greavard! Greavard!" Max barked as it jumped off Eric's arms & on the bed

"Hey, back off ya shaggy mutt!" Meowth said as it ran around the room while being chased

"It's alright, he just wants to play." Eric said "Come on, Max, that's enough."

"Vard." Max said as he went to Eric

"It was nice to meet you, Max, you're one cool Pokémon." Ash smiled as he pet Max

"Greavard." Max said

"See you in the morning, Ash, goodnight." Eric said

"You too, Eric." Ash said as Eric & Max left the room "How did you wind up in a situation like that, Meowth?"

"Well, I was wandering down the halls when I heard someone talking from a room." Meowth said


Meowth was walking down the hall until he heard a noise, he looked to see a door that was cracked open to a room. So out of curiosity, he peeked through the door to see Ariel, Eric, & Utonium

"Professor, are you sure letting Melody go on a Pokémon Journey is a good idea?" Ariel said

"Of course, you can't coop her up in this kingdom forever, Melody needs to go out & have an adventure of her own." Utonium said

"I suppose so." Ariel sighed

"Ariel, I know you were doing it to protect her from Morgana, but you have to tell Melody the truth someday." Utonium said "You know it's not right for a parent to keep secrets from their children."

"He's right, honey, we both know that day is gonna come." Eric said

"I's not easy being a parent, now I know how my father felt." Ariel said sadly

"Nobody said it was, I mean it wasn't easy for me with my girls." Utonium said

"Well, I just hope she'll stay away from the sea." Ariel said

"Ariel, just because Melody will be on a Pokémon Journey, it doesn't mean she'll stay away from the sea." Eric said "The least we can hope for is that she'll be careful."

"I guess you're right." Ariel said

"What are they talking about?" Meowth thought

"Vard." A voice said

"Heh?" Meowth said as he turned & saw Max

Flashback End

"Meowth, I can't believe you did that, you know you're not supposed to be eavesdropping." Ash scolded

"Oh come on, Jessie, James, & I eavesdrop all the time." Meowth said

"But that wasn't any of your business, neither is it my business." Ash said

"Then how about we make it our business." Meowth said

"No." Ash said

"But you do that every time back in our old world, you always go looking for trouble." Meowth said

"No I don't, trouble always finds me." Ash said

"Good point." Meowth said "I wonder who this Morgana is, she must be bad news."

"Yeah, & she must be after Melody, but why would Ariel want her to stay away from the sea? I don't get it." Ash said confusingly before he heard a knock on his door "Come in."

"Hey Ash, how's it going?" Utonium entered the room

"Going good, Professor, how's the others at the lab?" Ash said

"They're doing swell." Utonium said "At the party you told me you wanted to talk to me about something."

"Oh yeah, I forgot, I was in Mt. Moon this morning & the others & I saved a few Pokémon from a group of Heartless, but I saw that one of them used attacks like Shadow Ball & Feint Attack like Pokémon." Ash explained

"Heartless do use Pokémon Attacks if they want to, but usually they just attack head on without using them." Utonium said

"But that's not all, Professor, something else happened, just try not to freak out." Ash said as he pulled out the Heartless Ball & sent out Shadow "Professor, this is Heartless."

"Great Scott! You caught a Heartless!?" Utonium exclaimed surprisingly

"Yeah, you never mentioned anything about Heartless being catchable like Pokémon." Ash said

"Well, that's because no one has been able to catch a Heartless for ages." Utonium said

"Wait, are you serious?" Ash said surprisingly

"Very serious, I believe I read something about this once." Utonium said "Ash, is it alright if I take Shadow so I can study it & do some research?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Ash said "But Professor, this isn't gonna make me seem like some sort of Villain now that I own a Heartless."

"Oh, of course not, you would possibly be seen as some sort of hero since you were able to tame a Heartless like Shadow." Utonium said

"Oh okay." Ash said "Shadow, be good to Professor Utonium, alright."

"Yes master." Shadow said

"Good, return." Ash said as he returned Shadow & handed out the Heartless Ball "Here you are, Professor, take good care of Shadow."

