Traverse Forest

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Traverse Forest

Ash was at Route 2 as he finished explaining to Pikachu & Eevee what happened after he escaped.

"& here I am, starting my own journey all over again." Ash said

"Wow Ash, that's a lot to take in." Eevee said

"Yeah, we don't blame you for wanting revenge." Pikachu asked

"Hey, would you two like to see the others?" Ash said

"Yeah." Pikachu & Eevee nodded

"Okay, come on out." Ash said as he sent out all his Pokémon "Hey guys, I have good news for everyone, the Shiny Pikachu & Shiny Eevee happen to be Pokémon I know."

"What?" The Pokémon said surprisingly

"Yeah, a few of you might not be familiar with them, but the Shiny Pikachu is the Pikachu that was cloned from my old Pokémon by Mewtwo & the Shiny Eevee is Chloe's Eevee." Ash said

"You're kidding." Meowth said in disbelief

"He's not, it's really us you guys." Eevee said

"I've read their aura & their telling the truth." Riolu said

"But how did you get here & why are you Shiny Pokémon?" Psyduck said

"Well, from what Ash told us, we think it may be Lady Arceus." Pikachu said

"Oh, that would make sense." Psyduck said

"Okay, everyone, I'm gonna take a look at what Ablilties & Attacks you have." Ash said as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone .


Gender: Male

Ability: Static

Known Moves: Thunder Shock, Growl, Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Double Team, Thunder Wave, & Volt Tackle


Gender: Female

Ability: Adaptability

Known Moves: Covet, Growl, Tackle, Helping Hand, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Copycat, & Double Kick

"Not bad, you two." Ash said


Gender: Male

Ability: Pickup

Known Moves: Fake Out, Growl, Feint, Scratch, Bite, Fury Swipes, & Night Slash

"So you really have learned Night Slash." Ash said

"Yep, I never really got around to using that along with Growl, Feint, & Fake Out." Meowth said


Gender: Male

Ability: Cloud Nine

Known Moves: Scratch, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Bubble, Confusion, Fury Swipes, Psybeam, & Confuse Ray


Gender: Male

Ability: Anticipation

Known Moves: Mud-Slap, Poison Sting, Astonish, Taunt, Rock Smash, Brick Break, Poison Jab & Bullet Punch

"Hm, impressive." Ash said

"Wait a minute, Psyduck, didn't you know the attack Psychic?" Meowth said

"I did, but I forgot." Psyduck said

"You forgot, what do you mean you forgot?" Meowth said

"I don't know the attack anymore." Psyduck said

"How can you use an attack & forget about it?" Meowth said incredulously

"You know how bad my headaches are." Psyduck said

"We really need to do something about those headaches." Ash said


Gender: Female

Ability: Run Away

Known Moves: Scratch, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Astonish, Quick Attack, Double Team, Focus Punch, & Swift

"Hm, at least Lady Arceus let Aipom keep her Focus Punch, Double Team, & Swift attack, not that I'm complaining." Ash thought


Gender: Male

Ability: Steadfast

Known Moves: Endure, Quick Attack, Feint, Foresight, Rock Smash, Bite, Detect, & Aura Sphere

"Wow, he still knows Aura Sphere just like that other Riolu I met during my journey in Sinnoh." Ash thought surprisingly


Gender: Male

Ability: Levitate

Known Moves: Confuse Ray, Lick, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Astonish, Poison Gas, & Smog


Gender: Male

Ability: Anger Point

Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Work Up, Payback, Horn Attack, Take Down, Double Team, & Fissure

"All of you have a good set of moves, & you'll be able to learn more once we start training in Traverse Forest." Ash said "But there is other news I have to tell you."

"What is it, Ash?" Riolu said

"Well, last night when I was out on my own, I encountered something." Ash said

"What exactly did you see?" Riolu asked

"Rotom, show them what I saw last night." Ash said as his Roto-Arc Phone showed a Hologram of the Heartless he encountered

"What the hell is that thing?!" Meowth said fearfully

"It's a Heartless." Ash said

"Heartless?" Meowth repeated

"When I approached it & tried to be friendly with it, it attacked me as several more appeared & ambushed me." Ash said "If Riku hadn't saved me, I don't know what would've happened."

"What are they exactly?" Tauros said

"From what Riku told me, Heartless are living manifestations that are born when people's hearts are consumed by darkness." Ash said

"You think they might have been attracted to you because of what happened to you in our world?" Pikachu said

"It may be a possibility, but I don't know, these things seem to be more dangerous than they look." Ash said "If they show up towards us again, we'll have to fight."

"I hope they're not tough to beat." Meowth said

"Yeah." Ash said "Okay everyone, return for now."

After Ash returned everyone except Pikachu & Eevee, he made a phone call to Professor Utonium

"Hello?" Utonium said

"Good morning, Professor Utonium." Ash said

"Oh Ash, it's you, good morning." Utonium said "How's the start of your journey."

