Chatroom Madness Pt. 2

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5:38 PM

Venria: Can anybody find me...


Susan: I'm guessing you failed...

Susan: Again.

Venria: This isn't even funny anymore

Venria: I'm sad now

Ken: May I interest you in a welcome wagon??

Venria: Ye

Venria: That would be great

Ken: omw

Ben: hey i want a welcome wagon!!!

Shu: Work on your grammar first.

Shu: Then maybe I'll consider it


11:12 PM

Quon: ?

Quon: Anybody alive???

Clio: Me!

Jin: I am too

Quon: .

Quon: Just you two?

Clio: It appears so

Jin: Can't sleep

Clio: Same

Quon: I'm studying for the next test


Clio: *NOE


Quon: Yes there is..

Quon: Were you not aware of that??

Clio has gone offline

Quon: I guess not

Quon: .

Jin: Hi

Quon has gone offline

Jin: Rude

Jin has gone offline

5:29 AM

Susan: @Jin @Clio @Quon

Jin: hi susan

Clio: :D

Jin: :)

Quon: ?

Susan: May I ask why you all were up so late?

Quon: Studying

Jin: Insomnia

Clio: Same

Susan: I know that's not true, Clio.

Clio: Fine

Clio: Hunting

Quon: WUT

Susan: I do highly encourage you all to sleep at a time where you won't be so tired in the morning.

Susan: Jin, I will try to help with your... condition.

Jin: yay

Susan and 3 others have gone offline

5:23 PM

Venria: Run me over and call me roadkill

Daigo: Ok

Venria: Wait not literally

Venria: Please

Susan: What's going on?

Venria: I have finally passed

Daigo: :>

Venria: .

Venria: Okay Daigo I know exactly what you were wanting to say

Rantaro: hehehehehehehehehe

Wakiya: Could you not?

Rantaro: I love you ^^

Wakiya: .

Ben: i love you too


Wakiya: NOT!!!

Ken: Sorry Ben's just jealous

Ben: ?

Ben: for what???

Ken: That your single

Venria: Ken, please not you...

Ken: Eh?

Susan: Venria gets "triggered" when someone incorrectly uses "you're" as "your".

Venria: hahahahahahahashajajzvduk
avsjhashoa coa n.v akaiviq9 ksocba9q yeet bekah nslizb

Susan: There she goes

Xander: RIP


RenWu: Xander would like to inform you all that he has broken his phone

Hoji: Again???

RenWu: Apparently

RenWu: Otherwise I wouldn't be participating in this chat

Venria: Come on, Renny!

Venria: I know you love this chat

RenWu: No


Venria: Aight

Venria: This chat is getting boring again

Venria: Let's spice things up a bit!

Venria has changed Valt 's name to TheRealSonic

TheRealSonic: owo

Arthur: Oh dear Neptune

Yugo: I know exactly where this is going

Venria has changed Yugo 's name to GreenFish

GreenFish: I feel offended

Venria had changed Shu 's name to

AlbinoBoy: You just had to go there, didn't you?

AlbinoBoy: DIDN'T YOU?

Venria has changed Hoji 's name to CurlyShirley

CurlyShirley: ok its not my fault my hair is curly

Venria has changed Gabe 's name to MuscularTree

MuscularTree: Why tree

Venria: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Venria has changed AzureEye 's name to Wolfboy

Wolfboy: oh goodie

Lui: what the **** is going on my phone is blowing up

Lui: ****

Lui: *****

Lui: ******* ****!!


Venria: The family friendly filter is on u^u

Lui: .

Venria: Because we have babies here

Jin: owo

Venria: Including you

Venria has changed Lui 's name to BabyShark

BabyShark: .

BabyShark: **************** **** ****

BabyShark: ***


Venria: It's for your own good

Venria has changed Ukyo 's name to InYourCloset

InYourCloset: ?

InYourCloset: Why specifically a closet

Venria: No reason OwO

GreenFish: jajajajajajajajajajaja

InYourCloset: oml yugo???

GreenFish: SHUT UP


InYourCloset: I like it

GreenFish: 🚫

GreenFish: not even emojis too

Venria: W H A T

InYourCloset: What were you trying to send

GreenFish: Nothing

InYourCloset: Mmhm

Venria added Orochi to the chat

Venria has changed Orochi 's name to FlusteredYandere

FlusteredYandere: hewo

FlusteredYandere: .

FlusteredYandere: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Venria: You know I wouldn't forget you UwU

Ben: like the many times you did?

Venria: Wow, okay, rude.

Venria has changed Ben 's name to Ken'sFriend

Venria: Your lucky I didn't put something mean down

Venria: *YOU'RE  I MEANT YOU'RE!!!

Rantaro: heheheheheheheheheheheh

Venria: soNqpzidgwo 9jwmzp Insp. iow9dyg json 8hso9 7wozo b. 00c2i93 ou jxbxbdbbauahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wakiya: ?

