2. The Frangrance of Gajras

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The days were passing like seconds since when my new session had started. Homeworks, assignments, and, of course, last but not the least boredom of 'board exams'. But the thing that I enjoyed the most was my ride to my school with my bicycle every morning and the sight of the florist. Although we never talked for about 2 months but the pleasant morning and his flowers were enough to add charm to my day.

One day the silence broke when I was returning from my coaching, undoubtedly totally exhausted after the lectures of perimeters and surface areas, I stopped at his shop and I asked for gajra (a bunch of flowers that women wear as hair accessory) for my mother as she told me to buy them.

I had never seen him so carefully ever before but when he turned towards me with the fresh flowers it felt like I could just stand over there forever, the fragrance of the flowers made the whole atmosphere lot more soothing or you can say romantic. I was losing my senses when his dark brown eyes were giving me a strange look but somehow I regained my senses and took the flowers and just wanted to run away from there.

I was unable to understand that what just happened, those 15 minutes were like the moments of peace and eternal love for someone.

As I entered my home, mom gave me a mischievous smile and pointed towards the dining table. I thought that she had cooked something good for me and I ran towards the table but I ended up getting a piece of paper and it was my Boards date sheet. For a while I forgot where I was and everything...

But it's a saying that every time passes whether good or bad. The next morning when I came out of my shock and was moving towards my school something magical happened ....

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