"It's good, Professor." Ash said

"Great, how can I help you?" Utonium said

"Well, I don't know how to explain this to you, but I have a huge number of Pokémon of the same kind that I'm gonna send over to your lab." Ash said

"Oh, what Pokémon are you gonna transfer to me?" Utonium asked curiously

"Uh...28 Tauros." Ash said apprehensively

"Tw-twenty-eight Tauros?!" Utonium said surprisingly "My Goodness, what have you been doing with that many Tauros?"

"I actually have 29 Tauros, I know it's shocking but I've decided to trade the rest while keeping my main one." Ash said "Do you know where I can trade them?"

"Well, do you have the Trade App on your phone?" Utonium asked

"Trade App?" Ash repeated

"Every Trainer has a Trade App on their Rotom Phone, do you have one by any chance?" Utonium said

"Hold on a sec." Ash said as he checked his Roto-Arc Phone & saw the Trade App "Yes, I have it."

"Okay good, now in the Trade App you can trade your Tauros for any Pokémon you request" Utonium said

"Right, hey Professor, can I ask you one question?" Ash said

"Sure, you can ask me anything." Utonium said

"What do you know about Heartless?" Ash asked

"Heartless? Why do you ask?" Utonium said

"Well, I encountered one last night." Ash said

"You did? Did you get hurt?" Utonium said

"Barely, but do you know anything about them?" Ash asked "I mean, how dangerous are they & what do they do exactly?"

"They're very dangerous, Ash, from what I learned, the Heartless consume light & people's hearts they seek. According to legends, people's hearts were originally pure and full of light, until they began fighting over it, this caused their hearts to become infected with darkness & spawn Heartless." Utonium explained "The ways to defeat Heartless is with a Pokémon & a weapon as long as their hearts are strong."

"I see, are there other creatures like the Heartless" Ash said

"Oh most definitely, & those other creatures are just as treacherous as the Heartless, possibly even more dangerous than the latter." Utonium said

"Like what." Ash said

"You'll see as your journey goes on, so beware of them, Ash." Utonium warned

"I will, thank you, Professor." Ash said

"Anytime." Utonium said as Ash hung up

After Ash recaptures the rest of his Tauros & sends them to Utonium, he sat down against a tree & set up trades for his 28 Tauros on the Trade App

"Okay, that should do it, now all I have to do is wait until someone hits me up." Ash said

"Nido." A voice said

"Huh?" Ash looked & saw a female Nidoran. "A Nidoran, I know what to do."

"Are you gonna catch it?" Pikachu asked

"Yep." Ash said as he stood up

"Which Pokémon are you gonna choose to weaken it?" Eevee asked

"Let's see, Nidoran is a Poison Type, so Ground & Psychic Type attacks, Tauros' Fissure would be overkill & Croagunk's Mud-Slap won't do much, so it looks like I'm gonna have to use this Pokémon." Ash thought as pulled out a Lure Ball "Psyduck, I choose you!"

Ash send out Psyduck

"Psy." Psyduck said

"Hey Psyduck, I know it's a bit too soon, but I decided to use you to weaken that Nidoran." Ash said "Is that okay?"

"I guess so, I can try my best." Psyduck said

"Okay, let's try out Psybeam." Ash said.

Psyduck fired a weak beam of pink energy from his beak & hit Nidoran which knocked her over

"Crap, looks like Psyduck hasn't mastered it yet." Ash said

"Scratch!" Nidoran charged with her claw glowing yellow

"Intercept it with your own Scratch." Ash said. Psyduck's claw glowed yellow & clashed with Nidoran

"Now, use Bubble."

"Psyduck!" Psyduck said as he fired multiple clear bubbles from its beak

"Poison Sting!" Nidoran said as she fired multiple purple darts from her mouth which popped through the bubbles & hit Psyduck

"Are you alright?" Ash said

"I'm fine." Psyduck said

"Poison Fang!" Nidoran said as she charged with her teeth glowed purple & surrounded by purple teeth-like aura

"Watch out for her Poison Fang!" Ash said in alert "Disable, now!"

"Psy!" Psyduck said as his eyes glowed pink for a moment which covered Nidoran in pink aura & stunned her.

"Alright, Go Moon Ball!" Ash said as he threw a Moon Ball at Nidoran & caught her "Yeah, I got her."

Nidoran has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Female

Ability: Poison Point

Known Moves: Growl, Poison Sting, Scratch, Tail Whip, & Poison Fang

"Man, that was pretty intense." Ash said

"Sorry Ash, I wasn't strong enough." Psyduck apologized

"No Psyduck, that was on me, I thought that Psybeam would work but it turns out you did not master it yet." Ash said before taking a breath "I guess even without the drugs in my system, I'm still dumb as a rock."

"Ash, will you stop putting yourself down, you're not dumb, you just didn't know that Psyduck didn't master Psybeam." Eevee lightly scolded

"Yeah, besides you can help him master Psybeam through training." Pikachu said

"You're right, it's just that I still have some insecurities about myself after finding out the truth." Ash said "Anyway, Psyduck, you did a great job against Nidoran."

"Thanks." Psyduck smiled

"Return for now." Ash said as he returned Psyduck "Let's go look for more Pokémon to catch, shall we?"