"Don't worry, he's in good hand." Utonium said

The next morning, Ash was walking down the beach until he saw Melody with her Oshawott, a Piplup & a Sealeo

"I'm very nervous about this, you guys." Melody said

"Don't sweat it, kid, this will be a cinch." Piplup said

"That's right, you'll do great." Sealeo said

"I hope you're right." Melody said

"Melody?" Ash said

"Oh Ash, how long you've been standing there?" Melody said nervously

"Only for a second, you can talk to Pokémon?" Ash said

"Great, now you're gonna think I'm weird." Melody sighed in discouragement

"No I don't, I can talk to Pokémon too." Ash said

"You can?" Melody said

"Yeah." Ash said

"Then how about you prove it, wise guy." Piplup said "What are Melody's parents names?"

"Ariel & Eric." Ash said

"What type Pokémon am I?" Piplup said

"Water." Ash said

"What are the types strong against Water?" Piplup said

"Grass & Electric." Ash said

"Wow, he can understand Pokémon." Sealeo said amazingly

"Finally, I'm not the only one." Melody said

"You can understand Pokémon too?" Ash said as he sat next to Melody

"Yeah, but for some weird reason, I can only understand Water Types." Melody said

"Only Water Types?" Ash repeated

"Yeah, it's weird." Melody said

"Huh, so I guess this Piplup & Sealeo are your Pokémon too?" Ash asked

"Yeah, this is Tip the Piplup & Dash the Sealeo." Melody said

"Hi." Dash said

"How's it going, kid?" Tip said

"Going good, I'm Ash, & this is my partners Pikachu, Eevee, & Meowth." Ash said

"Hello/Pika/Vee." Ash's Pokémon said

"Man, I can't wait to get out of this Kingdom." Melody said

"You're dying to get the taste of freedom?" Ash assumed

"You guessed it, I've been in here long enough, it's time to go on a journey." Melody said enthusiastically

"Heh, I know that feeling, I think you're gonna do awesome." Ash said

"Hehe, thank you." Melody blushed

"Hey." A voice said

"Good morning, Yondu." Ash said

"Morning kids, y'all should get some training done before the contest starts." Yondu said

"Right." Ash said "Speaking of training, you think you could teach me how to do that whistle thing you did with your Arrokuda?"

"That takes some work, son." Yondu said "But if you want me to teach you, you have to prove yourself first. Do you have any Flying Types or anything with a sharp end."

"I have a Pidgeotto, Beedrill, Male Nidoran, Spearow, & a Wattrel." Ash said

"Alright, what do you say you & I have a battle with one of them." Yondu said

"You bet." Ash said

Ash & Yondu were apart from each other ready for battle

"Alright, Go Arrokuda!" Yondu said as he sent out Arrokuda

"Arrokuda!" Arrokuda said

"Wattrel, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Wattrel

"Wattrel!" Wattrel chirped

"Think you're gonna beat me with Type advantages, boy?" Yondu said

"At least I know what Type I'm up against." Ash said

"Heh, whatever you say, let's go!" Yondu said


"Wattrel, use Peck." Ash said. Wattrel's beak glowed yellow & charged at Arrokuda

"Use Peck as well, Arrokuda." Yondu said. Arrokuda's snout glowed yellow clashed into Wattrel throwing her back

"Wow, it's strong, use Thunder Shock." Ash said

"WATTREEEEEEEEEEL!" Wattrel said as she fired a shock of electricity

"*Fweet*" Yondu whistled

"Arro!" Arrokuda said as it dived underwater & avoided the attack

"Wattrel, dive after it!" Ash said

"Wattrel!" Wattrel said as she dived underwater

"Now use Growl." Ash said

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAATT" Wattrel said as she let out a huge growl that distorts the water which caused Arrokuda to be off guard

"Thunder Shock." Ash said

"Wattrel!" Wattrel said as she fired Thundershock & hit Arrokuda

"It's gonna take more than that to bring us down, Water Pulse." Yondu said as Arrokuda fired a blue orb of water from its mouth

"Dodge & use Quick Attack." Ash said. Wattrel became outlined in light blue aura & dodged the attack before charging at Arrokuda at quick speed

"*Fweet*" Yondu whistled as Arrokuda dodged the attack

"Don't stop, keep using Quick Attack to catch up to it." Ash said

Yondu kept whistling for Arrokuda to out swim Wattrel as she did her best to catch up to Arrokuda & when she got close

"Alright, use Spark." Ash said as Wattrel became surrounded by yellow electricity & was about to hit Arrokuda

"*Fweet Fweet*" Yondu whistled

"Kuda!" Arrokuda said as it disappeared & reappeared behind Wattrel

"What!?/Watt!?" Ash & Wattrel gasped surprisingly

"Nice try, boy, use Ice Fang!" Yondu said. Arrokuda's teeth became covered in light blue icy energy & bit Wattrel causing her to be frozen

"Wattrel!" Ash said shockingly

"Let's end this, Brick Break!" Yondu said. Arrokuda's tail glowed white & hit Wattrel breaking her free from the ice & sending her flying out of the water

"Ah!" Melody exclaimed as she caught Wattrel "Are you okay?"