Wakiya: Did she die??

Susan: I believe so.

GreenFish: WHOOHOOO!!

GreenFish: LETS PARTY!!!!!

Venria: No.

FlusteredYandere: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Venria: I have returned! OwO

GreenFish: ****

TheRealSonic: No cursing Yugo!!! Ò^Ó

Venria has changed Free 's name to LordofDeer

LordofDeer: Bow to me peasants

Joshua: Yes my lord!!!

LordofDeer: .

LordofDeer: Can I get a f in the chat

Susan: *an *?

GreenFish: f

Ken'sFriend: f

AlbinoBoy: F

Venria: F

LordofDeer: Thank you my supporters

Joshua: :(

Venria has changed Boa 's name to Snake

Snake: I knew it..

Snake: I KNEW IT

GreenFish: You're name's better tho

Venria: I know you misspelled that incorrectly to trigger me

GreenFish: I would never 👀

Venria has changed Joshua 's name to ZacRipOff

Trad: Okay, I was expecting armadillo

Trad: But

Trad: This is better

ZacRipOff: brb imma cry and play in traffic

InYourCloset: Good luck

ZacRipOff: thx

ZacRipOff had gone offline

Venria has changed Daigo 's name to Darklord

Darklord: Who dares to disturb my peaceful state of slumber

Darklord: .

Darklord: I love you guys

Ken'sFriend: love you too

Darklord: ?

Darklord: Have I missed the renaming

Venria: Only a bit.

Darklord: Ok imma watch

Venria has changed Karina 's name to Ms.Japan

Ms.Japan: I wish :(

Venria has changed Xander 's name to Kirishima

RenWu: Xander says "******* ***** I HATE THAT GUY!!"

RenWu: Ooh, forgot about the no cursing

Venria: Avert your eyes, children!

Jin: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Venria has changed Zac 's name to ZacSheeran

ZacSheeran: *sniffle* Stop you're too nice!

Venria has changed Silas 's name to AWOOO


Venria has changed Clio 's name to IVantToSuckUrBlood

IVantToSuckUrBlood: :>  You know me so well

Venria has changed Cuza 's name to MonkeyBoi


IVantToSuckUrBlood: :)

MonkeyBoi: .

MonkeyBoi: Please no

Venria has changed RenWu 's name to lilly

lilly: You have betrayed me, Venria

lilly: Xander's laughing his head off now

lilly: And I want to cry

Venria: Cry later

ZacRipOff: Hey guys what did I miss??

LordofDeer: W H A T ?

Akira: You're still alive!?

ZacRipOff: I get the feeling you guys want me to get hit by a car

LordofDeer: No no not a car

ZacRipOff: :D

LordofDeer: Just a firetruck is fine

Venria: *Celestia Ludenburg has left the chat*

Quon: Wut

Akira: Peasant



Venria has changed Akira 's name to Peasant

Peasant: .

Peasant: Tch

GreenFish: jajajajajajajajajajaja

Venria has changed Ghasem 's name to MasterShifu

MasterShifu: Who that?

MasterShifu: *Who's

Venria: Allow me to show you

Venria has sent an image

MasterShifu: Oh dear god what is that

Venria: Master Shifu uwu

Trad: AKA your username

MasterShifu: Please change it

MasterShifu: Why can't I get a username like Gabe

MuscularTree: I don't even get my username

Venria: I was about to call you DelicateBoxer u^u

MasterShifu: Actually this is fine

Venria: Good.

Venria has changed Jin 's name to LilGhost

LilGhost: yay

LilGhost: With Daigo and my username we can destroy humanity :)

Wakiya: o_o

Venria: •-•

Darklord: Sorry I work alone

LilGhost: Sigh. Very well

MasterShifu: Actually I do know what username I want

MasterShifu: *don't

Arthur: Make up your mind


AWOOO: oml so much grammar

Arthur: U^U  I have to, as I am a civilized person

Ken'sFriend: bRUH

Venria has changed Arthur 's name to CivilizedMeep

CivilizedMeep: Are you mocking me?!

Venria: Now I feel like I should change it

Venria has changed CivilizedMeep 's username to CivilizedChickadillee

CivilizedChickadillee: Much better

Venria has changed Naoki 's name to EvilScientist

EvilScientist: I'm not evil

Darklord: Neither am I

Venria has changed Susan 's name to AllRulesNoFun

AllRulesNoFun: And here I thought you would forget about me..

AllRulesNoFun: Please.

AllRulesNoFun: Forget about me.

Venria: It's kind of hard to do that when you're always yelling at us

AllRulesNoFun: Huh.

Venria has changed Kurt 's name to Aflac

Aflac: .

Aflac: W H Y ?