"Right." Pikachu & Eevee nodded

Ash looked around until he found a Bellsprout

"Bell." Bellsprout said

"Eevee, your turn." Ash said as Eevee jumped from Ash's shoulder "Use Tackle."

Eevee tackled Bellsprout

"Bellsprout!" Bellsprout said as it used Vine Whip

"Eevee, use Copycat." Ash said

"Eevee!" Eevee said as she became surrounded by green aura before two green vines came out of its fur collar which grabbed Bellsprout's vines

"What!?" Bellsprout said surprisingly

"Toss it up." Ash said as Eevee tossed Bellsprout in the air "Now, Go Friend Ball!"

Ash tossed a Friend Ball at Bellsprout & caught it

Bellsprout has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Female

Ability: Chlorophyll

Known Moves: Vine Whip, Growth, Wrap, Acid, & Bullet Seed

"Cool." Ash said "Nice job, Eevee."

"Thanks, you did good as well, it was a smart strategy when you had me fight Bellsprout with her own attack." Eevee complimented

"Yeah, I guess I am smarter than I think, but I can't get too confident about it ." Ash said

As Ash wandered off to look for more Pokémon to catch, he looked up & studied the new Poké Balls that existed in the Alternate World using his Roto-Arc Phone. Shortly, Ash caught a Rattata

"Riolu, use Aura Sphere." Ash said as Riolu fired a sphere of blue aura from his hands & hit Rattata "Go Nest Ball."

Ash threw a Nest Ball at Rattata & caught it

Rattata has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Male

Ability: Guts

Known Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, & Flame Wheel

& a Shiny Pidgey

"Sand Attack!" Pidgey said as it flapped its wings throwing sand at Pikachu

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed as it was blinded by the san

"Tackle!" Pidgey said as it charged at Pikachu

"Pikachu, just stay there & listen to Pidgey, use Thunder Wave when it's close." Ash said

Pikachu did just as Ash instructed, Pikachu listened to Pidgey as it got close, then Pikachu released yellow rings of electricity & paralyzed it

"Perfect, I got just the Poké Ball." Ash said as he summoned a golden-colored Poké Ball "Go Golden Ball!"

Golden Ball By Flashlight237: A Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Shiny Pokémon

Ash threw the Golden Ball at the Shiny Pidgey & caught it

"& that makes Shiny Pokémon Number 3." Ash smiled

Pidgey has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Female

Ability: Big Pecks(Hidden)

Known Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Mirror Move, & Air Cutter

"Oh cool, she has a Hidden Ability." Ash said

"Hey, I still got sand in my eyes." Pikachu said

"Psyduck, use a light Bubble on Pikachu." Ash said as he send out Psyduck who used Bubble to wash away the sand from Pikachu's eyes

"Thank you." Pikachu said

(In the Original Universe)

"Huh?" O. Pidgeot said "Why do I feel like I've been casted away for someone else."

(In the Alternate Universe)

After catching his new Pokémon, Ash went to Traverse Forest. As he was looking for a spot to set up camp.

"Stop right there!" A Pokémon dropped in

"Huh? A Pichu?" Ash said

"I won't let you pass, not until you beat me in a battle." Pichu said

"Listen, I don't want any trouble, I'm just looking for a spot to settle down." Ash said

"No, I challenge you! & I won't move until you face me!" Pichu demanded

"This kid's a bit of a feisty one." Pikachu said

"Yeah, can't help but admire that." Ash smiled. "Okay Pichu, if it's a battle you want, then it's a battle you'll get."

"Prepare for a world of hurt!" Pichu said

"Bellsprout, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Bellsprout

"Bellsprout." Bellsprout said

"Chu!" Pichu said as it used Sweet Kiss

"Cut through it with Bullet Seed." Ash said. Bellsprout fired multiple light green seeds from her mouth which broke through the Sweet Kiss & hit Pichu

"Okay, then how about this, Double Slap!" Pichu said as its hands glowed white & charged at Bellsprout

"Counter it with Vine Whip." Ash said as Bellsprout & Pichu repeatedly clashed each other with Vine Whip & Double Slap

"Now, use Wrap." Ash said as Bellsprout wrapped her body around Pichu & squeezed

"Pichu!" Pichu yelled in pain

"Have you had enough?" Ash asked

"You won't take me down! Thunder—!." Pichu said

"Bellsprout, feet on the ground." Ash said

"Right." Bellsprout said as she plant her roots on the ground while still wrapped around Pichu

"SHOCK!" Pichu said as it released a yellow shock of electricity which unfazed Bellsprout causing Pichu to shock itself "Ughhh."

"Okay Bellsprout, that's enough." Ash said as Bellsprout let go of Pichu who fainted before Ash petted her "Good job, girl, now return."

"How did you manage to have Bellsprout endure Pichu's Thunder Shock?" Eevee said as Ash returned Bellsprout

"I learned that Bellsprout can use the small roots of their feet to conduct electricity to the ground." Ash said

"So what now, Ash?" Pikachu asked

"I'm gonna catch it, of course." Ash said

"Are you sure about that?" Pikachu said "Pichu might be a handful when it becomes your Pokémon."

