14.Phone call

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Days were passing like seconds because of the excess workload. There were so many new projects lined up, so many clients in the queue and so many files piled up. It was a very hectic month because all the top mechanical companies were busy to put up their best show for the upcoming opportunities and the most awaited award show which will be a major turning point for both the emerging as well as the established companies.

What's your plan for tonight??asked Arhama

I am planing for sleeping like a dead person if only I can" sighs Mahi

Arhama giggled at her bestie cum colleague's reply . They both became friends as soon as they both joined the company almost at the same time.
Arhama was a simple, sweet girl who loved her family dearly. She had one elder brother and a younger sister. Apart from the siblings she had her father and her sister in law. She was a practicing Muslim and always tried her best to follow the rules of Islam and remained in her limits despite of working in an MNC.

The day was tiring and hectic like usual for both the girls. They headed out from the office at 6 in the evening. The weather was pleasant and refreshing.
The sky was clear and the breeze worked like a slow miracle to their aching bodies and tired brains.

What about a cup of coffee??Mahi asked

Ye bhi koi poochne ki bat hai ?Let's goooo and Arhama dragged Mahi to a nearby cafe.

It was a small and cute cafe with the most warming and refreshing coffee. They also served freshly baked tea cakes and pastries.

Both the girls consumed a corner seat to enjoy their coffee with the mesmerising look from the window.

How's everyone at home ??Arhama asked while sipping her creamy coffee

"They are good" , Mahi replied while looking out of the window.

Okay.Any plan for going to India in Christmas holidays??

Mahi didn't thought about it and she realized that christmas holidays are round the corner and her parents will definitely ask her to pay them a visit. It wasn't that she dint wanted to go, even she had visited them twice but only for a short period of time.

Whats wrong??

"Huuuh nothing. I haven't thought about it yet, plus there is still a lot of time and let's finish this coffee soon because it's getting harder for me to stay awake even for a second." Mahi replied giving a tight lipped smile.

Arhama just smiled that how her friend was neglecting the topic and was exaggerating her so called body demands, but she had no other option other than agreeing to her friend

"See you tomorrow Panda bear." Arhama winked at Mahi and without even waiting for the reply she drove her car towards her residence.

Mahi was now seated inside her black Swift , enjoying the scene outside. The sun was setting, leaving behind crimson red colors all over the sky and letting the birds and the sky fall in love with them.

She had always loved nature. The moon, the stars, sky and the beauty of every creature.

She was broken from her trance when she heard her phone ringing, since she was driving on one of the highways so she didn't took the risk of picking up the call and decided to call back when she will reach home.

After around 15 minutes , Mahi was back to her home. She threw her bag not bothering where it would end up falling and laid down on the bed not even bothering to change her heels.
When her body calmed down a little, she decided to take a warm bath and a good nap.

After grabbing her pink kurti and black leggings she went to the bathroom . The warm water made her stressed muscles relax and left a soothing effect on her brain as well as her soul.

She stepped out of the bathroom and directly went to the kitchen to grab something to eat , to satisfy her growling stomach.
Mahi liked cooking, it was sort of a recreational activity for her and she loved trying new recipies .

A nice and spicy omelette, toasted brown bread and a glass of fresh orange juice with Zindagi Gulazar Hai playing on her Tv screen. Although she lived in Maldives , but she can never get enough of her daily soap operas specially when it comes to her forever love Fawad khan.

After completing her snack and washing the dishes , she headed back to her bedroom as it was now getting harder for her to open her eyes.
But destiny wasn't on her side for now.
The moment she laid down on the bed, and was about to go to the fairy land her phone beeped.

She tried to ignore but it was ringing continuously.

"Who is dying to talk to me that he or she can't even stop for a second??" Mahi was now all red in anger , firstly because she had to compromise her sleep and secondly she was about to fall and her expensive phone was going to fall from her bedside table which she could never afford.

