The mystery club

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"Dipper (Mabel) was asleep on the couch. "Mabel this is our fave movie and you SLEPT threw it!!!" Grenda said. "Uh no it was just so sad I started to doze off....." He (she) lied. "I know it's so tragic!!!" Candy said in tears. "You know one thing less depressing.... THE MALL!!" Grenda screamed.

"We'll Im just so sick... I can't go." He (she) said. "Your never to sick to go to the mall!" Candy said dragging him (her) out the door. Stan walked by Mabel (Dipper) "Hey Dip aren't you wait you should be at your mystery club right now.?" Stan asked. "Come on I'll drive you there." He said dragging her (him) into the car. Stan was driving there with Mabel (Dipper) in the back seat. She hopped out to see a rusty old club house.

She entered to see a bunch of nerds with glasses. One of them had a giant wart on his scalp that looked like Johnny Appleseed. "Uhh hey... Guys." Mabel said. "Hey Dipper did you solve mystery 12 yet?" A boy with huge glasses and braces said. "Mystery 12? Oh yeah mystery uhh 12 what exactly was mystery 12?" Mabel asked. "Duh... Did the red head robotic girl actually come from Ohio!" A boy with darkish skin and brown hair said. Just then a boy with pale skin and black hair came in. "Hey sorry I'm late.. Oh hey Dipper how's it hanging?" The boy asked. "It's hanging well now that your here..." She said blushing. "UHH dude seriously your acting weird." He said.

"Oh I'm fine but what's your name...?" Mabel asked. "Uhh we've known each other for a month and a half I'm Alex..." Alex said. Just then Mabel remembered who's body she was in. "Oh sorry uh brain fart." She said. "The Dipper we know would never say that." A red head boy said with a Irish ascent Then Mabel looked around, as a girl walked in. It was Dipper (Mabel). "Uhh Mabel what are you doing here?" He asked puzzled. "I need to talk to my umm... Brother for a sec." He said shoving Mabel into the wall.

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