"I've dealt with stubborn Pokémon in the past, but that never stopped me." Ash said as he summoned a Poké Ball with a red & blue half-&-half color on the top with a thin yellow lightning bolt-symbol in the center "Go Insulate Ball!"

Insulate Ball by u/Steveblob: a Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Fire, Ice, & Electric Types

Ash threw the Insulate Ball at Pichu & caught it

Pichu has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Male

Ability: Lightning Rod(Hidden)

Known Moves: Thunder Shock, Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss, Double Slap, & Reversal

After catching Pichu, Ash found a spot to set up camp. He was just about to send out some of his Pokémon until he heard a noise

*Rustle* *Rustle*

Out from the bushes came a Caterpie, but this Caterpie was neither a regular Caterpie nor a Shiny Caterpie

"Is that...a Pink Caterpie?" Pikachu said

"It sure is, that's a very unusual color for a Caterpie like that to have, right Ash?" Eevee said as she noticed Ash had a bit of a shocked look "Ash?"

"That can't be, it just couldn't be." Ash said

"What are you talking about, Ash?" Pikachu asked

"I think I know this Caterpie." Ash said as he summoned a Poké Ball with a pink top & a lace symbol on front "Go Sugar Ball!"

Sugar Ball by u/SamuraiDDD: a Poké Ball with a high catch rate for Fairy & Bug Types

Ash threw the Sugar Ball & caught the Pink Caterpie

Caterpie has been registered to your Pokédex

Gender: Female

Ability: Shield Dust

Known Moves: Tackle & String Shot

When Ash sent out Caterpie

"Huh? What's going on?" Caterpie said

"Butterfree?" Ash said as Caterpie looked at Ash

"Ash!?" Caterpie gasped

"Who's this?" Eevee asked

"She's my ex-Butterfree's mate." Ash said

"Ash, is it really you? Are you real?" Caterpie said

"I'm alive & breathing." Ash said

"Thank goodness, where are we & why am I a Caterpie again?" Caterpie said confusingly

"We're in an Alternate Universe." Ash said

"Were you engulfed in a light?" Eevee asked

"I was, how'd you know?" Caterpie said

"The same thing happened to me & Pikachu." Eevee said

"As to why you're a Caterpie, I think Lady Arceus had a hand in that." Ash said

"Lady Arceus?" Caterpie said

"Arceus' sister." Ash said "Anyway, where were you, I didn't see you with my old Butterfree when he attacked."

"Well, he & I...we broke up." Caterpie said sadly

"Oh...was it about me?" Ash said apprehensively

"Yes, I never believed that you were guilty of the crimes. I tried to stop him, I told him he was gonna make a big mistake & that he was gonna end up doing something he'll regret, but he didn't listen to me." Caterpie said

"I see..." Ash said

"I'm sorry, Ash, I really tried to stop him." Caterpie said

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for the incident to cost you your relationship with Butterfree." Ash said lowly

"Ash, my relationship with Butterfree ending wasn't your fault, you know that some relationships aren't meant to last forever." Caterpie said

"I know that, but still I worked hard to set him up with you so he could be happy, guess it was all for nothing." Ash said disappointedly

"Well, it wasn't completely a waste, I had a few children who I love very much & are now Butterfree." Caterpie said as she sighed "I just hope they won't think bitter of me."

"Hey, if they do, I'll step in & try to talk some sense into them." Ash said

"Thank you, Ash, that would mean a lot." Caterpie said gratefully

"No Problem." Ash said

Ash sent Meowth, Tauros, Riolu, Aipom, Psyduck, Gastly, & Croagunk

"Everyone, we have someone from our old world on our team." Ash said "Meowth, do you recognize this Caterpie?"

"Hm, wait, ain't you the Pink Butterfree we tried to catch along that swarm of Butterfree." Meowth said

"That's me." Caterpie nodded to the others surprise

"Unbelievable, first it was Pikachutwo & Chloe's Eevee, now Pink Butterfree has also been sent to this world." Gastly said

"Seems like it, but I'm gonna have to ask Lady Arceus about it just to make sure." Ash said "Anyway, this is the place we're gonna set up camp, but first we're gonna introduce some new Pokémon that I caught recently."

"Alrighty then, let's see them" Meowth said

"Okay, come on out!" Ash said as he sent out his newly caught Pokémon Nidoran, Bellsprout, Pidgey, Rattata, & Pichu "Hey guys, my name is Ash Tajiri & I'm your new trainer."

"Hi Ash." The newly caught Pokémon said

"I know we just met, but I hope we'll become good friends & work together as a team." Ash said "First we're all gonna set up camp, then we're gonna start training for the first Pokémon gym. Now, can any of you cut down some branches from that tree over there."

"Allow me." Riolu stepped in

Just then, Riolu's arms glowed blue & became surrounded by aura which formed into blades, then he cut down a few branches off the tree which fell to the ground. 