"Wattrel." Wattrel said weakly as she fainted

"Melody, good catch." Ash said as he took Wattrel from Melody "You did great out there, Wattrel."

"Good job, Arrokuda." Yondu said as he pet Arrokuda

"Arrokuda." Arrokuda smiled

"Yondu, that Arrokuda of yours is really strong." Ash said

"Thank you, boy." Yondu said as he pulled out a Sitrus Berry "Here."

"Thanks, here Wattrel, eat this." Ash said as he fed Wattrel the Sitrus Berry

"I have to say you did pretty well against me even though you lost." Yondu said

"Yeah, I understand that you decided to not teach me." Ash said

"Hold on, I never said I wouldn't, I still haven't made a decision yet, but you have caught my interest." Yondu said

"I have?" Ash said

"Sure, tell you what, I'll be staying for your participation at the Contest & you Gym battle, after that I'll come up with a decision, ya got that?" Yondu said

"Yes sir, I understand." Ash nodded

"Good." Yondu said as he returned Arrokuda & left

"Yondu is really amazing." Melody said

"Yeah...I better go find a spot to train my Pokémon, see you at the Contest, Melody." Ash said as he left

"See you then." Melody said

Later, at the Contest

"Welcome one & all to the Seashore Kingdom Contest, today we have a special guest as our fourth judge, please welcome Princess Ariel." The announcer said

"Hello Everyone, it's an honor to be here." Ariel said as the crowd cheered

"Now, to start things off, we have a new coordinator who had just been qualified yesterday, introducing the daughter of Princess Ariel & Prince Eric, Princess Melody." The Announcer said

Melody walked up on stage

"Go Oshawott!" Melody said as she tossed a Poké Ball with a Seashell Seal

The Poké Ball sent out a light yellow seashell which opened revealing Oshawott in it

"Oshawott." Oshawott said

"Use Razor Shell." Melody said. Oshawott grabbed his scalchop from his stomach as it glowed yellow which produced into a light blue blade of aura & started swinging & twirling it around like a sword

"Oshawott shows off its incredible scalchop techniques." The Announcer said

"Jump." Melody said

"Osha!" Oshawott said as it jumped high into the air & twirled it's scalchop at fast speed causing him to float like a helicopter.


"Whoa, I'm definitely using that technique when I catch a new Oshawott." Ash said in awe

(On Stage)

"Now Oshawott." Melody said

"Oshawott!" Oshawott said as it threw it's scalchop to the ground causing the tip of the Razor Shell blade to stick to the ground, then Oshawott did a couple of front flip & landed on the other end of the Scalchop

"Water Gun." Melody said

"Wott!" Oshawott said as it fired a stream of water from its mouth into the air like a fountain

Next was Jessie's turn

"Wynaut, Showtime!" Jessie said as she tossed a Poké Ball with a Party Seal

The Poké Ball opened & sent out a bunch of confetti along with Wynaut

"Wynaut!" Wynaut said

"Use Safeguard & Mirror Coat." Jessie said

"Wynaut!" Wynaut said as he jumped into the air & summoned a shiny rainbow-colored force field

"Outstanding! Now that's a way to use a Wynaut for a Pokémon Contest." The announcer said

"Now, use Counter." Jessie said as he tossed a few balls at Wynaut one by one

"Wy! Naut! Wy! Naut! Wy! Naut!" Wynaut said as he was covered in orange energy & sent the balls back & started to juggle them back & forth with Jessie

After Jessie was done, she walk off stage to the hallway where she encountered Ash

