Chapter 4: Leashing Mr. Malhotra's 'Lady Love'

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A/N : Wow, I see a massive response to this story - readers thank you so so much for giving this book such a warm welcome! I know the MaNan isn't really MaNan-like yet, but come on that's the whole point of an Arranged Marriage, right? It takes time and the journey can be romantic (or not) depending on how much the two people put in effort to it!

Lets see, if the odds are in favor of Mrs. Malhotra, this time ;)

Happy Reading!


Manik's POV

The reception that was held for us last night for my friends and colleagues in the industry, finally marked a much needed end to the never ending wedding ritual of ours. I was relieved, and so was Nandini. Finally our regular life was to begin; we didn't need to walk and behave like a much in love couple any longer, we could move about by ourselves and not make the other person awkward. It was one such morning a few weeks after, when the entire family was having breakfast, when daadi brought up the topic of children!

I stole a quick glance at Nandini. We had developed an unspoken alliance by now. We weren't awkward in each other's presence, but we weren't the best of friends either. We were like two roommates acknowledging each other's presence. We knew our roles well, when with family we acted like a happy, normal couple and in the confinement of our bedroom, we were acquaintances. She would make my morning coffee, which I have to admit, she makes as great as daadi, she would get my clothes laundered, order around the staff for cleaning and culinary chores; she would take care of daadi's medicines, she would coordinate with my friend-cum-manager Dhruv and wake me up in the mornings as per my schedule - in other words, she would do all wifely duties that was expected of her. I would in return, ensure she had whatever she needed to be comfortable. I acted like a caring husband to her in front of her family, indulged her little sister, took her with me to my functions as my wife, ensured she had the best designer wear to wear; but these were my duties. We never bonded beyond this, we led our separate lives, and never interfered in each other's personal domain - but we had found cadence in this form of life.

But when daadi directly looked at me at the breakfast table and enquired when she should expect to hear "good news" from us, I staggered for a moment – Nandini and I didn't share that kind of a relationship. I glanced at her and saw her turn red too. And to my dismay daadi caught me looking at her and took it wrongly – she and her cousin sister who was visiting us that day, soon cracked up laughing discussing how sweet it was to see newly marrieds steal romantic glances not caring about their surroundings. What was worse was, soon after I had muttered a half-hearted "Soon daadi" to keep her happy, I heard a voice behind me. I instinctively turned around to see Soha standing there, hands folded before her, staring me down with anger and accusation in her eyes. Everyone looked at her, but thankfully before she or the family could open their mouths, Mukti walked to her saying how she had called her and they needed to discuss something. Mukti ushered her away from there, and I was relieved. This was one annoying habit Soha had, the habit of easily misunderstanding, she could so easily be misled! Didn't she know that I don't have my heart in this marriage? Then how does my answer to daadi stir her? Couldn't she figure out I was lying?

Apart from that, I thought I needed to talk to Nandini too. She is the one who didn't know me at all, I wondered what an impression she was building of me in her mind; our marriage was in a deadlock and I was promising daadi her great grandchildren! I decided to talk to her after breakfast and clarify her misunderstanding – it took us so long for the ice to break between us – I didn't want to be uncomfortable with her in my room again.


Nandini' POV

My face flushed in embarrassment when daadi teased us and our romance, I glanced at Manik, he looked embarrassed too. I almost bit my tongue, Manik shouldn't have lied to daadi, this would lead to more guilt ridden brooding. But I decided to keep mum about it, it was his personal life, his equation with daadi – who was I to intervene?

After breakfast, I went back to my room. I needed to water the plants on our balcony. I had entered our room and he wasn't there. I glanced at the washroom, maybe he was there, but both the closet and washroom doors were ajar – where was he? I did see him climb up the stairs! Then my eyes fell on the studio door – I gathered he must be sulking inside, I had seen him do that often when he was irked. I didn't think much, I tidied our room a little, and arranged my small bookshelf that I insisted he let me keep, I dusted the shelf along with the shelf with his CDs and finally after half an hour, decided to go and water the plants in the balcony. I had just stepped into the balcony-garden and started walking near the small shed on the right, when I heard voices coming from the left side behind the door, near Manik's studio window – so he was here? And he was arguing. I could catch words like, "You don't understand", "It's not like that", "It was just for daadi.." and before I could make sense of it, I heard another voice, a louder voice, a woman's voice.

"Oh shut up Manik. You have suddenly started liking her, nah? What has she been doing? Offering herself to you every night? You now want to make babies with her? I thought you were stuck in a horrible mess, but it seems like you're enjoying it! Tell me honestly Manik, did you touch that loser woman? Tell me!" she spoke louder. I gasped, it was Soha and it seemed like Manik was being lashed at for the morning incident.

Manik on the contrary just muttered, "Ssshh Soha, someone will hear us, and I am tired explaining this, it's not like that. I have always loved you" but Soha seemed in no mood to listen, and continued bashing Manik for longer, for having wrong intentions, for being infidel – and to my surprise Manik didn't respond, he was taking it silently.