Ash & the Pokémon were shocked

"Riolu, what was that?" Ash said

"An Aura Blade, it's when I materialize the aura in my arms into blades, people who have the ability to use Aura can do that." Riolu said

"Wow, that's amazing." Ash said

"Whoa!" A Weedle & Pineco fell down from the tree

"Hey Weedle, hey Pineco." Pichu said

"Hi Pichu." Weedle & Pineco said

"You know these Pokémon, Pichu?" Ash said

"Yeah, they're my posse." Pichu said

"Pichu, who's this?" Weedle asked

"This is Ash, he's my Trainer, he just caught me recently." Pichu said

"Oh dang, you have a Trainer now?" Pineco said surprisingly

"Oh man, does that mean you have to leave Traverse Forest." Weedle said sadly

"I'm afraid so, it doesn't seem like I have a choice." Pichu sighed

"Then how about you two come with us?" Ash offered

"Wait what?" Pichu said confusingly b

"Really? You mean it?" Pineco said

"Yeah, I mean I don't wanna separate Pichu from you two, so I thought it would be fair to bring you with us, that way the three of you will stay together." Ash said

"That's awesome, we always wondered what it was like outside of Traverse Forest." Pineco said

"Hey, we've been in here long enough, it's time for an adventure." Weedle said

"Good, unless Pichu wants to stay with you." Ash said

"Now hold your tongue, there's no way I'm backing out from either a challenge or an adventure." Pichu said

"Okay, okay." Ash said "Level Ball, Premier Ball, Go!"

Ash caught Weedle with a Level Ball & Pineco with a Premier Ball.

Weedle & Pineco have been added to your Pokédex


Gender: Male

Ability: Shield Dust

Known Moves: Poison Sting & String Shot


Gender: Male

Ability: Sturdy

Known Moves: Protect, Tackle, Self-Destruct, Bug Bite, & Pin Missile

After catching Pichu's little posse, Ash & his Pokémon set up camp. When Ash finished setting up his tent, he decided to take a look inside to make sure it was okay. When he entered the tent, he saw that the interior was extendedly big, not only that it had a small kitchen, a bathroom, & a bedroom along with a few chairs.

"Holy crap." Ash said shockingly as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone & called Utonium

"Hello?" Utonium said

"Hey Professor, it's me again, I just finished setting up the tent & the inside is a lot different than the outside." Ash said

"Do you like it? It's a special tent for Pokémon Trainers to make them feel at home." Utonium said

"It's nice, but why is it so roomy on the inside?" Ash said

"Well, that's because the tent is made with an Extension Charm, a spell that expands the internal dimensions of an object without affecting the external dimensions." Utonium explained

"I see." Ash said

"Come on, Ash, we wanna start our training." Pichu called out

"Oh yeah, sorry Professor, I gotta go." Ash said "Talk to you later."

"Bye." Utonium said as Ash hung up & went outside.

"Alright everyone, we're gonna training to strengthen our attacks, defenses, speed, learn new moves & come up with techniques." Ash said

"Ash, can I learn Iron Tail?" Rattata said

"Yeah, I wanna learn Iron Tail too." Pichu said

"Oh, I don't know about that, the last time I taught a Pokémon the move Iron Tail, it took a while to perfect it. Unless there is an easier way to learn it." Ash said before thinking "What did Lady Arceus say?"

"You're gonna have to start small."

"Start small...start small..." Ash said before coming up with an idea "Wait, I got it, Pichu, Rattata, you two know the move Tail Whip, right?"

"Right." Pichu & Rattata said

"Well, if you put more power into your Tail Whip attack, it might make it easier to learn Iron Tail." Ash said "Same goes for the others who know Tail Whip

"You think that might work?" Rattata said

"Maybe, but it's worth a try." Ash said "Bellsprout, the move you're gonna be learning is Energy Ball."

"Energy Ball?" Bellsprout repeated surprisingly

"Yeah, I learned that Bullet Seed makes it easier to learn Energy Ball, & since you know the move Bullet Seed, it should be no problem." Ash said

"Are there any attacks that can ease my headaches?" Psyduck asked

"Let's see." Ash said as he pulled out his Roto-Arc Phone & looked at it "The only moves that can help you with your headaches is Calm Mind. Riolu, does our aura training start with meditation?"

"Yes." Riolu nodded

"Good, Psyduck can join us in order to learn Calm Mind." Ash said

"Hey, can I learn Volt Tackle?" Pichu said

"No." Ash said

"What!? What do you mean no?" Pichu complained

"I'm sorry, Pichu, but I can't let you learn any Electric Attacks, not until I've trained you to completely endure the recoil after using your electricity." Ash said "Or at least until you evolve into Pikachu."

"Aw man." Pichu sighed

In the process of training, most of his Pokémon learned one or two moves, some of them taught a few of the others one of the attacks they know. Ash did some physical training himself with Riolu along with handling his Eeveerstaff, since Riolu wasn't capable of knowing Bone Rush, he had to use a long stick to show Ash the ropes of wielding a Bo staff & was shown how to throw & catch his Pikassen. After Training was done

"What a workout." Ash panted heavily

"You've done well, Ash." Riolu said

"Thanks Riolu, all of you did great too." Ash said

"Thanks Ash." The Pokémon said

"Hey, you guys want something to eat?" Ash asked

"I thought you'd never ask, I'm starving." Meowth said

"Me too." Pichu said

"Okay, hang tight, this might take a while." Ash said

As Ash started cooking, there were some ingredients & a cookbook Utonium packed up for him. He picked up several things from the many times he witnessed Brock, Cilan, & Serena cook. After he was done cooking, he served it to his Pokémon who began eating.

