I Sense Fear

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North's Point of View

Everyone is back normal. I look on the globe and children are still believing and no one is flickering. I leave to go to my workshop and I'm only there for like a minute and one of the yetis come charging in "What have I told you about knockin," I said to him. But he pointed back at the globe. I went rushing back to the same place I just left and I saw one of the lights flckering. I turned the handle to call the other Guardians Tooth, Bunny, Sandy and I left the others where they were at home safe. I would call them unless it was something serious.

They came in fast speed like I knew they would. "What's up now North I thought we were in peace until Pitch returned," Bunny said to me. "I feel something is happening but I don't know if it is Pitch as he would need some time to recover," I explained. They looked at me with confusion. "So what's the situation North," Tooth asked. I pointed up at the globe. "A lights flickering how can that be," Tooth carried on. "Not just any light, look at where its place is," I said to them. Their faces were worried when they looked "Dunbroch," Bunny explained.

"I need you to find out all the infomation you can on what's happening there you understand," they all nodded and set off to find what they can. A few days past and we got nothing until I got a letter through the fire place. I only got letters from the fire place from children asking what they want for Christmas. Christmas was no where near. I opened the letter and read:

"Dear North, you don't know me personally like Merida does. I am her mother Elinor. She has told me a lot about you and what you do. I just want to tell you that she has been acting strange. Each night she has this terrible nightmare. The same one each night and she can't erase it from her mind during the day. She screams in the night and wakes up sweating. I am very concerned about her. This isn't usually like her. She keeps telling me that she is alright and nothing is the matter with her. But I know she is telling me lies. She told me that if anything is happening then I should tell you by sending a letter through the fire place so I have. It could be nothing but coukld youo please come and check on her I am very worried. I hope this letter comes to you and you make your way here as soon as possible thank you. My regards Queen Elinor of Dunbroch"

I was shocked from what I was reading. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was thinking could this be true and Nightmares it has to be Pitch. I called out "Guardians!" They all came rushing "We are heading to Dunbroch."

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