Just as I decided to walk out of there quietly before anybody would notice, I saw Soha stomp back towards the door, she stopped when she saw me and glared at me with positive hate. By now Manik had also come there, he saw me there and looked surprised, "What are you doing here?" he asked with uncertainty.

Soha by now had managed to mask her anger, and told me curtly, "Woh Nandini, actually I wanted to have a word with Manik regarding this photoshoot where we both are signed." I looked at her.

Manik at this point decided to clear the air, "Soha, Nandini knows about us" he said shortly, and looked at me and asked again, what I was doing in the balcony.

I replied that I had come to water the plants in a quiet voice, and before I could say further Soha was back at her lashing best, "Ah well, that's so believable Nandini! Of course you were eavesdropping! All the more reason to, now that you know your husband dotes on me, and has no feelings for you!" she spat.

I was surprised at the blatant confrontation and I looked to my husband for support, but he just looked down with eyes shut; he did seem to detest Soha's words, but was too reluctant to show his support towards me. Unmet expectations, anger and hurt reflected in my eyes in the form of tears, as I decided to show this Soha a small promo of who I was – I am a professor who always teaches her students to not do wrong or not let anyone do wrong to them, then why would I let Soha suppress me?

I looked Soha straight in the eye. If destiny had brought me to deal with such murky water, I was going to set limitations and guidelines here, and also put things straight once and for all. With a calm and steady voice, and with no expectation of support from Manik I spoke to Soha,

"Was it my fault that Manik had agreed to marry me? It was his choice – I didn't force him – as to why he made this decision, you will know better than me. Hence as fate would have it, I am his wife. So, to begin with, you cannot speculate about my activities in my own bedroom! Whether I came here to eavesdrop or water the plants, is absolutely my issue and you have no right to question me. On the contrary, I however, do have the right to question you, as to what you are doing here, inside our personal space with my husband. In fact, I also have the right to hold you by the wrist and haul you out of our bedroom space and order you to never cross that door. But since this was the first time, I won't do any such thing, instead I would like to give you a warning today, and set a few ground rules for the future.

#1. I don't want you inside our bedroom or personal space, if you have to speak to Manik, do it outside; within this household, we share a husband-wife relationship and you can't just walk in.

#2. I know about you and Manik, and as his wife, I respect and support whatever stand he takes with regards to you, I will not cross my limits and get in between you two; similarly you won't cross your limits and come in between us, when we appear together before society as husband and wife.

#3. Even though we are not emotionally attached, Manik Malhotra happens to be my husband, and I will not tolerate you talking brashly with him before me or our family. Every time you do that, you will find that you have to deal with me.

And lastly I have free advice for you, if you really happen to love someone then you should trust the person too. You know he loves you, and he and I share no special bond, then why did you believe what he told daadi? Couldn't you see he was lying? When he is going through so much in itself, why are you making it more taxing for him, would you not, rather support him? But this was free advice, you can choose what you want to do with it. For now, please leave" I finished with a calm voice, holding my anger with difficulty.

Both Soha and Manik seemed stunned. Soha glared at me and shot another glare at Manik before leaving. I followed suit and left for the kitchen. I was mad at Manik too.


Manik's POV

I stood there stunned; for a moment she reminded me of daadi. In earlier years, when she saw anyone treating me unfairly. I felt the same protection – daadi provided that because she loves me unconditionally, but why Nandini? She didn't love me. Was it all because I was her namesake husband? Did this tie mean so much to her? And how did she figure out so easily that I was lying to pacify daadi? She didn't know me at all, she could have judged me. On the contrary, she understood me without me having to explain anything and not only that, she explained it to Soha too? Why did I not stop her from rebuking Soha, did I not because I think she was right too? Is it because I have decided to respect this marriage or because her claims were all from the point of a wife and not a lover, and all were valid? One more thing stung me, I remember her hopeful teary eyes looking for my support when Soha jabbed at her, and I had ditched; yet she fought for me. All in the name of an almost fake marriage. This girl confused me – but on a lighter note, it was fun seeing Soha get a dose of her own medicine!

I hadn't seen her all day, she purposely avoided me it seemed, and it worked well for me. Initially I thought I would have a word with her about this – mainly apologize for Soha's claims and behaviour and also for the morning – but unlike her, I was bad with words. I didn't know how to broach such a serious topic, so I kind of let it go; also I realized, Nandini unlike Soha, was no damsel in distress, she was strong like my daadi, she could stand up for herself and protect others when needed. I also decided, next time, when someone harasses her at home, I will actually stand by her to show her my support – my actions would act as my apology. Also, I wanted to avoid apologizing for another reason – it's her eyes. God, it's so difficult to look into her eyes and concentrate on what you've got to say! You look at it and keep looking. Once or twice Mukti had caught me sharing an eye-lock with her, in all honesty we were having a general conversation really, something on the lines of "please pass the daal", "don't wait for me tonight, I will have dinner outside" – but Mukti claims otherwise, she claims that Nandini knows black magic, and is slowly but successfully hypnotising me to do her bidding. I had laughed of course, and I don't believe in the evil intentions Mukti has cited, but now I have begun to believe in the hypnotism in her yes, coming back to the point, I had decided to not have the serious talk after all.