"So, what do you guys think?" Ash asked

"Wow, this is really good." Nidoran said impressively

"Really?" Ash said surprisingly

"Yeah you're a good cook, Ash." Pidgey said

"Oh, heh, thanks." Ash said as he took a bite of his food before thinking "Wow, this is good, I guess there are some things I'm pretty good at."

After Ash & his Pokémon ate, he returned them to their Poké Balls & wandered off into the forest until he stopped to lay against a tree. So far the start of his restarted journey has been good, although he did have some...concerns. He knew one day he will have to tell his new Pokémon along with his future new friends the truth about himself & he can't keep it a secret for long. But he wondered what would happen if he did tell them the truth? Will they accept him or will they leave him just like his ex-Pokémon & fake friends? He couldn't bear to have that happen a second time. He also wondered if he'll be able to achieve his goal in becoming a Pokémon Master in this world, one thing for sure he was never gonna let anyone travel alongside him again no matter how much he'll trust them, he figured it will only slow him down & be held back on his dream by them. At least Tracey was the only traveling companion who kept him going, but why wasn't he & Professor Ivy a part of the plan to desecrate his Journey. Ash thought that it must have been luck that was on his side when he traveled through the Orange Islands. He also wondered why he was never warned by Lady Arceus' spies about his journey being sabotaged, yet why didn't they take him away from that world to this world sooner? Ash was in his thoughts when a shadow loomed over him

"Hello." A voice said

Ash looked & saw a girl with brown hair styled in a ponytail & yellow eyes.

"Oh, hey, can I help you?" Ash said

"No thank you, whatcha doing?" the girl said

"Nothing really, just thinking about some things." Ash said "Who are you?'

"I'm Elaine, & this is my Eevee." Elaine introduced

"Eevee." Elaine's Eevee said

"Nice to meet you, the name's Ash, Ash Tajiri." Ash said "& these are my partners, Pikachu & my own Eevee."

"Whoa, are they both your starter Pokémon?" Elaine said

"Yes they are." Ash said

"Not many trainers have both a Pikachu & an Eevee as their starters, that's very impressive." Elaine said

"Yeah? I didn't think of it that way." Ash said

"Where are you from? Elaine said

"Townsville City." Ash said

"Oh, city boy, huh?" Elaine said

"Not really, I just moved there the other day, I'm now on a Pokémon Journey, & I'm now on my way to the first gym." Ash said

"So am I, what a coincidence." Elaine said "Hey, how about a battle, are you up for it?"

"You bet I am." Ash said excitedly

Ash & Elaine went into battle position

"How does two on two sound?" Elaine said

"Sounds fine to me." Ash said

"I'll go first, go Wurmple!" Elaine said as she sent out a Wurmple

"Wurmple." Wurmple said

"Caterpie, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Caterpie

"Ra." Caterpie said

"Wow, check out the color of that Caterpie, it's so adorable!" Elaine beamed

"Thank, shall we get started?" Ash said

"Yeah, let's do this." Elaine said in determination


"Use Tackle!" Ash & Elaine said as Caterpie & Wurmple clashed each other repeatedly with Tackle.

"Caterpie, use Bug Bite." Ash said. Caterpie's mouth glowed white & charged at Wurmple.

"Wurmple, use String Shot." Elaine said. Wurmple shot a stream of white thread from its mouth which tied up Caterpie

"Ra! Ra!" Caterpie struggled

"Now, use Tackle." Elaine said as Wurmple tackled Caterpie "Now Poison Sting."

"Wurmple!" Wurmple said as it fired multiple purple darts from its mouth

"Caterpie, dive into it & spin." Ash said

"Ra!" Caterpie said as she went into the Poison Sting while spinning which cut the String Shot off her

"Whoa!" Elaine gasped surprisingly

"Now it's our turn, Use String Shot." Ash said as Caterpie wrapped Wurmple with String Shot "Now, reel it in while using Tackle."

Caterpie reeled in Wurmple & tackled it causing it to faint

"That's one down, good job, Caterpie." Ash said

"Ra." Caterpie said

"Wurmple return." Elaine said as she returned Wurmple "Go Oddish!"

Elaine sent out an Oddish

"Oddish." Oddish said

"Caterpie return." Ash said as he returned Caterpie "Rattata, I choose you!"

Ash sent out Rattata.

"Rat!" Rattata said

"Alright, Rattata, let's start with Focus Energy." Ash said

"Rattata!" Rattata said as he glowed orange

"Oddish, use Sleep Powder." Elaine said

"Oddish!" Oddish said as it released blue sparkling powder from its leaves

"Dodge & use Quick Attack." Ash said. Rattata said became outlined by light blue aura & dodged the Sleep Powder before tackling Oddish at quick speed

"Use Acid." Elaine said. Oddish released a stream of violet acid from its mouth & hit Rattata

"Use Bite." Ash said. Rattata teeth glowed as as he became surrounded in white teeth-like aura & bit Oddish

"Oddish, Synthesis." Elaine said

"Oddish!" Oddish said as it glowed white while becoming surrounded by white sparkles & healed himself.