Once she calmed down and her anger was now subsided to level two she looked at the phone .
It was an unknown number and moreover it was from India .
Though many of her friends suggested her to use apps like True caller so that she can get to know about the caller but Mahi being Mahi never bothered to do that and the main reason was her phone memory which was always full due to all the photos and specially screenshots to blackmail her friends.

Mahi was slightly shocked would be an understatement because she was in utter shock and disbelieve. Only her parents, Ananya and few other relatives knew her number who lived in India but then who is calling her.

With shaking hands and sweat all over her face she managed to pick up the phone only to come across with silence. There was pin drop silence and Mahi was sinking in anxiety, fear and somewhere hope that maybe the call was from...

She was about to faint because of the silence when she heard a loud laughter from the other side of the phone. She couldn't recognize who the person was but it was definitely a girl.

"Who's this??"Mahi asked in a panicked tone but tried sounding calm.
She can still hear the giggles and that the person was trying to speak out of her laugh.

"Will you say anything for God sake ?? Or you want to hear some nice words if you are so willing to. I definitely have a good vocabulary in that regard."Mahi fumed with anger and decided to cut the phone because she could no longer take that feeling of fear. It was definitely not him, atleast he has some manners, she thought in her mind.

Before she could hang the phone there came the reply.

"Hello, Miss. JEE. Sorry for giving you an heart attack . It has been 3 years yrr. You are still the same."

Mahi was out of words and tears were pooling down from her big round eyes, wetting her thick eyelashes completely.
It was Neha, her long lost relative and her closest friend.
She was two years older than Mahi but they both shared a lovely bond. Neha always considered her as a younger sister and loved her unconditionally. They used to share their secrets, pain and every thing but then Neha and her family shifted to Jaipur and the contact decreased with time.

"There, Mahi??? I am so sorry I scared you but it was all a plan but seems it turned out to be a shock for you. So sorry dear". Neha said apologetically.

"What did you said sorry? Am I hearing right, goofy? And I was just speechless, we are talking about three whole years, how are you??And how did you get my number ? How's everyone at home??"

"Slow down your horses darling, I will give you all the answers but as far as the number is concerned I did a lot of hard work in getting it. Since we moved to Jaipur so the contacts gradually came to zero and me even changed our contact numbers. We lost the contact from your dad as well but I was trying my best to get your number but to no avail . Then finally one day I got your parents number from one of the relatives and they gave me your. And I got to know that you are in Maldives. I am jealous right now because you know how much I love beaches".Neha replied in a single breath.

Mahi was just listening to her words and all the pain, tiredness was long forgotten.

"I missed you goofy bear. I missed you so much". Mahi said with tears in her eyes.

"Awwww. I missed you too darling. But hold on I have some great news for you and please control yourself after that."

"Spill it out pleasseeeeeeee." Mahi exclaimed.

"Okayyy okay. Have patience. Ummm I am getting married this christmas. Don't faint please." Neha replied with a blush visible in her voice

"WwwhhaaaattttTt?? How, when , where ??Who is he? Tell me every single detail or I am going to come over there and will give you a nice throw off from the bed".Mahi had her eyes out of the socket but her every single vein was bursting with excitement. Her loveliest cousin was getting married.

"My darling sister , you won't get the details for free. Book your tickets ,come here and get to know every thing because I am not going to tell you his name even. I hope I have made myself clear. And cut the phone I can't afford this long international calls . You are such a kanjoos , I thought you will call me back but I was wrong. "

"Don't change the topic you cheater. And who even in the world cares for some unknown person's balance?"

"Acha acha okay. Don't cry and get your tickets booked and I am not going to hear any excuse because I know you will have your Christmas breaks. Bye. Love you. And I missed you too. Will call you some other day. Bye"

And with that Neha was gone and Mahi was left in a state of happiness, shock, excitement and moreover dilemma.

That one phone call changed her mood, her day and most probably the working of her brain or even her upcoming life.

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