Venria: I know you like that commercial

AllRulesNoFun: This is definitely not sponsored by Aflac.

Venria has changed Rantaro 's name to LollipopMan

LollipopMan: HOBBA-CHONG

Venria has changed Quon 's name to $k8erBoi

$k8erBoi: Fair enough

Ms.Japan: Isn't that a song

Venria: It is UwU

Venria has changed Wakiya 's name to Goldilocks

Goldilocks: Meh I'm not surprised

LollipopMan: o^o

Goldilocks: As for your username I expected something else

Venria has changed Trad 's name to RobloxPro

RobloxPro: Yes

RobloxPro: I am the L O R D of Roblox

Peasant: M Y   L O R D

Venria has changed Ken 's name to Ben'sFriend

Ben'sFriend: Now this will be quite confusing

Ken'sFriend: yea

Venria: And last but definitely the least!

Venria has changed Venria 's name to QueenOfMeeps

QueenOfMeeps: UwU 

Ms.Japan: Awww!

Ms.Japan: Now we're like a real family

ZacRipOff: We don't want you in our family tho-

Darklord: Ok now its done

Darklord: Imma go and retrieve my energy stolen from this whole day

AllRulesNoFun: Okay, you have a nice nap, Daigo.

Darklord has gone offline

AlbinoBoy: I gotta go train now

TheRealSonic: I want to join!

AlbinoBoy: Alright, I'll meet you at the park

AlbinoBoy has gone offline

TheRealSonic has gone offline

Goldilocks: I could use a bit of excercise

Goldilocks: Hoji care to join me?

CurlyShirley: Yeah I'll be right over

LollipopMan: o^o

Goldilocks: Rantaro you're always welcome to join y'know

LollipopMan: Be right there!!

LollipopMan has gone offline

CurlyShirley: Tch

CurlyShirley has gone offline

Goldilocks has gone offline

BabyShark: I'm hungry

BabyShark: Gabe come over

BabyShark: And bring some food!

MuscularTree: I'm on my way Lui :)

BabyShark has gone offline

MuscularTree has gone offline

LilGhost: susan?

LilGhost: Can me and my spirits sleep over tonight?

AllRulesNoFun: Okay, Jin.

AllRulesNoFun: Cookies and milk will be waiting for you.

LilGhost: thaaaaaank you

LilGhost has gone offline

AllRulesNoFun: .

AllRulesNoFun: Behave, all of you.

AllRulesNoFun has gone offline

QueenOfMeeps: Aaaaaaaaah, everyone's leaving! :(

lilly: I can stay

lilly: Sorry nvm Xander just punched me in the face

lilly: I gotta get payback

lilly has gone offline

GreenFish: I have to go break up the fight

GreenFish has gone offline

InYourCloset: .

InYourCloset: Now I have to break all three of them up

InYourCloset has gone offline

$k8erBoi: I'm the last of the group here-

$k8erBoi has gone offline

Wolfboy has gone offline

Snake: ?

Snake: Not even an explanation...

EvilScientist: Well I have plenty of free time on my hands!

MasterShifu: Naoki

MasterShifu: The green liquid in your lab...

MasterShifu: By chance, is it poisonous?

EvilScientist: WHAT?!?

EvilScientist has gone offline

MasterShifu has gone offline

CivilizedChickadillee: POISONED? WHO?!

CivilizedChickadillee has gone offline

QueenOfMeeps: NOBODY LEAVES!!!

QueenOfMeeps: ...

QueenOfMeeps: Please?

Ben'sFriend: Srry Ven

Ben'sFriend: Ben and I have plans right now

Ken'sFriend: its very important u-u

Ken'sFriend has gone offline

Ben'sFriend has gone offline

RobloxPro: I have to play Roblox rn

RobloxPro has gone offline

Aflac: I gotta ruin Shu and Valt's training session

Aflac has gone offline


AWOOO has gone offline

ZacSheeran: I have drawing class rn

ZacSheeran has gone offline

Peasant: I have to go spy on Zenkuro! ^^

Peasant has gone offline

MonkeyBoi: Everyone's leaving so...

MonkeyBoi has gone offline

IVantToSuckUrBlood has gone offline

LordofDeer: Eh

LordofDeer has gone offline

ZacRipOff has gone offline

Ms.Japan: Joshua!!

Ms.Japan has gone offline

Snake: .

Snake: Srry ven

Snake has gone offline

QueenOfMeeps: .

QueenOfMeeps: Anyone alive???

FlusteredYandere: aaaaaaaaaa everyone's gone

QueenOfMeeps: Since everyone left..

QueenOfMeeps: Do you want to hang out?

FlusteredYandere: ok

FlusteredYandere: aaaaa xander and lilly passed me

FlusteredYandere has gone offline

QueenOfMeeps: ..

QueenOfMeeps: Okay.

QueenOfMeeps has gone offline

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