"Shoot, use Swift." Ash said. Rattata's tail glowed yellow & fired multiple yellow stars at Oddish

"Use Razor Leaf." Elaine said. Oddish fired multiple green glowing leaves from its leaves & collided with the swift. "Now, Stun Spore."

Oddish released orange sparkling powder from its leaves

"Perfect, Rattata, go for that Stun Spore." Ash said

"What?" Elaine said

"Rat." Rattata said as he rushed into the Stun Spore & got paralyzed

"Alright, show them your full power." Ash smiled

"RATTATA!" Rattata roared as his eyes glowed red & became surrounded in crimson aura

"What's going on!?" Elaine said in alert

"Now, time to wrap this up, Flame Wheel!" Ash said. Rattata released fire from his mouth while somersaulting at the same time & rolled into Oddish which caused it to faint "Awesome, we won!"

"Rattata." Rattata said happily as he jumped into Ash's arms

"You were amazing out there, Rattata." Ash said as he pet Rattata's head

"Return Oddish." Elaine said she returned Oddish "That was a terrific battle, Ash."

"Thanks, you did a good job battling me." Ash praised

"Thanks, What was that thing with Rattata?" Elaine said

"That's his Ability, Guts, it causes his attacks to increase when he's in a status condition." Ash said

"So that's why you let him run into the Stun Spore." Elaine said

"Exactly." Ash said

"Well, I think it's about time I get going, it was really nice meeting you, Ash." Elaine said

"You too, Elaine, I hope we get to battle again someday." Ash said

"Great, see you next time." Elaine said as she left

"Rattata, return." Ash said as he returned Rattata

"That was awesome, Ash, those were some smart strategies." Pikachu said

"Yeah, did you learn those from your previous journey in our world?" Eevee asked

"Yes I did." Ash said

"I like Elaine, she's nice." Pikachu said

"Me too, think I made a good impression?" Ash said

"I think you made a great impression." Eevee said

"I do feel a bit bad, do you think I should've gone easy on her." Ash said

"Of course not, Ash, you shouldn't hold back on the battle just because she was a beginning trainer." Eevee said

"Yeah, I mean it was clear that you had more experience as a Pokémon Trainer, & you learned many things from those past adventures." Pikachu said "Use that to your advantage."

"You're right." Ash said "Let's get back to camp."

That night, Ash was having another nightmare.


Ash found himself in a tunnel as his hands were in shackles which were connected to a chain

"What's this? Where am I?" Ash said as he was suddenly pulled by the chain "Ah!"

Ash then saw a light at the end of the tunnel which he was being pulled to. When he got there, he was suddenly outside at the center of a stadium. Ash looked around as he wondered where he was until he saw his fake friends & former family at the front lines of the audience

"No, no, no no no!" Ash panicked

"My people." Arceus announced as he was above the stadium "We are all gathered here to witness the judgment against this criminal."

The crowd cheered

"Did you really believe my sister was gonna help you hide from me." Arceus said

"How did he know I was in the Alternate Universe?" Ash thought shockingly before saying "Lady Arceus!"

"It's no use, she will not save you this time, No one will save you" Arceus said

"Please, I swear I didn't do it! Lady Arceus, Nebby, Giratina, where are you!? Help me!" Ash shouted desperately

"Judgment!" Arceus said as he fired his attack

Nightmare End

"NO!" Ash woke up

"AH!" Pikachu & Eevee woke up as they were startled

"Ash, what's going on?" Pikachu said

Ash said nothing as he rushed out of bed & ran out of the tent

"Oh no, I think Ash had another nightmare?" Eevee said

"That's the second time this week, I hope this doesn't become a regular thing." Pikachu said

"Come on, Pikachu, let's go after him." Eevee said as they left

Ash was running through the forest before he stopped & sat against a tree as his heart was racing & his breath was heavy.

"Ash, are you okay?" Pikachu said as he & Eevee caught up to Ash

But Ash couldn't hear as everything he saw & heard was a bit blurry. Pikachu & Eevee wonder what they should do until they just thought of something. Both Pokémon laid their heads on his lap which made him slow down his breathing a bit, then Ash slowly & shakily placed his hands on their head & started petting them in slow strokes. When Ash finally calmed down, he looked at Pikachu & Eevee

"Thanks guys." Ash said

"Hey, we're here for you, Ash." Pikachu smiled

Just then a horde of Heartless appeared & surrounded Ash, Pikachu, & Eevee

"Heartless!" Ash said

"What do we do?" Pikachu said in alert

"I forgot to bring my other Pokémon with me, if only–Wait, the PokéGauntlet." Ash thought as he summoned his PokéGauntlet "I hope this works."

