Exploring Space on Chincoteague

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For those of you who still want to learn more about Chincoteague, thanks for still reading the book! And, since you got up to this point, you get to read about one of the coolest things about Chincoteague Island, and that is NASA.

Yes, that's right folks. There is a NASA base, here at Chincoteague Island.

The NASA center at Chincoteague is the place where the Antares rocket, a few years ago, collapse down to the ground and exploded. I'll put the link of the explosion in the chapter, so you can watch a rocket blow up!

Besides exploding rockets, NASA has done lots of things on Chincoteague, such as control mission flights, test airplanes, has a lot of satellites, and, the NASA visitor center.

I recommend going to the NASA visitor center on your way to Chincoteague. They have lots of things to look at, such as some of NASA's experiments, a gift shop with space ice cream, and a illuminated globe. They also have a balcony, so you can look at the Chincoteague waters from up on the rooftop.

I've been to the actual NASA base a few times, and I got to sign a rocket with my name, go into the control room, and much more. It was a great experience to have, and hopefully, I'll be able to do it again in the future!

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