.::.Detention and Exploring.::.(CHAPTER 1)

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A/N- Picture above is Isabella! ENJOY!

Roxanne gave a deep sigh as she sat at the desk, Currently in detention with Isabella, who was writing on a piece of paper bordly, "Roxy.....I'm bored.." Isabella whined, While huffing "I know....." Roxanne replied and looked up when the teacher Said They are Free to go.

Isabella jumped up from her seat "FINALLY!!!!!!" She Shouted and ran out the door "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!!!" She shouted from the hallway

Roxanne gave a Huff as she got up and just plainly walked out the door, The sound of The 'Pitter patter' from her Feet as she stood next to Isabella who grinned "oh! You know what we should do?!" Isabella exclaimed as she jumped up Grinning "What?" Roxanne Asked with slight interest "We should Explore the forest!!! Hopefully to find soemthing WEIIRD!!!" Isabella said giggling
Roxanne thought for a momment and as a good friend would do she nodded and followed isabella to the forest, Sighing softly, as her ears slightly twitch.


The sound crunching leaves was heard as roxanne Walked threw the forest, Isabella following grinning "Sweet! This place is soo pretty!!!!!" She giggled, And Jumped up Happily "Why are you always so cheerful??" Roxanne said grinning a bit "I dunno! Because I'm always with you!!!!!" Isabella laughed and grinned, Roxanne Smiled A bit, Her tail flicking from side to side. As They walked they didn't know that Certain Cons Heard there bickering, And Went to were They were.

Roxannes ears perked up, making her stop in her steps as she looked around, "Hey roxy what's a matter?" Isabella said also stopping, "Shh...Someones watching...." Roxanne replied Growled threatening at the trees infront of them "Who's there?!? Show yourself!!!" She growled, Silence that was until a deep chuckle was heard As Three Depicticons stepped Out from the  trees,

"Holy Shit...." Roxanne and isabella gasped, Stepping back "Well what do we have here?" The Wolf looking one said snirking "Uh......I don't know what do YOU have here?" Roxanne said as a retort "And it might be The Other way around! Cause i see a stupid mut, A big moose and a Huge Purple Plum!!" Roxanne grinned, Glaring the Daggers out of them, as isabella gulped, "Eyo! Who yous Callin Moose?!?" The Moose Looking one said, With a glare from his red optics
As The purple one glared At Roxanne, Steeljaw gave a slight snarl at them,
Roxanne smirked "Whats a matter? The Big bad wolf Can't handle a lil Oh Retort?" She smirked and yelped when She and Isabella were suddenly snatched up from the ground, Isabella now in the hands of The moose looking Bot And Roxanne In the hands of steeljaw "Listen here human-" He started but was cut off "Na You Listen here, I suggest You put us down Or Ill break your muzzle!!!" Roxanne hissed Baring her small sharp teeth, Only To Gasp When she Felt them knock her and Isabella out, darkness...was all she saw...

Welp...tell me what you think!!!!!!

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