Help Her Please...

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Hiccup's Point of View

It took a while until we got back to the North Pole because on the way I had to keep checking to see if Merida was still breathing. Thankfully she was. I was so worried but again still working out where Rapunzel was. Merida was meant to meet her.

I got back to the Pole and went straight to the hall cause thats where everyone usaually is. I called out Anna's name "Anna, Anna I need your help!" I saw her coming round the corner and she look worried when she saw Merida in my hands and no Rapunzel behind or beside of me.

Anna's Point of View

I heard someone calling my name and it sounded like HIccup's. So I went running out of the hall to find Hiccup but with Merida in his arms and no Rapunzel with him. I ran up to him and gave him a hug, "What happened where's Rapunzel?" I asked him. He just shook his head. "Help me carry her into the hall," he asked me so I took my end of her and we headed for the hall.

"Guys make room, make room," I called out to everyone in the hall. They lookd at me and Hiccup and then saw Merida and started pushing everything out of the way. "What's going on where's Rapunzel and what happened to Merida?" Elsa asked us. "Too many questions at once," Hiccup said placing Merida down gently on the sofa. "Start with Question one." So Elsa started off with what happened to Merida and Hiccup just said he found her like it in Rapunzel's tower. Her second question was where is Rapenzel and Hiccup just shook his head and replied she wasn't there with Merida.

Hiccup's Point of View

All the questions made my mind go funny so in the end I just told them the whole story. When I left, how Anna knew and how I find Merida and in the end I just dropped of tiredness. "Maybe we should take her to her room," suggested Jack. So me and Anna took Merida to her room. "We should let her be and wait and see if she wakes up," Anna said to me when we put Merida down. I shook my head and said "No I'm gonna stay here and wait I wanna be here when she wakes up." And with that she left but nodded first.

Comment on what you think. Again a few more chapters and this book will be finshed and the sequel will start.

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