It was night, I was lying on my bed lazily and watching something on the television, when chashmish finally walked into the bedroom, she walked in, in fast pace fiddling with the wedding bangles she was supposed to wear for forty days after marriage, the bangles had tangled and she was fiercely trying to untangle them as she walked in – she was briskly walking towards the closet when her eyes fell on me, and she stopped abruptly, what followed was an "as expected" eyelock, but it was a low intensity one. At the back of my mind I was worrying that this was an inevitable opening, and now the discussion couldn't be pushed to bay, but how was I to bring it up? I was both embarrassed and ashamed.


Nandini' POV

I thought he would have slept by the time I entered our bedroom. I had done enough to stay away from our room for the longest time possible, why one may wonder? Well, honestly, I was scared – I was scared at how he would react after the way I had behaved with Soha today; after all I was his wife-by-mistake and she was the love of his life! In my days here in the Malhotra house, I have noticed one thing, no-one overrides Manik's decision in matters small or big – other than daadi of course, and sometimes, Mukti gets away for being the baby sister. And today I saw Soha of course had the right. And what did I do? I over-rode Soha. I knew he must be mad at me. I knew the calm surface of our relationship wouldn't remain so anymore – I had intruded, and I had to bear repercussions.

I was lost in my thoughts when I walked inside the room, and suddenly his sitting form crossed the periphery of my vision. I stopped abruptly, he was awake. Slowly with guilty eyes I looked up at him, he looked a little dazed actually. Maybe he was sleepy? And then suddenly he frowned. I held my breath for a moment – now I was in for it.

And before he could speak or I could, there was a shrill eerie blood curdling scream from behind. Both of us were caught so off-guard, that we both screamed like maniacs too and every reaction of both of ours were so instinctive that what happened next was a moment in blur!

When daadi came rushing to our room along with family, they found us both standing on the bed with me tightly wrapped up in Manik's arms and my face deeply dug into his chest, clutching his neck with all my strength, and him holding me close, with his eyes shut, muttering "bhoot".

"Bhoot" daadi wondered aloud and pulled us both off the bed; then it was all about both of us animatedly explaining what had happened, and how we heard the noise - when no one reacted we were concerned, how did they not hear it? But the question was answered shortly. The noise came from the television, from the horror animation movie Manik was watching! As realization dawned upon both of us, we were red in embarrassment! After pulling our leg for a little while, the family dispersed, and it was only when we were left alone in our room when I realized this was my first physical embrace with my husband. I was feeling different, special – in some way I haven't felt before. The silence must have got on to his nerves too, when he unnecessarily coughed and asked,

"Really Nandini, what was that scream for?" he looked as cool and composed as ever, I rolled my eyes, "I screamed because I wasn't watching the movie and I didn't know a horror movie was playing." I replied shakily.

"Chicken!" he smirked. I scrunch my nose in annoyance, "And you? You were watching the movie, and still got scared?" I asked indignantly.

"Scared? I was mimicking you" pat came the reply. I opened my mouth to argue, but then I noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes. I realized he would never own up that he was scared, so I decided to let it go. "Fine. I was scared "I replied, to call a truce.

"Hah after scaring off tyrant Soha that way, I thought you're not scared of anything! Good to know your weakness!" he laughed freely.

I was surprised, "Manik! Which boyfriend calls his girlfriend a tyrant?"

"The ones who call their wives chashmish!"he replied with a childish wink.

"And wait, what? You're scared of tyrant Soha?..oops..I mean Soha?" I asked curiously.

He looked like he was caught for a moment. But then that smile was back, "Of course I am scared! Have you seen the size of her nails and heels? That woman I tell you – she is always ready for combat!" he huffed in false fear.

I laughed at him. I was mildly surprised – from the time I had come here, I had seen a brooding Manik, the man who has had countless success but had lost to love. But today, after almost a month into the marriage, I saw him coming out of the shadow – I was even more surprised that he didn't hold it against me for giving Soha a piece of my mind – in fact if I wasn't wrong, he was in fact secretly happy that someone clipped Soha's wing for him! I was both surprised and intrigued at the same time, there were more layers to Manik than that met the eye.


A/N : Fellas. how goes the chapter? :D

So, how many of you liked Nandini's 'not-so-weak' point of view - your takes on this? Anything else you wanted her to tell Soha?

Manik, well I know you all are mad that he didn't initially standup for Nandini, well come come Soha is still an obvious favourite and a sore point and Nandini is too new - he will get there - any thoughts after reading his PoV on this?

Also, Manik is a bit scared of Soha? :D What do you think? 

Do reply and let me know what you're thinking, folks!

Meanwhile, next update comes next Sat - June 26th!

Stay tuned,

Much love,


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