"Jessie, what you & Wynaut did was awesome." Ash said

"Yeah, looks like ya still got it after 3 years." Meowth said

"Haven't lost my touch since then." Jessie smiled

"Wynaut." Wynaut agreed

"Which Pokémon are you gonna use, Ash?" Jessie said

"I know exactly what Pokémon I'm using for the Appeals." Ash said

"Oh, so you're gonna use her, aren't you?" Jessie said knowingly

"Yep." Ash said

A moment later, Ash went on stage

"Aipom, I choose you!" Ash said as tossed a Love Ball with a Star Seal

The Love Ball opened sending out yellow stars along with Aipom

"Aipom!" Aipom said


"I knewhe was gonna use Aipom." Jessie said

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised since Aipom loves Contests so much." James said

(On Stage)

"Aipom, use Double Team." Ash said

"Aipom!" Aipom said as she glowed white & made multiple copies of herself forming in a circle

"Now, use Water Pulse." Ash said

Aipom & her copies formed orbs of blue water in their hands which grew bigger & bigger until they merged into one huge orb of blue water before it was shot into the air

"Focus Punch!" Ash said. Aipom's tail hand curled into a fist which glowed orange & punched the big Water Pulse causing it to explode into water droplets & blue sparkles

"Wonderful! Ash has a Normal Type use Fighting & Water Type Attacks." The announcer said

"Aipom!" Aipom said as she landed on Ash's arm before they both bowed & walked off stage

When Ash was walking down the hall with Aipom on his shoulder

"How do you feel, Aipom?" Ash said

"That...was...AWESOME!" Aipom exclaimed happily "Man, I forgot how it felt competing in a contest."

"Yeah, it has definitely been a long time." Ash smiled "You remember the Kanto Grand Festival?"

"Sure do, that was when I first became interested in Contests." Aipom said

"Yeah...Aipom, I'm sorry." Ash apologized

"Sorry? For what?" Aipom said confusingly

"For not considering doing Contests in the past back at our old world, you were giving me signs & didn't take the hint." Ash said

"You don't have to apologize, Ash, that wasn't your fault." Aipom said

"I know, but to be honest, trading you away to Dawn was one of my biggest regrets." Ash said

"You regretted trading me away?" Aipom said surprisingly

"Of course I did, I felt like I was losing a friend when I gave you to Dawn...I hate to think what would happen if you stayed with Dawn as her Pokémon." Ash said

"If you're thinking that I would betray you just like the others, you're wrong, I still wouldn't believe you were guilty if I stayed with Dawn." Aipom said

"Really?" Ash said

"Really really, you wanna know why I wanted to come with you to Sinnoh?" Aipom said "It's because the first time you sent me to that old geezer, I had this strange feeling about him, there was something about him I didn't like."

"I'm guessing it's Pokémon Instinct?" Ash said

"Definitely which is why I believed you were innocent, I felt the same for Dawn like I did with Oak, to tell you the truth I was only using her to compete in Contests." Aipom said

"So you never really cared about her?" Ash said surprisingly

"Nope, call me despicable & heartless, but that was another reason why I wanted to go with O in the first place, to get away from her." Aipom said

"Hm, I kinda get the feeling your Pokémon Instinct somehow predicted my betrayal happening." Ash said

"Yeah, but I never expected you to get jacked up & framed like THAT." Aipom said

"That's alright, Aipom, speaking of O, how's he doing?" Ash said.

"If you're wondering if he believes you were guilty or not, he believes that you were innocent." Aipom said

"You must have really good Pokémon instincts." Ash said

"Of course." Aipom smiled

In the end, Melody, Ash, & Jessie made it to the battle rounds. After a couple of battles, Jessie & Melody ended up facing each other.

"Listen kid, I'm not easing up just because you're a princess." Jessie warned

"I wouldn't want you to throw the fight." Melody said

"That's what I thought, Seviper, Showtime!" Jessie said as she tossed a Poké Ball with a Smoke Seal

The Poké Ball opened & released a cloud of smoke, then Seviper emerged from the smoke

"Seviper!" Seviper hissed

"Go Dash!" Melody said as she tossed a Dive Ball with a Snowflake Seal

The Dive Ball opened & sent a flurry of snowflakes along with Dash

"Sealeo!" Sealeo barked

"Battle begin!" The referee said


"Seviper, use Poison Tail." Jessie said. Seviper's tail glowed purple & charged at Dash

"Dash, use Bulldoze." Melody said. Dash slammed his tail on the ground sending out a series of yellow shockwaves on the ground & hit Seviper sending him back

"Use Sludge Bomb." Jessie said

"Viper!" Seviper said as he fired multiple explosive sludge projectiles from his mouth & hit Dash

"Now, Poison Fang." Jessie said. Seviper charged with his teeth glowed purple while surrounded by purple teeth-like aura

"Dash, dodge & juggle Seviper." Melody said. Dash ducked his head to avoid the attack before juggling Seviper with his nose for a moment & tossing him away

"Now, use Ice Ball."

