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Anna's Point of View

We all ran to where we heard Punzie scream Hiccup's name and we ended up outside Merida's room. Me and Hiccup gave each other the same look for we knew what had happened he then entered the room and sat on the oppisite side of the bed of Merida. We all then entered in after in and crowded around the bed. Punzie then looked up at us and said "She won't wake up, I tried everything but she won't wake!" We all looked at each other with the same face of worry.

We left the room and into the hall but Hiccup stayed by her side. When we got in there Punzie said to Jack "Now do you believe her Jack?" She said it in an angry tone which made Jack look up to her ready to start a fight. "See Jack you could of helped her but no you just sat here and did nothing you could of done something to stop this from happening!" She carried on I knew that this was gonna turn into something bad in a minute which was not a good sign. "You should not of just sat here and did nothing so I would get your act together and try and help get her out of that sleep you here me!" Then she finished. Luckily Jack didn't move just said "Okay I'll help and I admit that I ws wrong."

Astrid's Point of View

I started rummaging through the books until I could find something that would be useful and then Fishlegs came in "Hey Astrid you've been in here everyday since I dunno it's been so long I cannot remember but I think that you should take a break and come back to the academy you know," he came over and said to me. "I got it this is gonna be so useful!" I screamed in Fishleg's face, I think I startled him cause he looked a bit scared "Sorry Fishlegs but I have to go," I said to him as calmly as I could I was so excited I had to get this infomation to Merida as soon as possible. I ran out the building and headed for Stormfly and we flew off into the sky and I heard Fishlegs shout "ASTRID WAIT YOU CANNOT JUST LEAVE LIKE THIS!" and that was the last thing I heard.

I was on my way and when I got there I didn't know where to go so I landed on the roof and made a big bang to get their attention. Then I seen people coming out and I recognised Jack for I met him once with Merida. I headed down to meet them "Hey Astrid what you doing here?" Jack came up and asked me I answered "Well I'm here to see Meri-da? What's happened?" The look on their faces meant there was something was wrong. Jack pulled me by the hand and he flew me inside outside a room. I entered and seen Hiccup sat by a bed he looked up and seen me and came over and gave me a hug. "What's happened Hiccup?" I asked and he pointed to the bed. I walked over to see someone laying on the bed. It was Merida I felt Hiccup came next to me "I was too late wasn't I," I said to him. I looked at me and nodded. I pulled him outside the room and we headed to the hall where everyone else was.

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