Garrance (Garroth x Laurance)

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~Another Dance~
~Valentine's Day Special~

It's the night of the school dance, for Valentine's Day. I am going with Aphmau, as my date.

Two weeks prior, someone else had asked me. But, I denied them.

It was Garroth...

He was so heart-broken, and he looked like he wanted to cry. My own heart hurt, seeing him like that. But, I couldn't do anything about it.

Because, he ignored me. Garroth wouldn't talk to me. Not even pass me a glance.


Aphmau and I walked into the gymnasium, arms linked. Lights flashed throughout the room, and loud music blared throughout the speakers. We walked over to an empty table, claiming it.

"Thanks for taking me, Laurance, since Aaron couldn't make it," Aphmau smiled at me, as she sat down her purse.

"It's not a problem..," I smiled back, looking around.

"Something the matter?" Aphmau rose an eyebrow at me.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine...just thinking..."

"Okay...well, do you mind if I go hang out with Katelyn? I think she just arrived."

"Nah, it's fine. Go have fun," I nodded to her, still holding a fake smile.

Aphmau nodded back, skipping off to Katelyn. I sighed to myself, sitting down at the table. I watched couples and groups dancing along to the music, enjoying themselves.

Then, I saw Garroth.

He stood in the far corner of the gym, leaning against the wall. We made eye contact for a mere moment, before he looked away from me. I sighed, looking for Aphmau and Katelyn.

Look who else is here...

Aaron walked through the entrance. All dressed up in a tux, with a flower in his hand. How he managed to get here, I dunno.

Aphmau ran up and hugged him, and I sighed once again. She gave me a look, and I nodded to her. Her smile grew, as she pulled Aaron out onto the dance floor.

There goes my date...

As if the world wanted to taunt me, a slow song began to play. I stood up, and walked over to the far wall. I leaned against it, watching couples sway on the dance floor. Yes, I'm one of those people.

"Hey..," I heard a voice, with an accent, say from beside me. I smiled to myself, recognizing the voice.

"Hey..," I replied.

"So, where'd your date go?"

"Her boyfriend showed up."

"Ouch, gotta hurt."

"Eh, it's alright," I shrugged. "I think it's cute."

"I see..."

I turned to face the owner of the voice. He was running a hand, through his light blonde hair. His cyan-coloured eyes, stared straight ahead of him, sparkling in the dim lighting.

"So, where's your date?" I smirked.

"They denied me," he sighed.

"I think, that they didn't actually want to reject you..," I held my smirk, crossing my arms.

"Oh?" He turned to face me, and I could see his shimmering eyes, fully. His eyes were gorgeous.

"I think, that they didn't want to say no, but the person had already made a promise to someone else," I stepped closer to him, dropping my arms.

"But, why wouldn't they just say that, instead of just fully rejecting them..?" He bit his lip, taking a step closer to me.

"Maybe, because they didn't get a chance to say it?"


We were merely inches from each other. The song was still playing, but reaching it's climax. I smiled, hesitantly taking his hand.



I wrapped my other arm around Garroth's waist, and he put his hand on my shoulder. I leaned my forehead on his, spinning us away from the wall. He looked up at me, a smile appearing on his face.

"Garroth, I'm sorry for rejecting you."

"It's alright...this makes up for it."

We swayed, moving onto the dance floor. Lights flashed everywhere, and the song boomed throughout the gym. I held Garroth close to me, ignoring any stares we might have been getting.

We ended up singing the song, as if we were singing it to each other. Garroth's smile grew, and I knew mine did as well. I loved when Garroth smiled, it was one of the greatest sights to see.

"Again, Garroth, I am so, so sorry for rejecting you. I had already promised Aphmau I'd take her, and-"

"Shut up," Garroth interrupted me, giggling a little. "Don't ruin this moment, by talking. with me."

That's when I took my chance. I lightly pressed my lips onto Garroth's, warmth flooding throughout my body. He kissed me back, letting go of my hand. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I moved mine to hold his waist.

We pulled away, hearing some cheers from the side of us. We let go of each other, turning to face where the cheers were coming from. It was Aphmau, Katelyn, and Aaron.

Aphmau was cheering the loudest, jumping up and down. Katelyn might've had a bloody nose, or maybe it was just the lighting. Probably the first one. And Aaron had a smile on, nodding and giving us a thumbs up.

"Y-you guys s-saw t-that?!" Garroth stammered, his face beet red.

Aphmau hastily nodded, clapping her hands, "gah! My ship! That was too cute!"

"I didn't know you two were a thing," Katelyn smirked.

"W-we a-aren't... A-are w-we?" Garroth looked up at me, biting his lip.

"Do you want to be?" I smirked as well, embracing Garroth- which earned more fangirling from Aphmau.

"W-well...y-yes..," Garroth muttered, his face flushing darker.

"So do I," I admitted.

Garroth looked up at me, holding his hands on each side of my face. His next action surprised me. He smashed his lips onto mine, and I kissed him back. Aphmau's squealing was probably louder than the music, at this point. That probably meant, people were staring at this scene. But, did I give a damn? Not at all.

Because, I love Garroth...

We pulled away, smiling at each other. The DJ announced he was going to play one more slow song, before going back to upbeat music. Perfect.

"Hey, Garroth..?"


"How about another dance?"


Word Count: 1026

Happy Valentine's Day! Sending lots of love.

Be sure to leave requests! I will take anything~. Thank you.


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