Dash glowed light blue & rolled into Seviper

"Again." Melody said as Dash rolled towards Seviper

"Seviper, use Dig." Jessie said as Seviper dug underground & avoided the attack

"Now, Poison Tail, again."

Seviper popped out of the ground & hit Dash with Poison Tail

"Use Water Gun." Melody said

"Seal!" Dash said as he fired a stream of water from his mouth

"Uss Haze." Jessie said

"Seviper!" Seviper said as he released thick black smoke from his mouth which covered the battlefield & avoided the attack

"Dash, find Seviper & use Ice Ball." Melody said

Dash sniffed the air for a moment until he turned to the left & used Ice Ball which hit Seviper

"What!?" Jessie gasped shockingly


"How was Sealeo able to find Seviper?" Meowth said shockingly

"I get it, when Melody has Dash juggle Seviper with his nose, he was examining Seviper's scent so he could sniff him out in order to find him through a move like Haze." Ash said

"That's very clever for a princess." James commented

(On Stage)

"Use Wrap." Jessie said as Seviper wrapped his body around Dash & squeezed

"Leo!" Dash howled in pain

"Hang tough, use Swagger!" Melody said

"Sealeo!" Dash howled causing Seviper to glow red & become confused which caused him to let go

"Seviper, snap out of it!" Jessie called out

"Now Dash, Ice Beam." Melody said

"Sealeo!" Dash said as he formed a light blue ball of energy from his mouth which fired a light blue beams of Ice energy & hit Seviper causing it to faint

"Seviper is unable to battle, Sealeo wins!" Referee declared

"Are you alright, Seviper?" Jessie said

"Seviper." Seviper said sadly

"You did your best, don't worry, there are plenty of contests to compete in." Jessie smiled as she returned Seviper

"Jessie, that was a great battle." Melody complimented

"I'm glad you had fun, I can see you really know your stuff when it comes to Pokémon Battles." Jessie said

"Yeah, I'm no expert, but I do my best." Melody said

"Well, good luck in the finals." Jessie said as she left

Later, Ash had won his battle which means that he would be facing Melody in the finals. On the break, Ash was alone in the locker room

"Okay, I'm gonna be facing Melody in the finals, but she seems like a pretty tough opponent." Ash said "Hopefully I'll be able to beat her & win this Contest."

"& what do you think is gonna happen if you win?" a voice said

Ash looked & saw Zoey

"Not you again, I was doing fine when I couldn't hear your voice this time." Ash glared as he stood up

"If I were you, I would throw in the towel or let that her win." Zoey said

"Let her win? What are you on about?" Ash said confusingly

"You really believe nothing is gonna happen when you beat her, you know her mother is one of the judges here. Once you win this Contest, she is gonna have your head." Zoey said

"Hold on, Grimsby & Yondu said that I won't get in trouble for that." Ash said

"Please, they were obviously lying because they were pitying you. Face it, you'll be dead before you could even have that second gym battle." Zoey said

"Do not listen to such nonsense, Ash." A voice said

Ash turned & saw a familiar face

"Nando." Ash said surprisingly

"What are you doing here, you cheater!" Zoey glared "Can't you see I'm ruining things for him?"

"I'm aware & I'm putting an end to it." Nando said as he looked at Ash "Ash, you shouldn't pay any mind to her, you need to realize that she is an illusion of your insecurity when it comes to competing in contests. Remember what Bubbles said to you at the last Contest: Keep believing in yourself & your Pokémon which will lead you to success."

"Hm, he can do that all he wants but it's not gonna stop him from getting executed." Zoey said

"You know, Zoey, yesterday I had a lot to think about since I learned about Melody & Ariel being princesses & I have decided..." Ash said as he glared at her "I don't care."