Ash raised his hand as the red gem glowed, back at his tent, his Pokémon's Poké Balls glowed red before levitating in the air & flew to Ash's direction. When the Poké Balls got there, they surrounded Ash & sent out his Pokémon

"Eh? What's going on?" Meowth said as he saw the Heartless "YIPE!"

"Ash, are they?" Riolu said

"Yes, they're Heartless." Ash said

"They look more terrifying in person." Meowth said

"Everyone get ready for battle, hit them with everything you got & don't hold back." Ash said

"Right." The Pokémon said

"Let's go!" Ash said as his Pokémon started fighting the Heartless

"Rapid Spin!" Pineco said as he spun rapidly

"Tail Whip!" Pichu said as he hit Pineco with his tail like a hockey puck sending him towards the Heartless hitting then one by one like a pinball

"Woo! Let's do that again." Pineco said as three heartless pounced behind him

"Pineco, look out!" Ash said as he summoned his Pikassen & threw it at the three Heartless which knocked them away from Pineco "Stay focused."

"Oh, sorry." Pineco sweatdropped before continuing to fight

"String Shot!" Caterpie & Weedle said as they used String Shot to capture & tie up three Heartless together

"Alley-Oop!" Tauros said as he tossed the tied up Heartless into the air

"Aura Sphere!" Riolu said as he fired an Aura Sphere at the tied up Heartless & hit them which caused them to disperse

"Smog." Gastly said as he released smog from his body at a few Heartless

"We got them blindsided." Croagunk said "Nidoran, Bellsprout, let's go."

"Yes sir." Nidoran & Bellsprout said as they ran into the smog with Croagunk & started attacking the them

"Uh..." Meowth said nervously as 3 Heartless were approaching him "Hey there, pals, can we talk this over."

The Heartless attacked as Meowth flinched, but Ash summoned his Eeveerstaff & blocked the Heartless with it until he got trampled over.

"Ash!" Meowth said in alert

"It's okay, Meowth." Ash said he was struggling to get them off of him "You have to fight."

"But I—." Meowth said

"Meowth, listen to me, I know you're afraid, but you have to believe in yourself." Ash said "Don't let your fears get to you, otherwise it's gonna lead you to your defeat, just stay calm & fight back."

Meowth stared for a moment before glaring in determination

"Night Slash!" Meowth said as a purple blade of energy formed in his hand & slashed the 3 Heartless which caused them to disperse "Alright, who's next!?"

Not a moment later, Ash's Pokémon fought the Heartless until every one of them were gone

"I think that's all of them." Pikachu said

"Is everyone okay?" Ash asked

"Yeah, we're all fine, that was a close call." Eevee said

"You said it." Meowth said

Suddenly, Weedle & Caterpie glowed bluish white & evolved into Metapod & Kakuna

"Awesome, you two evolved." Ash smiled excitedly

"Congratulations, Kakuna, won't be long until you're a Beedrill." Pineco said

"No fair, I wanted to be the first to evolve." Pichu sulked

"Return everyone." Ash said as he returned his Pokémon "This is the last time I go outside in the middle of the night."

"You need to start thinking positive if you don't want the Heartless to come after you." Pikachu said "That's the reason why they are appearing under our noses."

"Yeah, I'll try to do that, let's get back to tent & go back to sleep." Ash said

The next morning, Ash packed up his tent & got ready to leave

"Last night was pretty crazy, huh?" Eevee said

"Yep, at least we gained some experience from that fight." Pikachu said

"He's right, that battle with the Heartless prepared us for the first Pokémon Gym we're gonna challenge." Ash said "Shall we get going?"

"Yes." Pikachu & Eevee nodded

With new Pokémon caught & trained along with new battles won, Ash started walking through Traverse Forest for the next challenge he will face.

Hey Everyone, sorry it took me so long to update, some of the Pokémon attacks Ash's Pokémon currently knows are the ones the Pokémon are capable of learning in Legends Arceus

Also, I deleted some stuff in Chapter 5 which reminds me, why are some of you upset & angry about what I'm writing in this story? May I need to remind you that it's fanfiction, it's not an actual book, so I'm not some kind of writing perfectionist. If you don't like the story, then read something else, nobody is forcing you to read it & like it. If you want to give criticism, don't be an asshole about it & do it without insulting someone's story, because some authors don't like it when you insult their stories. Like I said before, I'm not a writing perfectionist, as a matter of fact, nobody on Fanfiction, Wattpad, or any kind of fanfiction website is a writing perfectionist. But we try the best we can, & we write these stories not just for everyone, but for ourselves as well because writing fanfics is what we love to do. People can say whatever crap they want, but it's not gonna stop us from doing what we love. Anyway, sorry for my rant, I needed to get that out of my mind. Stay tuned for another chapter, Morpho out.

_Ash's Pokémon_

On Hand: Pikachu*(M), Eevee*(F), Meowth(M), Riolu(M), Aipom(F), Croagunk(M), Psyduck(M), Gastly(M), Tauros(M), Nidoran(F), Bellsprout(F), Rattata(M), Pidgey*(F), Pichu(M), Metapod(F), Kakuna(M), & Pineco(M)

At Utonium's: Taurosx28

In PokéGauntlet: Eggsx2

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