You Can't Go Alone

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Elsa's Point of View

I felt sorry for Jack. I didn't even know who Jamie was but they must be close otherwise Jack wouldn't of flew away like that. I went to go and look for while the others were still talking about it. I looked everywhere and then I checked his room but knocked first. "North go away I need to be alone," I heard him say from the otherside. "I'm not North can I come in," I asked. I heard him come over to the door and unlocked it. He opened it and gave me a big hug.

We went and sat down, "Jack who is Jamie?" I asked cause I was wondering. "He was the first person who believed in me during my first fight with Pitch." I was surprised he was telling. Usually people don't like to talk about it. "Wow so you and him are very close I guess," I said to him he just nodded. "Why do you think he went for Jamie, out of all people why him." He looked up at me and said "Because he knew it would get to me, I interfered with the fight last time in his words as for I wasn't part of the group. Now he's trying to get revenge." I had a little think, "Then don't let it get to you block it out," I said to him. "He will stop at anything to get his revenge and I can't just drop it or block. I'm going after him and you can't stop me," he said to me and flew off again. "Jack you can't just...." Then gone before I could finsh my sentence.

Merida's Point of View

"So let me get this straight, Jamie was the first person to believe in Jack and now Pitch is trying ot get to him," I asked. "Correct," they all chimed together. "God Merida it's not that hard," Rapunzel said to me. I just pulled a face at her. Elsa came running into the room looking worried. "Elsa what's wrong," Anna asked her sister. "Jack flew off to Pitch and try to defeat him all by himself, to put an end to all of it," she said to all of us. "He can't defeat him by himself," I said. Hiccup climbed on top of Toothless, "What are you doing," Rapunzel said. "I'm going after him," he replied. Elsa was like you can't go without us but Hiccup was like I'll get to him quicker than any of us could so we just let him go.

Jack's Point of View

I remembered where Pitch's lair was but not quite exact. I turned around as I heard something and right in front of me was Hiccup and Toothless. "What you doing here Hiccup?" I asked him. "To take you back with me," he said. Well I wasn't going with him. I had to defeat Pitch here and now and nothing was gonna stop me from doing that. "I'm not going back Hiccup, I have to do this." "YOU, You have to do this what about WE. That's why you wanted us wasn't it, to work together. This isn't working together." I felt bad then because it was true. That was why I wanted them, but I had to do this. "Jack what are we if we're not together. Come back and we can sort this out and get him together just like you wanted in the beginning. I know what he did was mean but don't let it get to you please just come back." He sounded convincing, but it wasn't enough. "Sorry Hiccup but there is nothing that can stop me from doing this and don't bother following me cause you won't know where to go," and I flew away from him.

Hiccup's Point of View

I didn't follow him cause the others were probably wondering where I was. So me and Toothless headed back. When we got back I went to go and find them all. When I did I told them everything and they all pulled sad and worried faces. So did I.

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