"What?" Zoey said

"So what if they're royalty, in the end they are still Pokémon Trainers. Right now, I have two goals & that's winning this Contest & getting my first Ribbon along with getting my second Gym Badge. Whether anyone likes it or not, I won't back down & let anyone stop me, not even you." Ash said as he left

"Grr, fine, if that's what you wanna do then it's your funeral!" Zoey said angrily

"Good luck, my friend." Nando smiled

After the break, Ash & Melody were on the battlefield

"Melody, if either of us loses, there's no hard feelings, right?" Ash called out

"Right, don't hold back, give it all you got." Melody called back

"Okay." Ash nodded in determination

"Go Dash!" Melody said as he sent out Dash

"Sealeo!" Sealeo barked

"Pikachu, you ready to battle?" Ash said to his Shiny Pikachu

"Hell yeah, let's do this!" Pikachu said in determination

"Then I choose you!" Ash said as Pikachu jumped off of his shoulder & enter the battlefield

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said

"Battle Begin!" The referee said


"Dash, use Bulldoze." Melody said as Dash used Bulldoze

"Use your tail to dodge." Ash said. Pikachu used his tail as a spring to jump high in the air

"Now Pikachu, use Electro Ball." Ash said as Pikachu fired an orb of orange-yellow electricity from his tail & hit Dash

"Use Aurora Beam." Melody said

"Sealeo!" Dash said as he fired a multicolored beam of energy from his mouth & hit Pikachu

"Use Rock Smash." Ash said. Pikachu's tail glowed red-orange & charged at Dash

"You know what to do." Melody smirked

"Seal." Dash glared in determination as he ducked the attack & juggled Pikachu with his nose

"She's using that technique to get Pikachu's scent, but no matter, I have something planned for that." Ash thought before saying "Use Thunder Shock!'

"Pika CHUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu said as he shocked Dash with yellow electricity & escaped

"Use Water Gun." Melody said

"Leo!" Dash said as he fired Water Gun & hit Pikachu

"Use Rock Smash again." Ash said as Pikachu charged with Rock Smash

"Ice Ball." Melody said

Both Pokémon charged & clashed each other causing an explosion & throwing both Pokémon back

"Ice Ball again." Melody said as Dash charged in with Ice Ball

"Double Team." Ash said

"Pika!" Pikachu said as he glowed white & made multiple copies of himself & avoided the attack

"Dash, find the real Pikachu." Melody said as Dash started sniffing

"I knew you were gonna do that, Use Growl." Ash said

"CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu said as he & his clones let out huge growls that distorts the air

"Seal!" Dash winced

"Now's our chance, Rock Smash." Ash said

"Pika!" Pikachu said as he hit Dash with Rock Smash

"Thunder Shock/Aurora Ball." Ash & Melody said

"PIKACHU!/SEALEO!" Both Pokémon said

"Dash, time to use Stockpile." Melody said

"Sealeo!' Dash said as he glowed purple

"Uh Oh, since Sealeo knows Stockpile, there's a possibility that he's gonna use Spit Up or Swallow later, I better finish this fast." Ash thought before saying "Pikachu, use Electro Ball."

Pikachu fired Electro Ball & hit Dash

"Use Stockpile once more." Melody said as Dash used Stockpile again

"Use Volt Tackle." Ash said. Pikachu became surrounded by golden electricity & charged at Dash

"Dash, use Spit Up." Melody said

"LEOOOOOOOOOO!" Dash said as he fired a purple & white beam of energy & hit Pikachu which caused a big explosion

"Pika!" Pikachu cried in pain as he was thrown back

"Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed worriedly

"Pika...Chu..." Pikachu said weakly as he struggled to get up

"Come on, Pikachu, I know you can do this, you & me both." Ash said "There's no way we're giving up now, so let's show them what we're made of."

"PIKA!" Pikachu shouted as he became surrounded by yellow sparks

"Huh?" Ash said

"Chu!" Pikachu said as he zoomed in front of Dash

"Sealeo?!" Dash said surprisingly

"Pi!" Pikachu said as he zoomed next to Dash

"Seal!?" Dash looked

"Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika!" Pikachu said as he zoomed in different direction

"Sealeo?! Seal!? Seal!?" Dash said as it tried keep up with Pikachu in its sight

"What an unexpected turn of events! It appears that Pikachu has learned a new attack!" The announcer said

"A new move?" Ash said as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone

Your Pikachu has learned Zippy Zap.

"Zippy Zap, that seems like a strong attack, so let's test it out." Ash smiled "Pikachu, use Zippy Zap!"

"PIKACHU!" Pikachu said as it hit Dash with Zippy Zap

"Sealeo!" Dash howled in pain as he fainted

"Dash, no!" Melody said shockingly

"Sealeo is unable to battle, Pikachu win, so the victor of the Seashore Contest goes to Ash!" The referee declared

"We did it, Pikachu!" Ash said happily

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said happy as he jumped into Ash's arms

"Sorry, Melody." Dash said

"It's okay, Dash, you did great out there, take a long rest." Melody complimented as she returned Dash

"Melody, you were awesome for your first time in a Contest." Ash said

"Thanks Ash, so were you." Melody smiled

"Well, believe it or not, you're gonna make an excellent Coordinator." Ash smiled back

"Aw, that's so sweet." Melody blushed

A moment later, it was time for Ash to receive his first ribbon

"Ash Tajiri, that was an extraordinary performance you put up for someone who does both Gyms & Contests." Dexter said

"Thank you, Dexter, my Pokémon & I did our very best." Ash said

"I agree." Dexter smiled as he handed out the Ribbon "So, I proudly present you the Seashore Ribbon."

"I just got the Seashore Ribbon!" Ash said

"Pika!/Eevee!/That's right!" Pikachu, Eevee, & Meowth cheered

"Looks like I'll be seeing you at my Gym." Ariel assumed

"You bet, I hope you're not disappointed that your daughter lost." Ash said

"That's alright, love, I know Melody will become stronger & wiser as she goes on her journey." Ariel smiled

"I believe so too, Ariel." Ash smiled back

Later, Ash was at the beach holding up his first Contest Ribbon up to the shining sun as Pikachu, Eevee, & Meowth were playing

"How could you win?" A voice said

"Hm?" Ash said as he looked & saw Zoey with an angry face

"You were supposed to lose! I made it my mission to make sure you never won a contest! How could I have failed in doing that!? How could you win!?" Zoey said as she faded & disappeared

"Where'd she go?" Ash said

"You've done it, Ash, you have defeated your insecurities, that lead her to disappear in anger." Nando said as he was behind Ash

"So I have, & I have you to thank, Nando." Ash said

"It was my pleasure." Nando said

"Thanks Nando, I'm glad I have a friend like you." Ash said

"So am I." Nando smiled as he began to fade "I believe it is time for me to go."

"You too?" Ash said

"Yes, just know that I'll always be here by heart & spirit, I look forward to the day we see each other again." Nando said

"Me too." Ash said

"Goodbye, Ash." Nando said as he disappeared

"Goodbye...Nando." Ash stared

(In the Original World)

"Ah!" May said in alert

"What's wrong, May?" Max said

"I don't know, for some strange reason I feel like someone is aiming to steal the spotlight from me." May said

"That's funny, I feel it too." Dawn said

"Me too, what do you think it means?" Serena said

"I'm sure it's nothing, no need to worry." Dawn smiled as she waved it off

(At Oak's Ranch)

"Rargh!" Charizard said as he fired Flamethrower in the sky while Primeape is punching rocks & trees

"Primeape, Charizard, what's wrong." O. Pikachu said

"I feel like someone has taken our places!" Charizard said angrily

"Yeah!" Primeape snarled

"Actually I feel it as well." O. Squirtle said

"Me too." O. Bulbasaur said

"That's strange..." O. Pikachu said

There you go, another chapter. I hope all you Little Mermaid fans enjoyed it along with the special guest Yondu Udonta for all you Guardian of the Galaxy fans. Stay tuned for the Gym Battle chapter, Morpho Out.

On Hand: Pikachu*(M), Eevee*(F), Meowth(M), Riolu(M), Aipom(F), Bellsprout(F), Pidgeotto*(F), Pikachu(M), Pineco(M), Beedrill(M), Mime Jr.(M), Dracozolt, Wattrel(F), Spearow(M), Sandshrew(M), Nidoran(M), Zubat(F), Geodude(M), Cleffa(F), Paras(M), Mankey*(M), Ekans(F), Bulbasaur(M), Charmander(M), Squirtle(M)

At Utonium's: Taurosx27, Croagunk(M), Psyduck(M), Gastly(M), Nidorina(F), Rattata(M), Butterfree(F), Dracovish, Shadow

In PokéGauntlet: Eggsx2

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